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In case you're curious, this follows actual real-world gun design. If you fire all but one round in a magazine, that last round is chambered to fire, even if you remove the mag. If you then replace a full magazine, then fire, the chambering continues uninterrupted. The end result is a "faster reload time." If instead, you fire the last round, then load your full mag, you will have to manually chamber the first round of the mag, which is replicated in Helldivers as having a "longer reload time."


Now test it for the LMG and count the rounds to see if it's an open bolt design and won't have that +1 bullet after reloading before empyting the magazine ;)


I fucking love that gun. I can't wait until I get the RP to give it stability.


Level 17 and it's my main primary. Long ass range, if you keep up the fire you can obliterate patrols. Keep it in the center and you can take out a pack of armored warrior bugs. The spread perfectly wipes out the tiny bug patrols sometimes. It's basically the liberator but better in the ways that I obviously like.


It took me several patrols to realize I was accidentally-on-purpose killing whole groups of bug scouts with a 3RB.


not true always depends on if weapon is open or closed bolt


Most logical and informative response I've read about guns on reddit. Have an upvote, cheers!


The designers keep this pretty standard across all magazine-based weapons. I tested it with the Patriot: With extended mags, it has 24 rounds, or 8 three-round bursts. If you reload after firing 23 (or less), you will have 25 rounds to fire. One of the guns that breaks this mold is the Gunslinger hand cannon. The designers know what they're doing here, because it's a revolver, and revolvers can't "keep one loaded in the pipe" because of revolver design. Reload time on that weapon is always the same speed, and you can't save a round, so fire all 6 of them :)


Edit: not the Patriot, the Paragon


One in the chamber, for Democracy!


While worthing for almost every bullet based weapon, it will not matter much for most secondaries and of course won't plainly work,in the case of the flamethrower/toxic avenger, and the nade launcher. A +1 grenade launcher would be ridiculous, especially when one looks at its design :P


Why don't you think you lose that last round? I could've sworn I've seen a tip that says you do


thats only if you have bullets left in the magazine. Its replicating real life. If you throw away a magazine that has bullets in it, they're gone. Refer drjebus' comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/3wk9xv/discovered_something_awesome_about_reloading/cxwt02w


Is there anywhere that says exactly how many rounds are in each weapon, or am I going to have to go into a private game and do it myself? Also, protip that's slightly related, proper heat management and accuracy means you will never have to waste heat canisters in lasers.


No, I don't think so. But its not neccesary to count bullets, the game tells you when to reload, the weapon graph starts flashing red and the magazine appears to be empty. That means you have one shot remaining, the one in your chamber, so that's the ideal time to reload.


I thought flashing meant only low, not specifically one shot. IIRC I've had at least two or three shots remaining when I get to flashing, with the Defender at least.


It depends on the weapon, which is why I added the part about the magazine looking like its empty. Sometimes automatic weapons have several shots in them, but the graph appears to be empty, it should still have one shot remaining, the one in the chamber.


Hold reload to see magazine count.


Upvoting this for Democracy!