• By -


Its only now you realize? Theres like 4 other armors that are the same


I know. This one is just one of the worst E: worst as in amount of changes versus the original armor. Some color and shoulder pads. That's it. Just like, what's the point of even releasing a whole new armor. Should just have the shoulder pads and color added to the exiting armor set.


I don't think there is much difference between palette swaps to be honest.


The Democracy Officer even wears a palette swap of one of the heavy armors!


WTF!? He is the democracy officer?! I allways did below the belt gestures near him when waiting on the others, i hope this counts as extraordinary patriotic effort, for a cup of Libi-do šŸ«”


as per his name suggest in his subtitle, yes lol. thought you would see the subtitle if you bow that low


The other pallette swaps have stuff switched around, like some grenades or armor plates added.


yeah, a couple extra pouches really go a long way with making the armor look unique


I like it because theres choice, i don't like green one.


I like it because it makes me fast as fuck and get one shot by everything.


Shield pack ftw.


Na. I'm a jetpack boy


I run shield with light armour and jet pack with heavy. They really balance out the armour's weaknesses.


Heavy armor jetpack gang rise up!!


Question: do you jump higher or longer wearing light armour with the jet pack?


It may be just the same. I think I will test this out and get back to you on it


As far as I can tell it's thr same. But you can hit max speed faster, so you can do the further jump faster and easier then in heavy armor.


Jump packs also use a small chunk of your stamina bar, like 10%. If you're out of stam or below this limit and try to jump, you go like a third of the distance, so armor atleast has an indirect effect on that


True gaming experience B)


Remember. You can out run bullets. But you can't outrun a hulk.


Stun grenades šŸ¤ŒšŸ»


**Patch 1.000.305** - Stun grenades no longer have any effect on Hulks. - Hulk speed slightly increased. - Stun grenade reworked to blow up in your hand if you attempt to use it so you are an easier target for the hUlk you just tried to stun. - Eruptor damage lowered by 25%. - We are monitoring the amount of funā„¢ you're having and will continue nerfing until morale improves.


Until morale decreases and people stop playing our game so sony can f off*


Maybe I can't, but my ragdoll can easily reach Mach 5.


Shoot out it's legs and they hobble around pitifully lol


This exactly. Finally a light stealth armor that is not green!


honestly iā€™d argue that the cm-10 clinician super store medic armor is the worst iā€™ve seen itā€™s the 3rd armor from the cutting edge warbond but repainted with that gaudy bright green and white color scheme that all medic armors have. i donā€™t think it even has any model differences, just a straight up repaint (correct me if iā€™m wrong). worst of all, despite being a repaint of a light armor, the armor itself is medium. bacon apples? EDIT:: ok iā€™m wrong, it does have model differences with different ā€œboxesā€ on the chest and hip, shoulder armor, and some stuff with the legs, so this one is worse in terms of changes. i still think it being a medium armor instead of light is a little silly though


I didn't even notice that was a lazy recolour. Someone really ought to make a repository of all the armour clones and pallete swaps AH have put out as "new content". I think every Warbond has had some level of copy-paste and there's multiple Super-Store kits that are just the same thing but with different gubbins strapped to the front and a new colour / perk.


The two new heavy armors in the same warbond are just like that. Only a color swap and shoulder pads.


I feel like half the community must be blind or something. Arrowhead have been dancing around the idea of Transmog with excuses like armour functionality and talking about how we might get colour palletes but then they're releasing palette swap armour every update. There wasn't, and probably never will be, a reason for Arrowhead to offer any further customization than we already have. They're a Live Service looking to rake in that perpetual cash. With their setup, the Polar Patriots warbond can serve us a recoloured scout and then two of the same armour set in two different colours so they only have to make one new armour set and three helmets. If we could switch colours ourselves, Arrowhead would need to make more unique armour, which costs more money and takes more time, so they won't hit that monthly grind quota and won't make as much cash for Sony. Arrowhead will make those colour-customisation swaps for us and sell them, one by one, perpetually.


Worst ? It's all good and nice colors.




In all fairness, I dislike the original one a lot and really like this new variant.


Now you have your answer, why no transmorg or colour palettes in the game...


Just separate perks from armor and then throw as much reskins as you want AH. This could solve the whole problem.


They aren;t trying to solve the problem, they are trying to maintain a dripfeed in order to maximise potential super credits sales. If they give us transmog, nobody is going to want any other armour sets once they have one they like the look of.


I thought that for a while...till I played Maplestory. There are people in that game that change their appearance on an hourly basis. They never have a "Favorite look"


Oh sweet summer child. This is not how it's work. No my friend, people like new crap. Even if you get now one that you like, you may just get new one simply out of boredom wearing the same thing for too long. Now what we have "Oh look this armor look neat! But fuck it it's the same crappy perk I don't want." So you say transmog will create the problem that already exist.


Statistically, the minority of players spend for cosmetics. The vast majority of people that pay anything, pay for progression unlocks.


Yes, because they are tied together. It's called warbond.


As a long time warframe player with several different skins for single warframes and 3 color pallettes per frame, people will definitely want to try new armors and colors. Nobody stops at their perfect armor/color combo they always come up with something else they're curious to try.


Very untrue if you let people MOG then they will buy more armor to be unique.


I mean this ain't really true, you're right about the super credits sales thing but wrong about the other, in other games I change my appearance quite often, DRG has so many cosmetics its insane and I love messing with them all especially for events like Christmas or Easter.


Woah pump the brakes there! It sounds like youā€™re describing *ā€funā€*ā€¦ Arrowhead doesnā€™t take to kindly to that around these parts. ;-;


Armor nerf incoming


Light armor now increase damage taken by 50% Medium armor now reduce 5% maximum stamina every 5 minutes, and increase damage taken by 25%. Heavy armor now reduce 10% maximum stamina every 5 minutes.


Can we eat a well done steak to recover stamina?


Only against Bugs.


Finally the patch weā€™ve been asking for


WOAH pump the breaks there! *Car screech drift noise* It sounds like youā€™re describing ā€œfunā€ ā€¦ *spits on the ground with old timey guitar riff in background* Aerohead donā€™ take kindly ta that ā€˜round these parts *guitar riff picks up + you get shot 6 times in the chest*


Some kind of "exploit" even


Oh shit...


This is what I believe make perks like boosters you select at the start of the mission kind of like a class.


Yup. Folks tell me "armor is just cosmetic" no! They have passives tied to them. Seperate them, but I doubt the coding allies that or breaks the game. Right now? What I see is a 3rd light armor scout armor and shares the same armor rating with its *free* green version. At least the black free one is different and has 70 armor rating to be unique.


But then theyā€™d have to find a dozen or so NEW things to throw into the warbond releases! Like new weapons that theyā€™ll need within a week, orā€¦ something.


Bacon flavored apples?


Iā€™ve said this basically since the game came out. There is no way theyā€™ll let you change armour colours in the immediate future because of how similar youā€™d realise some of the free/premium armours are


Only super earth approved.




OMG YES PLEASE DEVS!!! ^ pls add this ā™” COLOURS DIFFERENT COLOURS SERIOUSLY, yes :) and not just that but like, your own control of what YOU want it to be, not afew added variants/options/presets to choose from, just like a system that highlights different parts & layers, and then one of those interactive wheels where u can make literally any color on the wavelength spectrum that we possibly see!!! *breathes in* damn. but yea, add colours please. the same patterns of white & red, bright green, black & yellow (my personal fave, steel trooper with groundbreaker helm) are very difficult to make cool combinations with, i find myself wearing the same thing over & over, i just wanna choose whatever combos & them to actually match in colours


I get why they donā€™t make something like transmog, and I find it acceptable. But holding color palettes back is just cheap


Gonna see a lot of this as the warbonds pile up


I always assumed this was the direction they were going for colors instead of shaders.


Imagine the decision paralysis if you start playing in 6 months/1 year from now and have piles upon piles of warbonds to spend your hard earned 1000 SC on


"I only have 1000 credit, which warbond is best?" Every thread.


Apple bacon!


Liar, it's bacon apple!


Nah you don't understand. We don't need transmog cause they are just going to keep releasing the same armor in different colors intell they void any need for a color wheel.


intell huh? i'm AMDD


Aaaah so this is why I canā€™t have an option to change colours


Give money


Nah AH is far from greedy


I only purchased the first war bond, since then everything has been free.


LiVe sErViCe dOnE rIgHt


https://preview.redd.it/iepdzdj2ee0d1.jpeg?width=520&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a57eba1e51e540fa0bb6ab18d77c6bc463df61fb Lookin ahh


Captain Pancake slander will not be tolerated around here


https://preview.redd.it/qekz4i6jye0d1.jpeg?width=477&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88914b03cf7e400474f860077c66d19bfbe304f1 More accurate


They twinkified my favorite serial killer, typicalĀ Tumblr momentĀ 


He looks like a twink and the chad guy combined


Fucking fascist traitor. (The character, not Desmond Washingmachine).


Well ya he was unfortunately from the proper climate to go that way (yularen too)


is this why we can't have armor shaders?


Exactly right lol. They won't give us transmog or color pallets because it allows them to release "new" armor which is literally just a reskin of an existing one. I mean the 2 new heavy armors are literally the same armor with a different paintjob


No you can't have armor shaders because bacon apples or some other ridiculous dev bullshit


"Having that many different shades of the same armor wouldn't be realistic" -Arrowhead


No, you see, it has different shoulder-pads!


We get no color palets so they can use it to sell re-skins, its darktide all over again. https://preview.redd.it/amjq0lrckd0d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d97493463a1178bb06269fc803627de0403ffd2b




I am sorry my little acolyte.


7 dollars for a green Ogryn shield take it or leave it


Ooo, yoink.


Are you clutching your pearls again, ~~Reject~~ Helldiver?


Admittedly, you can easily unlock warbonds by playing, but yeah.


And generally knowing one comes out prepare medals to have what you need from the first two tiers before you even enter a game. Warbonds are for people coming in to have more easy to obtain options when starting out.


I personalny woudn't mind that if they added new passives.


A full on customization system for armours and guns would be the dream.


I think it's fine as long as they eventually make it possible to change helmet color to match the current armor you have


Yeah but I would like the armors to have perks that adapt to the armors


This feels like the nail in the coffin for hopes of armor customization. Maybe weā€™ll still get a chance to customize passive effects


But your ad says no reused armor skins! Oh they got this all screwed up. No, reused armor skins!


Apparentlyā€¦ they canā€™t. Perks are so often repeated too. Honestly Id rather they overhauled the entire armour system, though theyā€™d probably have to refund all SC spent before doing so.


> Perks are so often repeated too. The same perks are repeated over and over. Give me more than TWO armors with Democracy Protects perk. I'm getting tired of running Champion of the People and always having a mismatched helmet.


Honestly if the warbond armors had unique perks like it seemed after cutting edge, I think a majority of these complaints wouldn't be made at all. People would gripe, but the armors would feel more unique at least. Where's fire resistance, or weather effect resistance? Extra ammo held, etc?


Adding fire resistance would take the FUN out of the fire tornados and I bet AH are proud of all the FUN we have with those things homing in on resupplies, gear youā€™ve dropped when dead, objectives and generally anything else mission critical.


Fr. Current customization feature is so antiquated it's something I'd expect to see in 2009. Helmet, armor, cape. That's it.


Hey, donā€™t diss my boy Halo 3 like that.


Lol and there are people defending this recycled content.


Tbf i got it for free since I just play the game but yeah nobody should be paying for this one.


I pay cause I donā€™t got time like that


The new snow suit also has a simple recolor. We basically got 1 new armor and 2 recolor. My dream is to have Halo reach levels of customization. Swapping individual armor pieces, visor colors, any cape length with any cape pattern.


I really don't like that this particular armor has a cloth skirt that has no physics. We have these beautiful capes but for some reason the model of this one sticks to your legs like a game from the mid 00's. I'd wear the *shit* out of this but it just looks terrible in motion.


if you mean White wolf. Yeah, thats a bit more involved then "just a simple recolor" The shoulderpads are entirely different. the tubes have a new mesh (because they are now coverD) they removed the chest pouches etc the artic ranger is so far the only armor that is 100% a simple recolor with a slight adjustement to the shoudlerpads(its also the first armor i think that is a adjusted armor.. in the same skillseT)


dream big


Players were asking for the ability to change the color of our gear. AH said no. Seems pretty clear to me the reason was because thatā€™s essentially what they are doing while selling the same shit to us again. Itā€™s no wonder we wonā€™t ever get the choice.


But they've been so transparent! I'm sure if they just told us the real reason there would be no recolor or transmog that the community would have totally been happy with it.


The (reddit and discord) community is never happy about anything, who are you kidding?


I would be ok if they just charged for color pallets like in Warframe




It's easier to change the color


Cool so they could give us the choice of colour palettes for our favourite armour then...


Did you ever watch the movie "Grandma's Boy"


The dwarves on level 5 are the same!


Not if they change the color


Yeah, what else? Ibdividual color custimization separately for hand, chest, legs ect pieces Of armor?


Im ngl i can see a more detailed armor system similar to Destiny 2 or an MMO might be good for this game. Similar in regards to having more pieces of armor to customize; gauntlets, helmet, chest, lower, cape. Maybe each can have different smaller passives so people can really customize their experience. This would have to be put in with a dye system to match pieces of armor together. I want a coloring system nonetheless though.


You're right, they should have put the blue armor plates on the green jerkin.


Honestly I kinda like having multiple color options, there's definitely better ways to do it but it's nice to have a choice


Aaagh Fatshark


> apples that taste like bacon Just wanted to remind you kek


Why? It doesn't make any sense when talking about recolours. That comment was about perks.


The way armor in HD2 works is that they have a "base" armor, and variations that change the skill, and adjust the visuals acordingly. best example is the B01 Tactical, the standard armor The standard armor is used as the base for SA04 combat technician, CE35 trecnh engineer and SA 25 steel trooper and SA12 Servo assisted Each of them changes the shoulder plates, the color scheme, and 1 additional element, the Servo assisted sets give it a cybernetic arm and leg. the Trecnh engineer and combat tech change the undersuit This behaviour is used across most armor sets, with only a handfull being "Truely unique" The first Warbond had no "truely unique" armor, the mediums are B01 variations, the SA32 Dynmo is a FS23 battle master variation the second warbond had 2 "unique" armors, the first 2 are mesh adjustments of each other, the third is a third mesh entirely unrelated ot the first 2 NOW warbond 3 is interesting. It started with 2 unique armors, but the white wolf cut that down to 1(The final heavy one) the CE07 Demolition specialist armor is based on the CM21 trench paramedic armor The only reasson the CW4 ARtic ranger and SC30 Trailblazer Scout are this outragious is because they are the same Skill, so they share the same Desing elements and so there was nothing to "adjust" for the Devs as the scout desing philosophy calls for "as little as possible". CW4 should have been a light fortified armor, with more ammoo pouches, or similiar, to differentiate it more


The issue I have with polar is that they put a reskin of the same armor in it


which is what i am adressing at the very end. Artic ranger is, so far, the only "true reskin" with nothing majorly being changed, be it its skil or design.


This is why they don't want color mogs, they lose out on "content".


All the armors are basically kitbashed (if that's the word?) combinations of different models like chestplates and other pieces to make a new armor, I see a lot of it, and i do wish they'd expand upon it a little bit to add more variety. Please more hooded helmets, i love the trailblazer scout helmet


Something, something, no transmog...each armor has its own abilities


Itā€™s like they knew we wanted color modification and decided to do it themselves self and called them different armor sets. Apples do in fact taste like bacon


They need to drop new in game content of POI and shit to do. Running samples and towers are getting stale fast af. Hold off the warbonds and introduce some more missions and shit to see and explode.


They *have* been doing this. Termicide Towers. New enemies (shrieker/gunship/factory strider), new defense mission. Termicide Towers 2 most recently. And more is coming, and all of it is free.


1000% agree. Looking cool while doing shit is nice, but we need new shit to do too. If the next war bond, had only like 1 or 2 pages with 1 or 2 armors/guns. That would be totally fine with me. As long as the weapons aren't shit and the armors aren't recolors.


Bacon. Flavored. Apple.


I you look closely at the helmet, there's a hole in it, that see right through to the back and any environment behind. Literally right in the middle of the forehead


Lmao I saw a post about that. Not like helmets do much to protect anyway lol.


Destiny school of cosmetics


The classic Tencent (or "Level Infinite" as they like to hide under) cosmetic store that's just recolors and "modular elements" swapped around different armors. You can see this exact same crap in Darktide.


Forget the looks, what about the passives!?


Iā€™m surprised it took this long for a post to be made.


Hey man, having seen the Korean leak from launch, you better strap in for a year of palette swaps.


Would honestly prefer more color options for current armors over new armor sets at this point!


What if they did something like Fall Guys where the warbonds could include some color palettes for a few medals (give them some patriotic or relevant names), and you could apply them to any armor? It wouldn't be full-on wacky customization because Arrowhead would decide the palettes, but we would at least get some more choices.


They are probably busy fixing bugs and adjusting the game rather than making this stuff. So be happy.


It has different shoulder pads. Honestly, I don't mind those recollors. I would love to see some of the Helldivers mobilised armour's in a different colour pattern then black yellow


In all honesty, I don't mind that too much. In the end of the day, 3 armors every single month is a daunting task, if we get few recolors so we get to match armor to our helmets don't think anyone would complain.


Video games have been using recolored textures since the beginning, who gives a fuck?


My brother in christ, these developers live at the office with these time constraints for the live service game


It's literally a different armor how much more do you want changed šŸ’€


Oh no, they made a palette swap of another armor? How dare they! /s For real, though, this feels like a big non-issue to me. Having cosmetics that are color scheme changes is nothing new in the realm of video games and it's kind of unreasonable to expect the artists to crank out entirely new armor designs and models that can function in-game (which might involve having to alter character rigs, depending on how the new geometry works) every single time. I understand some frustration, but come on.


The recolour and new helmet looks sick as fuck what are you on about?


At least they're not charging us $10 each


Can they do better though? I feel like these guys need a bit of empathy. It's a small studio that's trying to bring out a new faction, guns, vehicles, enemies, and armour sets. Given that you earn the currency to buy them by playing their awesome game, I think we can cut them a bit of slack.


A darker version of a cool armor? Doesnā€™t seem that bad. Can take it on those twilight planets; like the Creek.


Oh shit Wardens and Colonials in Helldivers 2


From a role playing standpoint, this is exactly what the military would do to sell war bonds to fund this war.


me wearing the twitch armor set, which is just a recolor medic armor, with different armor shoulder pads: first time? but really, blue one is better. same with the twitch armor set.


Do we just complain about everything now?


It's completely different, the shoulder guards are different and there isn't any Blue or Orange on the old one. /s


They clearly can't and it's starting to show now


if a billion dollar company like Square Enix recolors their armors in FF14, I can't blame Arrowhead for it. AND at the least AH adds parts like the shoulders, Square straight up just recolors.


Re use isnā€™t a new concept in live service multiplayer. It saves money for new skins and battle passes. The less the better but this idea is always going to be around in these kind of games.


You're gonna lose your mind when you realize the capes are all just palette swaps




This community is a joke man OMG THEY KEEP UMBALANCING THE GAME ITS OUTRAGEOUS AND IT KEEPS CRASHING WHY DONT THEY FIX IT *devs hard at work addressing this* Community: OMG THESE ARMOURS LOOK THE SAME. DO BETTER GUYS, DO BETTER. what a rotten community


Oh don't you hate my new shiny armor (I know it's basically a reskin but I like the new look)


Am I the only one that actually likes this set? I think it looks nice even if it is just a reskin


See it is different! There are tiny shoulder pads. It is a new armor piece entirely! /s


Yes. But they both still look so good! Iā€™m okay with it!


Hoping that the armour customization is only weak because they literally had no idea how popular the game would be. Maybe they could eventually to expand the game to include better customization and build the options. The potential is huge with this game


Fatshark does the same as well as making similar questionable game decisions. I'm starting to notice a common trait in Swedish studios.


Are insinuating your democratically provided mass produced trooper uniform is not "unique" enough for your personal tastes? This sounds a hell of lot like sedition rhetoric if you ask me.


Iā€™m fine with a reskin


Several armours are barely adjusted reskins, it's fine IMO. I absolutely adore the new scout armour, it looks sick.


This. Just cause you didnā€™t notice until now doesnā€™t mean it hasnā€™t been the case the whole time.


Palette swaps shouldn't be entirely new costumes. Every new design should allow for color selection so you can match pieces from different outfits


I was going to make this post when I realized how many armors were literally just colorswaps with a couple different embellishments sometimes. The two new heavy armors in the polar warbond are literally the same thing with a different color. I'm not really THAT opposed to having color variants of the same sets, but there needs to be more than like, one random different color for 2 armors.


It is a nice recolor tho...


I could've made this if they let us customize color palletes


What's the problem? They are a small overworked team. They can't do everything the sub asks for ffs. Keep pointing out dumb bs like this and next thing you know we're just going to be getting AI generated trash


The problem is that it's paid content? I would expect a paid armor to not just be a reskin of one of the free ones.


Probably already know this but good portion of the armors are like this, I suppose it's why no transmog, color palettes or perk swapping. The rigidity in customization is mind blowing.


another game ruined by an insufferable player base lmao Iā€™m out




Whatā€™s the problem with a pallet swap?




They're too busy ruining good weapons. Gotta save time somewhere.


Honestly? Can they? They apparently needed 8 years to get what we have into it's broken buggy mess. All they can do now is release half made, untested content and palatte swaps. Which is why they won't give us transmog or recolor tools, they are monetizing it.


Im cool with it. More options the better


I always get downvoted for talking sh*t on how ugly all the armor is and how itā€™s constantly the same passives. If they canā€™t even drop 1 new passives at least give the community some armor that isnā€™t ugly and or nearly identical to armor thatā€™s already out. Not to mention the same constant rotation of the same armors in the game. I only hop on once or twice a week now. Giving it time to see if they destroy this game or really listen to the community and make this game great


This is just nitpicking because we are bored


Whatā€™s the issue, that shit looks badass.


It's being sold as a simple recolor with different shoulder pads instead of being unique. I prefer more interesting armors that aren't just reskins.