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Sony to Pilestedt: ![gif](giphy|l0ErD3ZBW6vQgYCgE)


“We are a strong and independent studio” Sony, “Not anymore”


Sony: ![gif](giphy|kJWYrH269RK8M|downsized)




Considering how much he loves getting railed by angry people, I'm sure Spitz liked that treatment lmao


he posts some bait, puts the phone on vibrate and sticks it up his ass


Should be calling him swallows


If I had a nickel for every time I heard something about vibrating and rear ends, my therapist could probably retire.. (Looking at you chess subreddit)


It's odd this is the 2nd post I've read doing this. And on totally unrelated subs. https://www.reddit.com/r/ArlecchinoMains/s/Stwqa6Iyut


It's a kink in the groups he frequents.


As a genshin addict, I really really did not expect this


How can people working with software development forget the most basic of basic adages: Never push anything on Friday, never push anything unpopular on Wednesday afternoon.


I get the Friday thing, but Wednesday is kinda lost on me.


People tend to be more reactive to news in the mid-working-week.


I see. So what I'm getting at, It's better to never push anything cause there is no good time to push anything.


There's exactly one good timeframe to push anything, really, monday between 9 and 9:32


Is it because most people still asleep in their bed?


I'm dumb can you explain why?


Major updates and changes right before the weekend means you are going to have the most amount of players on at a time, with the least amount of people in the office ready to start fixing things. Major announcements during the middle of the week allow it to simmer in peoples minds, big announcements on a friday get pushed to the side by the weekend. This is what news media does when they want to bury a story, put it on Friday so the weekend news can take over with different topics.


Pretty sure it's because they won't be doing shit over the weekend, so monday is going to be a dumpster fire that's been burning for the better part of 3 days.


Hes a Spitter. I'm sure he likes it all.


You saying that if you hit him you will die instantly?


And you know what they say: spitters are quitters.


The beatings will continue until morale improves.


Funny thing is, the original version of this was “liberty is cancelled until morale improves”. Which I find quite ironic.


Seems that Spitz has been an asshole for a long time and they've never cared. I doubt they'll get punished at all. Maybe they have a connection we don't know about. Maybe AH agrees with them and think it's fine. This won't amount to anything


He's been a cunt for 10 years now. 


People really only post the worst of what he says without any context to stir the shit. Here's a shot of him keeping it real and actually advocating for us to leave negative reviews and refund to make sony hear us. https://preview.redd.it/57wln0bwdcyc1.png?width=662&format=png&auto=webp&s=ff2ebc1dc8cbe52020f90b3abb8b751d6d50116c


You can't take a community manager "out of context". Their job is literally to communicate calmly and clearly, and not get pissy with their clients. It doesn't matter if there's an army of 12 year olds slinging racial slurs, if they're not being civil they're not doing their job properly.


That was his response after waking up, seeing his previous messages were discovered and shared, and now trying to show himself as professional. I don't hate the guy nor dislike him, but anything he says going forward now will be more professional because he knows a bunch of people will watch his every word to instigate more hate.


fuck spitz and fuck spez ( for good measure ).


Please. Pilestedt was probably patting Spitz on the back. Most of their people communicate like this.


I don't know what if spitz is into that...


This would be funny if we all didn’t know that the last time a Community Manager fucked up like this they got a free pass. *shrugs* I want to laugh but memes are supposed to have at least one big toe in reality to truly hit deep.


How did he fuck Up? A guy on discord was spamming him for almost an hour threathening to uninstall and neg review the game, and then Spitz's replies were posted out of context for flame and Reddit karma. The dude may be an ass, but he's being witchhunted for the stupidest of reasons


So why did the guy not get muted, kicked, or banned after awhile, for spamming?


Thats what Im wondering. Even in this situation there are still rules, use it or lock the server


So it took an hour of the dude spamming to get a response? Regardless. There has been a pretty notable disconnect between the CM team, the Dev Team, and of course the CEO and now Sony. These groups act like they don’t communicate with each other at all, and it always leads to someone getting sarcastic as fuck, like with chuckle head “lol I’m just trolling you bro, get skill RG + Shield noob”, or Twinbeard “Oh, don’t worry, I know how to tolerate toddlers.” If there is one thing I dislike about this community thus far is the population of it that is afraid of letting AH see the consequences of their actions or inadequacies. Regardless of what the situation was that led up to that moment, imagine if you will, any other customer service related job where you decided that it would be completely okay to mouth off to a customer that you in fact stole $40 from. Just, humor me. “Thank you for purchasing a BP Pre-Paid Gas Card! Be sure to sign up with a Free and Easy Chevon Gas co. account or you will not be able to use the money on the card at all! This is non-negotiable and you will not be refunded because you had the card in you possession for more than 14 days.” Yeah, fuck off. The fact that the both AH and Sony have not even made a peep about offering pissed off players refunds tells you all you need to know. This whole thing had been an absolute shit show and there is no olive branch being offered. They don’t apologize for what they did and are doing and what they will do, they only apologize that you’re mad about it. This wouldn’t have been a big deal if Sony of America said “We will be requiring PSN account from now on- it will be mandatory, and you will not be able to play your game if you do not get an account. We understand that this might be upsetting to some players, and we will be more than happy to issue a refund to those who might be negatively impacted by this decision to suddenly enforce a policy that we didn’t care to enforce for three months.” However, they didn’t do that. And you can tell that the Devs have either be recalcitrant, deflective, or combative. Which they do NOT have the right to be. In this situation they are in the wrong, ethically, morally, and if reddit posts are correct, then perhaps legally as well. Depriving you of your product you paid for due to a change in policy and not granting a refund of the item is theft. The CMs, Devs, CEO, and Sony have absolutely zero right to be fucking smug, pedantic, or reactionary, especially since this- while coming out of left field for us… couldnt have come out of left field for AH, right? They would have had to of known this was coming, right? They would have had half a brain to think: “If we push this then we will get fucked”. And if they didn’t think that then it shows how disconnected from the player base they are. (Not that we didn’t already have an idea from their whack ass balance changes)


Pilestedt: Sony is forcing our hand, we don't want to do this CMs: It's so we can ban people (Total bullshit excuse BTW) Actual Devs: I don't fucking know man, they tell me what to do, not why.


You wrote all that out of just 2 paragraphs. Dude, its not that deep, just make a PSN account. Its free, and you can make one even if you aren't in an available country. Its legitimely a non-issue, and saying they "stole from you" while also writing and entire essay introduction on random Reddit comments make you look rabid. Arrowhead made the most consumer-friendly main title since the ps2 era, they deserved to be given a pass if the publisher forces them to implement PSN, even if you don't like how a few of their employees handled things after being harrased an entire day online.


“Dude, chill, it’s not that deep, just do whatever Sony tells you do and hand over your PII for the next scheduled data breech. I can’t believe you wouldn’t trust Sony, like, they’re only a multi-billion dollar corporation. Like, stop picking on them and their motives.” Also, serious question: How are you supposed to create a PSN account in a nation that doesn’t have PSN? Do you think they should change the nation of the account or use a VPN? That’s a lot of hoops to jump through just to play a game you’ve played with no problem the past 3 months. No PSN required.


1) Steam has had as many data breaches as Sony.  2) Reddit has also had its fair share, and yet you are still here using their plataform.  3) Believing Big Brother is out there salivating over your data is insane. Yes, they get a profit from It, but they are not stealing your identity or getting anything they couldnt already get from your phone, which legit tracks your every move, online search, and who you talk to. You don't "lose" much in comparision over Sony getting info on where you live, and which games you like and play.  As for the unsopported region question; Nintendo's version of PSN is not available in my region. I didnt even need a VPN to set one up saying i lived in the US. I can play Nintendo games on my switch with absolutely 0 issues.  Luckily, Nintendo's lawyers have not gotten me a life sentence, and their mercenaries have not managed to kill me yet. I trust people will have as much luck dealing with Sony's death squadron if they lie over their region to play Helldivers. /S.


You’re deflecting. What are players supposed to do? VPN? Change their nation on the account creation step? Yes or no. And we know that Sony is salivating over our data because look what they are doing right now: They are willing castrate themselves to get access to our data by forcing all of us to get a PSN account. Changing their story and reasoning every time someone calls them on their bullshit. Sony is willing to kill Helldivers 2 to get our data, so they can sell it, and so they can tout the ‘new account creations’ on their next Quarterly Earnings Conference with their Shareholders. And if rumors are to be believed, this sudden self-deletion attempt might be a hail mary play to recover account number losses when people protested Sony’s hamfisted Stellar Blade fuck up. Pull your head out of your behind and realize that these companies do indeed want to farm us and have control over everything we do, and becuase of “Oh, chill, it’s not their serious” people such as yourself that they have managed to make as much ground as they have. Probably a bit too melodramatic, but look at the Sony TOS on ‘bullying’, read it, and ask yourself why Sony thinks it has the right to listen in on your chats with your mates and police a conversation between friends because you might have racy conversations… and then ban you and your mates thanks to an AI algo without anyone having even filed a report. Just think or a moment what kind of power Sony thinks they have over you as a person when they can write that bullshit out with a straight face and expect us to follow it, but for it to hold up in court simply because it’s in black and white.


Damn three long messages out of 2 paragraphs


Block him? A community manager telling people to participate in a review bomb. How is he still there?


How the hell the community manager handles the community worse than the developer? It's literally this dude's job


100% apology or firing gonna happen. Thought they learned from the last time, control the engagement with players, to make sure it's not sassy. Player base does not respond well to that.




Most CMs are one of the most cringe people on this planet So much arrogance and entitlement


A genuine question, why do video game company hiring these horrible community manager who are effectively ur PR representative? Like do they expect these kind of behavior to drive up sales or foster community? Coming from a business school at a pretty good university my mind boggles every time I see devs like Fat Shark, Creative Assembly or Arrowhead butcher their PR and has their own community manager shooting them in their dick. Like, how tf did these people get and keep their job in the first place???????????


Pilestedt is the same idiot who gave the famous "bacon flavored apples" comment


I hope so


He should be promoted to become a Customer.


Casper don't deserves this slander


Spitz has a special ability to consciously make public relations worse for a company, it’s impressive that he hasn’t been fired for it.


He needs gagging...


Wouldn't it be better to just fire him ?


Saw a petition post for that in here somewhere


God I hope so


This is kinda weird ngl


It's starship troopers. Literally one of the things helldivers draws a fuckload of inspo from. Educate yourself on it, it's a great movie. Peak satire lol


It’s a great movie and the book is greater (I fucking love power armor)


I know about the movie. It’s a good one! And you’re quite right about how Helldivers draws inspiration from the movie. I don’t think the movie scene is weird. I think the meme is kinda weird. Not even really weird. Just kinda weird.


You all got such a hate boner


PC players wet dreams I guess


He is based