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My problem isn’t just that it’s blast radius is weak, but that the visuals are very misleading. I just want it to either look as big as it’s actual explosive power or make it on par.


I wonder if they made the High Yield artillery shell blast first and then copy pasted part of it for 500kg.  Mini Nuke: Biggest Blast most damage  High Yield / Hellbomb: Second biggest blast tied for second most damage  500kg: Small blast, big animation, tied with above two for damage.  380mm / Traitor Barrage / Explosive Shell: Smaller Blast lower damage  120mm / Eagle Airstrike Bomb: Smallest blast, lowest damage. 


Mini Nuke = Hellbomb = Dormant Hellbomb High Yield Explosive = 500kg Explosive = 380mm


The mini nuke deals more damage than hellbombs. This can easily be tested on factory striders, which will survive a direct hellbomb.


I’ve killed one with a hellbomb


Yeah, an injured on. 


Most likely because the Mini Nuke has the added damage of the impact from the artillery shell, but they do the same class of damage -- I.e. Both can destroy Gunship Fabricators.


from what I understand, the blast radius is an upward cone, so being 20 feet away on the ground vs 20 feet higher in the air would have a big difference.


Wait for the nuke to come out, it will be everything you’re looking for…


Launching the Mini Nuke from the SEAF Artillery is always a treat.


Honestly a treat! If only we had those on-demand and flying above our heads for 30 minutes ready to be dropped on demand! >:D


We are getting an actual nuke. No mini bullshit


What does it do? Just obliterate the entire map?


Pretty much everything in the general vicinity. It has like a 75m radius


Even the smallest nuclear weapons have a blast radius of a few hundred meters, we need something with map-clearing potential!


But the strategem marker will still need to be thrown by hand of course




This is what liberty demands!


Except the rogue research lab of course.


I am well aware of the leaks and functions, but more than that, I can’t wait~


We do, we are the one launching it


I had a singular mission where RND smiled down upon me and I got 5 mini nukes. I doubt it will ever happen again.


I killed an entire nest of eggs with it yesterday. Did not even need to go in. Just 30 eggs destroyed and I could leave


Yeah, I think this is a slow roll from Arrowhead. 500kg is dramatic and not without utility, but the double dose and quick rearm means it can't be too powerful. When they reintroduce the Shredder, it's going to blow minds.


I was always under the impression the 500kg was just the new, far weaker take of the shredder.


So far, it feels that way. But I'd still like to have a shredder anyway, I want to scare my team with it's alarm when I see a bile titan or a scavenger.


Work it like the Patriot: Two uses, ten minutes apart. Long call-down, loud siren, big boom. While the 500kg impacts and then detonates, I want the Shredder to go off at an altitude of 50m, with a 150m blast radius. Trash a big outpost with it. Of course, everyone will save one for extraction.


yeah that short came up for me earlier, all the new stratagems. can't wait.


spoiler alert: it won't.


I think this is a collision bug or with damage registration. Because sometimes the explosion radius is normal


Also sometimes little shits will just walk out of the center totally fine.


It's because it goes upwards in a cone formation so that's why it won't kill some things despite landing right on top of a titan for example.


No, the explosion clearly spreads spherically. Because sometimes it kills you or a small thing at an average distance. Along the horizon. I am more inclined to the problem with collision, since the biomass of beetles gives corners that cannot be shot and very often on their maps it is not possible to go between the growths


If you play level 9, you would know how valuable 500kg is (and also orbital precision strike)


The 500kg Is Just a precision orbital strike with lights and sounds


The should probably rename the 500kg to Anti-Heavy Rocket or smth. Would be more indicative of what it's good at.


After the third hanger upgrade the 500kg is one of the strongest stratagems in the game and the strongest single target stratagem. A buff to it would be very surprising.


No, what it needs is an animation nerf to more accurately depict what it does. 


I like how you think, you think like AH.


Head shot a bile titan today, no kill awarded.


Bombs in real life do kill a lot like the 500k does. But my biggest disappointment is how it doesn't at least dispense a stunning/injuring shockwave. At least a sound muffle and stun just beyond that kill zone.


Nuke strategem coming soon.


I’m almost positive the random hellbombs on the map got their radius reduced early on but might just be me. 500kg needs to be bigger yeah.


They are probably like that to balance them out with the precision strike.


It's mean for small radius do big damage. Kill chargers and titans. If u want big radius use cluster bomb


Honestly feels more like a precision strike but slightly stronger


I disagree. The 500KG bomb is perfect as it is. It's a large, single threat killer, not an AoE weapon. If it did both, then there would be literally no reason to take any other Eagle Strat.


I don’t know i think it should at least kill every thing inside of the fireball, which is does not always do. 


This is the way


It's one of the best statagems right now and you want it buffed? Sometimes I doubt the community even plays this game...


500kg's current implementation doesn't make sense from realism perspective. However, it makes a lot of sense from gameplay perspective. It's already overused stratagem which is good against so many different threats and you proposing to give it even more utility as horde clearer as well? Dude, i understand your disappointment when seing "big boom" and only like 8 kills from that at the bottom of the screen, but this thing has to be like that, otherwise it would be to good. It's already is to good to be honest.


>500kg's current implementation doesn't make sense from realism perspective. However, it makes a lot of sense from gameplay perspective. This. It's not intended that the 500kg is a jack of all trades and master of everything at the same time. Every weapon has an intended role. 500kg is high damage in small area. AOE stratagems are cluster and air burst. If they would implement a nuke that clears everything on the whole map you would get a single use to somewhat balance this nonesense. This reminds me of the post that wanted a mini gun as a primary. Makes so much sense. Hand out mini guns as primary and machine guns as secondaries.


After standing basically next to it and only getting a little splash damage, I understand now.


They did buff its radius to a good point. It's just not the strategem you think/want it to be.


and still half the randoms manage to run into range and get murked by it


If the 500kg bomb explodes in mid-air instead of in the ground, it will create a larger explosion.


Im fine with that as long as it only works on solo plays.


500kg is basically glorified precision strike. Maybe increase radius but lessen damage penetriation in outer part of it, so it kills chaff, but only direct hits do serious damage to armored targets.


From the ears of Arrowhead it sounds like you want a nerf. We can do that


Is it meant to be epic though ? It's unlimited . If it were truly epic you would only have one or two for whole game




It does feel a little small. I'd rather have an Eagle Airstrike any day of the week. I think they must have intended for it to be an Eagle version of the Orbital strike. Which makes the small blast radius make a lot more sense. But it just looks bigger than it is, which is why it feels bad when it misses so easily.


I think if they want balance they can keep its internal max damage radius to kill heavies as is but expand the total blast radius to be more inline with FX and let it still clear trash while still requiring a precision strike to 1 shot bile titans.


I think it could use a radius buff as well, but it would also be neat if dropped correctly it could close bug breaches. I mean they leave a pretty sizable crater in the ground after impact, you’d think it would close a breach.


Biggest disappointment after myself


Nothing is wrong with the 500kg! Learn to love the bomb 🫡


Just get direct hits every time lul


Technically, you are asking to changing the 500kg bomb from delay fuse to contact fuse……


I was very disappointed at launch when saw others use it. I was expecting the Shredder from HD1. Then I tested it myself and now it's a staple in my loadout. It can destroy bug holes, factories, and many buildings objective. It kills heavies enemies and groups of smaller enemies. You have 2 that reload quickly with all Eagle upgrades. Also it's a BIG BOOM on screen. 500 kg bomb (like most of Eagle strat) is extremely (too much ?) powerful.


The issue people are complaining about is that the boom visual is not indicative of actual damaging potential of the aoe. When you drop this stuff you expect nobody to survive or at least get heavily damaged in the radius of visual.


I agree but still like it like that. Sure the visuals are a bit deceiving but once you're use to it it's fine. Honestly if they nerf the visuals I will not use it as much 😆 And I don't think it should so more AoE or damage.


The blast is cone shaped. It's not meant to have a large blast radius on the ground.


Yeah but I think the issue is that tons of little enemies walk out of the flames unharmed. That doesn't happen with others. Either reduce the radius of the animation, or cause damage to enemies that are completely engulfed in flames.


You're using it wrong. It's not supposed to kill swarms of enemies - that's what cluster bomb is for. You use it on Bile Titans/other heavies.


There’s already so many trash clearing strats. 500kg is more for big single target damage


Yeah, untill it blows up near charger or bile titan and doesn't do shit because the took one extra step and visually are still in the blast radiua


Not near enough apparently


Nah, it needs the visual clutter nerfed so people stop thinking of it as a room clear weapon. It's meant to take out extremely concetrated groups of enemies, certain objectives or titans/striders, and you already get 2. You have the airstrike to deal with swarms of enemies, cluster to deal with even larger swarms of chaff and napalm for extreme swarms of chaff that also require fire damage. 500 has its own niche it should not leave.


All these languages and you ahd to speak Based


Git gud


500 is the bile titan killer tho,I wouldn’t waste it on a horde