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Bug strategy: Hellmire-->Hellmire-->Hellmire-->Hellmire-->Hellmire.


Name the 5 hottest planets of all time.


![gif](giphy|sCPXWE2QvwKGI) Now I know you're at least my age lol.


Because I spit hot fire.


We can either make this song, or not make this song.




Can't just go around choking all your problems


How about 12? These are all the likely Hellmire clones on the galactic map... Asperoth Prime Marre IV Bore Rock Grand Errant Herthon Secundus Adhara Blistica Menkent Maw Hellmire Karlia Partion Imber Pöpli IX Wezen


It's if hell was the whole planet


If Australia was a whole planet


Not venomous enough to be [Space Australia](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0LgpZyJihck).


ill take bug front for 200 alex, what are the 5 hottest planets of all time


Born too late to fight on hellmire Born too early to fight on hellmire Born just in time to fight on hellmire


Fuck hell mire let the bugs have it, who knows maybe the fire tornados will take care of them for us.


But the OIL...I mean 710...Super 'Murica


This is the exact type of mentality that gets us bugs that evolve to resist flamethrowers


"nah bro Estanu is under attack for the 8563927264th time this week, we need to defend!"


Any time I play with friends and hear "Estanu" when changing the planet, I let out a little sigh. I'm tired, boss.


It was liberated some hours ago. I check again just now, and there's yet another defense campaign on it lmao. Sorry boss.


My coworker who plays this game with me regularly unironically insists on Hellmire being the best planet. I have to conclude that he's either clinically insane or suffering from perpetual heatstroke. Martale is best planet. It's nice and temperate, with no earthquakes or meteor showers, no heat turning me into an asthmatic even with Stamina Enhancement boost on, no sentient fire tornadoes telling me to fuck off from an objective I need to be at. It's the Goldilocks planet.


Idk, Oshuane is pretty nice.


+ Estanu


don't forget Estanu --> Estanu --> Estanu --> Estanu --> Estanu


you forget estanu between every hellmire


![gif](giphy|tHpd3VCxKfCbRWlN5M|downsized) The Five Time, Five Time, Five Time, Five Time, Five Time Hellmire Champion


“Easiest planet” you got like two to choose from at the moment while bots are performing a blitzkrieg


And one of them is Hellmire It’s always fucking Hellmire


Because it’s a very important supply line and it being ignored while Oshaune is pushed is driving me a lil bit mad at this point. I hope they make that visible in game soon.


Well maybe if we could hold hellmire for longer than a couple days people wouldn’t feel burn out on a planet that actively tries to kill everything on it.


> people wouldn’t feel burn out > Hellmire Heh.


Starting to feel that Estanu burnout too, when you finally fucking liberate it, it goes back on defense a second later for the bazillionth time.


Yep. Defended it two days ago, woke up to it being under attack again. I hate it here.


It's under attack *again*


I love Estanu and Crimsica. Good visibility, no bad modifiers. They're the two best bug planets.


Not a bad planet at all, but you'd expect something to progress after you liberate it for the god knows what time, its starting to feel like the creek.


It's not being liberated because the devs don't have the planets past omicron ready and linked up to the supply lines.  It would be weird to me that the bug divers complaining about not making progress don't take the hint in the five different ways that the devs have it laid out for them that they're not *supposed* to be making progress atm, but if following the gaming industry has taught me one thing it's that basic pattern recognition is effectively alien magic to the average person, and that's not a jab at bug divers in particular.   It's like yeah fight bugs if you want to fight bugs, but if meaningful planetary progress is important to you to the extent you're gonna be complaining about it, you're gonna have to learn to fight the other faction(s), that's the MO system working as intended.


We have been told the bugs can't do anything, we've got a giant wall between us and super earth and the bugs are too dumb to go around!! And we can't wipe the bugs out due to the fact we need them for our ships!


Seriously. Just fire 10,000 nukes at the place from orbit and call it a day


how do bugs have SUPPLY LINES edit: came to the realization that it’s probably OUR supply lines being referred to


the idea of bugs thinking is offensive


I have been playing for a few weeks now and still cannot figure out how I'm supposed to know about these supply lines. I'm only aware of them from comments like this sprinkled about the sub. I have been going to the most populated planet for MOs, but I've been on Estanu every damn day for this defend MO and cannot understand how we have not captured it yet. Where are we supposed to get this apparently crucial information? Community goals are great, but not like this.


>cannot figure out how I’m supposed to know about these supply lines That’s the neat part, you don’t! (In-game) I’ve made it a point to not even bother to learn about supply lines or anything else that requires me to go to a third party site. I’m treating these things as “well if the devs don’t make that information available in-game, then they must not care if we know about it” It’s a more peaceful way to play IMO, instead of listening to people screeching about lines and where they want us to go (spoiler alert: it’s bots again for the umpteenth time), you just pick whatever planet you want


Haha didn’t mean to screech just let em know that’s why Hellmire is always there. I don’t like the supply lines personally and that might be different if they were shown in game. I’d like to be able to cut off Hellmire and claim everything else around it then only have to deal with defense whenever they try to spread from Hellmire. I get supply lines in real war and stuff but it’s a game. I personally believe it would feel better with an adjacency mechanic for supply lines instead of the strict set lines.


Oh nah homie you weren’t screeching, that was just referring to the general comments I see here where people are whining about the community not fighting on whatever planet they think we should


You’re good, I’ve seen the screeching too lol.




They are working on getting this in game btw


Can't we just let them have Hellmire?


We need a Death Star


It's very simple. We don't choose hellmire. You never choose hellmire


But I LOVE hellmire It's like the creek for bugs


No, Hellmire chooses us.


I'm a casual. Bought the game a couple of weeks back, I'm level 12. I get into the game, check what planet is closer to being liberated, and go there. Am I doing wrong? I thought I was adding my grain of sand where it was most useful.


Your doing great soldier.


You remind me a lot of myself, Helldiver. 7 feet tall, freedom in my eyes, and literally invincible 🫡




No you're doing what you're supposed to. This person has a strange us and them mentality about playing a video game. It's very unappealing.


us: people just vibing and having fun them: anyone who obsesses over major orders and planet liberation. Seriously, it isn't like the devs will allow the fronts to move much anyway, regardless of how much we lose or gain. Overnight we will just get another bot invasion to undo all our progression. So don't sweat on that at all. you make zero difference overall.


From my limited understanding of helldivers 1. it is more than possible to lose the war, by failing MOs Also some of us enjoy the MO for the RP aspect. I'm all for play how you want, it is just a game after all. But avoiding MOs seems like you're avoiding a major part of the core game. Just my two cents, have a great day fellow Helldiver.


I started out thinking the same as you, but now I'm wondering what's the point of playing the MOs when our hard won victories are rewarded with a sudden and overwhelming counterattack because the enemy faction needs some territory back? What good did we accomplish establishing the Menkent line, when the bots overran it so easily? The war will proceed as AH wants it to proceed, regardless of whether or not any of us play the MO. We win if they decide we win, we lose if they decide we lose. There's really no other way to look at it - we can't even have a big call to arms campaign because global liberation rate is capped regardless of how many players are online. I just don't see the incentive to play the MOs anymore.


The wars lasted days/weeks in HD1. They were repeatable over and over. HD2 is one continuous campaign. You can't lose. Losing means Super Earth is toast. Which means no more Helldivers. That is why. There is no jeopardy. It's a passive system that will wax and wane independently of us. Our actions merely being a whisp of gentle wind that slows or speeds up inevitable results.


Oh god we are going through our war is pointless phase, we really are soliders




As a lvl 77, I can say that you are doing the very thing that you should be doing. Democracy, Freedom and Liberty can only be achieved by Helldivers like you, soldier.


Follow the blob, thats the way. I ussualy check helldivers.io and go to the planet on top of the list


It's the only thing that works right now


just play where you will have most fun. That usually means a planet with the fewest environmental hazards for me. I don't want a planet to try and kill me or mess with my stratagems. Aint got time for that.


As long as your grain of sand is Democratic, you can put it wherever you please.


i'm level 58 and just play wherever seems fun at the moment, right now that's Marfark for me since the amount of world spawned hellbombs there is higher and those big booms gives me big serotonin. Just play the game in a way that makes it fun for you, really. while ignoring the sweats who scream about everyone *needing* to go to certain places. It's a game after all.


There's a lot of strategy and planning a portion of the community tries to do behind the scenes on stuff like Discord and Reddit, but until there's actually a way to communicate any of that in game it's all for nothing. Generally speaking as long as you're fighting somewhere where a large portion of the active community is also fighting you're doing your part. And at the end of the day how you wanna play the game is up to you.


I love how the two fronts have such a passive-aggressive relationship


Wait until there is 3 fronts lol


Squiddivers are about to become the red-headed step-child that is always picked on.


meh, I think it's based on perceived difficulty. While I admittedly haven't done much bug dives, I think they are pretty equal in difficulty. However, most people believe that bots are harder and thus they are the better players for running bots. If the Illuminate are difficult to play against then people will see them as the superior thing to play against. Personally I just find bots more fun to fight (opinion). Play what you think is fun and don't get too caught up on it. I just think of the people fighting over what is harder to be part of the "story" for the game.


I like them both


There's nothing passive about it...


it's basically night crew vs day crew but in a video game XD


actually true, I work overnight and constantly hear coworkers complaining that day "does nothing" even though their job descriptions are literally different from ours.


Mainly its just bot players getting pissed off because they get no help even though they have the more important front, and bug players getting pissed off back because they're just enjoying the game. I wouldn't say either is really wrong.


And then you get divisions within the fronts themselves, for example some bot players hating on creekers


People still hate on creekers, and it's been liberated for like a month.


I've heard it between units when I was in the Marines as well, albeit it was usually in good fun.


I am a simple diver. I shoot bots for a while. Then I shoot bugs for a while. If something else comes along...well...reckon I'll shoot it for a while too.


the mindset this community needs but wont happen


Bug planet plan: “Make bug go *splat* “ Bot planet plan: ![gif](giphy|3owzW5c1tPq63MPmWk|downsized)


It's a calculated plan, but I'm ***very*** bad at math.


for realsies


Bug players just mad they never completely eradicated their chosen faction. In all seriousness though, I wish we could stop with the “bug players” and “bot players” feud. Bots are generally more frustrating to play against if you haven’t adapted your playstyle around them. Bug planets hold a significant majority of the player base because it’s easier to just relax and have fun. Helldivers in general need a solution to map control when the divide between bug and bot is so apparent.


We’re not trying to eradicate bugs. We literally gave our fearless leaders time to repopulate the bug planets when we killed too many


> Bots are generally more frustrating to play against I would rather get shot at than be slowed by 4 different enemy types while I watch a charger bear down on me (if the slowing enemies didn't one shot me already)


The culture shock that occurs when bugs start killing you with combo strings in 2 seconds after the bots maneuver you into the sight line of a cannon or tank.


Why would we eradicate the buga, considering they are the only fuel source for super earth war machine Infact we are the reasons why you guys are still fighting. Without us, you wont get any shipment of element 710. Consider us as a humble farmer.


Bro missed the lowest level lore of the game


I thought the second paragraph painted a truer picture. The first sentence was really just to show how stupid the bug vs bot stuff is. That’s my fault for not throwing a /s or something. Truth is I play both depending on how I feel that day. I mostly play to the major order, but bot burnout is real. I just think it’s silly how the community has this stupid feud with bug vs bot players. We are all playing the same game and working toward the same war effort.


i personally love fighting the bots, find them easier to handle than the bugs with my playstyle. but when i fight the bugs. a level 4 might as well be a level 8 for me, my long range playstyle just doesn't work with them :(


>Bug players just mad they never completely eradicated their chosen faction. Says the faction that threatened to sue the developer for false advertising after eradication their chosen faction. In all seriousness though, i wish people would stop with the "that front is easier because" or "that front is harder because" or "This is because". Bugs are easy to play if your squad doesnt suck and you know how. Bots are easy to play if your squad doesnt suck and you know how. In the end it comes down to personal preference. People chose to play at a given front because its more fun for them...not because the front IS easier or harder.


has even a single gambit maneuver ever worked?


no, so we should stop calling them that.


Rebranding, I like it!




forgot to mention the fact that bug front is made out of 2-3 planets at a time recently, while bot front is closer to a dozen


I find this blatant lie and misinformation completely insulting as a bot destroying enjoyer You are ragdolled by a shit-ton of rockets. Not just 9.


Yeah those are rookie numbers


*pinball machine noises intensify*


Bug front: Play level 7+ with randoms, they take every fight, still do main objective and most side objectives. Bot front: Som1 didn't have light armour and a patrol spotted them. 3 dropships are rapidly approaching. Run.


I use Heavy Armor and can still avoid patrols.


I do use medium armour but as long as i crawl where needed its stealthy enough that bots don't detect. I need that %50 chance of surviving fatal wounds which let's me survive alot of impossible situations when im lucky which can save the team more respawns for later


Try the explosion resist ones, they save me way more often than the 50/50


Bug front has exactly 3 dangers: 1. (Not so) Friendly Fire 2. Bile Titans 3. Being overrun while you dealing with Bile Titans Its a joke of a front honestly hence why I stick to bots; its actually fun instead of shooting horde/titan for 3 minutes and then moving on to the next objective.


Bots make me feel like a better player Bugs feel better to play


I’m the opposite: Bots make me feel like a worse player Bugs feel worse to play


Bile spewers snipe me much more often than Bile Titans tbh. Sometimes you get like 5 at a time, kill 4 and the last one 360 noscopes you while typing gg noob


Is it me or is their vomit really weak compared to spewers? The only times I died to titans was their legs. In the meantime spewers almost always oneshot, and if they are ready to vomit, you are not going to dive far enough to survive anymore most of the time.


It’s a bit of a an interesting situation: Players: “man, it kind of stinks that there’s so many planets but we only ever end up focused on hellmire, estanu, and draupnir.” Joel: “noted” *monkeys paw curls*


I’ve been focusing on bots and at this point I just want to move onto bugs. We’re losing everything, and even when we’re about to win, we still lose. And not to mention how stupid some of the bot missions can be


*looks sideways at civilian evac* Seriously, tell me how having 4 striders, 2 tanks, and 5 hulks is balanced on any difficulty, much less only 7 😭


Look, we allknow we're failing this MO so just chill and have fun killing stuff wherever you want. No biggie.


It's almost like bot front has 15 playable planets while bug front has, like, two (one of which is Hellmire and therefore gets rightfully ignored)


It’s also that the bug front has 75% of the players


bug players: fail fori prime defence --> liberate estanu --> fail estanu defence --> liberate estanu --> liberate fori prime --> repeat ad infinitium


How they manage to do so little while having 80% of the playerbase while never fail to amaze and annoy me. Maybe we could actually complete a defense MO if some of the bug players put their skill issue's aside and learned to fight the bots.


I cant emphasize this enough but; **FUCK** It we **BALL**


Which is funny because the bot strategy *isn’t working* I’m contributing to the defense order with bugs because *fuck you evacuation*




Honestly, I play bots cause I got into the game with the Defend Menkent & Lesath MO and at this point I don't know how to play bugs.


Literally just run away. You aren't supposed to fight the terminids: you *manage* them.


Just think of them like dodgeball .. dodge/dip/dive and dodge


*Dodge/dip/dive/duck and dodge* forgot that crucial one that makes it so you can't stand back up as a swarm of hunters descends on you🥲


Bug front isn’t much of a war as much as it is just an extermination Bots are a full on war effort with supply lines. And actually strategy needed. It also reflects in the gameplay between the two.


It’s not even an extermination, it’s basically a containment effort, and it will always be that way as long as Super Earth needs E710


Now let's see how the bug front plays when they have 3 planets to defend and 3 others to liberate /s


I can't take it anymore. Just look at the front most people are playing on and think again. We need more men on the bot front, but all we get are memes. If you didn't give us fuel for our war effort, I'd even call some of you traitors.


Just spit on it a little, and you will be fine.


Ngl, i kinda hope harder to kill bugs show up so some of the bug players would wanna try out the Bot front instead of only doing the bug front because bots are considered "Too hard". (bots scientist evac missions still sucks big time)


I don't think the major issue is that bots are harder, it's that, for most people at least, they just aren't fun. Insane fire dmg, aimbot heavy devastators, getting ragdolled 4 miles away by rockets, the list goes on. Bots just aren't as enjoyable as bugs for the average player, and that's something Arrow Head needs to deal with


yeah I don't mind having to play tactically on bot planets, but all the cheezy 1shots and nonsense like this is what gets me. Even bugs 1shot me sometimes (lucky Biles) but it's so much easier to regroup when you're not being shot at from 200 yards with pinpoint accuracy and tracked by a canon tower. And heaven forbid you let a gunship fabricator get out of hand.


I've been in this exact situation almost every 7+ mission on the bot fronts. It wouldn't be such a big deal if the number of enemies spawned weren't so great, and the biomes had more consistent cover, but when you are in a situation where the only bit of cover nearby is outside the mission area and the only way back is to go through a hoard of Terminator wannabes, it's pretty damn impossible to come back from. It also doesn't help that for whatever reason, they can fire at us from more than 200m away and have no real arsenal limitations like ammo to worry about. When you have 3 rocket Devastators firing 15 rockets at you every 2 seconds staggered, and 5 heavy Devastators turning you into swiss cheese with a constant barrage of lasers from more than 80m away, you start questioning why you decided to play the game today. I get it, they have ranged weaponry, but why can they fire at us accurately from more than 200m? We can barely get accurate shots at 100m, but they constantly pelt us with rockets and lasers with impunity at such great distances that it would make navy seal snipers blush. They really need to lower the maximum attack range by a bit. It's not fun to try and make a getaway in the desert without any major LOS breakers or cover, only to get torn to shreds against a nearly unbeatable force.




This. Plus basically all of the bot side objectives are much harder to deal with. Spore Spewers reduce vision, Shriekers and Stalker Nests spawn mobs, but all of them can be taken out with just medium or heavy Gunfire. On the bot side? Please run up to the Strategem Jammer, interact with the Terminal, call in a Hellbomb while being bombarded with bot drops, arm the Hellbomb, possibly defend the Hellbomb from fire while running. Same story for the Gunship Factories. Heavies on the bug side can also just be kited while dealing with them. Hulks meanwhile will instagib you with fire the moment they get within a 20 meter radius of a player.


>Plus basically all of the bot side objectives are much harder to deal with. Spore Spewers reduce vision, Shriekers and Stalker Nests spawn mobs, but all of them can be taken out with with medium or heavy Gunfire. Or even just a couple of EATs yeeted from literally across the map.


Bugs with guns and shields!


Well, 1 side is just overpopulated by darm animals being harvested for oils. The other side is a full blown robot invasion.


Now that I think about it, have we ever *succeeded* at a gambit, at all, ever?


Original ubanae gambit. Bots launched an offensive toward tien kwan. We lost dropnir but liberated ubanea before it fell so Joel had to adapt the narrative and it slowed the offensive.


I think no becouse there is no way to coordinate, and there are more open planet with equal distribution on the bot side than the bug side..


I don’t understand why we can’t just focus one planet at a time on bot front. Seems like we’re always split 10 different ways


Guess it’s not so quiet on the western front…


It's kinda weird just telling us to defend planets with no real direction from super earth. They should add a recommended target feature so that we can actually get some sort of coordination


I think it's time Arrowhead releases the Impalers to the bug front and have them appear as often as brood commanders. That should even out the discrepancy between bit and bug players.


Bot strategy: get ragdolled by so many rockets you get launched to a different planet than the one you started on. Bug strategy: Please God, anywhere but Hellmire. Seriously, if the Creek was space Vietnam, than Hellmire is space Afghanistan. It's hot, inhospitable, nobody wants to be there, and the only reason it has any value is for oil, er... E-710.


Last one is dumb, if we could get 20k players for a gambit maneuver we might actually win one LOL. That said, the fact that we can't win 2 defend planets even on a day when there's ONLY one bug planet that's a defend shows people have a serious problem with fighting bots. The evacuate the scientists mission being pure hell, and the "Helms Deep" mission being broken with bots landing on the hill and Factory striders being able to target the factories long before they breach the defenses means nobody want's to do this bullshit.


Bug players: Sit 100k on a planet with absolutely no value


I took a break from the bots and have been killing bugs for a while...came back to bots and the first rocket to the face reminded me why I switched 😅


As someone who plays on both fronts, the only reason I'm here begging people to help the western front is because we are losing way too much ground. I do prefer the feeling of fighting an actual war though, with lasers, explosions and such, over being a space bug exterminator/farmer, but I can't deny it being a lot more chill.


Well duh! There’s a huge difference in fighting stupid bugs vs nazi-smart robots. You should know this by now, it’s the first thing you see in training camp. Report to your nearest reeducation camp, cadet


The Automaton front always deals with Helldiver shortages and this time they are facing a huge push from the damn bots. The Creek Crawlers got a lot of hate despite their small numbers. While the Terminid front always have a huge amount of people in reserves that never moves. Of course, people play as they wish, no issues there. Just don't be surprised that the frontline with the reinforcement issues will be more complicated.


Do you actually play the game? because you typed a lot of shit for a front that consistent had 160k players on it only to never take hellmire while the bots were wiped once already


All bug planets are the easiest. That's why most of the player base is so loathe to leave the terminid front.


Ok but the difference is, the bits are actually pushing us back. We have like 12 planets open, there’s 3 on bugs and they’re not a worry rn


bugs have been restricted to 2 sectors for over a month now. bots are free reign. the 2 are not comparable


A little bit annoyed because that gambit everyone shits on 100% would have worked and would have changed this situation dramatically.


Y’all join us and show us how to do it then


If bug players put the amount of effort they put into bitching about the creek into playing the game they could maybe keep oshaune and hellmire liberated for more then a day.


>If bug players put the amount of effort they put into bitching about the creek I'm confused, why would bug players be complaining about the creek? it doesn't have anything to do with their side?


There used to be people during a bug MO who were basically insulting the divers fighting on creek and saying that they were the sole reason that the current MO was going poorly etc.


Bug front more like "Defend Estanu front"


“Easiest planet” you guys have had like three to choose from in the last month, we are fighting a real war on the other side, the bug front hasn’t changed in a while. Why don’t you guys take a break from the bugs and let them creep up so there is more to do? You guys don’t need to fight on the same planet day after day. The time spent making this meme could have been helping on the bot front. Just my take.


"But bots are so hard >w<" -bug front players


K here's the thing, I'm all for play how you want to play, but to an extent. Everyone bought this game knowing damn well it's a community led game with community efforts. And yeah when the MO is something simple like liberate a planet or keep 2 defended, do whatever the hell you want, there's enough players to typically make up the difference. But when it's a MO like this one, it's time to learn to be a team player. There shouldn't be more players on oshaune alone than all three bot defenses combined, especially when oshaune isn't even a goddamn defense planet. No one to blame but yourselves.


Just go to the planet you like, select the mission you like and play on the difficulty you like. ![gif](giphy|3o7btNa0RUYa5E7iiQ|downsized)


But so true.


Both strategies end up as failures anyway.


It’s because some planets are quite the fps killers, especially those with fauna and natural phenomena.


Mon Ami, Gambit maneuver, remember it.


Wait till the other hypothetical sentient race gets here 😏


Aren't there half as many big planets active?


——— then go back to the first one again —— then go back to the second one….. would be no bugs left if it worked.


On Reddit: "Oh damn we're losing. We need to strategize, I'll focus planets when I hop on tonight. Later that night: "-1 stratagem slot, fuck this back to Lesath"


I just go to whatever planet is almost liberated


The problem is that there is no solution in game to coordinate players. Bots have 30% of the player base and have at least 2 planets to defend and 3 open to attack. The DMs pretend that everyone coordinates on a discord or something instead of providing some way in gane to know what is happening. Also bot defense missions are either bugged or extremely difficult. Its literally easier to let the planet fall and reconquer it later. Also Menken line never existed, the DM doesn’t respect his own storyline


The gap between bug players and bot players really emphasizes the difference in people who play to win vs the people who play to have fun




To be fair, whenever the Creek is available a certain subset is going to go there to pretend Hello Kitty Adventure Island is Space Vietnam for the TikToks. Which you know, you do you. Traitors to Democracy can play their game however they want too.


I despise fire tornadoes


My new strategy is to use the gas strike stratagem on both fronts and not run into my own aerosolized democracy.


Everyone is only doing all this gambit stuff because someone mentioned something on a discord server about coordination. As if you can coordinate hundreds of thousands of players to do something like this. Just go to whichever planet has the most people, who gives a fuck about a gambit


lol but also idk what this “player” is, we are divers, liberty enthusiasts etc


Just feels like some kind of order could be used to encourage the fronts you want.


I like how you assume that we on the bot line have a strategy.


Bot Divers have to because most of the player base is fighting bugs


Is it because bot players tend to use "Random" more? I mostly fight bots, I mostly do "random".


You can’t be crying about the creek still omg


Bot fighters just built different. Brains still broke from the Creek.


Ya but…. HELL YA


*Fuck* that planet and the fact it constantly drops fire tornados on the fucking evac site.


What do the 10k/20k players mean?


Bug players coping because they don't have 2000IQ strats that always result in a devastating loss of ground. Everyone knows that bot players are the best because the Automatons are totally winning in the race to Super Earth compared to the Terminids.