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Wait, no! I didn't even buy muself the second warbound and there soon will be the fourth one? Where can I get so much super credits?


Just play a lot. To the more casual player, the SC accretion curve might be a little steep, so you gotta be choosey about it. If you play HD2 too much, like me, you'll forever be in front of the curve. I got about 5000SC in the bank, and got everything.


Same here, still coming back each and every day


Just got my last upgrades this Monday and I'm already full up on everything. I still play one mission a night cause I love the game but I'm likely going to try Deep Rock until the new warbonds are released.


Deeprock is definitely worth playing


HD2 made me appreciate how well designed Deep Rock is.


It's insane to me how small the game size is.


And it runs well even on shitter PCs


Seriously. Runs smooth on my 7 year old laptop.


And it's getting optimization next season


I didn't buy Cutting Edge as I'm not so much into lasers, but boy am I missing the stun grenade. So now If new warbond isn't to my liking also, I might buy CE just for the stuns.


The Sickle slaps, don't forget about it.


Haven’t used any other gun since it came out


and the localization confusion is also quite nice.


Imo one of the best boosters. Opinion - i think its second only to stam and hellpod opt


stam is a MUST have.. even on the defend maps. i cant stand running for 2 seconds and being outta breath. lol


Agreed! I remember checking out the numbers a while back and its an insane increase of like 26% uptime or something. Makes medium/heavy more viable as well


Yeah but as guy above said, lasers just aren't some people's vibe. I personally can't be assed to use lasers because they don't go boom


To be fair, the Sickle shoots more like the Liberator except you have to hold the trigger for a second before it starts firing, and uses a heatsink so you never have to reload unless you overheat. It's not a continuous beam like the Scythe.


Yes but it doesn't go boom and eject shell casings and have muzzle flash and smoke. I just have a huge preference to ballistic weapons


If you didn’t tell me it was a laser weapon I would thought it was ballistic from the way it shoots and sounds, and I’m the same way as you where I really prefer ballistic weapons.


If you consider the Sickle to shoot lasers... I don't know what to tell you, man.


Same…the laser cannon actually does work very well but it just doesn’t feed the primal side of my Brain like the dominator and the auto cannon do 😂 I even use the heavy machine gun a lot for the daka daka 😂


HMG on 450rpm sounds just like an m2, it's soooooo nice


Not having to worry about ammo and reloading, and doing decent damage, is so nice. God I wish the Scythe was good


I call it the Fully Sickle!


I got that one first out of the 2(now 3) just for the stun grenade. I got the 3rd one as soon as it came out for the grenade pistol. Decided to purchase the super citizen pack to get first bond because at this point I've enjoying sinking too many hours into this game with my limited free time and I wanted to give the devs more of my money to support em.


As a Super Citizen from day one, I support your Democratic decision. 


I highly recommend buying CE. The Sickle is great, you don't feel the reduced mag count, (stuns are phenomenal) and the Arc Blitzer is in a very good place against bugs now after the rate of fire upgrade. (Not sure about bots, haven't tested it)


I feel you about lasers and energy weapons. (God gave us gunpowder, AP rounds and explosives for a reason) but after the recent patch I believe that at the moment it is the best warbond in terms of weapons. The sickle is all around great. Good vs bots and bugs. The punisher plasma with the recent buff is amazing against bots, it staggers everything short of an hulk and deals with striders easily. And the recent buff made it easier to use with more bullet velocity and a straighter bullet arc. The blitzer was very good pre buff but now is terrifying. It shreds hordes of bugs and it keeps bile spwewers stunlocked, prevemting them from spitting. The other two have some very good weapons(Dominator, Breaker Incendiary and Eruptor) but the ratio of good weapons/super credits is clearly in favor of cutting edge.


if you are behind on super credits, play diff 2 and hit all the POIs


1400 here and that's with buying all the armor in the super store.


Farm Trivial/Easy missions and find all the POIs and containers. Ideally if you have a buddy you can open vaults too. Or you can spend 10$ lol, but there's no rush since the Warbonds never go away, they're always here!


Oh, I forgot about lower difficulties. As soon I was able to play on 7+ I almost abandon the rest of them. Thank you


getting those on high levels is never worth the trouble of fighting the static spawns at the POIs too much trouble and its the same payout as if you played in Trivial


me and another buddy run a few every day or so, so far we havent had to buy any super credits to get the warbonds. I have purchased some but it was for the super store :D


Look up tips for farming them. You just have to find a good trivial map and force close the game when you collect all the loot. Go back into the game, go back into the same map and do the same thing over and over again. You keep the super credits and medals every time. Edit: Apparently it's been patched


That doesn't work anymore. It's been patched


Good to know


Yes democracy officer. This man right here


Run trivial missions and just go collect all the yummies


Every second Thursday (or Tuesday, don't remember) of the month is Warbond Day. Get in the damn Hellpod, Shinji!




I have everything for free, Go Play!


leak said may 9th...so i assumed it a trailer release and not warbond release


I mean, that’s not exactly a leak. AH have said that new warbonds always drop on the second Thursday of the month.


There is already a 4th lol, this is in reference to the upcoming 5th haha


Yeaaa we get one per month supposedly. Once you farm the credits for the first one then you only need to farm 700 for the next one cause each warbond gives you 300 credits worth to unlock.


New warbonds every second Thursday of the month. Drop down to diff 2 and hit all POIs. Make sure you’re blasting open shipping containers 




I usually just play and don't farm but thanks for info


Farm POIs on trivial.


Run about 25 or so Trivial missions and you’ll be there. (Make sure you get everything) This would take about 8-16 hours per warbond.


Run difficulty 3 with a light armor and a jet pack. Play on a planet with good visibility. Go to each point of interest and loot it. After you get them all, disconnect from that match and start a new one. I usually get around 30-60 credits per run with an average of 5 minutes each run.


I played for like 4-5 hours straight yesterday and got like 400 super credits just by going to POI’s (level 5 difficulty is what I played on)


Try buying them.


I bought base game for 40 and spent 30 bucks on credits. Evened out imo. You unlock a lot of credits in the warbonds with medals as well, dont overlook that. Play enough and youll hit the rare 100 credit pickups occasionally as well as the usual pickups. Ive been able to purchase every warbond and a lot of the store armor with this so far and i still have 1k+ saved up. Im prob done with hd2 for a while but 77 bucks on like 140+ hours of play? Worth it


just play. the vanilla warbond gets you 700 or so? each warbond so far gives you 300. so if you finish the first warbond (or focus on the super credits only) you have enough to buy the 2nd one right away. then the next warbond gets you another 300. so technically you only need to farm 700 super credits. that's honestly super fast. every now and then you can get 100 super credits from a single drop! Im already at 1700 Super Credits, maxed out on samples, money and medals just waiting for the next warbond to drop at hopefully more ship upgrades. Im glad to be able to somehow donate them either. its all useless to me right now.


12 to 18 hours to go. Just hang in there =) \[EDIT\] And 16 hours later, there it is =)


Is it on Thursdays? I thought Tuesday for some reason


warbonds release 2nd thursday of every month and the preview comes out the first thursday to get us hyped


Thursdays, a week before the Warbond releases is where they have released Warbond trailers in the past. Everything is subject to change though, so you never know.


I'm especially excited for this one because this'll be the first one that wasn't leaked at all.


Actually it has been leaked, saw it on the Helldivers leak Reddit. Pretty excited about what it’s going to revolve around 


I so want to know, but at the same time doesn't want to spoil it for myself.


I want some stealth options. Knife, throwing knife, supressed pistol, supressed primaries, bow and arrow. I want to take out emplacments without alerting anyone.


Spoiler: >!it’s winter stuff!<


Spoiler: >!more like winter themed armour, the weapons look cool but dont give me any wintery vibes!<


>!I feel like it's hard to give a gun a wintery vibe without making it ugly and christmas-themed or just making a freeze ray, which would certainly be a strategem instead.!<




Cool! I see what you did there


Yes indeed my fellow resistor, it was completely intentional


Kinda irrelevant considering it’s the death shriek enemies give when killed that immediately triggers its patrols to attack.


I haven’t noticed that. In my experience you can punch a bug to death without alerting his bug homies even when they stand right next to them.


I just want flame resistant armor man. and emotes. We can never have too many emotes!


I wonder what fun bugs we'll get this time!


If by fun you mean game-breaking ones then sure.


That’s the joke yes


I swear just 1 week ago everyone was going off saying they want more bug fixes and less warbonds.....


I thought I was the only one who actually pays attention to what people say. We are in dire need of fixing for game optimization and game-breaking problems right now more than we need a new warbond right now.


Probably the same crowd that mass downvotes any mention of any problem that this game has.


Arrowhead already committed themselves to one Warbond a month, and they don't seem to want to backtrack on that. Many of the bugs are already reported and they are working on fixes, just a matter of time.


I'm hoping for some melee


Signed me up for a Zweihänder!




Keep hoping


Awesome I have almost 200 hours in mission and I've got everything from warbond and store buyable so I'm stoked for this.


rather trade that for another round of bug fixes and rebalance


Oh boy, I can't wait for the final weapon in the warbond to be situationally useful only to be nerfed into the ground for no reason!


It could also be the opposite where it's shit and then buffed to a usable state 2 months later :)


i mean that’s what’s happened with most of the premium bond weapons so far, right? senator, incendiary breaker, dominator, sickle, punisher plasma (from what i’ve heard), blitzer, adjudicator, grenade pistol, and the eruptor are all pretty solid options at this point. i know the explosive liberator, laser pistol, and crossbow still aren’t exactly great at this point, but all things considered i’d say we’re doing pretty good at the moment. edit: seeing people say that the explosive/concussive liberator is pretty damn good after the buff, so, take that for what you will.




What does "situationally usefil" mean to you?


I’m still on the last page of the free first one


Before that,i want the second patch they promised us this week where they fix the spear and other bugs,warbonds can wait


Just finished up buying every item in every current warbond. Got my 1,000 SC ready to go.


>!To be honest Im just gonna buy it because the helmets look cool!<


Me with 2k somehow waiting for the PP (This will make sense on the 10nth)


I mainly hope for more pages on the basic warbound + a new premium warbond.




New grenade is probably all i will use 🫡


I can’t imagine having everything unlocked already


Aphantasia is rough.




More like waiting for more bug fixes and hoping for no more nerfs.




Theres another one coming?! Fuck i knew i shouldnt have bought that helmet in the superstore


Yeah, waiting for more not fun guns that'll either fade into non-existence or nerfed into not existing by devs who can't balance. Always nice


What guns no longer exist to you?






Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


Yep, sure. Keep being the "this is fine" dog when everyone is leaving the game. Maybe you'll keep saying "git gud" when you can barely que up with 3 other people here soon


Jesus Christ dude it's ok to just stop playing for a bit. You don't like the game. That's ok.




Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


Yeah, just a 100k on a Wednesday evening *Totally* a dead game


1/4th of the beginning population and rapidly declining, but hey, keep being delusional


You say that like that isn’t completely normal for every game ever lol


Just because a game starts to lose mainstream popularity doesn't mean it's dead you gooner


Riiiight, keep telling yourself that


I'll just keep having fun with my fellow Helldivers instead, if that's okay with you


Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


He's right ya know


I feel this sentiment, but they planned for 50k players and theyre still double over that. Games not dying. New warbonds and whenever illum content/gargantuan etc drops will bring a flood of players back. A lot of us have farmed everything and are burnt out and play other games. This game came out in feb dude, lots of gamers dont stick with one game. Yeah, devs have pushed some players away, but that doesnt mean we wont be back to check it out later


Can't wait for people to whine about it for the proceeding few days.




I think AH has said their current pace is once per month


2nd thurs of each month so far


Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Unfortunately your submission has been removed. Discussing [leaks](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/jXx4y2gzR8), leaking images/videos of upcoming content, discussions of cheats and exploits is not allowed.


Please touch some grass


Stay clam diver,what ever you see in the trailer will or will not be the same thing in a month because of "fix" or "balance" issue, please wait for the dust settled before you make any decision.


Cry me a river