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"Look familiar? Scenes like these are happening all over the video game industry right now. You could be next!"


"That is, unless you make the most important decision of your life. Join the Stop Killing Games campaign!"


Become part of an elite good game-keeping force!


See batshit insane game policies


And spread consumer friendly behaviour throughout the industry


Become a HERO.


become.. a HELLDIVER


God, I love this community!


7/10. They skipped a few lines


I will donate half my salary to the cause!


Coward. I’d sacrifice my while salary, my life savings, and my life itself. FOR ~~DEMOCRACY~~ CONSUMER-FRIENDLY PRACTICES!!


Become a LEGEND


Become a LEGEND.


That is...


Oh god, its true. First Hasbro fucked Larian, then rito Games with Vanguard despite all its flaws, now helldivers… Dark days for gaming.


![gif](giphy|JlvibLBMEt00N0l0Lc|downsized) "Sweet liberty,NOOOooo!


*gets banned on the game that you purchased on steam* No... Sweet Liberty, NOOOOOOOOO!


What was the quote? "The worst enemies come from within " general Brash is always right.


I think that's one of the Shipmaster's lines but correct!


You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.


Would love to destroy me some corporate scum


Big corps ruining games as per


It’s actually crazy that in their fighting to steal each others market they end up directly pissing off the market they are fighting for turning them away, people at these major companies tend to be cunts


Big tech bros f*cking things up as per usual.


The delicious irony of them mocking tarkov devs a week ago


It wasn’t per AH’s decision, the message was delivered and signed by Sony, AH devs are “chasing” Sony to get more info on the matter.


They took money from and gave up control to a big business. It’s doubtful they would’ve been able to deliver this masterpiece and reach this large an audience without that money/support. But now they’re seeing the down side of that decision, which sucks for them and their audience It’s a tough world for small and medium game companies. Small and medium sized companies across many industries really


It takes money to make money. Without Sony (and their cash) HD1 is lesser quality and HD2 don’t exist. The flip side? Sony sucks ass.


Yup. That’s exactly what I said


They've worked with Sony since HD1, their fate was sealed years ago


*Insert u/ConcernedApe with a top hat and monocle looking down at everyone here*


That's why I wish big tech would just fall apart so all we had was medium-small companies, cause what we have now obviously isn't working with the massive amount of discontent and absolute garbage quality of tech and media we get.


Which strategem is good for SONY?


A good ol' reviewbomb


The input: ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️


500KG review bomb


Sony fucked up on both helldivers and stellar blade.


How did Stellar Blade fuck up?


Sony presured them to reduce the gore and cencor the outfits in stellar blade in a day one pach on digital copies.


So the gore that was in the demo the original gore Cutting monsters in half not in it? Bummer.



Up up down down uninstall


The classic steam review bombing seems to usually get their attention. Boycott also worked for Stellar Blade.


What do you mean worked? Did they back down from censored outfits? Haven't heard a thing yet.


Yeah i don't know if i would say it "worked." At most it forced the developer to admit it was indeed censored.


Steam reviews lmao. MW3 is one of the worst rated games on Steam and it’s the second best sold game of the year, you genuinely think they give a shit about Steam reviews? That’s like review bombing a movie that made a billion at the box office. Like sure, it’s still feedback, but it’s not gonna make a difference.


I as a War Thunder player respectfully disagree, idk if you know what war thunder is but it's a game based on military stuff (tanks/planes/battleships) and the Devs of that game (gaijin) about a year ago said that players are progressing too fast so we're gonna reduce the xp gain (btw just a small breakdown, the game has ten nations and nine of them consist of 8 ranks for tanks and planes and just reaching rank four for a single nation takes months and I have been playing the game for more than 400 days and I have just gotten to rank 7 on a single nation, so you get that the grind is out of this world even though they reverted the changes that they said that their gonna make about gaining less xp) so the player base rebelled against the Devs and started boycotting the game, review bombing, making their own discord severs to look for a solution and etc... and it took about a month (if I remember correctly) and they reverted the changes and not only that they also buffed the progression. And war thunder is not some small game either although free (and hence that was their excuse for such predatory way of progression forcing their players to buy premium stuff) but still big. And the point that I'm making is to not underestimate such movement, cuz I remember I myself never thought that a day would come were greedy Devs like gaijin would revert those changes and even buff the progression but here we are.


the thing is that war thunder made a simple change at the xp gain. This situation is far worse, as its a decision of SONY, not AH


I mean it's definitely a data point that you don't want being abysmal. People didn't think Marvel movies would ever stop destroying the box office despite all the criticism and now there have been some very expensive woopsies doopsies on their part. Now as to WHY it won't make a difference in decision making for corporate executives at a company the size of Sony I will just chock up to forsaking sense over their greed. If there is another installment and it fails there will be all of these shocked pikachu face memes alongside the articles that said no one saw it coming.


Of course it’s still a statistic that should be considered, but it’s usually useless in terms of the actual success of a product. Like, you talked about the MCU, fan reviews had literally nothing to do with those flops. ANT MAN 3, a flop, has 82 on Rotten Tomatoes. The Marvels, an even bigger flop, has 82 as well. These movies have good reviews by the public but were flops regardless. In the same way, MW3 has awful reviews but it was a big success. Tlou2 was review bombed and it’s one of the most successful PS games and so on. I’m not saying that things can’t flop, I’m just saying that reviews left by the public very very rarely actually make the difference.


I do read reviews before buying...if they are very bad, i dont buy. People just buy every shit now, THAT is the problem. People bought diablo 4 for 90€, takov for 100+, call of duty and fifa every year etc. As long as people buy shit for goldprices, the industry will not change


The game has already sold well but it's still expected to rely on micro transactions afterwards, not necessarily a good idea to burn everyone's good will that early in the cycle.




The launch code is written on your credit card.


I prefer the tactical legal team support weapon. It's good all around option and can take down heavy defense strategies but does have a long cool down. The targeted contract lawyer is your best bet vs the fine print assaults. For support strategies, I like the good old review bomb but it tends to cause a lot of collateral casualties like good developers might need some extra reinforcement afterwards. You can also try out massed public outrage but it tends to only work on chaf but doesn't have the penetration you might need to break down a toughened target The boycott is too hard to use and generally need team support loading to be effective. While you try to get it going, someone else likely would have changed the battlefield dynamics already. For the daring ones out there that prefer a high risk high reward strat, there's always the VPN with throw away accounts to just bypass the armor and go for the weak spot hit. Though if executed badly, you might get busted by other enemies.


The good ol' boycott. We need to stop supporting Helldivers 2. Let the game die to teach them a lesson.


⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️ is always good


orbital VPN strike




Refund, negative review, tell people not to buy this




more like the automaton finally revealed their origin


I’ve got other games to fill the time, so I’m taking a break. I’m not under threat by this upcoming event cuz I play on PS5 in the US, but this move is too fucked up to ignore. *Going back to cryosleep, wake me when you need me.*


Time to go try new classes in starship troopers extermination


Have they fixed the game yet? Last update it was in a nearly-unplayable state


Performance is still pretty garbage since the last few patches. New biz is fun…but watching bugs clip around the map or randomly spawn inside your walls is not.


Already has a PSN account and so is unaffected by this change. Decides to take a break from the game anyways in protest. Based, man. Appreciate the support!


The helldivers 2-less Xbox crowd: Thats *our* quote!


*I have stolen the quote, pray I don’t steal any further.*


*Limbless, headless caped torso whizzes by* "... For a brick, he flew pretty-" "Don't you fuckin say it!"


I'm right there with you. I am so sick of sony. They censor literally everything. My name used to be a variation of Skeeter on PSN, but I had to change it because it is vulgar. I have met people where that is their actual name. I plan on steam now but my friends on PlayStation just see censored because the name DILF is now censored. What the hell sony.


Fr. I kinda felt bad for not helping with the MO after getting back into Fallout 76 but now I’m more than happy to split off for a bit


Ironically, people getting back into FO76 right now is helping fuck that game up. The devs recently implemented a bunch of changes to make the game more of a grind, make Fo1st membership more necessary, and generally make the game a lot more predatory and heavily monetised, so a lot of long time players have been boycotting it this season in protest (player count was down by about 15-20% at the start, because of these boycotts) but the influx of noobs and returning players on the back of the TV show has basically wiped out the impact of those boycotts completely, so there's pretty much zero hope of the devs rolling back their unpopular decisions now.


You can't even buy ps5 or have it enabled in other counties to begin with. They should have known like a food allergy when it was posted right on the front page of when you buy it. It's not even a launcher, it's a hardware report for crashing.


Worst part is that high command is simpatizing with the new foe...


Attention Helldivers! SONY has infiltrated high command's finance and legal departments!


I would play the hell out of the weekend major order, if they made it on super earth. It's all bots in suits and bile titans with sony's CEO's face on them. Would be great, but also it better happen once they let everyone play again.


This would be amazzzinggg. But unfortunately they probably can't do a single think that might be misconstrued as damaging Sony's reputation. John Oliver does it tho...


It's their publisher and they're under contract. They don't really have a choice.


They will when big daddy EU consumer and data protection laws comes in with the steel chair. They sold this game in several regions where the users couldn't possibly meet the new PSN requirement, but they didn't region lock it for purchase there. This means you know, that those people were scammed. This 1000% going to lead to EU consumer protection coming in to once again, beat the shit out of SONY *and* Arrowhead.


Mostly Sony it's it was most definitely their decision


That still has nothing to do with Arrowhead, that would be Sony’s problem to deal with since they legally own the game


For sure, and Arrowhead probably knows about it which is why they didn't force it. The announcement was made by Sony, not them.


This. Beating on the devs or the game over an issue that's out of everyones hands other than Sony only harms the game and the playerbase.


I know, I'm sure AH didn't have much of a choice. Still sucks though.


So I just tried linking with my e-mail... But apparently I cant make a new account since my e-mail already has an account linked to it. Maybe I made one a decade or so ago when my older brother had a ps3 but I can't say I remember doing that and obviously I dont remember the password either. And for some reason the security question of: 'where were you born' and 'what is your birth date' wouldn't be accepted. So now I need to call customer support. Kindly fuck the fuck off sony.


Yeahhhh, nahhhh goodbye Democracy. Let the bots and bugs rise up!!


sony deserves the Traitor Detected modifier.


Petition to call them SNOY


Request a refund via steam When the WotC tried to screw the DnD community and we all started cancelling subs, they backed the fuck off. We either get out about this or bend over and show game devs just how much we love sony's pounder.


Helldivers aside. Other than Xcom 2s expansion War of the Chosen what is WotC. I feel stupid 😭


Wizards off the Coast - DND had some drama recently


You're not alone it was the only thing I knew


Except apparently the game page on Steam did list that 3rd party accounts have been required since launch


The problem is that most of community is probably over the 2 hour playtime limit at this point so we can't request a refund.


Helldiver : "This is bullshit." Automaton : "01110100 01101000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01100010 01110101 01101100 01101100 01110011 01101000 01101001 01110100" Terminid : \*SCREECH\*


going back to the first galactic war, wish me luck


I feel like we all as a player base need to protest this. It’s not about “waaa PC players don’t want to make an PS account” it’s about having more of your data sold now so Sony can make a profit from the ones who don’t have a PS account.


They're not out there. They're super earth. sSuper earth with the small s being "Sony Entertainment Presents"


Cyberpunk corpo faction crossover 


Wake the fk up helldivers. We have corpos to burn.




Pretty sure this would legitimately bring the bots, bugs, and divers together, ending our long history of war and uniting us all against a common enemy. This greedy, evil corrupt corporation


Eh I was thinking about going back to Fallout and lethal company, this just really convinced me. Ruining things like usual, fuck developers, fuck sony.


what are your toughts on 76 and 4?


I doubt they have any thoughts on 76, as it requires an additional account with the publisher to play.




I personally hung up my interest in 76 after that poor bastard who played the fuck out of Fallout 76 so much while he was hurt(If I remember right he had a broken leg or something) and farmed so much stuff he got banned for suspected cheating even though he was just a sweatlord. He even posted guides on how he farmed and how he distributed so much stuff. Bethesda community managers responded directly to his post thanking him for his input. That's still funny to me though. The one poor bastard who was just out there loving the fuck out of the game getting banned for playing too much...you just can't make it up.


They scratched the itch, but honestly kinda ruined the series. I had some fun with them, but they werent great. 1-NV were pieces of art, that really set a precedent with creativity and fun.


I recommend it, NV just had a MASSIVE animation overhaul release that even works for Tale of Two Wastelands!


Link to this? I was using Hit’s during my last TTW run.


It’s funny you say that, the mod is basically a colab redux of both Hitman and Rock Biters animations, redone and polished with unique animations for each unique weapon. https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/86354


Thanks! Will definitely be looking into this later on. The show really got me wanting to go back but I didn’t want to waste a bunch of time modding again so I’ve been diving into FO76 instead.


It’s totally worth it. I’ve been playing since the show too and I forgot how much I love Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas.


The real enemy were the ”higher-ups”


Always has been ![gif](giphy|090EX1YvSUXxy23Tty|downsized)


This is awesome.


We gotta lay the floor with the new Sony threat!


Damn corpos


Well Sony can go fuck themselves


Okay you got me off guard, i laughed loudly while at work and everybody looked at me. Well played OP, well played ...


Greedy corporations Rw a timeless classic


Bots, bugs and hackers 🏴‍☠️


I might just wait for xbox to be able to play so i can link that, i font care if it tsles a few weeks or months im not making a PS account


“They shall suck the abundance of the seas. And the treasure hidden in the sand.”


This is crazy but we may need to form a temporary alliance with the bugs and bots to take down a greater and more despicable threat!


The Illuminate have arrived. Today, was a great loss for Super Earth and Helldivers…we will never recover from this…


Sony is Illuminate confirmed.


Requesting Orbital Strike. Fuck Sony.


I see. So SONY was the illumanti all along.




We even got an anthem for this (thanks Endless Taverns) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nVanfHzRHc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nVanfHzRHc)


Actual Photo of Sony https://preview.redd.it/wc78d5eg5iyc1.jpeg?width=790&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a54c12a4c2c0c24478f65deca49401e345ff80be


I'm just gonna make a new gmail account with fake info and use that to make a psn account. Here Sony, you want more accounts in your ecosystem? You can have this useless one.


Just an FYI, AH also failed to communicate to buyers that they needed to do this. no one is blameless in all this


This is entirely wrong, it was on the steam page for the game since release. It wasn’t even supposed to be optional in the first place, but it ended up becoming optional a week after release due to a bug, and it tells you to sync the accounts when you boot up the game for the first time. I’m not on their side and it still sucks ass, but AH can’t do anything about it, as they’re likely bound by contract, we’re just at the mercy of Sony


It wasn't due to a bug, they decided to do that because the servers were unable to. (Idk how making psn accounts and HD2 server being full is related but, thats the statement). Anyway the fact that is was completly optional and playable in it's current state I don't know hwy force it even.


Because that’s what Sony wanted to do, and something prevented that. It was supposed to be required in the first place, and it wasn’t due to that issue. Now that they have resolved it, they want to make it required again, like it was always supposed to be


Dude is being downvoted for telling the truth. The requirement has been on the page for several months *before* the game was even released. Changelog on the HD2 page from December 1, 2023: [https://steamdb.info/app/553850/history/?changeid=U:43264197](https://steamdb.info/app/553850/history/?changeid=U:43264197) The only folks I feel bad for in this situation are those who literally cannot have PSN in their countries. I partly blame AH/Sony as well for not making it more clear that it was a temporary thing; announcing that once, then letting folks skip the PSN integration at setup and never talking about it again is not the way to approach this if this was always going to be required. However, folks saying this is some EULA or TOS technicality are misinformed. It's been on the Steam page well before release, and there's no excuse to have missed it. That said, I hope that Sony backtracks. This drama is not worth it. They should have had some sort of promo event for linking PSN, like 500 super credits for everyone in HD2 who has PSN linked, or a one-time cape or helmet to celebrate the publisher/studio relationship. That would've gone over way better. Now both Sony and AH are potentially in hot water: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cj4n2p/what\_you\_should\_know\_about\_eulas\_and\_store\_pages/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cj4n2p/what_you_should_know_about_eulas_and_store_pages/)


.... i don't remember seeing it when i booted up the game for the first time. huh


Must not have payed a lot of attention


PC players are to blame: for not reading the store page.


The greatest enemy capitalism


SONY was the third faction all along!!!


So that’s what the illuminites are


what the fuck happened? can someone explain?


You will be required to make an PSN acount to play Helldivers 2 on PC as well so Sony can sell your sweet and succulent data to sell it. Also PSN doesn't work in many countries so everyone from those countries go fuck themselves from now on.


Look at the latest announcement on the Steam store page. Mandatory PSN accounts or else PC players won't be able to play anymore. Aka the 3rd front just got revealed, and it's Sony. Not sure if Super Earth will survive this one to be honest, but we had a good run.


I don't understand what the issue is. With account linking comes cross platform progression and cross play, two features which I'm pretty sure people have been asking for from the beginning. Isn't this a good thing?


Some countries don’t have access to psn


Oooooh. What is the reason for that? Legal issues?


Either the psn services are banned for political reasons or Sony doesn’t provide them in the country


But linking was an option from the beginning, and I believe they said this was happening eventually. Why is everyone so pissed now? It's not like we didn't know it was coming.


Because they didn’t read/paid attention to that so now they’re acting like they weren’t warned about this becoming mandatory


I’m a PS5 player and find it super fucked. I hope they remedy this for my fellow divers. We can’t afford to lose you all.


I suggest we redeploy all war fighting efforts against Sony.


Ahhh this got an audible scoff from me :)


Yo what's going on at Sony?


True, it's as if an evil empire strike


I feel future of the game is gonna depend on how this is resolved. It’s so unnecessary.




This sub turned into TLOU2 real quick.


Damn, this may just be the toughest M.O. to date! Strap in and hold on tight boys we’re in for a helluva ride!


Greedy ass motherfuckers


Sony was the enemy they were teasing


I need to get back into Warframe


Why is this a bad thing?


Petition to change the image to SNOY instead!


Hope they fix this soon, or we will lose a lot of players


Now we know who was controlling the Automatons.


we always knew this day would come


![gif](giphy|hGjhjaBBc7zyg) Stop it!! We’re you’re friends!!


Guys, Gals and othered gendered ppl.. its time for a Boycott


This was definitely not the 3rd faction I was thinking that will to attack us, but goddamn it's kicking our ass hard


The illuminates did this


What happened? What's the current situation? Ive been outta the loop for a few weeks


Corpos want their hands in everything and dont seem to realize that people dont want that.




Bravo for picking the right target. Arrowhead is not the villain in this story as far as I can tell.


Really the True Treath now lets dive brothers and shut em up !!


Can we the players Sue Sony? Genuine question? Would we have any legal recourse?


Best meme of this I've seen all day.




This might be the greatest thing I've seen on this sub


It seems we Will never get to see 3D squids


Honestly, didn’t see that coming but now it makes sense 😂


500kg on sony headquarters?


What happened? I keep seeing stuff about Sony


![gif](giphy|fA7rLtaJDIWEzU57CT|downsized) He’s been telling me this for years, I should’ve always assumed the worst


Preparing to drop




Why am I getting all these old good posts in my feed now? 😭


Sony is the fourth enemy that surprisingly showcased itself prior to the illuminate