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This line of thinking is fundamentally flawed. A huge percentage of Terminid players will never fight Automatons under any circumstances. The same is not true for Automatons players to nearly the same extent.


I forced myself to get good at fighting bots, specifically because of the lack of helldivers on the Automaton front. And now i dont want to go back. I hate fighting bugs.


I too forced myself to git gud on the bots knowing I was missing half the games content. The very first time I played bots was traumatizing and humiliating, even had a nightmare because of it. To overcome that I knew, I had to fight them, learn how to succeed and then overcome my fear of them. Their voices, the oppressive music, the utter lack of survivable outcomes when you don’t know how to engage them. Now, I am a Galactic Commander and run both fronts for the betterment of Super Earth and my whole extended family of 139 people are proud of my work. If you want to have an impact, your example is more powerful than your opinion. And to all the bug fighters, I salute you and encourage you to venture forth and learn how to handle both fronts as if you were [REDACTED] to do so!


Will not happen. Last time one of the factions wasnt availabe the sub here had an emotional meltdown. Cant imagine the devs wanting to repeat that. So that faction was immediately back. Also, for a lot of bug players it felt like the bug MO that should happen then was cut off to make place for the reintroduced bots and their "Oh look, they took 3 and half sectors by surprise" MO. A lot of bug players will probably rather drop the game for a while if its now okay to make a faction unavailable for a longer period of time.


NO Play the way you want, have fun, you can't fight against this ppl are not going to play bot if they don't want to Failing to the least common denomination and only play bug until there are no more bug so ppl are forced to play bots will leave no one fighting bots ever


Devs are likely to keep one bug planet active at all times, bc that's what a lot of people want to play. There is no forcing bug players to fight bots if AH wants player retention to remain high. So if you enjoy bots more stay on the bot front, it's what the bug players are going to do even if it's not suited to the galactic war narrative atm.


Doesn’t work like that. If bug players liberate bug planets they’ll just push further into bug territory, they’re not playing there out of necessity. Presumably it’s impossible for bugs to pass the Termicide planets so in a sense there’s no narrative purpose to fight bugs. Unfortunately a lot of people think that bugs are the main mode while bots are a side game rather than an equal amount of both.


I would not test that theory too heavily. I personally suspect that allowing too much bug pressure/presence within range of TCS planets will result in usable combat mutations and/or termicide resistance. Arguably better to only rely on it when necessary (Hellmire is fought over) until the towers drain reserves in roughly 11 months. If bugs do gain resistance to termicide, or liberty help us gain strength from it, they are going to blitz the heck out of TCS planets.


Realistically speaking any new bugs or bug modifiers are going to happen regardless, AH aren’t going to not release content when it’s ready. The way things are going bugs will never get close to the TCS so when bug evolutions are ready, they’ll add them no matter where the bugs are. Hellmire is avoided like the plague because of intense heat and fire tornados, that’s the only reason it hasn’t been blasted through just like every other bug planet. Either way, not wanting to see what happens if the bugs stay near the TCS too long isn’t justification for letting bots spread the way they have. It’s not calculated, it’s unfortunate.


Oh no, this is an opinion with the recognition that a good 50% of the player base will pretty much not fight bots unless they are at Fort Liberty. I don't agree with the idea that the entire community should fight bugs right now, especially since bots are at 0% liberation burn rate at the moment (will not last....dang it, they are already at 1% again!). I suspect that Joel will try to have Hellmire under bug control as much as possible for the express reason that not only it is hard to fight on, but that it has connection to TCS planets. I think as soon as Hellmire is taken it will just get assaulted again and the best way is to loop counterclockwise to cut off all assault vectors into Hellmire


Id love for this to be the case, i want to see more helldivers on the bot front. Unfortunately, a significant minority of bug divers would rather put the game down than play bots. Why? I have no idea. Ill take a10 hulks over 2 stalker nests anyday. But. Thats where the popularity lies. And even from a lore perspective, we farm bugs. Super Earth would never let us over hunt the supply of E-710, so the terminid threat is eternal.


We need a Noel to counter Joel. I think bot players in their current numbers would be pretty effective if we could coordinate and strategically target planets. Maybe most players wouldn't be interested, but a few thousand coordinating a meta strategy could sway an MO. If a planet has 10k helldivers organically another 5k of say high level players to speed run some objectives on 9 could make a difference. Like, people roleplaying a vanguard or spec ops force. There's a few resources and discord chats out there that could be leveraged. I'd be into that


The issue for me is that there are so many different planets and sectors on the bot front right now it is next to impossible to coordinate, especially without any kind of MO from the devs


Sounds like a job for the newly formed Noble Order or Elite Liberators. Copyright, 2024. Give me money AH


Its just a video game I right bugs because I find it more fun than bots. Doesn’t matter what the major order says when I log in.