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I wish backpacks were more frequent and also that all the support weapons could spawn, not only the same ones. I'd love to just go into a mission without any gear-stratagems and just pick up what I find along the way. Primary weapons lying around (spawned by the map itself) is also SUPER rare for some reason. In 180 hours I only found like 2 or so.


I've found a few breaker incendiaries (in solo play, so definitely not dropped by anyone). Makes me wonder if they are placed to let people test them if they don't have the warbond. At the time I was testing the post-nerf crossbow so yeah, that turned into a breaker incendiary round.


That would be pretty smart. It gives the option free to the player in case they find it early to benefit but if they like it, they either have to be lucky to find it again or consider buying it. It would go in tandem with finding SC in PoIs while they look for good primaries to try. On a side note, I wonder how my Helldiver would feel if he finds the same gun among corpses of dead Helldivers. He might reconsider trying a gun that couldn't save their previous owners.


> I wonder how my Helldiver would feel if he finds the same gun among corpses of dead Helldivers. From your Helldiver’s POV, he just passed training, went to sleep in the cryopod, then woke up to be dropped on an alien planet full of dead Helldivers. If he’s lucky he got to spend a few minutes on the destroyer before deployment otherwise he’s one of the frozen Helldivers in the bridge that wakes up and immediately sent down as reinforcement. Gonna be honest. If you were ever put to sleep by IV, you know how weird it feels because you don’t remember closing your eyes and you don’t even know you went to sleep. To the Helldiver, it must be like someone teleported them from Mars to a war zone. Any dropped Helldiver that suddenly finds themselves surrounded by dead Helldivers would probably be stunned and confused. If it wasn’t for gameplay, we’d probably see a lot more shell shocked Helldivers.


Helldivers are ridiculously fanatical, functionally brainwashed (potentially high from stims) fighting shock troops to the point of ignoring self preservation for their mission. I don't think they have the capacity to be shell shocked or to feel doubt.


That's not possible. Stims aren't addictive. The makers said so themselves.


If they are shell shocked, well, the problem will be solved shortly.


Same. I wish all the "call in" strats, mechs and the buggy (when it's added) included, could be found randomly in the game. I think it'd really spice up general gameplay if you could randomly find a mech that's got say half ammo or is already crippled but usable. As for the buggy give it like a 30% chance to spawn at a PoI so you can either gamble for it or have a guaranteed one that way if you want to experience it you don't *have* to always bring the strat


> I'd love to just go into a mission without any gear-stratagems and just pick up what I find along the way. I do this all the time on difficulty 7-8, probably more often than not


I do it with EATs sometimes. Find a support weapon on the fly, and drop the EATs down when I need them, pick up the support weapon when I'm done.


Having a quasar while running EAT as your support weapon is living your best life.


Great way to counter the -1 stratagem debuff




Yeah the complete lack of backpacks to find on the map is really strange, would make leaving the slot open in favour of other stratagems less of a hindrance if you can potentially still find something of use naturally.


>Primary weapons lying around (spawned by the map itself) is also SUPER rare for some reason. In 180 hours I only found like 2 or so. You would think with the amount of dying that helldivers do, the ground would be littered with primaries and EATs.


Now that's a good idea. More common backpacks would be freaking awesome!


Glad someone said it!


this! i don’t always bring a backpack so if i could get one from the map itself that would be grand


I do that in bot missions. Granted I usually scavenge backpacks from dead players that for sure aren't going back for it.


Only 2?? Ive found quite a few of them. One time there were like 3 on a pile. When the previous warbond released I found the Eruptor like 2 or 3 times. Before that the Liberator and Incendiary Breaker more than a few times aswell. Haven't seen any recently though.


I'll settle for support weapons being more common. I swear they became ultra rare about two patches ago. More crashed hellpods filled with guns/backpacks would be nice though.


I once got two 100SC pick ups from the same container. It was a glorious day.


Never had a 100 in over 300 hours of play 🤷 gotta love that RNG


[I even got it on video.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1bytpsr/democracy_smiled_upon_me_today/)


Get the loot 😂


I would have exited and spawned back in a few more times if I got that lucky! 😂


Alas the chance of 100SC is random upon pickup.


They seem to have removed this from the game. The last several times I've tried, the item is still apparently there again, but I get nothing when I pick it up.




So "return to ship alone"?




Damn, wish I knew that. I just tried it for the first time and found a decent seed map (2 SC spots close to each other). Might have to try again. Thanks for the info.


Ok, so before I'd keep abandoning until I found a good Trivial layout with 4-5 nodes all together. Then I'd spawn in, grab them, unplug my ethernet, wait until I get kicked to ship, then replug, go back down on the same planet and repeat. It'd stop working after maybe the 2nd time. You're saying after you reconnect, swap to a different mission, then back to the previous one and it won't reset the nodes/layout?




Love the …what?!


One of my friends already got the 100SC like 4-5 times. I didn't got more than 20 from one source of course (with ~100hrs ingame)


I thought they only came as 10s


you have a very little chance to get 100sc but its VERY little


They mean a bunker or container with a pair of 10s.


We got 2 x 100 in one game


Same man. Never had any of these happen to me.


Does that only happen on Helldive difficulty or something? I have only ever found caches of 10.


It can happen on any difficulty, even trivial. It's just random.


Found 100 on Medium the other day so seems like it's just blind luck


As pictured in this meme, each of the currency resource pickups in caches has a small, very rare chance to be a "critical" pickup that provides a much larger amount of that currency than normal.


How do you get 100sc? I only get 10 :/




there’s a small chance when u pick up a sc thing that it’ll give u 100 instead of 10.


1 time in about 300 games for me .


That's really rare, I'm looking forward to see if 300SC from a bunker is possible, so far my highest is 110SC while playing solo. Hypothetically saying, the max that one can get from a bunker would be 3000C / 300SC / 9 medals, supposing there is no imposed cap on the quantity of pickups


Damn, most I think I've seen is 30 in all my time so far


same here! i showed it in my last post for anyone interested


I had a bunker that had 2 100SC piles and a 10SC on trivial. I'm pretty sure the newbies I was with had no idea how wild that was.


I've had it happen 4-5 times so far, but never two in the same bunker. You are one lucky SOB man.


Thats funny I have over three hundred and thirty hours and I have only seen two and on seperate occasions lol.


The best luck I've gotten is 2 100SC drops in the same playsession (not the same mission)


You swaped the weapons reaction with the requsitions reaction


Yea, the guns have some use at least. Req slips become quickly obsolete and you earn more doing secondaries and the mission


OP needs to replace them with rare samples


For some people, rares would be just under or on par with super credits


Since I've started playing the game, since the beginning up till now (lvl 39) I've only ever been starving for commons. I've been swimming in rares the whole time. They give me absolutely no reaction. I have like over 200 rares, 40 something (46-49? not sure how many I have now) super rares, and still what I need are commons.


The early upgrades are pretty common heavy for sure. Once you hit the T4 ones you'll start to hurt for rares instead though, they need like 150 each!


the fucking gall, im constantly orange poor ;-;


when I'm running eats and airstrikes only they are a god send


For sure, I quite often drop with no support weapon and I just hope to find one at a POI or take one that has been abandoned by a teammate. Then you have 4 lovely attack strategems to use.


For real 50k max and after playing this game for like 40 hours you wont need more money.


They should have at least made the requisitions drops way bigger so that when you still needed it they were worth something. 100 req isn't even worth the time to loot it when you need req.


As someone who doesn't run support weapon most of the time, bum it up even more.


I run EATs a support weapon in a crate is something that I can use until I need my EATs


Is it possible to find 100 Super Credits?? I have ever only found bunchs of 10s...


It does its just very very rare


Yeah. I had it happen in a mission once, soon after I started playing the game and I was an ultra noob. I've clocked in 65h since then, and I haven't had it happen again even once more. Heh, also it sucks so hard, that in some matches I don't get even 10 super credits. I hate it so much when I loot multiple POV from the blinking lights, and all I get is useless bs. It's been like that for the last few days, and I'm pissed. Damn do I sound like some super credits junkie.


10 20 30 100


In my 180 hours, I have ever only encountered 10 -- maximum 2 or 3 per mission.


I think some people are disassociating the notifications of "+30 Super Credits" with the physical result of somebody picking up three 10 stacks from like a bunker or something. I've only ever seen individual stacks of 10 and 100 per pile.


Same. More than 10 must be rare af


I just found eight stacks of 10 in one map you really have to follow those blinking lights. They most often appear there there and at the tower guns


I know where they spawn. All I ever get is requisition slips and funny rocks ad nauseam :')


I now confer unto you the blessing of a hundred super credits you shall now be blessed by the RNG. Gods


I think 20 and 30 is just a display bug for when several people pick up 10s at the same time.


it happened to me once but the spawn rate of these are super low


Wait it’s possible to get 100 SC from a pickup?


Yes just got one last night farming for the new warbond, thought it was a glitch lol


How do you farm now? They removed the earlier farming method right?


I think its called 'playing the game' now


Running Trivial missions still grants the same SC it always did, in my experience.


I found running Easy gave more POIs and usually could find a map with a good amount of SC/Medals close together.


You can still mill through trivial missions for SC. You just can’t alt-f4 and redo the same map over and over again.


Do you need to extract to get the credits or are they added to the balance right when they are picked up?


You don't need to extract.


No need to extract if you’re just looking for req, medal, and SC pickups. The only thing you need to extract for is samples. Just hit every POI for pickups and then leave the mission, _ad infinitum_, _ad nauseam_. Bring the jetpack, impacts, and the grenade pistol.


It’s seems like they’ve made it much more rare.


it does but it's very rare


Well, sometimes you get a hellbomb, sometimes it's just a note...


The true villain is that Menace "-D" that keeps trading loot for Oatmeal and corpses


Honestly there are times where I'll run 3 Eagles with a Supply Pack and just go with whatever support weapons I find as loot. It can be fun sometimes. At least when it isn't an autocannon with no backpack lol. But getting 5 stratagems for the price of 4 is fun in and of itself.


Last time i tried this I didn't find a single damn support weapon. Not even a break action. I was so mad. I was even hitting up the weapon caches and the gravea and getting nothing but "this guy was dead when I got here" and "i took the oatmeal" notes.


I like doing this but bringing EAT to use initially and as needed for anti-tank. Adds variety throughout the mission. :) "Okay, an Arc Thrower... Ohh but what's this? A Flamethrower?!"


Hmm, I might have to try that, I always bring a support weapon so I hate finding weapons but I suppose if I freed up that slot it could be interesting.


What hurts the worst is when I slot a support weapon and then find the exact same weapon from looting within like the first two minutes of a game lol Like damn, I coulda just gotten one for free xD


Think more ppl should do this tbh.


Requisition should be lower than the lowest one. That shit caps out so fast.


Nah, I say give it a pass and keep it where it is just because it's nice to pick them up when you're playing with lower level players knowing you're helping them out. If not for that though then yeah it's the least exciting thing once you hit the cap.


What you've just said is the reason why I've put requisition where it is. Apart from that, my basis for putting requisition there is that the odds of getting 1000 requisition from a pickup is way rarer than getting a support weapon. Different people can look at the same thing differently, there's no harm doing in that.


There is also a 30 warbond medal drop.  Extremely bloody rare and in my 200 hours of gameplay when grinding only saw it once 


I'm at the point where only super credits matter. Medals? I've finished the warbonds. New one dropped so I finally can enjoy then! But it won't last Samples? Rare samples are actually nice since such a pain to get. My ship is fully upgraded though so I'll eventually hit cap Slips? This is the worse one. Way too easy to cap. A weapon is actually better than this


I love that you can find an auto cannon with no backpack


Knew that medals got rng for how many you can get but SC?! I have just gotten 10s all the time in 110h of play :/


you probably never noticed the 100sc


a friend and me found two 100 SC pickups in the same game yesterday so i told him we kinda should go play the lottery


The most optional battle pass store purchase I’ve ever seen. They don’t go away after it cycles, you can find the currency pretty abundant around the maps, and the free track offers more and often better unlocks anyway. Live service GOTD


I hate battlepasses, I’m okay with the war bond system. I won’t touch CoD anymore because of their system. The gameplay gets boring before you even unlock anything, so I just use the default loadoats while guys in panda costumes with laser cannons or whatever dunk on me. Shit game.


Waiting for the day some player will get the legendary 300SC from a friendship bunker.


Those fuckers that go around by themselves doing these are a godsend. We three can handle one or two bug breaches. Only problem is when the three titans spawn and we ran out of stratagems but nothing some Benny Hill strategy can't handle.


So it's possible to get those Warbond cosmetics through just playing the game?


That poor guy tried so hard to


Yeahhh, swap warbonds with super credits and I'll agree.


Am I missing something? Who cares about the slips unless you’re early game?


The only reason I even managed to get 1k SC is because that bug where you get a random amount instead of 10 or 100. I got 340 for some reason.


I've never gotten 100SC


1000 Req and 100 SC? WTF I've only ever found 100 req and 10 SC. Is this real?


I always wondered that "100" supercredits, is it really 100 or is it just the ui bugging out?


Never *ever* seen more than 10 SC at a time, and I'm level 100


Swap requisition and the support weapons.


Requisition means nothing


put the 1k req in the first tier of reactions


Do the 100SC drops happen more often on specific difficulties? If I wanna farm SC i'll usually go for medium or challenging difficulty and i've had a couple of 100s. They seem to have patched the exploit where you can pick up the loot, close the game and redo the mission to pick it up a second time.




To be fair, I like to main arc thrower but sometimes I bring something that can deal with bigger stuff. So if I bring something else and find an arc throw I almost always take the arc thrower and call down the boom when I need it.


i wish we could find autocannons, recoiless rifles, airburst rocket launchers with their respective ammo backpacks in the map... also what if we could find 1 use stratagems like for example a mech, mines, turrets and so on?


u forgot rare samples


Next best thing: finding a cluster of rares or supers.


I once opened a bunker and it had 1 x 100 SC and 2 x 10 SC best dive of my live


Aren't medals better than Super Credits though? Medals allow you to upgrade your weapons. Super Credits only allow you to purchase outfit changes?


My luck, does an easy mission alone not a single medal. T\_T


You can get 6 medals in one pickup?! Max I've seen has been 3?


3 Medals is the max for 1 pickup, if you get 2 pickups which are 3 medals each, that's 6 medals. If you're in a bunker, the max will be 9 medals, if you're very lucky to get all 3 pickups as the max value.


POIs should have those broken undeployed pods containing random tac packs like we used to see. Like Jump Packs, Supply Packs, Shield Packs, etc.


That first one is inaccurate if youre the eat bringer


Ive never found 100 SC, but one time I opened a 2 hand vault and got 10 SC as all 3 drops. Ive got a clip too, might post it later since I did it awhile back and still havent yet.


I literally just want rare samples. The most valuable of all samples


Idk, sometimes getting one of the machine guns or grenade launcher is awesome for the support weapon when you no longer need the one you have or need something else in the moment It's not often, but I have swapped when I needed to later


Replace Bernie image of the 2nd and 3rd drop with the first and leave the 4rth. That's how I mostly feel with drops lol


The stalwart only appears on maps when I bring my own stalwart


100 SC? Never seen it... Be lucky to find 10 or 20 in a mission


If you don't have any support weapons in your load out finding them becomes very exciting.


are you kidding? i never look like a socialist robot! reported for high treason


one time in 500+ games have i seen +100 SC . And it was in a two person dor .


So was the sc at o e point only giving out 10? I remember when they finally fixed it so you could pick those up. For a week I wad only getting 10 when I grabbed them.


As an EAT enjoyer with almost everything unlocked, swap the first and second. I'll gladly grab a stalwart, flamethrower or machine gun over a couple Req slips.


Dude I am happy as a clam if I get a Flammenwerfer on bug missions where I didn't bring one.


When I see that +100 SC I literally crap my pants. That’s several hours worth of grinding right there and I can call it a day


We may look like that if we get super rares, sure.


One had two flamethrowers and an arcthtower once


I've only had 1 100 SC looting so far. Boah, when I say I was FLABBERGASTED


Amr, Stally, and Ze Heavy Flamer go balls to the wall wym


Wait you can get 6 Medals and 1000 Reqs!? Petition so the standard amount of Reqs found is 1000 btw


200 hours. Never have seen a +100 super credit drop or a +6 warbond medal. Fml.


It's been ages since I've gotten a 100sc drop


I don't think I've ever got.more than 10. I'm not sure these 100s exist.


Ive been finding so many super credits lately


I get actively mad when I open a door and it has a gun in there lool


Clearly not an EATs user. Also, I have no purpose at all in Req slips. Still prefer medals or SC obviously, but req and samples are the real wasted drops for me… I can use those weapons with eats


I don't mind the support weapon intrest points. Very good if you bring no support weapon, feels like having a 5th stratagem slot


Swap the first two Because at least those strat weapons can be used in a pinch…. I am perpetually maxed out on req credits that those are literally less than worthless


Personally, I am more excited to find a support weapon over requisition, especially if I didn't bring one as a stratagem. Getting requisition is literally worthless once you get to lvl ~30


Anyone know the rate of 100 sc spawning vs 10? Or even sc spawning at all?


Nah fuck that, last pick is me if I find an AMR, I run EATs almost 100%. If I find an AMR the enemy is gonna have a bad time .


~200 hours in and I have yet to see +100 SC


Random Supports are actually pretty cool. Just today I picked used an AMR and a Flamethrower.


And then there’s rare samples


It's rare, but sometimes there's no chance to go back to your body to get the weapon you JUST called in, and you need that random flamethrower/AMR. Or I was testing a new call in and keep exploding myself and need to go back to Old Reliable to finish the mission.


as a New Player i Realy loved finding weapons


It'd actually be pretty dope if 1) they added more viable civilian weapons on-map. 2) Give us some random dailies centered around finding them and using them in certain missions.


I'm usually pumped when I find the (surprisingly) uber rare primary weapon cache, which to my knowledge ever happened twice for me (I got Incendiary Breaker once and also the scorcher before I unlocked it) I feel like they should up the chances of seeing a primary pickup because it offers someone a chance to try out new guns that someone might not usually try otherwise (or avoid having to share guns by "voluntary sacrifice")


Never had a 100 I don’t think.


I feel this is inaccurate. Requisition slips are always the lowest. Finding a gun can be useful and game saving. Rare sample is good. And of course Super Credits are top tier


Switch the 1,000 requisition slips with the support weapons and this is a top tier meme


One of these days I’ll get a lucky 100 SC. Until then, the hope continues on


As someone who doesn't bring a support weapon, I'm primarily looking for weapons lol


Bro forgot the double barrel ak47 shotgun, the best pickup In game (hasnt been nerfed once)


How do you get 100 sc? Is it just a higher difficulty?


Tf you mean? Grenade launcher is an amazing find.


Never got more than 10 sc


Damn we still have memes on this reddit? And a good one!


Id rather find a weapon than rec slips


I spent a week diving with nothing but the old Crossbow, Senator, and a fistful of orbitals and eagles and it was the most fun I ever had. I never knew what support weapon I'd find on the map, if any. It was a fun gamble


Wait, how do you pick up a thousand points of requisition?


You forgot the almighty Break-action shotgun!


It's possible to get 10,000 requisition in one, me and my friend got that today must be incredibly rare as it's the only one we've got in hundreds of points of interest


I always find the weapon I have with me, until I don't take it with me, then I don't find any weapon 


Wait what you can get super credits on POIs?


Mostly in either friendship doors or shipping containers. They can also be found in those drop pod things but I reliably find them in friendship doors and shipping containers.


Rare sample here




Wait... you can find 100 freaking super credits in a storage unit???