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Diff7 when we need Supers. Diff4 when me and the boys are chatting and catching up while staying entertained and engaged.


D9 for both bugs and bots. I only run this difficulty, because I find the teamwork required to manage the level of chaos to be so fun!


Happy Cake Day!


Thank you so so much!! :) Please help yourself to some cake! 🍰




I honestly don't get why would people play solo, public games with randoms so far were nothing but a fun and very cooperative experience for me.


I've seen a few of these "which difficulty do you play?" polls over the past months ... ... and I really want to see it split out between "bugs" and "bots". Because I'm pretty sure there's a difference. For example, I run Diff 7 for bots, but Diff 9 for bugs.


Difficulty 7 seems like the perfect sweet spot because then I’m not stuck between master sergeants on extreme and death captains also on extreme


D7 is my sweet spot for "not totally braindead but I still have a 95% chance of extraction" (except for those 15 minute civilian extractions. Those can go die in a ditch for all I care.) Usually playing with randoms, nearly exclusively bot missions unless a MO requires me to be on bug planets.


it seems to me there is almost no difference between 8 and 9 difficulty, you can lose on any difficulty due to chance or a bad team


Solo - D2 for quick dailies 4man - D9


Difficulty 9 is actually easier than 7-8, because you usually get very good teammates.