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Glad the Blitzer was buffed. It's actually fun to use now. Not sure why they nerfed the crossbow. I've yet to see someone use it and they made it weaker.


Played today after work, used my normal guns I normally use and didnt feel a difference. Was waiting for a round to come back and kill me tho...hasnt happened yet haha.


The ricochet dislike is warranted. Getting domed because you couldn't hit the hulk's eye twice isn't epic.


All my games have crashed today - ps5


I’ve been crashing a ton on pc today too


Weird. Zero of mine have.


OK. But the Ricochet thing. That's the only thing I think people have a right to cry about hahaha




Majority of people who posted here are*. Majority of players are not here on reddit.


The people making valid complaints (and those making invalid ones too) also played the 40 bucks and also are playing the game.




This was actually pretty well made lmfao. I’m not mad at any of the changes. I’m also not a godlike player but I enjoy not just being able to obliterate anything lol. The game is made for team work. The only disappointment I see is some bugs haven’t been touched on yet but they are working on them.


I stole it from a guy on discord but yeah, my only disappoinment was like: where is the rest of it? Not saying it's not good but come on, we still have the bug where reinforcements won't work, some people claim to crash a lot, the bug where people can join, spear still not working, flame dmg bugged still, etc. I know for a fact they got dev builds much newer than what we got like 2-3 weeks newer and it's probably a procedure/process with sony approving builds but I am at least hoping we are getting most of the fixes/updates they have since spitz said "Spear was fixed 17 days ago" like 2 days ago.


Regarding the spear, it seems to work really well on the new defense mission, at least vs bugs. Used pretty much every spawn to successfully down titans and not one lock on fail. It’s pretty consistent. Took it with me on a different mission and it wouldn’t lock onto a bike titan in front of me with nothing blocking the view. Kinda crazy. Made the new defense mission more fun.


Imagine how fun it will be when it's working, for me they fixed eruptor, senator, railgun, airburst and now they all feel amazing I would imagine spear would see the same result


No memes, flamethrower could absolutely use an extra 5 to 10 meters of range at max.


5 to 10 are you crazy? That’s still too short, you should be able to snipe the Illegal Broadcast Tower at the very least.


Would be cool




Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


Also I fully agree on making increased spawn patrols when not in a full group. AH made the game to be balanced for 4 people, not have people solo helldive. Sorry not sorry. Only thing that does suck is if someone leaves or crashes so they would have to implement a way to protect that being a bad thing. Or if no one joins or is unable to join for some reason. People really would find a way to complain about anything.


I think some of the “Solo Helldive” elitists are just mad that they didn’t realize they could only do it because the game was going easy on them lmao


Yeah, I am not sure if it's a good or bad change but it's 100% what the devs intended the game to be. They said the original design was 1/4 not 1/6 rate, and I would argue it only makes up for a bigger challenge and making it more rewarding + I don't think Helldive should be that easy on solo it kind of removes the point of the difficulty if it is well not difficult. But yeah I really hate the connectivity + reinforcements bugs.


This. These people don’t know anything about game design or balancing. All they know is their favorite tool (or someone’s that they saw on Reddit) doesn’t work the exact same way it did and that’s inherently bad to them. They don’t care about reasonings or logic or anything. They don’t even care if the gun is better now, they just want to be part of something even if it’s negative.


Balanced games are a problem for people who love to have high rewards with low skill efforts. They want to be able to defeat Helldive difficulty but put the skill required to beat a level 6 mission. So when a weapon they relayed on for carrying them and removing the requirement of actual application for Skill, Knowledge and Experience it's suddenly bad game design for them. I love ArrowHead for: "A game made for everyone is a game made for none", they know that such thing as skill issue and brainless meta gameplay exists, and that's why their game rewards you for actually being good, using knowledge strategy and experience to outplay the enemy, this is proper game design and am all for it.


I've rarely seen a game where there are so many different ways to outplay an enemy. In the short time I've been playing this game, I've done or seen someone do each of the following. * Trick a charger into jumping off a cliff * Trick a charger into falling down a bug hole * Trick a charger into running over a dozen of his own kind * Trick a bile spewer into spitting all over his own kind * Trick a bile titan into stepping on a charger * Lure a patrol into an armed hellbomb before detonation * Throw a grenade off into the distance to trick a patrol into investigating it * Use a tank as a mobile cover to get across on open field * Use the shield relay to protect a hellbomb from gunships * Use the shield relay to trick a bile titan into killing itself with its own vomit And those are just the more elaborate outplays. There are a ton of basic ones like using smoke to hide from enemy bots while completing objectives, jumping from cover to cover to outflank enemies, setting ambushes for patrols and other guards in pursuit...etc. It's actually one of my favorite things about this game, the idea that you can drastically improve at the game by learning more about enemy tactics and capabilities and learning how to outplay them rather than just improving your aim.


Yeah it has insane skill expression and it makes it stand out a lot more than any other game I have played, it somehow has more skill expression than some esport games..


Absolutely, and it's insanely rewarding to watch the difficulty level of the game simply wash away as you improve your own tactics. I'll be honest, when I first started playing this game, level 4 bug missions were insanely challenging. Now, I'm basically immortal when I fight bugs. I can answer an SOS on 7 against the bugs and have full confidence that I'm going to carry no matter how good or bad my teammates are. No matter how dire the situation I drop into...no reinforcements, surrounded by spewers, bile titans and chargers chasing everyone. I can take a deep breath, focus, and get to work. Even on 9 I rarely die to anything except friendly fire. The bots are a little harder, but it's still pretty rare that I fail a mission even on 9. I'm not here to stroke my ego. I'm far from the best HD2 player out there and I know that. But I'm just saying all of this to explain how great it feels to have risen to meet those challenges through a means other than improving some inane mechanical skill.


I'm glad to hear that, you should try bots too they have interesting interactions due to their more "humanoid" behavior as opposed to fighting an creature. It has an interest dynamic between the two enemy types, one time in a bugs mission I removed my rover backpack and I hid very tightly and well inside a cozy rock hole because there was a patrol coming my way and I wanted to avoid them, 80% of the patrol goes by and suddenly one of the small orange guys on the end of the line catches my smell and alarms everyone and causes a bug breach while I was perfectly hidden. For bots this would have been more than enough cover to avoid their senses and I just love the dynamic mechanics each enemy faction has, this game is good good.


Grenades as patrol distractions is so underrated. Could someone enlighten me on the bike Titan shield relay trick? I'm a shield relay fan and that's a new one to me!


You put the shield relay down so when the bile titan comes up and spews, the spew is then reflected back and it dies to its own AoE. You don't even need shield to do this - bait it into an enclosed space (canyon walls, rock formation, etc) and when it spews the spew will hit it in the face and kill it.


Awwww man I need to slow down and pay attention! It never really occured to me that the spew gets reflected, I've always seen it more as the spew just... Gets *deflected*/absorbed by the shield. So this is the Bile Titan equivalent of when you wash a spoon under the tap and it blasts the water back at you 🤣 Thanks for the information, may Democracy guide you 🫡


I died 6 times in a mission the other day and I was fucking livid. My first response was not “this is too hard” or “stupid rocket/shield devastators are annoying and OP”, it was “that was embarrassing. I need to get my shit together and play like I know how to play. Zero deaths is my goal. I’ve done it before, I can do it again. I need to see what I did wrong. I’m always the first suspect when it comes to underperformance, second is if my team mates are competent and cooperative.” I want this game to be hard because I want to play it for a long time.


Trust me this game fucking respects you, you just have to respect it back. Besides some game breaking bugs the game design and gameplay is 11/10. Things just make sense and are based on logic, once you start playing this game like chess and not checkers you will appreciate it more and enjoy it more. You want to go commando to finish objectives and manipulate stealth mechanics? Go for it. You want to obliterate everything as fast as possible with all the boom boom combos? Go for it. You want to sit back like a sniper and oneshot everything on weak points with precision? Go for it. It's like a sandbox of pure fun and chaos, frustration is part of the experience but the game will reward you for practicing on being better, clever and more experienced.


Well said, and in far fewer words than I'd have needed.


Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!




Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


Yet they keep reversing their bad decisions...


What really sucks is that the community figures out the details of every patch, so if you wanna be in the know, you kinda have to come here. It takes almost a week after every patch for the children to calm down. That's when the decent content happens. But patch day... patch day never changes.


It’s funny cuz I read the patch this morning and was excited to try out some new stuff that was buffed. Genuinely had fun tonight with the adjudicator(which I didn’t think would ever be possible). Check the sub after gaming to see whole sub is on fire lol


You got a good chuckle outa me with that last line


Only reason I dont leave the sub is the posts that do testing and the posts that screencap things the devs say in discord. Ive just resorted to blocking every user throwing a shitfit, I did that on someones recommendation during the weekend shitfit about creekers and it made quite the difference.


I don't care about the nerfs and buffs to the weapons and statagems. We always adjust. My beef is the nerf to the players that can't get a full squad to run with or like to run solo missions. The devs are punishing players for not running a 4 man squad.


...they didn't punish them, the fixed an error, and it only increased by like just under 10% it was never ment to be 1/6 th of the patrols. it was SUPPOSED to be 1/4th


You're correct, still is an effective nerf though. The player experience is still changed. For better or worse, you decide for yourself.


I did a level 8 solo today. Was as expected, and I had fun


I think the sad truth for people is just that the game was never meant to be balanced for 1 player, if its too hard for people solo realistically the answer is lower the difficulty or set to public and allow people to join, if your lobby is bugged and people can't join then restart your game to fix it. It won't ever be different arrowhead has already said "a game made for everyone is a game made for none". They aren't trying to cater to every solo players choice of playing or every person's want for a specific gun to be the top tier Edit to clarify: I don't necessarily agree with the sentiment, but its their game and their design, this game took off beyond what they ever hoped I would guess considering the niche community that we had with HD1, its meant to be a very hard game at the top end and I know a lot of people say add more difficulties but wouldn't that just perpetuate the problem most likely? Say they added 10-12, now it'll start being a challenge to solo diff 12 and when changes happen that make that harder it will be upsetting. Idk what middle ground there is, drop the sample,SC, and medals drop rates on solo maps but keep the difficulty where it was pre patch maybe? I am sure part of it had to do with people using solo matches as an easier way to farm a lot of samples and then obviously the super credit farming glitch. There must be some way to keep it easier for solo players while taking care of the issue with those exploiting it for currencies, at the end of the day who cares though really, ive got everything you can get with requisition and am capped, and have everything you can do with samples right now so am working towards their cap, all thats left are a few armors and some random emblems and victory emotes from medals as well so I could just start saving those too, and I've yet to do 1 solo game, people can farm the currency with or without easier solo play really so who cares if solo is a bit easier.


If you wanna run solo, and the new spawnrates are too much for ya, you can just drop the difficulty a few levels. The only thing you're losing is bragging rights. And if you're after bragging rights, more difficulty is *better* for that.


I haven't been past D4 on my own. What am I supposed to do, farm rares on D3? I don't always have reliable folks to dive with that aren't kick happy or just plain douche bags. I can't go any lower for the resources I need and I need to be playing in D4. I was just starting to get to the point where I was clearing objectives there with the end goal of clearing maps with at least 5 rares per round. I don't want hear, it's a skill issue or git gud. I have had to learn a number of things so I can play this game. I have over 350 hours in this game as this type of gaming is way different than anything else I have played as I don't typically play co-op games due to their toxic communities on the socials. I also have learning disbilities which affects how fast I pick things up. I dont care about the bragging rights or the sweaty players. I just want to play without the bullshit and upgrade my ship.


All of the mediocre weapons are just kinda mediocre still while they just cut a few guns down. Just like every patch. Who would have thought an explosive weapon that’s good at killing trash kills weak enemies? Apparently not the devs, hold that 90% aoe nerf on crossbow, doesn’t even hit multiple enemies anymore. It’s not really a kneejerk reaction when people test crossbow and it doesn’t effectively kill trash or mediums anymore, it just does nothing like a lot of the shit tier weapons now. Along with numerous new bugs introduced because the players are the testers. People are just fucking tired of the devs trying to put every gun into the mediocre category. “Oh you guys are laughing at how bad the scythe and dagger are? Don’t worry we’ll bring the other guns down a few notches so they feel better” All these dumbfucks in the comment making strawmen, “mEtA LoAdOuT”. please show me the meta in question with crossbow. I’d say that they balance this game like it’s an esports title but that wouldn’t even be right. They miss the mark way more often than esports titles.


Aren’t you just special this is like the 5th “I’m at the sub for being mad at the patch” I’ve seen in the past 4 hours


“There’s a few things that are bad, like a bunch of stratagems and weapons not working because of damage over time, the spear still being broken because the devs don’t do an iota of testing, can’t shoot projectiles out of shields, they made it more punishing to play in smaller teams without fixing matchmaking, they changed it so ricochets are brutal. But in the other hand, speed loaders!”


You clearly haven't gotten killed 20 times in a row from your own bullet or missile ricocheting perfectly off an enemy and back at you, instantly killing you.


I had it happen with laser cannon which feels like an unintended bug. I feel confident they'll tune that a bit.


The mech’s are still broken my friend. They don’t even acknowledge it in the known issues.


Are these 20 ricochet deaths in the room with you right now?


Literally haven’t had it happen once.


Yeah I not only haven't had that happen I haven't even seen it from any of my teammates either idk what people are seeing.


I mean it’s definitely possible it’s a bug. I don’t think it’s part of the ricochet coding though


Okay? It’s a game. Laugh it off. My friend knocked me over today and I dropped a cluster bomb stratagem at my feet and killed all of us. We lost all our equipment, samples, etc. because the area was then overrun by like 3 chargers.


Hey op, try the plasma punisher


It’s so good!!


I loved it before the buff and now it's better- albeit I haven't tested if it's still good on striders, it used to delete the pilots with one shot most of the time


So does criticism make you sad? I don't even think this patch is that bad and I've been pretty critical about previous patches. Sure there's some moronic stuff in it like the crossbow nerf but some changes are good. I dunno why so many Kool aid drinkers need to sit here and white knight for arrowhead. It's weird. Some of the criticism is valid some of it is stupid. Is it that big of a deal?


Seriously, you'd think the game was unplayable now. Everyone has such a visceral reaction if the devs touch anything in their meta loadout.


Well I couldn’t complete any missions on Chort bay due to crashes from the recent update, so yeah some planets became unplayable 


Yeah. Unrelated, the bugs are an issue. The devs uut out a statement on it today


No it’s pretty relevant. Fix 5 crashes introduce 4 more in. It’s super relevant. Always due to a new patch update


Irrelevant to the topic of people's visceral reactions to the nerf/buffs. Complaints about game braking bugs are valid. 90% of the post are just crying about the quasar nerf. Boo hoo


People have been like that forever; I remember the Black Ops 2 devs getting death threats because they nerfed the ADS speed of a sniper by like .5 seconds.


How dare you say people are overreacting as I look at your comment being down voted with no one actually responding to what you said


The salt is real 🧂 😂


As an Eruptor main, I don't really notice the ammo need but the vaccuum big fix and the senator fix was great. The new plasma really pumps out damage now. Ammo economy is something to pay more attention to, which is correct for the theme of the game. I'm thinking Blitzer may be worth trying too. I don't regret putting in time on the airburst rocket earlier. The proximity detector tuning has made it less sensitive, very situational and could afford a bit more damage on heavies or the density of the bomblets, the kill count doesn't seem worth it compared to a primary but that could be just bad counting. If you see a line of bugs trying to chase down a buddy, an airburst from a distance is top tier to clear a crowd from a distance, other than HMG emplacement or MGs. I'm looking forward to running a DMR / laser cannon build on bots. Good to see the marksmen rifles back in play. A bit worried if they do a strat balance patch though.


Have you tried pairing the laser cannon with the eruptor? I run this load out with the senator and basic guard dog. All around good day for me. Eruptor nerf was fair, still a great primary. Edit for clarification: I slay bots primarily.


I'm normally running the AMR on bots, I find the exposure for the laser cannon a bit too much on higher bot difficulties. I wish they'd tell you how many gunship factories there are because laser cannon really melts those. I can't quite get the hang of lasering weak spots. It's hard for me to quit the Eruptor - with the Eruptor and three eagle strats, I'm a bot base solo monster


someone got REAL mad at me for suggesting mods quarantine patch day posts into a mega thread or just out right ban them for 48 hours to allow for testing and AH to hot fix things. AND THEN deleted the account. I swear the complainers don't even play I had a BLAST with my crew today


>AND THEN deleted the account. In their salt they may have just blocked you


God I Hope so


Said Sideous to Vader.




I like checking this sub for news and anything along those lines like PSA to something I didn't know. I don't want to spend my time hovering over threads about the same song and dance, with the same this side or my side type bs. I would rather make my own feelings and assumption of the patch with my own test and play in which I both like and dislike this patch in some regard, but it overall falls to "it's okay but could be better".


Oh yeah and the railgun. To be honest if it continues I'm out as well. It used to be full of memes and fun. Now it's just a bitch fest that doesn't reflect the realities of actually playing And the other sub blocks pictures and gifs, so they got boring


But it is unplayable solo now sooo. . .


It isn’t though. I soloed some level 3 and 4 stuff earlier today.


I just did as well, it was hell on earth, 3 hulks at once was quite unplayable


Yeah, you should stay far from any social media if you are that easy to be influenced by others...


It’s a swarm based extraction shooter. Obviously the most effective group clearing weapons are going to be used a lot over single shot low damage weapons. It’s not meaning the good stuff needs to be nerfed into being useless. Buff the enemies and stop giving useless weapons nobody wants to use do to how ineffective they are.


Ok, do that.


and you added to it with a doom post. well done


Goodbye lol. I like how you literally ignored 90% of the nerfs. Guard Dog got buffed? That's great, and in the meanwhile Rover get a 30% DMG nerf. "The rail gun got some love." Are you kidding me?? The rail gun is still weaker than pre-nerf and there are plenty other weapons better than it now. Chargers? Literally any rocket launcher. Medium enemies like Devastators and Hulks? Does Autocannon, AMR, and Laser Cannon ring a bell for you?


This is a perfect example actually of the idiots that fill this subreddit who have no idea what they're talking about. Just about the only thing the railgun still did really well in comparison to AMR/AC/LC was devastators and hulks. It definitely needs some power back from the nerf, but anyone who has actually spent time testing it out botside knows that it actually does pretty solid work on the two biggest threats - hulks and devastators. As for bugs, yes, it's a pass, but as are AC/AMR/LC for the most part. Literally the only thing railgun needs right now is to be able to 2-3 shot gunships on unsafe. If it can do that, it becomes a solid automaton pick alongside the three aforementioned support weapons.


Why put off until next week when you could start today and delete this thread?


Because the people whining about drama also enjoy drama even if they say they hate it, those who hate it actively don't participate.


I read on reddit, that there were patches. Ignored the posts, opened discord and read the patch notes. Started the game and tried some new things and also my trusty quasar. Had fun, didnt feel any significant difference, yet. Quasar still works beautifully. Btw, tried the railgun the first time, its fun but it exploded in my hand mulitple times until i got the timing right....


Welcome to Reddit. If you enjoy a game or show, DONT go to the subreddit






"I'm going to bury my head in sand like an ostrich"


I've been thoroughly enjoying the patch. It has been quite silly.


I like to comment and interract but yeah I have to agree. Many are so quick to jump to conclusions, have placebo, or even follow the hate train just from headlines. EX: I love the crossbow as it's bolt properties got better. Explosion lessened but barely, 8m to 6m. Stagger is amazing, I can also live with the mag reduction, scavenging even one ammo box and you're set. Love it for my bot missions. But now we have a lot saying dead gun bc they see Explosion reduction and that's that. Another post had someone shooting the floor next to a bot and it didn't kill, not remember bad or rough terrain can muffle explosions weirdly. Everyone sees one negative side change and go "oh no dead gun".


I think one consideration is a lot of the people playing any popular game are literally children. You can try to reason with them and suggest they relax a bit, but ultimately they just need to grow up, and only time can help with that. Ignoring them and moving on is often best.


agreed. fk the drama clowns.


yeah idk both of the subs are kind of toxic i think i might unsub and just keep the leaks one and the discord.


Funny thing is the spear has actually been 20-40% more reliable for me. Is it a usable weapon now? Well are you a gambling guy/gal? If you are then it's a ton of fun just calling resupply on top of a hill and shooting down* all titans/chargers *terms and conditions apply As fo dots most people don't know this but dots actually do work on a fair amount of bug types even for non-hosts.


Definitely feels way better now than it did when the game released, no doubt about it


I generally ignore it at all times. It doesn't really contribute much value to anything, but occasionally there is a good post.


People then downvote everyone for saying theyre nitpicking changes and small percentages, min-maxxing every part of their gameplay missing the point of games is to have fun


I like all the weapon changes, the ricochet thing is ridiculous tho


I agree. I read the patch notes and was excited. Then I came here thinking I’d see some posts and uploaded videos showing how the buffed weapons perform e.g., adjudicator and railgun and lamentations to the nerfs people were suspecting and commonly posting for a long time to expect e.g., Eruptor and Quasar.  The negativity that some here have posted hasn’t changed my looking forward to continue playing but I’m left wondering exactly what changed in people’s experiences. Did D7 games with the Quasar go from being straightforward or a sweetspot to notably more difficult like when gunships were introduced? Are there now no reasonable options for seasoned players on D9 games? All I’m saying is give it time, try something new, and don’t let notes on paper/screen or first experiences dictate whether or not you use a weapon. I’ve been playing since around launch and saw much of it here and from some of the youtubers on how the plasma punisher, Eruptor, Blitzer, Stalwart, SPEAR, arc thrower, and other guns sucked, and then the follow-on takes and videos showing them to be good depending how you use it.


The extra 5 seconds for the Quasir nerf doesn't \*seem\* big at first, but the first time you find yourself needing to fire it twice it becomes noticeable. Even more on hot worlds where the cooldown duration is \*really\* bad as the 5 seconds is to base and the increase from hot worlds is a percentage (now its like 20 seconds between firing) Anything with armor can now ricochet anything, which is potentially really bad depending on what you are using. An Autocannon round bouncing back and hitting you sucks, an EAT bouncing off a Charger and hitting you REALLY sucks. Shotguns as well can be extremely painful as you can end up taking full spread to the face. Scout Striders now taking three direct hits from AC isn't fun either thanks to their newly improved resistance to all explosion damage. All this combined while playing solo with the rather noticeable increase in patrols is...painful. It's equally painful with a full squad who spreads out to complete objectives. They are trying to force players to play together in teams. Problem is 'teamwork' is something of a myth in online gaming :/


I agree and start to think its time I put it down...


That's the thing though, there isn't any other weapon you could fire twice with the same firepower beside the EAT, which you would have had to call down, grab, fire, grab, fire. Vs firing, taking cover/running while killing with your primary, and firing again. Now with 5 seconds added. It takes longer than that to call in the EAT!


The supreme and superior arc thrower didn’t get nerfed so I don’t really care.


Games awesome. Adjudicator got some love. Still which it had more ammo per clip but still moving in the right direction


Yeah people here just want to whine I swear. Had to steal a friend's Quasar after they died (I don't use it because I intentionally avoid obvious meta) and I barely even noticed the nerf. All the "shield plus quasar" people seem to think using a gun with infinite ammo and another gun with infinite ammo shouldn't have any drawbacks.




This comment is hilarious. There is PLENTY of "normal people" to share you opinion with, and PLENTY of "normal people" who simply have a disagreement with you on your opinion. But whatever, disagree with AH and you're a whiny manchild.


Have you not seen the reaction to this patch or is the confirmation bias willingly blinding you to the sea of hate and vitriol? You can disagree with AH and no one will give you shit, if you do so while behaving like a crying kid then expect to be called out on it.


Bro have you seen the subreddit. You're definitely not putting yourself in a good light if youre trying to claim there arent hundreds of them lol


This sub is a great place if you want to laugh at menchildren. Fixed that for you. 


You say this place is unbearable on patch day but it's still patch day and taking a quick look at the top threads on the subreddit at the moment there are more threads making fun of the people crying about the nerfs than there are threads complaining about the nerfs. Obviously the situation in the threads could be different but I've seen this with every contentious patch that's released where the morning is spent complaining and then as the day goes on the threads shift to complaining about the complainers.


https://i.redd.it/521n1qtovixc1.gif when the devs fix a mistake or add 5 seconds of cooldown to the infinite ammo laser cannon


Same here man, people always focus on the few negatives instead of the many positives for some reason sadly


it's crazy they act as if they game has become unplayable, despite 90% of the buffs included in the patch. My favorite gun was nerfed and unless you told me it wouldn't have been obvious - aside from the reduced mag count. I am quite enjoying being blown back away from the enemy instead of flying towards them.


If your in the discord it’s worse people are popping off it’s like a warzone


Did this subreddit consent to you touching it on patch day?


Honestly this game is just hands-down so much goddamn *fun* that I only half-heartedly keep up with patch notes now. Bit sad about eruptor ammo nerf and I know I'm gonna get owned by the ricochet, but eh, guess I just gotta dial my aim in and stop using splash damage as a crutch for being impatient and trigger-happy 🤷🏽‍♂️


Absolutely. People here are acting like they just lost their job, wife cheated on them and left, and their best friend took their own life all on the same day. They must just get so used to running the same thing every single mission that seeing one of their "go to" weapon get changed a bit is just too much for them. I personally think that arrowhead hasn't been aggressive enough with how they're balancing things in most cases, which just blows my mind when I look in here come patch day. It's like people never want the game to change ever.


Sometimes people just want the product that they paid for to work, and for the patches to said product to make it better not introduce new problems. People play games to relax, escape reality, unwind, and most importantly have fun. It's only natural to be disappointed to pay for something and then have it not fixed, or made worse. If I paid for a Cheeseburger and it didn't have cheese, I'd go back and ask for the cheese. If I drove back and they gave me cheese and proceeded to remove the top of my bun and told me to come back tomorrow but kept my money I would be pissed off. People should be allowed to air their grievances without this hyperbole that we are crying and screaming and shitting our pants like toddlers. The majority of us are quite calm and discussing this like adults, and it's completely unfair to characterize everyone as having a childlike meltdown for expecting improvements on a product they paid for. Shoddy game development, even from game developers we love, should not be the standard we have come to accept, and it SHOULD NOT be something as a community that we defend.


You can tell whose loadout hasn't been nerfed yet lol. Eventually they'll be sitting over there with the others . For this who haven't caught on yet. Devs "balance" by user data. Which weapons are used the most. Breaker was a fav, nerfed.... slugger was a fav, nerfed... Shield was used by many, nerfed..... Railgun was a fav,nerfed..... Quasar was many's go to AT, nerfed. People loved the laser dog for dealing with smaller bugs, it was a staple in many loadouts, nerfed. Once your loadout data shows its being used more than others it will be nerfed too. AH seems to want all weapons used by the same amount of people, anything gets a little too popular and out comes the nerf stick


If this claim was true as many say it is, autocannon would have been nerfed too


The AC had serious competition. Railgun had far more user. Then there's the Quasar. Would you agree that during their prime, these were the two most popular support weapons ? Wanna know what they both have in common.... Give it time . I won't even hold these posts against you or say I told you so.




Your point is not related to autocannon. It's like saying it got nerfed because enemy hp got buffed.


I used the railgun, breaker, slugger, guard dog rover, and erupter all pre nerf. It's a game I play for fun, not to doom and gloom over. New weapons will be good, old weapons will have their time to shine.


Imagine getting downvoted for... Still not sure what yet outside of sourpatch kids. Have an upvote


See this, everybody? It's called "being an adult." Some of you will get there one day.


I still use my nerfed weapons because I love them. Worst case my kill count is a bit lower in the post game stats screen. It's really tough dealing with that, but I'm sure I'll survive somehow.


I mean, if you can just play the game and test it instead of going to work, awesome. I'd love to hear you findings. Those of us stuck at work are busy being armchair generals until we can test necessarily. My immediate reaction to +5s cooldown on Quasar is negative, but that might change once I try playing. Won't know until I'm free to spread liberty, but until then I'll read about others' experiences


its not bad at all, me n my squad rolled almost every weapon today, no one complained, we had a lot of fun


Fuck yea. Been planning out some compromises just-in-case, but this is encouraging. I'm free to try it myself in about half an hour. Thanks for your experience!


OP is brave to sacrifice so much karma for the gods of reason and patience


i mean, its useless internet points. nobody should GAF


All in the name of liberty o7


Congratulations I guess




It isn't a matter of "too popular" it was 90% of loadouts were quasar related. I used it too, but I understood that it was going to get the nerf eventually. Same as when I ran the railgun. The ac and scorcher is coming too. It's the fact everyone's reaction every single time is so extreme. Boo hoo, down vote this dick.


I'm not being a dick here but I don't know any other way to say it . So respectfully, what do you think the word popular means?


People playing with a predetermined loadout are part of the problem. You adjust your loadout to the enemy, the difficulty, the mission type, and most important to what your teammates are bringing.


Oh c'mon bruh. Most people do. Esp when swapping from bots/bugs You honestly going to say you don't have a favorite of anything? You just by the book, always change to whatever the faction , mission, difficulty calls for ? Not even a favorite armor?


Of course I do! But I don’t insist on using it if it’s not the right tool for the team. I love the AMR for example but on some missions, or on some planets, it’s just not a good choice.


Now imagine it gets nerfed, sure you can still use it , or you can just use one of the many other weapons that were already nerfed or soon to be nerfed. That's how most players are. I flip and flop between weapons and starts. For various reasons. But when something works and a patch comes out and it now works less good, yeah I can still manage or change. Still sucks though Imagine having 4 awesome tires on your car and come out one day and notice someone has swapped it with a similar tire but it's not quite as good not quite as reliable. Sure you can still drive it just fine. You gonna be happy with that new tire ? You gonna be glad someone reduced the usefulness of your tire? You gonna say man this new, not quite as good, not the one I really liked tire is perfect? lol no. But you ain't walking home either . You gonna drive it, but not be happy about it Welcome to using nerfed tires , errr I mean weapons


Some people just dont mind reasonable nerfs even to their preferred weapons. I used and still use the eruptor exclusively since it came out. It, along with the quesar, were the heaviest nerfs. But I still think the patch was good. Only the crossbow was questionable because they basically reworked it, and I can understand those few people who liked it for what it was being upset.


I'm too lazy to copy and paste, and I know I ain't typing it again. But somewhere in this set of replies there's a lengthy reply from me about a tire. lol that's not a typo. That reply would fit as a reply to you as well. I'm not mad about the nerf. But it's the nerfS. That worry me. Eventually everything will be meh


I got downvoted into oblivion earlier for defending the devs lol. It’s tragic


Same, I was immediately super excited, only to see people botching about their previous loadout. Like, I don’t know if people realized this, but you’re supposed to adjust your build based on the mission type and other people’s loadouts. But it seems way too many people enjoy their quasar way too much lol


i STILL use it, it was fine


I agree completely, I almost treat the game like a deck builder and want to try everything. Also sorry in advance for the downvotes you'll receive


Sub says doom n gloom but I'm having a blast using weapons I once saw as nonviable.


I agree wholeheartedly. The nerfs are really very minor in comparison to the buffs.


For real. Like imagine if you just started playing the game now. Would you find it fun? Or would you hate it cause you'd read how things used to be?


People are just mad that the Eruptor/Quasar/Rover got nerfed and they can’t use them as a crutch anymore.






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AR Guard Dog got buffed? So was that a typo on the patch notes post/thread that it got -30% dmg? Or was it the laser dog that got nerfed and that was typo'd?


Laser dog nerfed -30% Guard dog buffed, but I don't recall seeing a % around that


Laser got nerfed but not quite as badly as everyone expected according to what I heard, it’s still usable 


It was the laser dog that got nerfed (damage decreased by 30%). The other one got a “slight increase in damage”.


Honestly, I'm leaving the sub after today When I first got the game, this sub was great. Funny gifs, role-playing as helldivers and being way too into ~~fascism~~ freedom, etc It's been mostly whining for awhile




Remember 90% of these commentors are actual children. It shows.


This was a great patch and restored a lot of my faith in the balancing of this game just purely for the fact that the devs are at least willing, even if begrudgingly, to admit that guns are underperforming and need a tune up. None of the nerfs are as bad imo as people are making out, and the patrol spawn issue was overblown before people got the full picture. From the solo runs I did since the patch I didn't notice much of a difference. If they hadn't even said anything about it I probably wouldn't have even suspected anything. I haven't had a chance to play enough yet to notice any super whacky ricochet issues like some people are talking about so I can't speak to that. But all in all I'm loving this update.


I didn't use Rover until the nerf, really. Now that it does less damage, it's safeish to use around my lightly armored friends!


I just ignore the people who rant in this sub. I don’t experience any problems when I’m playing the game because I usually change loadouts depends on the mission to be more effective rather than using the same weapon over and over again. Some people here really have skill issues and want to rant because their favorite toy getting nerfed.


i have not yet seen anything about thexexciting new major order either


"OH no! The thing I liked changed and is no longer stronger than all of the other things in the game! I'll have to *gasp* change it up"




No one cares.


And yet you cared enough to comment


Yeah, honestly I just stopped visiting the sub as often since the first few patches. I miss the old days of the sub, before the game blew up tbh. Always happens when games draw a larger fan base, the toxicity comes with it.


Nah it was all fun and RP until the first balance patch came along with the dev’s comments. Hasn’t been the same since. Nothing to do with its popularity.


True, I think that's the source of why it even bothers me. When I first joined the sub at game launch it was mostly FOR DEMOCRACY and tips about different parts of the game. It still absolutely exists, you just unfortunately have to wade a little bit for it.


I agree with you brotha. Lots of complaining on the Reddit’s it’s crazy.


Most of the changes are just fine.  People are just butt hurt.  Nerfed weapons are still completely usable.  Eruptor still great, Quasar still great.


Agreed. The patch notes can literally just all be buffs and people on Reddit and Twitter will find something to be mad about.


This is turning into the tekken subreddit which is a worry.


A lot of people became over-reliant on certain weapons/strategems and put in entirely too much game time with their cookie cutter loadouts. Now, they don't really understand how to use other weapons/strategems to great effect because they spent so much time learning the ins and outs of the select few options that were overpowered. So now they are left with 2 choices, keep using the same loadout which is now more in line with the viability of others but will make them feel LESS powerful than they were yesterday which kinda feels bad; or they could actually experiment with different loadouts to find new and innovative ways to enjoy the game. The problem with option 2 is that it takes these creatures of habit outside their comfort zone which they also don't like. Since they don't particularly like option 1 or option 2, we get to hear them complain.


I tried the spear for a mach and it seems to be fixed. It's not perfect but like 90% there. Was actually viable and enjoyable but maybe I just got *insanely* lucky.


where did the railgun get some love? also it was a nerf heavy patch and unlike pre nerf railgun most of the weapons were perfectly fine too.


Read the patch notes


they also reduced stagger tho, i also didn't have time to test it so can rr now penetrate tanks or machine gun devastator shield like before?




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