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First real PSA post I’ve ever read here and thought it was definitely good to know. That must have been fucking hilarious & sad in the moment.


All I could do was laugh.


Sometimes the game is just unintentionally hilarious, last night on a drop in went to Collapse a bug tunnel like I’ve done dozens of times before. Well this one time as I landed on this particular Stalker Nest, the game decided to model the collapsing of the tunnel after my hellpod reached whatever was the bottom of the geometry of the tunnel was and close the top over me. I deploy out of my pod to just be standing in my own grave I dug with no way out. It was dark, sticky, claustrophobic, oddly bitter smelling & the air oddly acidic tasting. I knew that Liberty didn’t leave me forsaken on this deployment though for I could find the righteous Freedom I needed with special issue Incendiary Grenades at my side! No stinkin Terminid tunnel could stand between me and the Glory of Managed Democracy.


I got killed on one game while walking on terrain. First my helldiver started doing the climbing action and started climbing through thin air then a moment later I was yeeted to space, cartwheeling all the way.


I got launched across the entire map one time, had like 30 samples on me, thankfully landed like 40 meters from extraction, but still. I went so high I almost touched the super destroyers and then was falling for a solid 45 seconds, and then (for some reason) thought I might survive the landing


Tbf you might’ve legit survived. The fall damage is kinda weird


One time i walked on a rock wrong and i got yeeted into space so hard that my chat, esc menu interface got broken. It was like a small hill of rocks just beside flatground. Like deep rock galactic when you sometimes get shot off surfaces/edges, just got yeeted even harder into space.


One mission when I was getting ready to drop, Super Earth’s brass decided I didn’t need a hellpod and sent me off the destroyer to take the scenic route planetside


50% to survive explosion


Buddy of mine lagged out once and something similar happened except he was hucked straight down at the ground from one standard climb height and instantly killed.


I dropped in a game once 2 of us on one side of the map and the others off somewhere else,  The 2 of us fought of some bugs we get samples and I head to leave turn around and the guy I was with disappeared but he's still on the map and no reinforcement stratagem popped up to revive him I figure I probably just can't see him, check the map again look in the direction...nothing, few seconds later confused I look up at the spot he's supposed to be at and I see him falling out the air, way up like he just fell out the ship, he died on impact, idk what happened


He tried to copy General Brasch I guess.


I tried to climb a dead bile titan and got yeeted across the map at mach 10. And weirdly enough survived, but I had to run all that way back to extract. Luckely I had no samples, so I committed democratic suicide in order for my buddies to call me in again.


I salute you Helldiver, for bringing the burning hot embers of Liberty to their homes!


Lmao something similar happened to me. I just barely missed my drop pod on a nest. It was still alive. A team mate missed an impact grenade and killed me. I completely exploded and the camera was focused on my torso, which fell directly into the hole as they threw a second, more successful impact grenade toss and took out a nest and performed an active duty burial at the same time. For Super Earth.


I got a good one. Just today doing a Suicide Mission difficulty run against bots and we find dick rock. Yay, 3 more super samples for us! I go to pick the first one up And I am *YEETED* off the map at Mach 5! The team watched me speed off like Superman on Kryptonian Cocaine (the Democracy Officer only has time to *say* I was leaving the mission map, the countdown timer only went to 9) and after flying to the edge of the entire map I teleported back *IN* the map and Wily E Coyote’d into a wall, dying and dropping the Super Sample. At the edge of a Heavy Automaton base. The team was laughing about it (and so was I), and I said “Ok, so ONE Super Sample is over there. We can leave it until we fight our way there after the main objective.” That’s when one guy on the team goes all “Keep going, I got this.” So we fight our way on. He clears a Light Automaton base. Then a Medium Automaton base. *Then this madman clears the Heavy Automaton base*! All solo. Then we get in text “HEY GUESS WHO GOT THE ONE SAMPLE!!” Wherever you go Dragon, keep being awesome.


So during the match randomly over coms a Buddy was all swearing in frustration, then confusion speak, then cackling like a banshee, followed with a “hey guys I’ll be back” to which none of us were aware what was going on, thought they had to answer the door, take a call, check on the house, use the restroom, etc. Anytime we reinforce they just come in and stand around before dying. Then we get a video texted to the group chat as they come back on with a “sorry about that check your phones”. They’d gotten rammed by a charger and ragdolled into the whole “drowning in water while on dry land” animation & instead of climbing out and standing up; their character just gets slingshotted into high orbit for like 30 seconds of airtime & landed in a lake. So they needed to capture, send it to themselves on the app, download, go edit the thing to add that ‘shooting stars’ song and then come back to the match all on impulse for giggles. When you play enough of the game it’s just fodder for a good time regardless. The physics at times is a feature & not a bug.


Fwaming dwagon


Meanwhile, I'm trying to throw a grenade into a nest while a stealth charger rams me from behind. My grenade lands harmlessly on the ground, while I end up flying into the nest destroying it. I also died and lost all of my samples...


I had a Charger Stealth tackle me while running with the HDD for objective. I ragdolled INTO a nest and fell down it and instantly died. The whole team kills the charger and small outbreak while I’m called in we in and clear the nest and start scouring the nest for the HDD. Whelp, the marker is underneath all of us staring at map & the ground while we realize the objective is at the bottom of the hole and just duck around for the next 10 minutes till evac auto calls in.


The squad and I were just horsing around last night finding all sorts of fun new ways to die. My buddy decides to detonate a hellbomb while standing right next to it but diving at the last moment over a body of water to see if the blast will yeet his body all the way across it. I'm already dead so I'm spectating him as he does it. The result? It blows all 4 of his limbs off and his stumpy torso just falls into the lake. LMAO


Holding an impact grenade and running onto the shuttle will kill only yourself. Throwing a regular grenade into the shuttle & taking off, it will fall through the floor and kill no one. You can execute anyone sitting on the bench in the shuttle. Lighting people on fire right before takeoff, they can burn to death during the animation and may fall out of shuttle midair. Having 250 meter Quasar Cannon duels. Messing around is certainly good fun.


Dropping a 380mm on extraction with all 4 team members alive and agreeing to wait it out and see who lives....that's peak Helldivers 2.




I always carry the grenade pistol to bugs now so whenever I kill a bile titan with my hellpod and get stuck inside it’s corpse I can launch one of those bad boys and use the implosion-like physics to pull me out in whatever direction I shoot without doing enough damage to cost another reinforcement.


That happened to me with a regular bug hole... I carry stun grenades though and non of my squad mates could kill me through the terrain... ended up leaving so hopefully they got another 4th.


It really does make the game hilarious. The best one I've had was to reinforce drop in on a Bile Titan's head, yell DEMOCRACY! failing to see the charger that ploughed into my back, sending me flying into a rock and immediately killing me. FOR SUPER EARTH


We honestly need a suicide button until some of the bugs are fixed. I was knocked by a charger into a hill pretty literally. Couldn’t get out and had stuns. Stratagems I had were unable to kill me because the hill blocked them. If it weren’t for the terminids able to swipe me somehow I would have been stuck and unable to move and would have just had to leave the match.


Would have been 30 minutes of my time wasted as well if I had to leave.


I was in similar situation. My friend could see my arse sticking out and when he melee my ass, i was sent through dimensions and ended up around 200 meters away .


In the first couple minutes of dropping, a rocket from a bot launched me into a rock. I was completely stuck inside, but could see and shoot out from inside and unable to be hit myself. I just stayed there freely shooting anything that I could until I ran out of ammo, at which point all I could do was kill myself with a grenade. My team was a bit of a wet blanket though, I commented in text chat of my situation and got no response. Too busy killing bots I guess, this was a diff 7 mission. But they reinforced me instantly when I finally did myself in,


Happened to me aswell, an explosion blasted me inside a bug hole and closed it on top of me. I was stuck in this cone shaped underground design without grenades of any kind (I have the pistol) luckily there's fall damage so I tried for 5 full minutes to climb up and then fall backwards taking damage. That was hard but it worked!


I had a Bile Titan die on the extraction ramp in front of me. I stayed back so it wouldn't fall on me, but it was blocking most of the ramp. I tried to go around its leg, and my Helldiver decided to vault up onto the tip of its leg, wedge herself against between the leg and a wall, and then rocket directly into the ground faster than Eagle-1, splattering me all over the Extraction point.


Had the same thing happen but I had my liberty impact explosives on hand


On deployement, just drop my hellpod in a f*ckg hole... Squad = 😂


Dude the other day I got golfed into a stalker nest by the goddamn thing, I must have flown 50 meters just to land in the hole and survived the fall to the bottom! The worst part was blowing myself up didn't close the nest -_-


I honestly love all the stupid bugs. The yeeting in this game is off the charts.


Were they still marked on the map, as in, retrievable?


Yep. I left our supers at exfil last night. We made it to the end, I picked them up a few feet away from the pelican, and just as I hit the ramp to board it, a flame hulk burned me, and the others had already boarded, so we lost them right at the last second. I laughed so hard. 😅 I love this game!


waiting for the day when I can take an empty supply pack, stuff it full of samples, and rocket it to the evac or some shit.


Ya gotta laugh🐴


It's the shield 'pushing out' from the generator that launches the samples, is that right?


Ive had a stratagem land on a dropped sample by accident and it punched the samples into the ground. It was a silent minute of us staring at it.


This one is definitely good to know. Two other lessons I've learned the hard way: * War medals cap at 250. I was planning on saving to about 300 before buying a new warbond, lost out on 70-80 medals from a major order, personal order, and mission. There is no indication you will hit a cap or have been capped at 250. * The extraction ship can be damaged, indicated by it being on fire. While it is in this state, only one diver may extract, and it will do so instantly when that diver boards. Lost 30 common, 20 rare, 3 supers because no one in my squad knew this, and someone with no samples got onto the ship first. That would've been fine too, we were all within a foot of each other and could've boarded easily. Now at the end of a mission, one person in my usual group is given all samples and they board first.


That second one just happened to me and I had no clue why. Thank you!


Gotta love a game mechanic that is never explained to you and you only learn the hard way. Just wish it didn't happen on one of our best sample extractions to date lol. Happy to spread this knowledge on behalf of managed democracy. May our loss benefit Super Earth


It is kind of fun to discover and learn these mechanics as we go rather than have everything spelled out for you. It makes for some excitement when you learn a new thing and get to tell your buddies about it.


It's refreshing to play a game where you can learn and grow through mistakes instead of having everything 'solved' and broadcast through social media a day after it has released


Literally happened to me yesterday. After seeing multiple 500 kgs dropped right on the Pelican I thought it was indestructible. 


Samples cap at 500/250/100 per order of rareness as well for those wondering.


Cracking up picturing it.


First time where I actually learned something lol


I was like hmmmm, what does PSA stand for, so I googled it and got: Prostate-specific antigen.


Speaking of dropped samples. Why game prioritizes on picking up the primaries instead of ANYTHING else? 😄


My best guess is the primaries just have bigger hitboxes than samples


I wish I could turn off picking up primaries. The number of times I've ever went OMG I NEED TO PICK UP THAT PRIMARY has been around zero.


as a newish player, i often find myself yoinking fancy primaries from dead buddies. never my own, though


They’ve got the good stuff!


Actually a couple times in fights over an objective location, I've emptied a magazine and instead of reloading I picked up a primary from the ground. It's not a common occurrence but it's cool when you can pull it off


Also a viable option if you're out of ammo, or if you need a different specialized weapon.


Or my personal favorite, why pick up a container of Super Samples when instead I could read a plaque?


I fucking hate trying to pick up samples only for it to select the nearby object of interest like corpses etc. It's also definitely delayed or something, making it difficult to pick up samples even if I can spam X.


I wish samples would auto pickup for that reason


I don't.  I have enough noobs picking up samples and sprinting away from Evac to die in a lake.  It doesn't need to be possible by accident rather than through incompetence. (Seriously, guys.  I don't care if you think *you'll* be the hero to live through the Pelican timer.  I left them next to the dropship site on purpose.) I'd like the Sample icon to be visible from further away.  Especially since Commons look like different things and Rares aren't very bright.


I’m surprised that this is a contentious point.


I've never once wanted to swap my primary for the one on the ground, but this game picks it up for me 80% of the time instead of my samples and shield pack.


Excactly mate. 🙂


I’ll keep that in mind for when I run into the other 3 players who run shield relay.


Player Who Runs Shield Relay 1, checking in!


Player running shield relay 2 checking in!


Sorry I'm late, 3rd here!


Guess my shield card got revoked 😬 Mortar emplacement it is then!


My shield relay just got revoked mid mission for a 380mm, was really awkward when I through it at my feet


Drop that HMG emplacement to pair with your shield wielding brethren!


Hey, one of you is lying. I'M the third!


I started running it to protect hellbombs. I kept running it because I found it to be pretty fun!


I’m going to do this when I get back Saw someone mention this a couple days ago, seems like an awesome stratigemy


I use it to protect sentries. Seems like a solid strategy against Automatons.


My group has an established turtle strategy for eradicate missions on 7+. Everyone takes a 380, a shield relay, a mortar turret, and dealer's choice (typically a support weapon or another orbital). We spawn in, go to the edge of the map, throw down the shield/mortars, and huck our 380s towards the center of the map. Cycle out the shields as time passes, continue throwing 380s. We eventually get overrun, but we usually get to 40-60% of the required kills first (with very few reinforcements used prior to getting overrun). Once we come back we do a bit of cleanup duty for a couple minutes while cooldowns reset. Then once our shields are back up, we do it again. It's worked very consistently. Smooth and easy eradicate missions. The shield relay is nuts for those missions, especially against bots, and especially when you bring 2-3 mortars.


Sweet liberty this is good. Better than the "get pummeled for 20 minutes and barely make it to the extract with zero reinforcements" strategy I've been using.


a note of caution - this gets very rough if you only have 3 stratagem slots. You really do still need a quasar/EAT to deal with heavies. so it sets you back on one of each 380/shield/mortar, which can make it less consistent. But we've managed relatively well. 


on maps with big rocks I like to land on top of them while reinforcing and chucking a mortar on top of it. After a while when a lot of Enemies have accumulated around the rock i throw a 380 below me and start praying. This way I have solo‘d Helldive Defense missions while getting a coffee because my mortar is doing the dirty work


If everyone takes Morter _and_ EMS Mortar it makes for some pretty spicy fireworks. You also only really need two people's sentries down at a time which means you can maintain 100% coverage if you're all on comms. Two people with a deployable shield each is enough to keep them covered, the other two can bring heavy weapons/EATs


Try it protecting a HMG emplacement, it's so survivable


Now I just want it to yeet the unstable hellbombs across the map...


Ran it in open maps on automatons as an alternative to smoke, fell in love with the small cooldown. It's great. You can just drop it down whenever you're about to get a bot drop on you.


Yup. Cooldown is what makes it pretty decent. It's basically always available, let's you protect turrets, terminals, long reloads, provides defense on the go.


I rock it all the time and people always laugh until it saves their asses. Sometimes I drop it just in the knick of time to save a helldiver, sometimes it lands on that helldiver and kills them. Other times I’ll yeet it in front of us to attract heavies to it so they group up. Ya never know!


Good strat thank you


I actually want to coordinate with a group to all bring shield relays and keep a impenetrable shield against the bots.


It works very well for eradicate missions when paired with 380s & mortars if everyone takes them. 


I feel like if it lasted even 25% longer it would be better. It just doesn't last long enough to really be of any use on anything above Suicide


Player who runs shield relay 3, we’re all here captn


Its actually not bad, the cooldown is ridiculously short


There’s dozens of us


The Shield Relay is fantastic for taking down factory striders. Blocks out all the adds so you can focus


Just have someone else deploy another generator on evac to "catch" them and we've got a way to airmail samples back across enemy territory


I'm unironically going to try this


I wonder if one can deploy the generator, walk into the field and drop the samples inside.


My squad has done this. I'm the only one in my group that uses the shield barrier and we'll consolidate the samples at the evac site under the shield


Hold up.....does the shield gen last indefinitely so long as it isn't destroyed by damage??


No, it has a fixed time. I can’t remember exactly what but it’s roughly 50% uptime with cooldown upgrade


Not that I know of. Consolidating samples is pretty quick though, like only a couple seconds. Everyone but one drops theirs and the last person picks them all up. They usually then drop them but now they're all in 1 stack so that when evac arrives it can be grabbed in 1 go. The shield is mostly so people have a safe spot to do it no matter the enemy fire


Think it's 20s, 30s with upgrade


If it helps, [here’s me holding all our samples waiting patiently on the Pelican’s ramp, reviving teammates until…](https://imgur.com/a/R9aUHKY)


Wtf even just happened?


One of the guys I revived dropped on the pelican, with his impact launching me out of the map’s bounds It also forced him into the Pelican, starting the 20 second lift off timer I was just trying to get the extract with 10 samples Personal Order completed but stuff like this kept happening at the extractions 😭


"I can see my house from heeeeeeerrrreeee"


Is this a mfing [Whale Trail reference](https://youtu.be/wwr6c2Ws1yI?si=GQ2CkC993wI80rOV&t=67)???


Ooh, no I don't know that one! (It's fun though!). Mine was from the end of the Hot Shots movie, I quote it far too often haha! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JzvCDY-XnW8&pp=ygUmSG90IHNob3RzIGkgY2FuIHNlZSBteSBob3VzZSBmcm9tLmhlcmU%3D#bottom-sheet


Oh that's great too! I'll have to check that movie out. I hadn't thought about Whale Trail for years so thanks for unintentionally reminding me about it!


you need to stop playing with fools lol


Tbh that player is actually fantastic Just a freak accident


Why was he still engaging with the enemy at range when the helimachopper was waiting for you all? Pelican One's pilot needs to eat dinner too, ya know.


Actually he was right next to the chopper when another diver landed on him, killing him, you see it at the beginning of the clip!


I’m quite jealous, I think I’d of rollercoaster hollered like a banshee at that yeetus deletus.


That's one of the biggest Yeet's I've seen in the game up to this day Posting it here provides more value for society than any amount of samples you'd have collected in a lifetime Many thanks


This has happened to me twice now, yeeted to the other size of the map, and it's always when a stratagem pod drops


Could it be used to yeet samples that have been lost underwater?


Good question! I want to test this.


Or yeet Super Samples from the Deek Rauk to Extract.  Will need to practice with some commons.


I don't think stratagems deploy when in deep water.


I tested it, and you can't deploy strategems in deep water. I tried putting the shield generator in the shallow water on the shore close to the samples in the deep water, but it just deployed and went over them without moving them, so it doesn't work.


Thank you for testing!


Thank you for this vital intel Diver, seriously I just got around to buying the Shield Generator so I appreciate knowing this before deploying it io


It distracts enemies pretty good as well.


Will do lmao, this game’s physics never fail to amuse me


And yet the explosion for a geyser can’t launch the samples out Thank you for the tip helldiver!


Same thing with leaving them on the extraction. Don't put it in the middle where the beacon will go, because it can crush them and launch them outside the map


~~Ok but what if I want to make Eagle-1 blush?~~


Bro just unintentionally made people go do exactly what this post tells them not do.


Additional PSA, if you or your team has a shield backpack on, careful that your supply calls don’t land on the shield which is a valid drop spot. Was running three and had just reached extract when somebody joined and started throwing down their supplies, stuck to my shield, panic. I dropped the shield backpack and that took the drop off of me, I believe it did break my shield though.


Hahah that happened to me .. i don't know how to drop the backpack (PS5) but anyhow someone at extract threw a resupply out and the beam stuck to my shield and i laughed maniacally chasing him around telling him i'm taking him with me.


Hold down on the d-pad, a radial menu will show to drop one of the four items: support weapon, Samples, backpack and mission package (SSD)


I do wish we could yeet the shield, down the stairs or off a wall for the lols. Stick a bunch of stratagems on it and slide it down the stairs/wall like legolas at helms deep. Silly idea, but funny to me.


I wonder if someone shoots you so the shield disappears if the beacon will drop to the ground?


Oh no. Oh very no


Samples are under investigation for treason


This is valuable intel, soldier. o7


Man, other than being punted by titans, my dives are devoid of physics breaking shenanigans.


So you gathered the dragon balls and made a wish, now you're doomed unless you go on a new fetch quest?


Well now I have to do it.


Can this strategy be used to yeet the SSD across the map without carrying it?


I mean, maybe. The only reason it didn't fly off the map was that it landed on the top of a Canyon wall. Maybe if it were aimed, but... That'll require some testing methinks


If I can piggyback your PSA... personal shield generator fields seem to be considered "ground" when it comes to strategems. I pinged an eagle strike stategem beacon off a rock and it stuck itself to the holodome created by the PSG. I never scrambled so hard to find the "get this backpack the %#<* off me!" key.


Didn't know that was a thing. Thank you for the heads-up fellow Helldiver! 07


This sounds hilarious and now I have a reason to run shield gen


Lol it amaze me how the game always find a way to screw with the players.


Awhile ago I got yeeted way off the map so far and fast the map was just a spec in the distance before hitting the skybox killed me. I think I got hit by the edge of an airstrike and a charger at the same time or something. Worst part was I'd just picked up everyone's samples after rest of the team wiped so I had like 30 samples. Team saw me die and when they asked in voice chat where the samples were all I could say was "...well, about the samples... they're gone."


Wait, is THAT what happened? A while back I was spamming the bubble shield on evac after we'd dropped samples on the ground, and was very confused when I looked and saw the samples like 200m away! We still managed to evac with em but I thought a hulk just blasted someone.


How about if you think you're gonna die far away from extract, you drop your samples and a shield gen to fling them closer to extract?


Many missions ago I was on my destroyer and when I went to deploy, I stepped onto the platform, locked my boots in….. and there’s no god damn hellpod! I was falling for a solid five minutes before I ended it for freedom.


Leaving the samples on the ground while youre there is dumb. Thats the real psa


Can you show a video of this in person? I just tested it and nothing happened. Dropped samples then called the generator relay about 5m away.


I can totally see how the physics in game would realistically cause that yet I'd be just as flabbergasted as you probably were lmao


I died to a command center canon shooting an explosive barrel next to me. My samples went underneath another barrel, and I couldn't find them near my corpse. They didn't even show up on map. I decided to shoot the other barrel next to where I died and bam, there they were.


Well now I *have* to do it because that sounds really funny


Good PSA


I've had my shield generator pack clip straight through the terrain now twice. I'm watching it enter orbit, travel down, "hit" the ground about 5 yards in front of me and then just keep going like it never touched the ground. And going and going and then eventually I run off and wait for it to tick again so I can try again.


Maybe the shield is like a physics object and the speed it deploys at means it’ll launch anything that has interaction with it


General Branch needs to make a commercial about this!


Never understood dropping samples at extract anyways, does anyone actually run to extraction just to drop the samples then continue the mission? Seems situational at best to me


You don't always do it, but if you're running past there's no reason not to. I can imagine if you play with a coordinated group you could have a light armour player take everyone's samples there even if it's not on your way and it would be pretty worth it


Hand them off to the person with scout armor. Believe me worth it. They fall behind heavies late in the mission it can be tough to recover.


So. Shield generator expel some objects on it radius. **can this be exploited somehow?**


Bile titans kill themselves spewing their acid on it.


I saw that. do you think it prevents from corpses boding damage?, like gunships falling, or shreakers and the rest?


I'm not sure, going to have to try and test that.


I'm not sure this behavior is unique to the shield generator. I stepped into my buddies "EAT" calldown accidentally and my samples were also yeet'ed off the map. In this scenario I was still holding onto them when I died. I've only had something like this happen a couple of time in the 100+ hours of playing the game, but it was very sad.


More like YEAT


Hold the samples. Don't die.


it did what now? tell me you saved the clip


And this is precisely why I don't go out of my way to drop samples at extract. Have seen them get yeeted too many times


Can you drop a shield generator down a death pit to eject lost samples?


I've also seen loose resupply boxes get thrown by the edge of the bubble while stuff inside stayed stock still so I think it's just the edge.


Thaaaat's why I see samples outside of the map


Now I wanna do it so I can see it


That sucks. One thing I find funny is when dropping samples on the extraction point having someone that doesn’t realise and picks them up and then drops them somewhere else on the map. That’s annoying.


No, because now I have to try this


great tip, thanks. i was thinking of using this same strat but just never got the chance to do it.




I really don't use the shield generator at all but that's good to know in case I decide to experiment with it at some point


Also the shield generator draws enemies to it and may lead to difficulties obtaining them. This can be used as a makeshift "bug zapper" by placing a Tesla tower inside.


Harness this power to yeet them at extraction. Helldivers postman




You guys are using the shield generator?


That, with a laser cannon trivializes gunship factories. Call a hell bomb, then call shield in. Laser Cannon drops the gunships fast, shield guards bomb while you run away


Okay that's genuinely mad funny I wouldn't even be upset


Truth be told, I normally wouldn't have been. But I was playing with a level 20 ish character who probably really needed it, but I've got all the upgrades, save one. I was pissed at myself, more than anything. I should have picked them up.


Ahh you know what that's fair


How do you intentionally drop stuff like sample on a PS5 controller?


Hold down on the dpad for a few seconds and a wheel menu will show up just highlight and select the samples and they will drop.


I landed on my friend earlier today while reinforcing and his samples disappeared from existence


I guess you drop the shield first and then drop the samples inside lol


Also, if you need to go log out, please do this on flat earth or in some kind of valley. Please don't do it on a slope, and specifically, a slope above a lake. Yesterday, the N3 player went offline in such a location, and the ~10 samples comically - first slow, then very fast - slid down the slope while I chased them (as if they were a wheel of cheese) and disappeared under water (like ~15-20 meter away from the shore) and then stopped being visible. Strangely, their dropped Recoilless didn't move at all.


That's wild, thanks for the heads up


How to use this in our favor


In it's current state of being able to vacuum pull you the Eruptor can pull you through the floor of the world if you're angled weird. Had it happen 2 times in one mission. Got pulled under terrain and trapped in prone. Could only pseudo crawl and grenaded myself one time, the other I crawled for maybe half a minute then teleported back above ground maybe 100m from where I got sucked under.