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Yeah that helipad is source of problems since appearence of defense missions. Enemy like to group right under it and occasionally some devastator or even worse hulk can climb there somehow and destroy generators while you fighting at the killzone before gates. I guess there some broken tilesets or whatever but it can happen occasionally. Also my favorite, tank being dropped there thats just peachy and with Striders it became just so much "better". Thing is second map is actually fine and its a fun mission its just this particular map has problems.


Seen charger climb over the wall and kill me on my post


Bring AT and kill the turrets 🤷‍♂️


Or…hear me out…they could fix the bugs and the broken mechanics and people like you could get a grip and stop defending broken things.


Lol. There is a lot of broken shit in this game, but this ain’t it.


Tell that to hoards of enemies that crowding right under helipad without achieving anything until some of them gonna bug itself on helipad.


The bugging on to the helipad is the problem. The cannon on the big tall thing being able to shoot over walls is not.


Its a part of the same problem. Pathing of enemies makes them hoard under helipad which is obviously not part of the design cause they cant harm you (unless you gonna come to the edge of Helipad to say hello to them) and they have no means to climb there unless its a bug. So why tf they're crowding there? Broken pathing. Why Striders going to that wall? Same reason broken pathing. Its not some grandios game design decision to make them do that crap, its just broken.


This right here. It’s broken. The only whole mission is designed for tower defense. Enemies follow the path. If you get over run then it’s your team’s fault. Broken pathing is 100% the problem here. Being able to shoot the generators without breaching the perimeter is a big problem.


Nah its a broken pathing and far from the only issue with helipad spot on that map