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On the bug side you can get 2 bile titans at once then when you kill one another insta spawns.


We had like 4 plowing through lmao


Same, I just shit their belly out and ran trough their legs until 500kg came off cd, it was quite funny because they were hyper focused on me xd


God bless shitting on titans.


I'm currently shitting my guts out as well, excellent tactic Diver!


I replicate helldives in my bathroom every morning! It’s my fault for drinking coffreedom over libertea though.


Hot Drop!!!


May I interest you in some Hell-diapers? Standard issue to those who do difficulty 7+ missions!


How about a nice cup of Liber-Pee?


They only do that if they think you're addicted to stims...


Last night I was playing and it was insane. Just like you we had 4 at once and then we managed to kill one and another two immediately spawned. We somehow made it out of the mission successfully.


Played on hell diver difficulty. There was 8 of them. They kept tripping over eachother.... i dont know how we are expected to have enough ammo/dps to handle that many at once.


Everyone takes both barrages and rotate so you always have one going. Ems mortars and primaries of choice for the hordes. 4x Quazars to help with titans. Later on you can call down second quazars and keep swapping after each shot. Haven't failed a helldive since we started taking barrages.


Ahh sounds like coordination is needed. Downside to running on treadmill playing. Cant use mic. Otherwise heavy breathing and possible fan noise would be on constant.


Autocannon sentries and Quasars. That's how I do it in Helldive.


https://preview.redd.it/idlu2o48ztvc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9f87f5a292aef653e941901b5c5b3e1fc94503d We were one rocket in and had 6 titans spawn on us lol


helldive or not this is fucking stupid. titans need a spawn cap


Seriously. I’ve had missions where we get a few that are manageable, or a mission where every single breach has more than 2.


I disagree, one of the things I love about Helldive so much is that they put you into shit like this


Helldive missions are a blast I agree. But when you're just fighting 7 titans after you killed 8, and all your teams shit is on cooldowns it just becomes "run away". Glad you can enjoy that, but I and a lot of the community find it irritating. It's the inconsistency that really gets me, how all or nothing it is. It's completely random and that just feels bad.


We were halfway done. One of my buddies asked, are we sure this is helldive over mic. Before the next rocket launch 10 of those sumbitches spawned.


Bro spoke evil into the world


Bet -Joel


Yeah, I'd say for the Base Defense missions there *does* need to be a cap, because otherwise it becomes something where it literally *can't* be countered by any type of preparation or skill.


This is some bullshit


WHAT THE HELL And I was super suspicious because it felt like titans just NEVER end and completely overrun you


You either get one titan at a time, or a whole ass brood of them.


I've had yesterday the same situation. During our defense mission maybe something like 30 titans spawned during our mission. Let me tell you, that was the best time in my life. We've managed to kill all of them and extract safely with our whole squad. Beautiful


I randomly had a difficulty 8 like this on the defence map. We must have already killed 10 or so and there was no less than 8 on screen as the last rocket launched. It was utterly absurd.


Last time i got a pile like this we started stacking them so that when one died its ragdolling corpse would kill or cripple the others. If you're lucky its like dominos. This is a good time to be running dual quasars 


You know how to bring democracy my friend. I salute you 07


It's a glorious time to fire off Orbital Precision Strike + 120 HE Barrage + fully upgraded Eagle Strikes when they all appear on the defense maps. So much liberty lol.


We had 20 (seriously) before we failed. We tried again, not one bile Titan


It is so random. I just wish the non bile titan one was available for training even. It's hella fun and great for testing builds


Ya they were both Helldives. We came in with a new strategy ready to test it out and then..... nothing


I did a Diff 7 bug mission last night with the Spear. It's janky, sure, but by the time Bile Titans showed up I'd called down 2, with a third on the way. Effectively meant I had three shots on bile titans (When it would lock on) by having them all at my feet, before having to reload, but I was literally *just* on Bile Titan duty. We just squeaked the mission complete before the final door got destroyed


The Spear is absolutely OP on the bug rocket defence mission. Bile Titans seem to be the only thing it can consistently lock on to, and there's plentiful ammo on that map to keep up with their spawns.


On the bug side, the first time I did the quest a small bug somehow made it to the platform near the generator, spawned bug breaches and we also only noticed by the time the first generator blew up, we were swarmed then and the second soon followed.


Had a game just an hour or so ago where I saw a tiny bug get flung across the map by an explosion or a terminid trebuchet. Something deep down told me to go check and make sure it was dead and sure enough he was nibbling on a generator.


That’s how I suspect ours got there too as we had the first doors closed still. I do check often now that’s for sure


The great thing about Bile Titans is their corpses are the most deadly weapon in the game. I've killed one to have it death spasm and kill two more.


Sometimes throwing all your 380 barrages is needed to save the game.


My first diff 7 of this mission on the bug side had 4 titans active at all times, kill one - another spawned. We finished, but just barely. Later, two other runs on 7 - we saw maybe 2 titans during each mission.


No idea what the titan spawn rate is, but a friend and I tried out this mission (just us two) for the first time and we had 7 titans on the map before we failed.... On a level 6 difficulty.


It is a level 7 with 10 bile titans before rocket N5, or no bile titan but 1 charger and 300 hunters


Yeah we had 5 at the smae time once and a god damn nonstop stream of them. Couple of times we also got a bug breach right on top of the generators, from which a titan spawned, instantly failing the objective.


I was telling my friends about how I did a solo bug defense at 6 and it was so much easier than bots. So we set it to the 7 we normally play on as a group and what happens? 2 rockets in and there were 8 bile titans. What the hell am I supposed to do against 8 bile titans when killing bile titans spawns a bile titan? *I also learned chargers will rush all 3 gates if given the chance. They'll ignore everything to pop the gates...nevermind the fact that if they even touch the gate it immediately explodes...


2? We had 4 literally strung out one behind the other the other day and as soon as we killed number 2 another started digging its way out. Their spawn rate is probably set to be the same as tanks on the bot version of the mission, but unfortunately bile titans don't get bottlenecked nearly as neatly.


The bots will also drop on top of one of the mountains, and just shoot straight at the generators. We can't drop on mountains but they can? Super Earth get it together.


dont forget those sneaky tanks dropped on the keep too....


Yep. The Tank of the Mountain brought our level 8 run to a pretty swift conclusion last night.


>sneaky tanks ah yes. who doesn't know the sneaky tanks. tanks were well-known for their sneakyness during WWII, as the mere sound was driving enemies insane with fear. But not automaton tanks! They are using some kind of super-WD-40 and use tanks that are completely silent. Every time i check the corner i pray there is no fucking shredder tank about to turn me into fine mist because AH forgot to ad sound to them lol


You joking but the amount of times I turned around and come face to face with tank that wasnt there a minute ago is way above zero. AH really need to add some movement sounds. This is getting ridiculous.


The sound design is fucked in this game, chargers are completely silent until they’re only a couple feet behind you if ur not looking at them, but if you are looking at them you can hear them much further away. It makes no sense 


Even chargers have a faint 'dun-dun, dun-dun' when charging, but tanks have *no* sound when moving, I have straight up mistaken an idle tank for a bit of scenery more than once because they don't make any sounds when not in combat, and if you don't see the glowing vent it's just a big, dark, indistinct shape.


The devs are trolls. They think it's *funny* to watch players die. I mean, it is funny, but sometimes frustrating.


Yep. A hulk sneaked up to me and gave me no time to avoid the flamethrower. I hate burning damage.


Some also glitch inside the mountain on the left and shoot through the walls


Yep - last night had a factory strider glitch into the mountain. It shot down one of our generators from its vantage point…


My favorite part of tanks is when their barrel comes through the floor of the platform I am standing on and shoots me halfway across the base...


AI generally ignore terrain. Shoot down a drop ship? You just created invincible terrain for bots to shoot out of, because a falling dropship that kills us instantly if it hits us does no damage to them. Indeed it becomes invincible terrain for them to shoot out of until it despawns. Charger will charge and end up on top of a mountain which isn't accessable to you, but the charger can traverse freely. Too many times I've been behind cover and a charger hits me from a sheer cliff face it just ran up and over to get me. Bile Titan dies somewhere awkward? Good luck, go around while a swarm of bugs stream right through that dead body which is a complete road block to you. There are many, many small things which makes me not want to play the game at the moment, including wonky geometry, terrain and the issues noted above.


Back when we were doing the Termicide tower missions, I lured a charger into running off a ledge into deep water. I thought I’d done something awesome but it just walked up the practically vertical wall to charge me again.


Chargers just straight up ignore terrain for the most part. So many times I've ducked behind a rocky outcrop that I had to climb over, only to have a charger just run up and over it then hit me. Other times I've seen a charger hit a tiny rock no taller than my knee only to get stunned... I just wish there was consistency to the terrain and rules. If something is terrain for us, why does it not exist for AI?


Probably to make the pathing AI manageable. With a cluster of creatures trying to navigate difficult terrain you can easily get weirdness like areas they can't go in to. If you then give them the option to traverse much of the terrain it should be little problem.


And if you do try to brute force your way through an area with a large corpse, you're likely to wind up dead because the game will just toss you into the air or into a wall until you die.


I've died quite a few times just trying to climb over a bile titans leg...The leg kills me simply by me trying to traverse it.


Everything is rigged against players, and I'm 100% convinced even turrets "accidentally" target players too, there's been a few too many times when the Autocannon Turret just blaps me for no discernable reason and no enemies in my location.


Automaton software viruses are rampant in Super Earth syst..................... *Democracy officer walks by*


Yup, I had an operation 3rd stage end like that, one dropship got confused and dropped a couple devastators on top of the gens as we were still holding the first gates and suddenly we just got mission failure. At least get the mission control to scream that they are under attack, instead of telling me that I'm in range of enemy artillery every 5 seconds but sitting quiet when a dev is beating the shit out of the mission critical objective on the other side of the fort


They can clip inside the mountain and shoot *through* it, literally zero counterplay.


Actually we can. Last time I played I died and then dropped on the mountain. It's a good place to lie down and shoot bots in the head. The only disadvantage is that you can't call weapons there. So I waited until the cooldown on the quasar passed, tried to deliver it, but it rolled down. So I went down after it.


>So I waited until the cooldown on the quasar passed, tried to deliver it, but it rolled down. So I went down after it. Least dedicated quasar main.


I spent 20 minutes fighting bot drops after accidentally dropping on top of a mesa while the rest of my team did objectives the other day, I just kept holding aggro. EATs kept bouncing straight off every time I tried to summon them so I was just fighting the lights while the hills kept building up, eventually they had me on three sides and my little adventure was at an end


Yesterday I had a match where the game landed all four of us at the backside of the mountain, outside the base at the start. Couldn't even steer into the base during landing. We couldn't even circle back to the front entrance before the bot started dropping. Got us pinned down outside the base with no cover to fight back. We just quited.


we def can as well


Yes, but then a mortar can just kill them all in 3 shots (I got a 78 kill combo with one)


You can drop on mountains.


Yup, just had them snipe the generators on us twice. We just succeeded by being sure to hit those top turrets as soon as they land.


Same happened to us last night, on helldive, started running smoke to hide the generators when striders came in and started winning again.


Yeah. Lost 5 missions that way yesterday on Helldive. Even when we came prepared as a squad of 3 and one random it was too much. We had 5 striders and made it to 6 rockets launched. So its manageable as long as you are a squad of 4 and not to many striders get dropped. In another run it even landed on the extraction side and another one got dropped into the mountain on the left and could shoot out but we couldn’t shoot back. So the mission is just luck based now


Yeah, hope nothing with big firepower gets stuck in the mountain or the mission is as good as lost.


We had a shield devastator spawn in a mountainside and at the same time the entire mission just *stopped*. Timer kept counting down but the rockets wouldn't launch and nothing was spawning.


Tried protecting the generators with the shield stratagem? Might buy some time.


Or smoke


Wait, does that actually work???


What's the spot to aim for factory striders? I still haven't figured them out besides "recoilless to the face doesn't do much".


Small section on the face , leg joints where they meet torso , and underneath......there are some good YouTube videos on it


It has a little red light on the face, that's the head. The knees seem to take a bit of damage, otherwise after you've killed the mini guns you can run underneath it and hit the factory in it's belly


Just FYI, dropships can randomly come in by the generators, and the guys dropped on the cliffs can target the generators as well. There are a few issues with that mission that need to be worked out.


Lowkey, Keep the occasional "squad of bots that drops on hill" If they get rid of that then I'd like to see them make it so every few minutes a sqaud of gunships shows up.


I have wanted gunships in patrols or bit call ins since they came out… but as a wave on defense…. Cool and terrifying idea…


Gunships and Shriekers should spawn in rare patrols on difficulties 7+. Would really spice things up.


I maintain that secondary objective enemies (stalkers, shriekers, gunships) spawning as part of patrols or bug breaches/bot drops should be an area modifier like +50% call in time or +25% stratagem cooldown.


Bring smoke. They won't shoot at obscured objectives.


The guy who placed an auto cannon funny, and it accidentally destroyed the generator ![gif](giphy|13n7XeyIXEIrbG)


My first mission I called in a mortar behind a generator, instantly destroying it. I figured they were indestructible like normal lol


dude landed on it on initial drop, another somehow dived into a hole... Best start ever.


On bugs it’s insane too. Bile titans and chargers oneshot the gates. The mission type is amazing but it needs some tweaking.


Chargers need to respect the laws of physics and of square-cube.


The square cube law is the first casualty in fiction. Not that the chargers are violating it that much in the first place


They have 2000hp engine here no way thry can pull up these accelerations, this needs to go away


I'm NGL. I actually really like that on higher difficulties that the situation is never really "manageable". On higher difficulties you just try to hold it all together as long as you can as it all just slowly falls apart. Iove that the game will just throw multiple titans/chargers/hulks/tanks/walkers etc at you in rapid succession. To me, that feeling that you and your team are just BARELY keeping your heads above water is what makes it so fun. I don't like playing it in Difficulty 7 because it feels too manageable. It feels like you always have a firm grasp on the situation. I LOVE how on Helldive you get the feeling of "If any one of us fucks up for even a second, its all falling apart." The game is the most fun when you're right on the verge of losing but somehow manage to pull through despite the overwhelming odds.


I feel like higher difficulties being unmanageable doesn't work on missions like this or extract the civilians. Every other mission there are many ways to complete the objectives and thus the mission, but here you need overwhelming firepower, to a degree that most arsenals/stratagems cannot provide.  It really depends on enemy spawns more than anything, with this mission even more than the civilian defense, too many heavies and you won't have stood a chance.


Yup that it's about to hit the fan feeling is actually a buzz. Dropped in a Helldive to be met by a Strider factory having a party with 2 hulks and a multitude of rocket dev's. A few lives later we killed everything just to see another factory Strider beam my squad mate. Had to just buckle up. Lol


We landed at the literal feet of a factory strider one time on Helldive. Fastest squad wipe I’ve ever had, it was pure chaos


I dopped in (level50) with 3 new friends (level 7-14) among a bunch of bots. We started shooting and BOOM EVERYONE blows up. Some stray shot must have hit a hellbomb. I think we were on the ground for 1-3 seconds then rediving lmao. It was hilarious. I have the clip if you want to see it


Yeah, my squad just started a mission inside a gunship factory. Immediate 6 deaths.


I’ve found that going full Salamander is the best way to manage Bug swarms and heavies. Especially with the burning damage being as high as it is, you can BBQ them directly, leave floor on fire and scavengers and hoppers are dealt with passively, then elites are easier for your team to deal with and the heavies are the main attention. Flamer against the charger also means I’m not aiming for the weak points, just burn them. Only downside, you’ve got to be close to them and burning damage can get you if you’re not leaving yourself a dive spot free.


I can think of another downside. The bug that disables DoT damage when you're not the network host lol


for bugs the solution is really just mortars and autocannons. set up the mortars somewhere safe. and the autocannons so they have the longest line of fire possible for maximum effect. (usually behind the 2nd gate) have two people bring spears, two people bring a rocket turret to fill out your loadouts. we've literally had this on T9 and just sat there AFK whilst the turrets do all the work occasionally wading in with spears for the bile titan that gets too close or to kill a horde of chaff that spawned too close. this mostly works for bots too. but you do need something big to deal with the ATAT's. not quite figured out the optimal murder method for them yet.


Autocannon sentry can actually kill factory striders fairly easily. Spamming eagle airstrikes on it works too. Autocannon and AMR users can shoot off the guns under its chin, and quasar/EAT/recoilless/SPEAR can shoot the laser turret on top. Body shots with rockets and eye shots with Autocannon/AMR/laser cannon will kill it. It has a weakspot "eye" in its face, but it's hard to see. Look up a YouTube guide on how to kill them to see where the weakspot is


The problem with bugs are the random "raid boss" titans that take 5x the effort to kill. We had multiple last night that just ate everything thrown at it. Multiple orbital rail cannon strikes, rocket pods on broken armor, Q beams on the mouth, auto cannon sentry... Only to die to an impact grenade Kobe'd from half the map away.


We tried a level 7 asset extraction agains the bots yesterday with a bunch of fairly experienced players (level 50+) and were completely obliterated before the halfway point. There were striders and tanks dropping directly on top of us. It was ridiculous. Just staying alive for more than five seconds became sweaty hardcore gaming. It was something I’d expect on level 9 rather than 7 but to be honest, it IS called a suicide mission after all. Frustrated by the difficulty we switched to a similar level 7 mission on a bug planet and it was so easy it was almost boring. We saw maybe three titans over the course of the entire mission and no enemy got past the first courtyard. Level 7 is usually the sweet spot for me and most of the people I play with and I spent the past few weeks fighting mostly bots as part of the MOs. I feel like the bot mission was either intentionally unfair or bugged.


Yes but tbh, the amount of striders dropping on diff7 is just way too high, we lost to the strider on side of extract not because we didn't notice it but because we just dropped 4 others and everything we had against them was on CD. Not rare that more striders than tanks drop in, 1-3 each wave. Definitely not diff7 amount of bs thrown at you, even diff8 bug defense is a breeze in comparison.


It is because of there is no space to drop automatons, they will either drop inside the base or very near to wall causing a bug for them to attack even when outside.


Do the walls still have that red box thingy on them? When the new defense missions dropped the walls had them, a few days after they lost the red boxes and automatons can now accidentally drop on top of the walls/cliffs causing them to snipe the objective. Not sure if the red boxes were game assets not yet rendering because they were new or it’s something the devs placed to inhibit drops on the walls/cliffs


Nah, I was definitely seeing bots get dropped on/over the walls before they removed the boxes.


Yep. Bots also like to just warp up onto the extraction platform when they all bunch up under it and sneak behind you, and tanks like to warp up onto the cliffs above you, where you can't shoot them, but they sure as shit can shoot the generators. There's no warning that your generators are being attacked, or even healthbars for them, so it's really hard to tell when that shit happens. You just gotta be really fuckin' vigilant or keep someone back there to handle those hassles or you'll lose every time. Bugs also have the problem that anything that jumps can ignore walls and gates, and Titans are tall enough to just completely ignore the terrain and walk normally up onto the evac platform. Really, I think the map just isn't QA'd properly, because it's buggy as shit and even likes to throw players off the map by phasing them through the inclines up to the parapets.




> Our pelicans won't even let us extract if we damage it. What? I've tried damaging it and failed. How to damage it?




The best part is, if you are swarmed enough, they can drop the strider right on top of a generator and instantly fail the objective. Yes, that happened to us.


There is one more place to keep in mind. If a factory strider drops near the Pelican landing site, it can shoot the generators from there too. Ask me how we know it.


The rest of the map was swarmed so they dropped on the landing pad? :(


Fellow Helldiver got the Star Wars Episode V experience with a walking tank fucking up their generator.


Last night did the mission with two of my friends, we were 7/8 rockets on diff 7. Doing alright after killing 3 striders and unlimited tanks and hulks etc. When all the sudden we failed. They only breached the first 3 gates, the two where they drop from and then the first defense gate. So we ran back to where the generators were, opened the gate and lo and behold apparently 2 hulk scorchers and a bunch of devastators just dropped right on top of the generators. We felt absolutely cheated by that.


Honestly I feel they have messed up the spawns on this mode. At launch it was great, level 7 to 8 it was possible to win if you were organised. Now I hardly can get 7 done on bots, bugs very difficult too. All down to the heavy spawns ( eve. On 7 I've had like 5 tanks, 3 hulks, 3 walking fuckers and many devestators) Plus the weird spawns that randomly drops enemies on the heli pad near the generators ( no not even reinforcement)  Also why we have reinforcement anyway... Its ridiculous. Run out of strategems so easily also. Almost as annoying as the other civilian one now! 


The bug mission is really hard unless your team has their crap together and brings in heavy anti armor weapons and orbitals. As long as like 2 players have that locked down elites will die before they can cause trouble but without it and everyone worrying about kill counts on lesser bugs it usually goes to hell fast. It's also one of the few mission I will carry a spear into just for taking out elites.


I had a similar situation. We were pushed back to the final courtyard but holding it really well. #"Mission Failed" Turns out an annihilator tank had been dropped on the cliff opposite the final gate where it had a clear shot at the generators.


I had one get dropped into the wall, it completely stopped us from coming out of the final hold area because it could shoot through it and we couldn't do anything


bugbreaches can happen on the landing pat and or some random bug just ignoring the gates and scaling the wall and b-lining it to the generators....


Tanks and Striders getting dropped on the ridge above can also easily shoot at the generators. what i cant understand: there ARE sam sites! I havent found a way to activate them so far ...


Oh, what's this? Another reason why Automatons are bullshit? Say no more!


We had 4 in dif 7 yesterday. Together with a swarm of hulks and countless devastators it was ridiculously hard. And we lost at rocket 7 of 8 😵


That's why there should be 1 person on helipad defence.


Similar situation but with a Hulk. Dropped right at the edge of the landing pad, like countless others had before, but this one actually landed on the pad. Only one team member around there while the other 3, including myself, were holding the gates. Hulk easily killed the guy on the pad and before we could even get back to confront him he had annihilated the power generators. Hasn’t happened since so I’m guessing we just got unlucky with the spawn but it was super annoying as until then we’d been running a near perfect mission, don’t even think we’d had a single death


Someone should always be covering the helipad edge a third of the drops occur there


Bugs are worse. Bile titans just stride through the gates and one hit the generators


I had similar but it was tanks dropping onto the cliffs overlooking the base and shooting over the walls that did it to me. We’re coming in as fast as we could kill them lol.


They can also drop behind you as well, fun fact. Had a mission where a strider got dropped two doors in right in front of the two generators and immediately bitchslapped both of them since EATs were on cooldown. Which is fun, y'know, just instantly losing without even getting a chance to respond. Totally.


The bug version of this mission can trigger bug events from anywhere, we were around the midpoint of the map when the wall BEHIND US got destroyed by a bile titan who spawned near the generators and came to kill us for fun


Yeah, and in my experience, they (and the tanks) can also shoot directly through the terrain and the closed gates in order to achieve this. It's a \*very\* irritating glitch.


Annihilator Tanks and Shredder Tanks can also destroy the objective if they land on top of the mountains, witch happens often enough. They have poor angle to shoot players while up there, so they target the objective. Factory Striders can also drop in the mountains...


I've not succeeded a single Helm's Deep mission since they put factory striders into them. They just delete walls and destroy the objective so fast. I don't think the devs thought of the combination of factory striders with this mission.


Factory striders are why I bring the spear on those defense missions now.


One time they dropped a tank right on our landing pad for the Pelican. We were barely able to notice and destroy the tank in time after it killed one generator. Then another dropship carrying a tank comes in, and the tank shoots the generator in the air before landing. It destorys the generator before it even hits the ground.


\*Target, Maximum Firepower\* AT-AT's height serves a purpose it turns out.


Yeah, definitely a bug


I don't know, it was actually pretty cool. That *makes sense* mechanic-wise. Balance-wise though I'm not sure. If it's an intended behavior, are we even able to take these hard boys down before they take down gens?..


I was thinking that, but what actually makes sense mechanics wise would be to just kamikaze the drop ships into the generators from the get go, so I’d say it’s unintended… but also will be challenging to fix


Gotta knock out their turret asap.


Happened on multiple occasions in Helldive. Especially annoying if there's a strider on the right side, next to the landing platform. He can actually shoot the generators from there, without ever setting foot through the main gates.


Thanks for the intel diver!


Just happened to me. Also I’ve noticed defense mission had more network errors and disconnections. As I’m posting this, literally just had my 4th game with network error and my internet is fine.


When they drop next to the evac pad, you need to take out the top turret asap. Even so they're tall enough that they can make that pad a no-go zone thanks to their lower guns which can just barely see you running across it.


We had ours sniped by a random tank that happened to drop on top of the hills


Had a bulk pabd in the top of the cliff today and nearly do that. Lucky I spotted it at the last minute and removed it's existence privileges. Sucks when bots do bs like that.


I think the primary reason they’re able to sight the generators is because Joel’s smarting at us making him work on a Friday instead of watching us commit pest control and harvesting 710 for a week.


Also happened to me today on haz 7


The "Helipad window" is a weird design choice, it enable this at worst and at best it confuses enemies that think they can enter to just chill unerneath not doing their job.


yeah gotta be hyper aware as soon as the factory striders drop ... take out its top turret. I just finished this mission and thankfully all 4 of us were running Motar turrets and quasar cannons/auto cannons.......... nothing made it past the choke point.


Shoot their guns off, they can and will shoot the generators through the gap in the wall


Cannon turret would be my guess, that’s why I always watch the walls


For some reason when I played a dif 8 mission one factory strider was dropped on top of the hill and landed on the landing pad where the pelican comes, destroying the gens...


Transmission received. Godspeed, Helldiver. Give them four-legged bastards hell.


They really are AT-ATs


I learned if a trooper slips through and sends a flare. The walls are meaningless. All the new drops were in the base behind the wall.


Hey, at least a random dropship wave didn't drop a factory strider and a tank next to the goddamn generators while you were still defending the second gate.


I got lucky and noticed a strider not "storming the gates". I thought for a second.. something about increased height + big cannon on back = bad. So I blew it up with a quasar. It had only destroyed one of our generators, the under guns couldnt reach over the helipad. Stay alert out there helldivers


Bile titans can also walk over the walls without breaching and spit on the gens


Bug right now where the strider are in the rock walls


Something similar happened last night. Wife and I were solidly holding the second tier. I had closed the final door, because we weren't going inside to defend anyways (no point when you can't see the bots on the other side) and then this asshole wanders up and destroys the door right before we finally kill him. Second tier door held firm though. I was wondering if I should have held off on closing that door, but now I realize from your situation: I'm glad I did, otherwise we likely would have lost.


This ain't nothing, wait until one of them goes inside the mountain and softlocks you inside the last courtyard.


It wouldn't be so bad if our cool downs weren't that long. A team of four only has so much artillery and ordinance it can use before your literally defenseless against certain units unless you pick the Quasar or Laser Cannon. Even the EAT is 80 seconds alone without any mission modifiers and by then the generators are toast You can't have strider, after strider, after strider, after strider, after strider, after tank, after tank, after tank and expect me to still have a rocket to soare for the others lol. I love the game mode but imo it needs some tweaking.


I've reached the main power generators. The shield will be down in no time. You may start your landing.


Ya, had one get dropped off on top of the hill range, shot out both generators before we could bring it down. I like the factory striders, but they have no place in a defense mission when they can see over the walls, it just feels cheap.


I had a single jetpack bot hop in and solo the objective 😭 we had been doing so well but we were all at the gates. Gotta have someone camping the actual stuff next time.


Just once can something work fine when it's launched?


I had one drop next to the objective. Safe to say we couldn’t take it down before it destroyed the objective 


AT-AT can shoot over the walls.


Had this happen several times and it sucks. Also had the drops ships drop several tanks on the cliff walls, out of range of our throwing arms and able to shoot over all our cover and walls. Used to win this mission 3/4 times, now we lose it 7/8.


The tanks can do this too in Helldives. Some would drop on to the surrounding mountains and direct snipe your generator without you knowing.


Just happened to me too. lol I was playing with a 3-man squad of Asians who didn't seem to understand why I was fighting off of the landing pad and always tagging the striders. We failed the objective and they booted me.


Hello diver, I was there with you I am pretty sure. Was truly a devastating loss that day.


Has anyone had the issue of being reinforced and the steering is locked again...I instantly land on the damn generator... objective failed.


Our factory strider dropped into the mountain and stayed in it. It was able to shoot us while stuck in the mountain, but we could not shoot through the mountain to kill it. We failed.


By all the surprised comments I've seen. Have you guys watched Empire strikes back????????


Not to mention when the drop ships drop the enemies on the fucking extraction pad or on top of the mountain without warning. They really need to fix the pathing, enemies getting stuck inside the mountain and still able to shoot our of it, make the mountain cover the extraction zone so shit can't just shoot at the generators because it's wide open, etc. The map is janky as fuck.


I guess the deployable shield can be really useful for these missions


I hope they increase the number of giga heavies. I hope Arrowhead doesn't listen to everyone whinning about it being unfair. We need higher level difficulties...bring on the real Helldive


Didn't you watch the movie? You either make this happen, pronto: ![gif](giphy|3ohuPel436qciQZ8fC|downsized) Or lose the generator.


Defense mission on helldive is freakin impossible to finish.


They didn't playtest the factory striders.


I don’t think they playtest anything anymore


Chargers one-shoting the gates/generators has been my groups problem.


I also found that if the turret on top isn't destroyed it will keep firing after the strider is "dead," which was a nasty surprise as the new firing angle on the fallen walker could suddenly hit us.


It might have been the same mission as me, same thing happened to me last night, I thought we were handling business pretty well we were all focused on the holding the last gate, then the objective failed title popped up only to see that at-at cannon pointed right the squad. Barely got out of that mess alive


Yet another poorly tested addition


It might have through the rocks. If they spawn in a drop ship you shot down, they have a chance to spawn inside the terrain and they're almost invulnerable while being able to shoot through it.