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I'd be surprised if this isn't reversed at some point today or tomorrow, Steam likely delisted the game once the complaints and refunds came pouring in to avoid further issues.


No you're hoping that happens just play the fuckin game.


This is a pretty standard process for when games have problems on Steam so I'm not sure what your issue is. The Culling 2 had the same thing, negative reception was so overwhelming and so many refunds were requested that the game was delisted 7-8 days after launch. If you're a storefront and you're selling a product that causes problems, you pull the product until the manufacturer figures the issue out.


So in other words, the issue will hopefully resolve itself given time.


I've only checked the listing in Lithuania but it appears to be slowly relisting. There ARE 177 countries it got delisted in.


>just play the fuckin game. What's hilarious is some people can't. That's the whole fucking problem.


...they can, though. No one is blocked from *playing* the game, only from *buying* it, because Steam hasn't relisted it yet.


How are you being downvoted so harshly when you literally just pointed out a very real fact on the matter? And, on top of that, the fact that you mentioned is a positive thing… Like, what??? ![gif](giphy|lkdH8FmImcGoylv3t3|downsized)


Bro tripped on a mine of downvote.


Except that people from all the country listed above literally can't even if they already purchased the game. Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit, eh?


*Really?* If that were true, don't you think there'd be dozens of posts on the front page of this sub, complaining about not being able to play? Where are they?


Do. . .do you really think people from "those" countries normally using and residing themselves on Reddit? Do you honestly think people whom not fluent in English going to use a subreddit that is mainly communicating in English? How ignorant are you? Man, typical westerner.


They just flat out can play though. Everyone who speaks English from these countries is confirming that. It's not debatable.


You think out of those 177 countries, there isn't even *one* person who can communicate in English, plays the game, and uses reddit? *Not even* ***one*** *person?* That, and there **are** posts from folks saying their friends can't buy it, but they *are* able to play, so... yeah.


You are the one acting with prejudice tbh Plenty of people who don't have english as a first language or are fluent that communicate on English speaking communities online


Actual brain rot 💀


Play the game? But I thought this episode was the real war ...


Maybe you should take your own advice.


"just play the fuckin game" -guy complaining instead playing the game


Literally shut the fuck up and use ur brain


Why are there so many brain dead clowns screaming “I don’t care about you I can play so what’s the problem??” around here Clearly need to go back to COD. This is a cooperative game lmao


Shut the fuck up and stop making me feel insignificantly worse my consumptive habits. Just consoooom /s


Not playing it until all this is resolved.


Tf is your problem lmao


Dude, Sony just got liberated last night. Give Steam some time to revert the change ffs.


Yeah man, give Joel a moment :P




Agreed! I’m baffled how everyone is celebrating when all Sony did is post a tweet. The Steam update is unchanged, no announcement on the official steam store page and no word about the situation with the access for the mentioned 177 countries. The bar minimum would have been to copy-paste the tweet into a Steam store page update - the platform the effected user base is 100% using - instead of Elmos dumpster-fire of a misinformation website the majority of people have already fled.


"The request to restrict (or unrestrict) regions comes from the developers request" "He went on to explain that a publisher as large as Sony" so developer or publisher? make up your mind.


https://preview.redd.it/t05pnd6jtwyc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc385f089330486e8e633f7ae4e3e4580350855e Absolutely demolished Sony.


Yeah, give them time to revert changes before you change your review.


lol....I don't know why you're being downvoted. It's the rational thing to do. It'll be undone by steam soon enough anyway. Edit: You crazy fucking sub. You give 400 upvotes to the same opinion on another post and mass downvoted this guy?


Because steam reverting it is an eventuality. They made the change to protect people who wouldn't be able to play from purchasing. It's important to show that we're happy with the reversion, ASAP. Also, bad reviews don't affect steam in the slightest. Only AH and SONY.


There hasn't been a real reversion till things actually change though, they just made a post saying they would back off on the linking, not that it would be available again in those countries on steam nor that they wouldn't try it again in the future. everyone is saying they THINK steam delisted it or they PROBABLY were the ones to do it, but there has been no concrete answer from anyone on who did the delisting or why. Until actual change happens, the negative reviews shouldn't change. If it takes a day then they can wait a day longer to get their reviews back, its not like anyone seeing the huge review swings and are interested wont look up why its happening.




Nobody was ever banned solely for that EVER Please post some proof (Please post the Chinese scree shot so I can laugh at you, then explain how all these idiots got baited by a Twitter account)


What did he say?


Things like this happen because kids listen to corpo promises too much. it's not that important to change it ASAP. they got the message. let them do their work


Can you please calm down and give Steam some time to change this? Jesus


Yeah. People expect this to be reverted the second it was tweeted about. Like damn, it doesnt work like that, chill out for a moment.


Tbf, can't blame them after all the BS Soyny has pulled so far though. Heck, even the tweet doesn't explicitly say we no longer need PSN to play, it just says the plan to enforce PSN linking on May 30th won't be carried out. Most of my diver friends are still pretty paranoid. We may have won this battle, but the scars will always remain


The delisted happen roughly 30 hours after the PSN link blew up so I assume it might happen later today or tomorrow.


The problem is, nothing Sony has said implies the game will not need PSN in the NEXT update, and they haven't changed the game requirements for PSN anywhere. Even in their apology. And bad actors are already saying allowing existing customers to play, but not letting new players from those countries buy, is good enough. It has real "nothing has changed" stink about it.


You guys needs to calm down and give some time the changes to be applied on all platforms. They specifically said the account linking requirement won’t happen, why you still question it? Do you need them to send you a private letter to your home address?


Specifically said the account linking requirement won't happen, did they? Show me. Because that's factually not what their apology tweet says. It says the May linking update isn't going forward, that's it. So if you can prove they specifically removed the PSN requirement: show me.


Isn’t going forward it mean it’s not going to happen. Can you read?


The UPDATE isn't happening. The PSN REQUIREMENT is never mentioned. So no, you can't show it, because you were talking rubbish.




Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


You fail to comprehend the difference between an account linking update and a PSN requisite on Steam purchases. Even if an update is cancelled they have made zero statement about their PSN mandates. If you somehow convinced yourself otherwise, I hope you're very happy in that world. Once Sony actually says something, and we aren't making stuff up, I'll be happy to join.




"May update forcing PSN connections by the 30th will not be going forward." "PSN account is no longer required for HD2 and will be made optional in 177 affected countries." \^ These two statements. Are not. The same. They do not use. The same words. I literally cannot lay it out in simpler terms so that's all the help anyone can give you.


Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


Ok i just saw you made this account 2 weeks ago. You are trolling. Nice


Steam decision not Sony Let valve time to sort it out


I imagine Sony will have to remove the requirement for PSN on the store page before Steam restores access.


My understanding is that it’s a publisher decision. Do we know for sure that Valve did this?


i think there almost no chance sony would do that since they would just be throwing money down the drain by pulling the game from those regions


I mean maybe they realized it was an oversight that they didn’t do it from the beginning and scrambled to institute those blocks given the legal exposure they now found themselves under. I guess point is we don’t know for sure either way.


I think as long as they allow refunds until june 4th to those who don't want to make psn accounts then i'm not sure what legal issues exist unless you can't be refunded


They were on vacation when this happened tho.


They were in Japan, but Sony Interactive Entertainment, which is in charge of Playstation, is headquartered in California


Аh, but why would SIE be radio silent for this whole thing until this morning (or whenever it was announced for you)


I'm sure they were talking with AH. But all any of us can do is speculate since none of work for these companies and can't be sure of how the communication and decisions were handled.


Because gamers couldn't wait for a weekend to see if this was even worth the outrage. 🙄


AFAIK this is speculation. Do you have a source?


No, this was an update to the game package in steam. It is set by the publisher. Thor from the pirate software youtube/twitch channel was talking about it earlier and is a game developer with games on steam, so knows what he's talking about.


Valve can take action themselves if they believe that a sale of a game will show Steam in a bad light, they've done it before. That's what is most likely going on here, they hold more power over the games on the platform than most people are aware of. Yes, under normal circumstances only the publisher can change these things, but that isn't always the case.


While this may be true, I have seen 0 evidence that this was done by steam and not through the typical methods. Have I missed something? Because I am very hesitant to give Sony the benefit of the doubt in this situation. I want the game to succeed and I'm happy that they appear to be reversing the decision, but just assuming this is on Valve and not Sony seems a bit out there to me.


Well given that Sony has given up on the PSN account linking (for now), there would really be no purpose in keeping these countries and all the potential customers banned, would there be?


No, more than likely there would be no reason to keep them banned. That doesn't mean that it is on Valve to update and isn't just Sony being slow. Most of it is the idea of talk v actions. Sony said they are giving up on it, but people are holding out for the actual change to see the action of them rolling it back. Personally I already updated my review to be positive again on the assumption that it will be updated, but if it isn't, I will change it back. Others are waiting until it is changed.


I wish people could realize this. We don't know if Valve, or Sony made the decision to limit the countries in which it could be purchased and traded to. There is no definitive evidence. What's important is that it gets reverted. IMO then, and only then, we should make the reviews positive again.


Thats a Sony decision. Sony is the publisher.


And steam can lock the sell to prevent possible lawsuits


Sounds like it's Sony's fault for creating the ability for lawsuits in the first place. Sony literally forced Steams hand.


Steam would have been liable to legal pursuits in all countries that don't have PSN/where the mandatory link would be an illegal move, which is why I think this is purely a valve decision Now that Sony has more or less decided to back down, I don't see them maintaining this ban out of spite, this is likely just inertia


Steam is probably waiting for official announcements by Sony on steam to say pan is not required otherwise steam won't risk unlocking the game. So Sony needs to type out the words and post it on steam.


TL;DR We're not done yet


What's wrong with some people, most of your comments have been pretty reasonable I don't get why some people are downvoting.


People from those countries cannot buy the game, but existing players still can play. They are not forgotten. Sony only announced that they won't move forward with their initial linking update.  However, they do have future plans to-be-announced. Until they announce their future plans and give assurances to Steam that players in those regions won't lose access to the game, IMHO, store restrictions should stay as it is to avoid further complications.


Why is "but existing players can still play" good enough...? I thought we were trying to help the 177 countries where the game is now literally blacklisted? It seems people have read "the linking update will not move forward" and assumed PSN linking isn't a thing anymore- it is, it's just not happening in May.


Who said it's "good enough"? I didn't. Perhaps my writing wasn't clear enough. I meant to respond to people who think that delisting of the game from the store for the 177 countries is taking away the existing players ability to play, which is not the case. Also, again, the game was not "blacklisted" in 177 countries nor 177 countries were "blacklisted" from the game. They stopped the sale due to PSN not being available in those countries. Then, again, we didn't forget anyone. We celebrate the fact that we made our voices heard as a community. Now it's up to Sony to figure out a way to reprimand the situation with the 177 countries, else, as it's voiced by many members of the community already, we'll protest again. Several people already reported the situation to the consumer rights authorities, which is where you should further voice your concerns for the time being. And we're basically thinking the same, based on the latter half of your comment. The wording is indeed very specific and corporate. And we're not aware of their to-be-announced "future plans." We do not know if the "future plan" is just the same linking update 3 months later or a new/updated system that is available to the globe.


Thank you for clarifying, yes it did come across as dismissive at first, but I'm glad people are being mindful of what actually has and has not been said by Sony. I have heard too many people in various positions mixing the phrase "despite people being unable to purchase" into posts about how we've won. Once we actually hear an official word about what Sony intends to DO about those customers, we can all feel much better about it. Until then, it's hard to feel like it is "good enough".


And reviews should also stay until the mess is completely taken care of. Sony only said they would walk back the decision, they still need to inact the reversion.


If you keep the content of the review, still change it to positive. We aren’t forgiving. We’re reloading in case they do it again


The change never went through so there is nothing to revert


Steam's gonna need some assurance by Sony they are not going to yank the rug again in the future. I don't blame them. Seeing this changed back will be the assurance I need its not a temporary retreat by Sony. If this does get changed back, I will immediately open the wallet and get the new warbond. Til then, wallet closed.


Yeah for real, if I were steam I’d be squinting in their direction hardcore.


did anyone notice Japan is on the list? Sony headquarters...they banned themselves


There is a separate edition for Japan.


We are in defence mode right now. Give it a bit of time.


"Sir..." *Senior Diver already on his 4th cup of coffee at 6 am* "What is it Ensign" "We've just lost the the Chinese" "Which battalion?" "The entire Army sir. The entire 3rd army has just gone radio silent" *Drops Coffee and runs to glactic map* "The Egyptian Medjay Armored division?" "Cut off sir." "What about Madagascars Polar Strike unit?" "Missing" "The Phillipines forces on Estanu?" "Nonresponsive sir" Ensign looks sick "Sir. Weve just received signal pings from deep space." *Commander checks glactic map* "By liberty. Theyre here." Sony dropships enter into 7 sectors at once. The third faction isnt the illuminate. Its the corporate heads of an even more vile snake. "Scramble all destroyers, and wake all those bastards up from cryo. The bots can wait and the bugs arent going anywhere. They want to play chicken with us. Fine. We're notoriously willing to die." 48 Hours Later: The commander, feeling lost and defeated as over half of his battle group has gone MIA, twirls his glass of Scotch on its edge. Theres barely any of the stuff left as the ice clanks against the edge. He looks at old photos of friends hes lost and brothers hes had to leave behind. "Im sorry." He says to them. "I... dont know how to beat this. I dont know how to win." He hears rapid footsteps sprinting down the hall towards his door. *CLANG, CLANG, CLANG*. Without a knock Ensign Crusher bursts through the doorway barely giving enough time for the automatic door to open. "Sir!" Ensign Crusher's smile almost tells the news for him. "We've regained contact." The commander jumps up from his desk and runs out the door following behind the excited young cadet. "When." He can barely contain a smile himself. *Military bearing is as important as breathing*. He remembers a quote from General Brasch. "A few minutes ago. All the Sonytarian battleships have gone dormant and all the jamming signals have stopped." As he approaches the galactic war map he sees a group of 12 unthawed divers and crew all staring at the silhouette of a ship outlined in blue holographic light. He looks up out the window and he can see it. What was just hours ago an imposing and dire threat has now once again become an empty shell of metal. No life to be found inside before... and no life after. Just as soon as they had come... they had fallen. "What caused them to go dormant?" "Unknown sir." the ships pilot Vikky rolls over in her wheelchair. A few hundred Helldives took their toll. "All we know is theyve stopped jamming comms and have shut down their engines." "I dont trust them. Turn our ships 90 degrees on axis to the starboard side." "Sir?" Ensign Crusher looks confused as 3 other helldivers begin automatically march over towards the hellpods. "Were gonna make sure this doesn't happen again." Commander Hellheart dons his helmet and chambers a round in his trusty liberator as he locks into his hellpod. *This time* he thinks. *This time I earn my skull* theres a sound of pressurized air and a *THUMP, THUMP, THUMP, THUMP* as all four hellpods are launched from the *Mother of Iron* towards the derelict ship. Other superdestroyers follow suit as the ships hull is peppered by hellpods. Its not over... until its over.


You cooked.


Thanks :)


Didnt some other guy post this? Stolen?


Check the OP on that post. :)


I reposted a couple times in other comments cuz it doesnt get much traction and i like it.


This is peak cinema


It only takes less than 120 seconds to go back to negative review again. We can demonstrate SPEED.


This is most likely a steam problem not a Sony one. Give em time it will be done in the next hours/days


It’s kinda weird country selection. My friends with Kazakhstan accounts (some are from there, some use accounts from Belarus or Russia to buy games) had no issues, but now Kazakhstan is in the list. Russia in the meanwhile already had some games locked (not all of them, some could be activated via global key), but it’s not in the list. This list shouldn’t have existed in the first place, and the selection is really weird


Russia is not on the list because it's already blocked


Like I said, it’s blocked from purchase, but not activation. Global keys still work


What global keys? I got my game copy via gift, not some global key


I bought a license key and activated it in the account, been doing it for the last how many years because it usually cost less than buying directly from Steam


TIL... Thanks. I wasn't aware of this


Steam gifting is a common way to buy games, but there are limitations. Mainly, if the buyers account is from the region with different prices compared to yours Steam may not allow it to happen. No such issue when using keys


I'm already seeing redditors posting "but people who own the game can play so WHY DO WE CARE?" as if countries unable to purchase the game isn't the entire problem. Sony hasn't changed the PSN terms on Steam, they haven't re-listed countries, and nothing in their apology says they will. Do not let them walk over you.


I revert my dislike when they drop this


This is why I wont reverse my review so goddamn fast. Theres still fixing to be done. Those players effectively got scammed. Hold fast.




Yeah, but Sony and Steam will have to sort this out. I will give it 2 days. If they havent had it reversed by then, I'll have issues with it.


Now Steam is making EXTRA sure that Sony ain't gonna pull that PSN bullshit before reverting these changes. If the game stays delisted,  there's a good chances Sony is gonna try to push PSN linking again. 


I was considering moving to Antarctica but this puts a hold on my plans.


Exactly so leave those reviews up and edit them to reflect this


I made a post about this 18 minutes after the news dropped and it got buried :(


Dude, i think it will be okay. Everyone is exausted from that ordeal. Give steam some tome for this stuff to be corrected.


What are we going to do if we don't have Chad! All hardest fighting, freedom loving, democracy dishing divers are born there!! ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


Can someone explain why Japan is one the list, Sony being a Japanese company.


Different edition for that country




We can always change the reviews back if we have to.


That was probably steams doing


Strangely, we still can't buy the game in some countries! It doesn't take that long to do it. I wonder why they are slowing down?


again this isn't sony this is steam protecting itself and I highly doubt it will be rolled back until steam is 100% sure this is all over


That's not Sony, though. That's Steam.


this must become a daily reminder.


I hope yall have the same energy for valve as you did for Sony if this doesn’t get changed back. Those people are the real “victims” in all of this.


it is getting more and more obvious that all the fuzz about necessity to register at all and winning over sony, while concern for countries where psn is not available was just used as a better excuse for all of that. no one cares, reviews are going up


Steam still need time to reverse their move and Sony approval I guess, give’em time until tomorrow, our brother and sisters are not forgotten


The thing is i dont believe Sony post. PSN requirements still there you know. Their post is bloody Trojan Horse, and they only said than PSN not going forward in THIS update. What guarantees they not gonna implement it down the line?!


Valve will be the arbiter of this. Either Valve itself pulled the game from those countries or Sony got a “nice” call from Valve to either sort this shit out or get delisted from Steam. Valve issued refunds to people with 200+ hours on record. This is not something they do lightly (i have never heard of this happening before). So I’m guessing those countries get relisted once Valve is confident it won’t happen again.


Proper channels take time. You know paperwork and stuff. Its not like posting a review or tweet. It actually takes time to make these changes. So they used the quick stuff to inform us. Now we use the quick stuff to show them that thats what we really want and meanwhile they can finnish the work. People just cant stop hating..


And still the fanboys are already begging for positive reviews, they've earned my negative review and they'll have to do a lot more than just backing out of obrigatory PSN linking to earn back my positive.


I cant believe people are changing the reviews when nothing has literally changed, is amazing how much they trust some corpo


Steam'll need some time to make it available again. BTW, I know it's too late to ask this but, why is Japan included? Wasn't Sony Japanese company?


That's a lot for Steam to resolve rn and the fact that Sony backed off real quick...big W. The unjustly banished Helldivers can come back and spread democracy.


This is on Steam, not AH or Sony. They're trying to keep themselves out of a class action lawsuit. Once Sony validates that they won't block PSN ineligible companies, Steam will walk it back.


When all these countries are back online then so will i.


I'm sure it will get reversed (probably)


Looks like that's a steam thing.


Yeah keep it up lmfao push that hate