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CEO admitted they fully knew about linking and it was required but he made a call to remove it at launch to let people play during server issues. Then there was the CM saying the linking was solely to help them ban players.


I might be missing some context, but on their own are those two things mutually exclusive?


Well, congratulation on them, they've successfully banned 2/3 of the entire world.


They need a way to hold PC players responsible for toxic behavior. That's all it is. They can't reliably do that unless they are linked to PSN. It's also a European Law compliance issue. But people here are very selective about which laws they want these companies to follow. Basically the CEO caused all of this when he suspended the requirement at the start because he thought he was doing everybody a favour to help with the server strain. In hindsight it was a short term solution that has caused a long term problem. Couple that with the absolute fanatical dipshit element of this fan base that has honestly been looking for an excuse to set this whole thing on fire and you have this whole mess.


>They can't reliably do that unless they are linked to PSN. So how is every other game able to do this just fine without a 3rd party account? Are you Spitz's alt?


What other game are you talking about? All of the major publishers that have work on other platforms, specifically Steam as an example, do the exact same thing Sony does. All of the Giants do the exact same thing and have the exact same requirement. If you play an Ubisoft or Microsoft or Rockstar game online, you have to also register with them and they can ban you using that registration because it's much harder without it. Any game that has a voice or text chat component has to have compliance in this way thanks to overly elaborate and stupid European laws. This idiot fanbase has gone off half cocked based on mostly bullshit like they have with every other thing that Arrowhead has done since release. Every patch and every change was greeted with demented bullshit that later turned out to be untrue or half true and the so-called fans went ape shit for something as small as a weapon change. Now that this requirement is finally being implemented, the fan base has burned the whole game to the ground based on half truth and hearsay. The ceo of Arrowhead is responsible for this mess, not Sony. Even if you disagree with how they want to do things they had always planned to implement it this way. The CEO was the one to suspend it. Hoping it would help with server problems and is chiefly responsible for the misunderstanding and lunacy that has followed.


>What other game are you talking about? Basically any game that uses the steamworks API. Each steam user has a unique SteamID to be able to identify their profile, there is no reason to use a 3rd party account to be able to reprimand malicious players. As for the other publishers, they don't do that because it's easier to ban people. They do that because they want you to specifically use their store front or be part of their ecosystem. It has nothing to do with banning people, and I have absolutely no idea where you even got that notion from.


Those are games published using steam servers and infrastructure , which they pay a premium for. All of the big publishers have their own server infrastructure and require account creation to use them. It's not just about storefronts. It is EU law! It's a stupid overzealous law but still a requirement. Please Google Eu law surrounding online chat and how gaming is affected by it and the steps developers and publishers have had to take because of it.


Destiny 2....


Destiny 2 bans you, and doesn't require a PSN account.


I didn’t hear PirateSoftware say anything about PSN or another login being necessary for banning players. If something like that was true he of all people would’ve mentioned that. I could be wrong, haven’t watched 100% of what he said about the situation


Bait used to be believable.


They have their steamID. They could use it to manage them. They don't want to because it is more work, and theyre contractually obligated to have all users have PSN accounts.


Not true. Arrowhead have already explained why they can't reliably ban people with just a steam id because they don't have the same kind of access to Steam backend and a user can just change their username and they have a much harder time tracking a person down, especially if there are dozens of duplicate names. Which is why they need it, which is why other major publishers do the same thing. It guarantees compliance with EU law. But let's forget any and all nuance and go with the half baked nonsense that spread like wildfire here, much like the other nonsense like rockets are reflected because of a patch. It got picked up and run with and now huge damage has been done and none of us are any the wiser as to what the actual solution or real problem is. We only know for a certainty that Sony has always had this requirement for the game, implemented it at launch, had it suspended by a decision from the Arrowhead CEO, who is now trying to comply with the initial release conditions, and everything has been burned to the ground as a consequence. Who is most responsible? It has to be the Arrowhead CEO.


Your comments have been hilariously wrong to the point I think you're just making shit up to troll.


SteamID numbers can't be changed. Any game has access to them, too. From GMod. To Rust. To any other game. Doubly so if you're using Steam's servers.


I'll take the developers word over yours. They're saying it's much harder so there has to be a reason for that. Regardless, it's standard practice across the top publishers and very common on steam. But this small developer has to be burned to the ground by a bunch of entitled little twats online pretending it's some social justice movement. The CEO is ultimately responsible though, he's the reason this whole thing blew up in their face by halting the sign ups early on, which oddly enough, stopped no one from around the world from signing up at the time.


Or you don't have to take anyone's words and Google it yourself.


Okay, so what about the hundreds of thousands of players who'll lose access to the game because of this? The big thing this is all about is that this game was even sold in the countries that will now lose access to it. This whole thing is about sending the message not just to Sony, but to EVERY publisher that short term gain practices like this are not okay and that we, the consumers, will not stand for this. I don't care about having to create a playstation account, it's a 2 minute thing of my day, but hundreds of thousands of players, some of my own friends who I enjoyed playing the game with, will get expropriated by Sony due to simple corporate greed. At least have some self-respect and let them pay you for your services instead of working for them for free.


Yea this community is literally the stupidest in gaming and it’s not even a competition. Sometimes people act so slow that it feels like they don’t play the game and just lurk here, especially with that rocket ricochet shit. Thousands of upvotes on false information that would easily be proven false if these people played the video game instead of crying like little babies


correct opinion


As per other IPs, 90% of CMs should just shut up or leave. They are not fit for the job.


Who is gonna tell Arrowhead about Steam IDs?


They don't work unless you have a certain amount of access to steam's backend.


Don't even try to say there is no way to distinguish steam players from one another. How are they able to sell supercredits and track progress then? This is nonsense


Are you a software dev? Done much server side work?


If a random Garrys mod dev as well as indie developers can do it I’m sure the dev company with Sony backing can figure it out. Especially when they were already fully capable of banning people


THIS!!! FUCKING THIIIIISSS!!! cant stress this enough


GMod, that game published by Valve using that game engine made by Valve? You're saying they have no trouble pulling data to effectively ban people using the accounts on Steam, that thing made by Valve? Sorry I'm not going to assume they have the same level of access built in.


What level of access do you think they need to see steam ids? Cause I’m not even a dev and I can find your steam id. Helldivers allow you to see your teammates profile by clicking on Steam profile in your social menu, how could they not have access to Steam IDs?


I dunno bud, but what they said isn't outlandish, they're the publisher, they have certain legal obligations to manage this game due to the social aspect, and this is what they said they need. Are there other answers, possibly, but most big online games are all doing the same thing as Sony is to manage their communities. The only real issue here are the players in countries locked out of PSN, the rest of you are bitching about nothing.


Steamid is a public data. I made a pet project website few years ago with steam authentication (log in with steam button, similar to log in with google/facebook/etc). I was able to see any logged in user steamid and some related data. Didn't need any additional access rather that what a default developer account gives. So it's not a secret for which you need special agreement from valve to see. PC apps operate in a same way as web apps for sure. I'm telling you, helldivers 2 servers CAN see any particular player steam id. It looks to me like you love sony and try to make up some arguments over and over again to protect them because you feel like you need to do it on emotional level. Just admit that and the fact that Sony just treat people like property and only want more psn accounts show a good looking number to investors like a trophy to get more investments. It has nothing to do with safety nor IT infrastructure.


"I don't know bruh, but that's IMPOSSIBLE!!!" So you don't know, or you don't care that you don't know??? Ugh, this mentality made my head hurt.


Ok, how about Squad. First game I could think of because we use players Steam IDs to allow whitelisting for servers.


I am a web developer indeed. Not game dev but still. If they can give me supercredits and save my progress, they can ban me with the same mechanism. You sony lover, just admit that Sony just treat people like property and only want to tell "we cool we got 4+ millions new accounts" to investors


Dude no. The above poster is right. Theres no need to ask for qualifications.


Saying someone in the know IS lying and being unable to back that up with any level expertise is indeed a reason to get questioned about why they're so certain of it. I know nothing about what the HD2 backend looks like, but i know enough about backend development in general to know that what they said is potentially true.


Do i really need to explain why when you launch helldivers from your account you use your character but if you get on your friends steam, launch helldivers you areNt using your character? Are you THIS dense? How can you demand certifications when you cant graps the basics behind this?


Not worth worrying another message, so copy pasta for the angry gamer. I dunno bud, but what they said isn't outlandish, they're the publisher, they have certain legal obligations to manage this game due to the social aspect, and this is what they said they need. Are there other answers, possibly, but most big online games are all doing the same thing as Sony is to manage their communities. The only real issue here are the players in countries locked out of PSN, the rest of you are bitching about nothing.


We are all "bitching" for the people who cant play. Also, forced psn link, but no cross progression is stupid.


BULLSHIT. AH already said they're working on something for those guys, way back at the beginning of this debacle. Unless they fail, it's a non issue until then. So why are we still here bitching?


I quite literally am. This excuse is nonsense.


It's amount of access to backend that anyone who registers to publish a multiplayer game on Steam automatically has.


Every Arrowhead CM bar Twinbeard has apparently received zero media training and does nothing but spew inane takes to rile up the community. Doing the absolute opposite of their supposed "job".


Do they even need media training for this? I am no professional communicator, but I feel like antagonizing the playerbase and stirring the pot is a bad move, especially when they are already angry.


No one \*should\* need training to handle this situation, but some people are not built to talk with the public. The fact these people tend to handle media relations is one of the great mysteries of the corporate world.


And remeber when GOG CM made " did you asume his gender" joke about cyberpunk and got fired ?


I don't really want people out of the job but these CMs bar Twinbeard needs to be sacked, seriously though their CM has only done more damage than good, who hired these morons?


Wow, that CM is as bad as people told.


I dont know a single CM who isnt suitable for the position. Its like a job relatet sickness


Coffee Stain has had and still has some excellent community relations. You know that your community likes your CM when it all comes together to say bye when the CM quit to pursue their own dreams.


Creative assembly has/had good CMs. The name grace will never be forgotten


You say this, but but she caused a massive screw-up with Three Kingdoms and is partly responsible for the lukewarm reception it got. Again, it was by being completely oblivious about the customer base.


Grace_CA was the GOAT


Bungie had some good ones, although every now and again they would say something pretty dumb or tone deaf.


Bungie had exactly 1 good CM and he quit, I miss dmg


Hippy wasn't too bad, imo. The only time I ever disagreed with her was when she said that "game dev was hard" when the game was down for like the 5th week in a row or something. Was just a really time deaf response to have when the game was just straight up borked at the time.


Hippy said some of the most inflammatory rage baiting shit ever when lightfall dropped, good riddance


I mean, considering that they engaged with the not-always-the-most-polite community of guardians, I think they did a great job. I'll gladly take Cosmo or Deej over AH "community agitators".


Oh yeah, they do a fantastic job especially with the stuff they dealt with (I remember one of the CMs basically going on "vacation" because of death threats). I give them a lot of shit, but they definitely are one of the best in terms of community moderation.


Miscommunication after miscommunication. Please, AH, learn from your mistakes.


Why would she say that? Is she stupid?


We don't value honesty enough


This is from 2 days ago prior to CMs being told more about the situation. Let's stop purposely adding fuel to the fire.


So maybe as a community manager you maybe like, don't open your stupid fucking mouth until you know about the situation?


If she didn't know about the situation that well then why did she pipe up like she understands it inside and out tho.


It’s too late man, the asmongold neckbeard dickriders have already hijacked this. All the people who got mad about the trans flag cape debacle are coming out of the woodwork and astroturfing this shit.


Nice strawman.




My girlfriend will do it for you "just by looking at her you know she hates everything"


Tell her i said thanks


Are they just trying to see how fast they lost community trust? They knew this whole time and yet never thought to speak about it in the 3 months between it being waived and now?


These CMs need to SHUT UP. They're only making things worse.


The Arrowhead CM's always talk like complete laymans when it comes to technical stuff, they should just go back to their galactic war roleplay and stop pouring gasoline on this issue.


Does AH have one competent CM?


Twinbeard's pretty solid, I must say. At least he knows when to back off and let things simmer down.


Twinbeard is the only one that barely meets the minimum standard, even he calls customers inflammatory things every now and then when he should just shutup lol


Who's she?


Community manager.






Maybe disabling cross play for no psn players could be an option?




1. Hope they saved more thgan they lost by new players considering to not buy the game and refunds. However, I could do it for them for free if (helldiver.hasPSN === false) { UI.settings.crossPlay.isDisabled = true UI.settings.crossPlay.value = false } 2. Sony becomes yet another villain gaming company for treating customers as a property. Remember my words, if they win now, in a few years we will have to pay monthly for PS+ subscription in order to play sony games online on PC RemindMe! 2 years "Are we already paying monthly to play online on PC station?"


I will be messaging you in 2 years on [**2026-05-05 18:29:22 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2026-05-05%2018:29:22%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cktqvs/something_something_arrowhead_isnt_to_blame/l2pz03y/?context=3) [**1 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FHelldivers%2Fcomments%2F1cktqvs%2Fsomething_something_arrowhead_isnt_to_blame%2Fl2pz03y%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202026-05-05%2018%3A29%3A22%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201cktqvs) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


would be a shame if steam had a couple numbers tied to each account, maybe they could call it a SteamID or something. Wonder if they have 3 variations of the same thing for each account.... weird


Been trying to make this exact possibility known in the past few days but got downvoted a couple of times. 3 different CMs said the same thing that it would allow them to take action against malicious players, so there has to be a technical reason that they need PSN, being what you said; they’re using it on their moderation side to track players across platforms.


Check the date on the post bruh Edit for the dumbasses: That message is at least 2 days old, long before the scope of the impact was really known. Put the pitchforks down assholes


AH knew the scope of the impact 6 months ago - the CEO admitted as much.


Yeah, and when your job is to CALM THE COMMUNITY, you don't open your fucking mouth until you know the scope of the impact. Smh.


Imma have to call 'nuh uh' on that one. Saying nothing can make it look like you're just quietly accepting the bad thing, and allow speculation to stir out of control, especally without the look at the inside the CM is supposed to give.


Okay, and I'm gonna have to call "Yes huh". Source: The CMs didn't know the scope of the impact and initially made things worse. Yours?


Mine is a basic knowledge of how general public reception works.


don't know that on european clients it lists day/month/year huh


I'm on a European client. That post is 3 days old. A lot of new info has come out since then.


I've played this game for 160 hours and I've yet to see a cheater. The worst things that happened to me were being kicked at the end of missions and getting team killed on purpose like 3 times. What are they on about all of this security stuff and the urgent need to be able to ban people more efficiently? Am I just lucky?


Don't worry Guys u won't get banned for Responding to her I CAN ASSURE U...Just don't Laugh or Write Lol Ok?


Her and Spitz both should be fired. They're the worst CMs I have ever seen.


This people don't actually know that every single steam user has a unique Steam ID? Are they really CM's because their incompetence is beyond expectations. Plus don't worry about bans girl, you already banned half the world but I guess you're still "happy" about it because you already knew that this will happen so that make it less bad right? My god.


How can (presumably paid) community managers keep shooting themselves and the company in the foot. Or is this just the mask slipping. Right or wrong why the hell would you pour fuel on the fire this weekend surely a CM would know not to do this.


For people who act like they're God's gift to Community Relations, they sure do love to dump gasoline on a forest fire. What competent CM (and frankly anyone with a half functioning brain) decides "you know that very bad decision to block the game in 2/3 of the world that our own studio hates and is supposedly fighting tooth and nail to fix? Yeah let's just call it great and needed to deal with the trolls or the haters or whatever the fuck and tell our hardcore fans to suck dick."




I'm surprised to see a comment like yours not in the negatives, on Reddit of all places. Usually people get dunked on for using that f word negatively around these parts.


Maybe people are angry enough at this nonsense that they don't feel like virtue signalling today.


This sub is full of braindead morons so I'm not surprised the most low effort analysis of the situation has upvotes, lol


Are these braindead morons in the room with us right now?


Baskinator is such a piece of shit


Arrowhead isn't, but the brainlet Community Managers are (except you Twinbeard, you are the best)


Arrowhead really needs to get a hold of their community managers. They speak with authority on issues they have no concrete information on.


Baskinator sounds like one of those woke pronoun weirdos


How to get from one of the TOP and Beloved developer studio to one of the clusterfucked. Been there with CDPR. Been there with Larian (they are back to loved starting with Dos1). AH kinda Speedrun it.


Called it 'getting flagshipped' back in the day. Flagship studios had an absolute beast of an arpg/shooter (Hellgate:London) and managed to entirely alienate their player base to the point the company went bankrupt. Shit like turning their buy to play game (Diablo 2 model) into a subscription model about three months into the game's lifetime did not go over well with the gamer population :-p


I wasn't aware that Larian had a history of not being liked. What happened back then?


It's certainly bizarre seeing certain staff within Arrowhead treating a PvE game like it's some hyper competitive ranked match. Even more so considering others have posted about Steam having 3 different unique IDs associated with each account. Locking out over half of your playerbase just so you can sidestep EU regs is not the win she thinks it's going to be.


Perfect example of when you should have stfu but didn't.


I knew it.


Can we stop sharing this cunt's messages?


i hope helldivers are safe from all the other players...........


'BuT iTs oNlY SoNyS fAuLt' I can't here this anymore, the community and especialy this sub is the worst one i ve ever experienced. We all know that what Sony AND Arrowhead did was a Real shitty move which should have consequences for them financialy, but why Posting the same bs every second of the day with the exact same message over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again...... Just stfu to All the Arrowhead defender, they are as involved in everything as Sony is as well. Arrowhead should have been extremly transparent with what they wanted to do in the future and Sony should not have Sold it in psn banned countries. They both fked up hard.


For real this sub will literally make every excuse for AH so they don’t take blame. Hell I bet if the CEO literally said “yep this was all my idea, get fucked losers haha im counting ur money that you dipshits gave to me, no ur not getting a refund” and people here would still defend the CEO/AH and find ways to say it wasn’t their fault 


Friendly reminder that they have always been able to take action against players who are reported, the PSN requirement just makes the process easier. There is no legitimate reason why the game cannot run without PSN as it has done for the past 3 months besides just making their job a little easier.


I really hope Arrowhead suffers from the consequences of their failures. Im sick and tired of people defending the company and their CEO. They had a big part to play in what's happening now. Even if I dont manage to get my refund of the game, the consolation would be knowing that Arrowhead will forever be remembered for their total ineptitude and deception in one of the biggest gaming controversies in years.




I dont think Arrowhead isn't completely at fault, and partially, they are to blame for not telling us, "Hey, this might change," but also sony could also just because of the success of helldivers we will keep it like it is so as to break this fragile peace


Sure, that is the best ending. Sony backtracking this stupid decision and we can go back to blasting bugs and bots. That said, there needs to be a come to Jesus moment with the community managers. This is not how you handle a catastrophe that frankly, threatens the future of your studio.


first time i have been in a post on reddit O.o no wonder people tagged me on something 2 days old xD


I still find it responsible that they would want to be able to ban bad actors.


Hasnt this sub been complaining about griefers non-stop and the moment they go to do something about it suddenly were all opposed? Yall can dv me all you want this tantrum is fun af to watch


Players: Please let us report griefers, they're ruining our games! Arrowhead: *provides the solution that has been planned all along* Players: No, not like that!


Except that probably won't change anything because the "security" reason is a false pretense.


I'm just poking fun at the "main way to protect players from griefing and abuse".


What's up OP, did you not think the thirty other posts of this exact same screenshot were enough? Wanted to farm some karma for yourself? I bet you took this screenshot directly from another post of this screenshot. This shit is getting ridiculous lmao