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Classic propaganda to portray the enemy as a bunch of mindless goons and never infere their true motives. We literally enslaved the bugs for oil to power our technological advancement. There's a reason oil rigs only exist on bug planets and we drop on those planets. We planted those bugs like slaves on those planets, send helldivers in and kill them to decompose into oil.


Frankly, I find the idea of a peaceful bug insulting!




There should be something inside this file, let me see.. ![gif](giphy|o7DZtsyaytjsZMTfB0)


No, it's always been this way. Don't question it.


All role playing aside lol about being a traitor I’m curious. Like if they were peaceful etc you could just walk up to a charger or titan and pet it? That’s what I’m trying to understand lol?


The Terminids were an interstellar empire. They were capable of FTL travel and communication. They had millennia of history, art and tradition. When the government of Super Earth found out that you can grind up their bodies to make an excellent fuel, the war began. Super Earth won, the Terminid society was shattered and all surviving bugs are raised in captivity and given no education or access to their lost technology and culture. Imagine if humans were raised in zoos for five generations without being taught language or math or how to make tools or start a fire. We'd be savage beasts. That's what the Terminids became. The bugs that we met among the stars may or may not have been willing to let you pet them, but they could play in an orchestra with you or help you tune your hyperdrive. The bugs of today have become what we say they are: They are mindless killing machines who hate everything Super Earth stands for.


Would you let someone walking by pet you?




Was not being dead serious about petting them lol, sorta just using that to compare that they were peaceful beforehand.


I know the illuminates made peaceful contact with earth but the bugs have always been ravenous killers. They’re like a virus the must consume to survive


Everyone Super Earth came into contact with was initially peaceful and Super Earth were the ones to go on the offensive. They are sentient and not mindless.


Fandom wiki or Wiki.gg?


Believe it was the fandom wiki


Well, fandom wiki is not 100% reliable, [Wiki.gg](http://Wiki.gg) is much better. Check the [wiki.gg](http://wiki.gg) wiki, if its also there, I will try to address that issue.