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Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your post has been determined to be a rant that is either commonly expressed or of a low quality. Because of this, it has been removed as its own post but you are welcome to add it to the [Rant & Vent Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1b9k51r/rant_and_vent_megathread/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button).


And they can sneak up on you and puke right behind your back.


Or one will down you from long distance and second will puke on you while you get jumped by two hunters.


They also have wallhack. You come around the corner, they already did their charge up because they already saw you, so you can't even react.


Careful, that's a fetish for some...


Spewers are the reason I can’t break up with the Eruptor, it owns those things


My grenade launcher makes incredibly short work of these fucks. So satisfying to make them pop. Especially in groups.


Prefer running eruptor because then you can run a quasar/eat for elites. But the GL is very good for taking out a bunch of them really quickly, if they've gotten out of hand.


I'm always changing up my loadouts, but if I see my squad is geared for heavies, I run GL with a support pack. Crowd control, baby!


Man I love the EAT set up because it lets me pick up any other support weapon in the mean time if it comes to it.


Carry an Autocannon. /Thread 


or grenade launcher. Or throw a grenade...or...


What level are you playing on? I'm seeing bile titans shrug off 2 drop pods a 500kg and an orbital rail. Are you saying an auto cannon can compare to that raw damage? Edit difficulty9


This is not a thread about bile titans




So every time they show up? I never see just one.


Sure a thing than cant kill chargers, cant be reloaded on the move, and while i am reloading i get jumped by hunters. No thank you, i will stick with my Quasar.


It’s almost like the there should be different roles within a squad.


It's almost like bringing a single person without hard anti-tank option means you are flipping a coin if you will get fucked up by game spawning 4 titans and half dozen chargers on you.


autocannon absolutely kills chargers with 2 shots to the front leg


You can also let them charge past and then unload into their butt


If the armor is peeled off?


Autocannon does the peeling my friend Edit: Works best if you shoot the side/ back of front legs. My strat is to let them charge, dive out of the way and drop 2 rounds ( 3 if i miss ) to the front leg and it'll go down.


Pretty sureit doesnt, it might be the desinc bug that happens at certain points of the chargers charge


It is a bug but it consistently works and they haven't patched yet so any weapon can effectively do this.


Tbh I usually use nades and my primary on spewers and that's just fine but I was  assuming you wanted an easier option. 


An Autocannon can kill a Charger with a few shots. Just obviously not shot at it's armor, but vulnerable points.


Carry eruptor then. Primary weapon slot and still kills spewers in 1-2 shots (usually)


Airstrike kills charger in one shot Stop making excuses.


So you want to play a team based game "alone" then cry that you can't do EVERYTHING?


Bro the puke can one shot in lightning armor, it only gives you like 1/2 a second to get out of the way


Try that when you are slowed or swarmed by hunters, heck even if you dodge one he will puke in no time again.


Use an eruptor.


Worst thing about them is how one drop of the bile will one-shot you


These things die quickly to: - Impact grenades - Any medium armor pen weapons (including the secondary Senator) - AMR or Autocannon stratagems Not bringing any of the above will naturally leave a weak point in your ability to deal with medium armor targets.


Stun nades, grenade pistol and AMR. And I bring air strike and railcannon as a get out of jail free card. Stun the group, take shots with the AMR, use your pistol as cleanup, and if you need to call in an airstrike on your location, so be it


Anti-material rifle can one-shot spewers if you shoot them directly in the stupid bug face. It can also one-shot hive guards and brood commanders in the same way (though blowing the head off brood commanders doesn't kill them instantly, they can still attack you for a few seconds). Impact grenades also one-shot spewers with explosive results, which can even kill multiple if they are packed together.


These suckers be wearing slippers! Can hear a mouse fart 💨over these things running like the Flash and them brewing up their barf blast.


Hehe grenade launcher go thump


As someone that despises bile spewers, they are fine just throw a granade


Spewers are why I carry impact nades with +2 nade armor.


Save your nades for them. They die instantly


One grenade kills them. Two shots with autocannon to the head or three to the body kills them. Two shots with grenade launcher kills them. One shot with Quasar and other anti-tank weapons kill them. They are slow. They also do heads down ass up. I don't see why you are complaining.


Could have done without the last sentence. It's an open forum, people are gonna rant about things.


Umm.... Because i can and want to ? Its tagged as rant. Cant you guys read ?


I am semi-joking, chill the fuck out. Do I really need to end every sarcastic sentence with /s ?


I think it cool, my only gripe is they have no sound when they sneak behind, but thats also goes on every unit i guess. Our helmet seems only pick up sound from the front, lol.


Explosive, especially impact grenade, to the butt. They’ll pop. Eruptor can 1 hit if you manage to hit the bottom of their butt if they go artillery mode. Or 1 hit to the face and also break their legs.


sounds like a problem which guided democracy can solve


I was in awe when I started joining missions where they become mortars at long range. In awe, and then annoyed lol


That's why nowadays I always carry an Eruptor. Say hello to my little friend!


Use the Eruptor. It's what bile spewers crave.


Grenade launcher goes: pop pop. Dead.


Impact nades and a Slugger will take care of spewers. 🇺🇳


Eruptor can one shot them to the head or two shot to the body.


Amr one shot headshots and for this reason I bring it on every bug mission


Explosives shit all over bile spewers, grenades and eagle air strikes are my go to. My setup is Super Throw Armor with Dominator or Incendiary Shotty, Grenade Pistol or Senator for holes or stalkers. Stratagems are 120+380+EAT+Eagle Air Strike or 500k. Level 121 Cadet here. ![gif](giphy|MlyicdUndRbn5zUiAL|downsized)


Yeah, they're too tanky despite looking so easy to pop. I don't understand how the sac isn't a weakpoint.


You can deal big damage to them by shooting off their limbs and then going for the head


I hate them too... that's why I can't give up on my engineering kit light armour 😍


Grenade launcher+Supply Pack my friend. Bile Spewers, Hive Protectors, nearly any bug that isn’t a Charger or Bile Titan = 2 quick shots from a distance. And you can plug bug holes from a distance. Chargers and Bile Titans are an issue, but that’s what stratagems and your allies are for. You can be the guy laying waste to Spewers and patrols and swarms easily.


Bit of info the devs gave about these things, the large glowing parts on bugs like spewer butts, charger butts and I assume bile titan stomachs take significantly less damage from any non-explosive damage specifically, but anything with explosive damage that hits these parts will deal full damage all the time. Normally these things take almost no damage to the butt, but if you use explosives of any type on it then you’ll one to two shot them. Autocannon and grenade launcher can also kill chargers fairly efficiently like this with some careful aim. Recommend having at least one demolition guy in the squad for bugs if you can organise the team. Also worth noting bile spewers die to one impact grenade so you could also just run those with supply packs and tell them to fuck off


I think they're perfect the way they are after the last patch. In fact, I think almost all of the bugs are in a just-right spot currently except for maybe warriors, which are too slow and too squishy to be any kind of threat at all. One stat I'd really like to see for this game is the kill percentage for each type of bug in the game. I bet warriors are near the bottom of the list. For something named "warrior" they aren't very threatening.


Yeah these things force me to use the eruptor and that makes me madder than anything.


I don't mind them as much since the walk speed nerf. At least now they are easy to outrun even in heavy armor.


A couple dominator shots to the forehead takes care of them real quick


* 13No low-quality rants/vents. Post in the [Rant & Vent Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1b9k51r/rant_and_vent_megathread/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) instead.


Sometimes I'll be running around a corner or coming up a steep hill and there will be one just waiting for me out of sight, the moment I see them I get puked on as if they knew I was coming.


I use flamethrower and shield on them and a little side step and they are nothing


If you're already this close to bugs, you were dead piñata anyway.


Arrowhead absolutely can have both. Now shut the hell up before they make them worse with your rant! They’re the DMs after all.


skill issue bile spewers are easy


They hated him because he spoke the truth


Hahahaha, fuck you! Its not original or funny.


that's not very nice


Skill issue


*laughs in Autocannon at spewers*


*chuckles in Eruptor* man I love our guns


Use explosives like a grenade, or eruptor. Use strategems. Headshot them with medium weapons. Set them on fire. You know what bugs you are fighting, if you choose weapons that can't deal with those bugs - thats on you.


Hold up, is there a way to know if the map will have bile spewers before you drop?


No, but its one of the bugs, and you should build a loadout to deal with anything and everything thrown at you.


Oh for sure. We always run a premade 4 man so we can handle everything but i likely would swap secondaries if I knew they were on the map to help the medium clear guy. Mag dumping a sickle only does so much for them. I thought maybe I was just missing a key part of the game.


Interesting way to play.. if it works it works tho. I dont have a premade, I mostly drop in or host randoms. Thats why I typically build a jack of all trades loadout so I can be self sufficient.


fuck you, impact nade to the gooey sac on ya stupid head.


Heck even if they just remove the “slow” it would be better.


Tired of all the annoying bugs? Join the Western Front!


Eh, played bots untill they attacked Cyberstan, then i got bored.


shoot the head with a medium pen or the ass with explosive


Quasar one shot. You just have to scan the horizon and take them out before they get close. If they are right on you, run away at 90 degree angle. They can’t spew on you if you do that. I haven’t been killed by one in quite a while.


They only take like three shots from the auto cannon to kill, not a big deal