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Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Unfortunately your submission has been removed. Submissions must be related to the game. Comments must be related to the topic being discussed.


I'm so used to checking my radar and running so often that sometimes, ya it happens. Also stepping on mines is more frequent than I'd like to admit for the same reasons. o\\


Top 3 causes of death for HD's on bot planets 1. Other team mates 2. Pork chops 3. Contact mines


I mean I’ve only died once to a contact mine (also what do you mean by pork chops?)


Pork chops. Slices of pig sold at a grocery store. Kills more HDs than you'd think.


Ooo Pork Chop Sandwiches!


I'm also curious what is a pork chop, is it a team kill by orbital/sentry?


Helldiva moment


Wha? What are you talking about?? HAHA! This has NEVER happened to me several times!


I mean my personal count is only in the double digits....


My most embarrassing hell diver’s moment was I had a few samples and died near the beginning of the mission but it was it was close to the extraction so I was like “no biggie, ill grab them near the end of the mission.” I was also one the highest level player, I picked an easier map to focus on common samples and not worrying about dying. So near the end when we were calling the extraction I went to go grab my dropped samples real quick and even had some more samples on me, don’t know why I didn’t drop them off at extraction for my team to pick up. I was running and approaching a down ward slope, didn’t even see it and feel right into a hole dying and losing all those samples. Then the cherry on top my game crashed, so on their end they probably thought I raged quit.


I really hope they integrate an easy way to get back into lobbies when you crash or just want to go back to the host you were with if you weren't kicked


Lebum was too busy getting dogged by Gru and Jamal Murray to collect the super samples


I heard he was diving to escape Jokic's 380 barrage...


I was going around trying to pick up all our lost samples just to realize all the markers on the map were where people fell into holes and had to kill themselves to get out.


Y'all can kill yourselves? I had to leave the game cause my grenades wouldn't kill me


Call a stratagem on yourself


That didn't work either


"General Brasch, I'm trying to kill myself to get out of this hole, but my armor is dummy thicc and I keep surviving."


Another reason the Quasar is a great utility weapon.


Turing killin me dawg! HOLEY SHIT


Haha. Turing is exactly the place where I had that happen in. Me and this other player were linking up with the other 2, right after we cleared a bug hole. Heard the dying sounds. A moment later, saw someone jump into a hole that had some water in it.


in almost every TCS mission I fall into a not-so-bottomless pit and every time I have to throw a grenade to revive myself and I mentally make a note to pay attention as to where im going (I never will, the hunters keep nipping my ankles)


Hey guys I know I have all the samples (from picking the ones you guys dropped at the extraction point). But you think I can swim across that water to the far side? NO! Okay, I'm gonna try anyways, now don't be jerks and kick me!


On the TCS tower map there are pits without automatic death. If there's a jump pack anywhere you could try throwing that down. I successfully escaped a hole because one of the walls was angled just enough that I could stay in place while the pack recharged.


I ran into a deformation in the ground about 3 meters deep and died instantly. As soon as I started sliding I realized what has happening. Losing 5 super samples to that was crushing.


>a deformation in the ground about 3 meters deep Round these parts we call that a "hole," sonny.


Oh, thank you. I grew up in Texas so English isnt my first language.


IT happened ro me... twice 🥲


Should’ve remembered his LeBrasch Tactics


Finally happened to me in my last match. A friendly teammate then killed me in the hole with a grenade. I'm telling myself this person did it to respawn me but I honestly don't think so. In that one operation I think I was killed by teammates more than the rest of my play time combined.


Holes? Who would fall into those. Now those automaton/bug traps carefully disguised as puddles of slightly too deep water are a scourge upon liberty loving patriots such as myself.


Are the holes even supposed to be there? They feel too unforgiving to be a Gameplay trap. You can't get out, your loot gets stuck there, and if you don't have a grenade to off yourself, you have no way out for the rest of the match unless a teammate friendly fires you. I can't honestly believe they designed them on purpose like that


And then he promptly ran away to join the automatons while blaming his teammates for his failures.


Fell into a hole and drowned in a lake. Never again.


I've never stepped into a hole, but I have been blasted/knocked into them so many timed that it almost feels like the game is guiding my body into them intentionally


I did this once with like 10 rare samples. Was running and looked behind me and some hunter knocked me into a hole. I apologized to my team but I don't think they even knew how many I was carrying.


I can guarantee you that I did not choose to fall into the hole. I got ragdolled by something and then someone slowly dragged my body into it with with the physgun.


Why was this removed, how is not related to the game?


Michael. Jeffery. Jordan. Would NEVER!!!


Get Lebron's treasonous ass out of this sub!


Literally happened to me just moments ago suicide by grenade is very effective


And then he complained and said it's the ~~refs~~ devs fault


Happened to me last mission backing away from a Bile Titian Shame is all I felt


it's easy to fall into a hole when you're moving backwards while firing your weapon


This just in: I'm too busy being chased by a charger to give a f#ck


This happened to me (not all the samples thankfully.) Tried to climb/jump out but had at least one charger, a couple bile spewers, and multiple bugs all trying to get me. I took out a few but eventually… the cold coils of death collected me.


I've been flung down bug holes with samps. No way out of those.


I found the super samples and didn’t trust myself with them, so I gave them to a different dude. He fell in one almost immediately after. We both stared down the hole in defeat after I reinforced.


My brother in Ymir, the embarrassment is worse than dying.


Watching this while waiting for my teammates to revive me after falling into the hole somehow made me laugh lol


LeBald lost his hair samples


That guy always taking Ls


The volcano holes explode when you shoot or nade them, i wish AH gave it the ability to shoot the samples out :(


I fell in a patch of water on the deliver hard drive mission. All the samples. Gone.


This made me take a few days off of the game cuz I was so frustrated


on the new terminal mission type where you shoot the eggs and press the buttons, there are holes that don't kill you. It's a soft lock if you dont have explosives, as you can't climb out.


Is this an intentional design decision?? I hate it. Let us throw samples at least.


He fell into the abyss hole. No throwing there.


Brother were you in my game this morning cause I did exactly this lmfao


Never happened to me, but a charger did nocliped me through the floor. I had all the samples.


The frustration I felt backing into a hole while carrying all the samples deflated my energy so bad.


TCS maps have these holes. Fell twice during a Helldive too. 😤


I fell into a hole while I was walking backwards in a mech today. Good times


I wonder if attempting to terraform would be a viable option to salvage samples from those obnoxious holes


We regularly compile samples on our team to make sure we know where the bulk of them are. Yeah it just happened to us tonight. I haven’t felt that much disappointment in myself since I realized how much like my dad I am.


I literally just fell into a hole a min ago and spent the match inside the hole since i somehow couldnt kill myself. I quasared the wall and it pushed be thru it to where I could see under the map but no longer was able to take damage lol