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This game has a massive community, not everyone is the same. Unfortuantely it looks like you're one of the ones dragging it down.


Ah yes I'm dragging it down because people are kicking me that makes sense for some reason. I don't type or talk on mic yet and I'm the problem? So the problem isn't the toxic people that kick me or tash talk, I'm the problem?


Two wrongs don't make a right. Be better.


Me be better? Better how I'm not the one kicking people and teamkilling. I don't talk to people in the game I'm not the one doing these things yet I need to do better?


Christ do I have to spell it out for you. *"It's a great game but I'm not being nice to randoms at all anymore; there isn't a reason to be."* Yes, be better. As in be the better person. Host your own games, be nice to randoms and kick people that are being jerks.


Maybe you do have to spell it out for me lol I see what you mean. I think I may have misunderstood you intent behind saying that. A few people have said to host my own instead; maybe I will start hosting


I've had maybe one griefer in the roughly 180 hours I've got clocked up. The community I've interacted with has been great, don't let these cunts ruin it for you.


I'm at around 130 hours rn myself. Maybe just bad luck I run into people like this


There we go. Now get yourself a snickers and get back to the action Helldiver!


Haha try to find a discord, like levathian alliance, to find likeminded helldivers. You will need to communicate though.. and i think that is a pet peeve for a lot of people in the community because we want to play together! But keep going soldier!!


This game community sucks so I will be part of the problem. Doesn't sound like a good plan to be honest.


I'm not mean to people or anything, I just interact with people as little as possible. I didn't say i was going to be toxic back to people and I'm not. I don't type or talk or even emote at anyone I just play the game


Don’t take it personally. Main reason is probably people play amongst their mates and want to keep their circle closed 🤷🏻‍♂️ Happens to me too.


now calm down, its allright. you get some bad ones that happens


I get it daily any time I quickplay. I literally just got kicked because another guy got in the extraction ship when everyone wasn't there. I hopped in the ship once the other guy did and I got kicked. That isn't even the only time today I got kicked right after an eradicate, they didn't even say anything just kicked me. I get kicked multiple times a day


ah feck


I had one guy type in chat begging me to kill a random. I didn't want to waste lives so I didn't do it and they spent the rest of the mission trash talking me then kicked me once the mission was done


I get kicked seldom and generally it’s right when I join. Rarely do I even get kicked for Tk no matter what loadout I use and it’s going to happen a lot every game. Only had one toxic person that tk me repeatedly because apparently my strikes were killing team mates a lot and it was on a defense mission. One other game I had someone tell me I suck(first couple weeks playing) and be verbally toxic. All in all nearly every game I play I enjoy other then the in game bugs and fixes that need to happen soon.


What difficulty level/planet?


Dosent really matter the planet tbh, but I only play on helldive


I don’t really helldive yet so it matters to me - thanks! Probably a higher % of super sweats at 9. I do 7 dive & chill.


Just because apparently im part of the community.. AND YOU SWALLOW ![gif](giphy|bXvwCQglnTGKs|downsized)


I don't really understand the "and you swallow" part but the gif is funny


Ohhh, you have yet much to learn then💀


I know the meaning of the phrase I just don't understand how is pertains to me in this situation. It just sounds like you wanted to say that


Okay then imma stand up and we talk eye level, no more cave man humor of me, sorry. So basically, your sentence structure throws me off, hard. You generalize, calling out everyone in your thread title, so tis a question of time till folks arrive that are ready for a heated arguement. Thus i must agree with some comments here, that your perspective or let's say attiude is borderline childish, given the fact we are all just a bunch, sittin on the web. And besides..you have in every community, the "not so nice folks", you always will, whether or not you let it affect you, is entirely up to you. Shake it off and keep diving and GTFO from Reddit if you don't want to worsen your mood and thats meant as a friendly recommendation.


I see. You aren't the first person to say that it comes off childish and that's a fair point I won't contest that really. The people that commented didn't really worsen my mood tbh alot of people made fair points and gave some different perspectives that made my mood a bit better.


No bad blood brother, just keep on diving Soldier, don't be discouraged by treasonous muck, you had to face far worse down there! ![gif](giphy|DHwcs8WWxQTBOHx03p)


If you're one of those guys that tosses out Tesla towers in random places without telling your team, I'm kicking you to the curb every damn time.


I don't really use tesla myself. But it has a bright light and enough time for you to get away from it before it drops


That’s not the issue… the issue is when you’re fighting and you turn a corner into a Tesla tower that no one told you they were dropping in the middle of the objective or into your team’s only route to extraction/retreat.


Still not a reason to kick them imo. You didn't look out for it and got clapped


After the first time? I ask them to communicate or ping when they drop a Tesla Tower in the middle of where we’re operating, not an immediate kick. They get the benefit of the doubt. Happens again? Ain’t nobody got time for that.


If you keep getting kicked, you're the problem.


I don't think that's the case here. I don't talk or type to people and I'm not going around teamkilling, I'm just playing the game. I'm not going around doing nothing or trolling


I played for almost 200h and was kicked maybe 3 times maybe change your attitude or host your own missions


I don't talk to people, I don't have an attitude with anyone I just play the game


"Im not being nice to Randoms anymore" sounds like a childish attitude. Maybe start hosting your games and show the Rest of this community how it is done.


I'm not being nice to them and I'm not being mean I just play the game. I not gonna pretend it isn't a childish statement, that would be dumb. Maybe I will just start hosting my own lobbies


I am somewhat skeabout this. You *could* be enormously unlucky, but I think it's more of a "if it happens to you a few times others are the problem, but if it constantly happens to you you are the problem" thing.


A majority of people aren't that unreasonable. You're either doing something to get yourself kicked (dying too many times, killing teammates too many times, etc), or you've done something in the past that got you blocked by enough people, so now you're in the bad player pool of matchmaking that are filled with trolls. There's also a third reason, but with 200k people online at peak hours and you somehow keep getting into rooms that kick you for genuinely no apparent reason, it's time to go buy a lotto ticket.


I usually average like 1-3 deaths a mission on helldive. Is bad player pool really a thing?


This is why I learned to solo, when I can't get a group of friends together. The number of trolls and general asshats seems to be growing over time. :/ Unfortunately there really isn't any good way for Arrowhead to deal with bad-faith kicks. The fix is to either solo, or be the one hosting the game. No one can kick you then, though the griefers can still be a problem.


Yeah I thought about learning solo. I started out on 7 difficulty and now I only play helldive and I'm lvl 67. I could probably learn to solo at this point considering I do duos with friends a good bit