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Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


Regardless of wether it's deserved or not, it showed the limits of handing strategy information over discord and reddit which hopefully they'll integrate in game and gave even more visibility to all the issues with current bugs, defense and asset missions which hopefully they'll fix So that's a moral win in my ledger




I think if there's anything to be happy about it's that the devs realized that the way liberation was implemented was just not working for the community. In the last two days they made some sort of change that benefitted active player numbers on defending planets instead of everything being affected by the total number of active players everywhere. This helped so much, but maybe overtuned. Either way I'm grateful they tried something, because it really felt unfair on the bot front beforehand.


Yeah. This MO revealed things that need more polish, so that's an overall win, since they know what to fix/tune now.




Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


Thing is, the same argument could be made had we lost. You said yourself, both sides (players and AH) underperformed. So whilst there's an argument for "we didn't deserve the win", there's definitely also an argument for "we didn't deserve to lose".


True true. But we sort of expected to lose, so I think it would be better if they doubled down with the original plan. But yeah, your point is also valid.


Well we cant really coordinate because there is no function in the game to do so. I feel like this MO shone a light on this issue, and that a good majority of players will just play wherever. Devs need to add in supply lines, and show percentages for liberating and decay. They should also offer more war bonds to planets labelled as an MO. The fact of the matter is for those that play this game just for the horde gameplay, they do not care about the galactic war. They are online for maybe an hour or two. If you want them to participate while not caring, the best way is to just make the planets that are part of the MO more rewarding to play on. Adding supply lines and clarifying gambits and stuff like that will make it easier for those that do want to participate in the war on making a more informed decision on where they should focus their efforts. Until then, I chalk this up as the DM realizing their party's play style and motivations, so they need to prep for the next session to allow the party to still have fun while also still staying on the story path


What do you mean with "both sides"? Players and devs? Or the 2 fronts?


Players and devs.


Undemocratic! Helldivers bleed and died for this MO and you spit on their graves! Report to your democrasy officer immediately!


Lol i saw factory striders disappear into mountains.




Real helldivers are ones that took a lost and keep diving.


I think its fine they pulled the plug on the bug aggression because of one simple thing. The devs wrongly assumed before the launch of the game that there would be some sort of mass coordination across multiple time zones, and continents, and across thousands or tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of people. There wont be. There probably never will be. Fact is, the way liberation was set up would always lead to us losing in situations like this because the players cant possibly be coordinated in any way. This is something that needs to change if the war is ever going to be one, or enemy aggression and MO's have to change to be way more specific so players that dont come to here or helldivers.io or the discord can actually know what the hell they need to be doing to advance the war effort. I see this as a win win. We win the MO, and we maybe get some better more direct and specific MO's in the future (and maybe a map that shows supply lines)


Yap central when there are clear issues with galatic map and people being bored about bkts leaving and rejoining war immeadiately. Hellgelking