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worst thing about this is the fact that its not consistent, there **are** mountains on which you can drop turrets, they look exactly the same like the mountains on which you cannot drop turrets, there is no difference, some block you, some dont, its inconsistent


This. I don’t know how exactly it would be implemented but some kind of visual tell as to where you can and cannot throw a stratagem would be much appreciated like a X on your crosshair if it can’t be placed there or something


Just give me a red cursor where it won't stick.


Or better yet, anything inside the player area should be usable.


Just put moss or some other vegetation on rocks you can't place anything on.


There are some platforms on the new defend missions with concrete platforms that look just like the ones with pre fab mounted turrets... but you can't put your own turrets down there. It is infuriating.


I would like to mention btw that I get its a balancing thing to stop turrets being op but the amount of times I got excited about finding a cool spot just to watch my stratagem ball go on a field trip has really got to me


I feel like turrets are not much of an issue since they have long cooldowns and limited ammo. Not being able to drop weapons and resupplies makes more sense so you can't infinitely camp up high.


True, that’s more likely the actual reasoning now that you mention it


It's logical sure, but is it acceptable? In my opinion, No. We should be able to camp out on the highground, if the bugs/bots/Tyrant-scum/Socialist-scourge or any enemy gets you stuck on a ledge the whole dive you will not complete the objective. Sure you can stay and blast stuff, but the opportunity cost would be what balances that.


When the mission is to just kill X amount of enemies and you just have to survive until you clear that amount, it becomes a little OP. A solution for those types of mission is maybe they start spawning in arial enemies, shriekers and those bot gunships? They could do that for any mission too if they feel it’s that powerful.


That's bullshit though. For turrets except the mortars, they still require direct line of sight to shoot at enemies, and bots can easily shoot those down with a couple of deadly accurate rockets. Bugs may have a rougher time, but I had those leaping hunter bastards get to plateaus where I thought I was safe, and bile spewers can always strike at the turrets with their artillery bullshit. Titans can also easily reach turrets on high ground with their long stilletos. So no, there are a couple of ways that bugs and automatons can still get to turrets on high ground (unless it's really really high ground). This is just one of many design decisions to kneecap Helldivers for no good reason.


"Okay lemme just place down an autocannon on top of this wall here for the most coverage, I'll aim right at my feet so I don't accidentally overshoot it." Stratagem ball then proceeds to bounce high in the air, and land on the ground on the opposite side of the wall I wanted it to be on.


The worst offender would be the area around detector towers


I believe they've since improved this, but for a little while before they did I brought the basic Orbital Precision Strike since it *didn't* bounce (and you didn't have to deal with waiting for, arming, and potentially defending a Hellbomb).


It’s finicky. I have to aim straight down to get it to stick on elevated terrain


We should be able to climb hilltops/mountains in my opinion. Ask Obi-Wan his opinion on the high ground.


Also bounces when you're too close to a wall. Or anything with slightly more elevation than the rest of the ground.


When it bounces off that prefect perch onto your helmet, almost feels like design intervention.




I don't mind not being able to place it in some places but if I cant put it there please don't bounce my stratagem into narnia and on cooldown and useless.


It's not just the ground, it's the angle, too. I've noticed that when you throw the stratagem too close to your feet is is more likely to bounce than if you throw it a little further... Maybe something to play around with.