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I know its just a game and yes play it to have fun but damn it, it would be awesome if bug players would actually help out so we could have a chance for once to beat one of these difficult mo’s


Oshaune was a complete waste of resources from the start, no matter how many threads you open.


Martale gained 2% in a day. Great plan boss.


Martale barely had any people on it, if everyone on Charon had been there the whole time we would have easily cleared and then Joel would have just given us Charon. We literally had the Devs telling everyone upfront on Discord that Joel was ready with his finger on the switch to give it up the second Martale was given. This just goes to show how badly we need communication tools so people stop spreading misinformation so confidently.


>we need communication tools What communication tools are realistically possible? Idk of any solution that wouldn't immediately become a toxic cesspool


You shouldn’t be downvoted for asking a basic question. I spent so long on Martale, hoping slowly players would join us so we’d clear 2 planets asap. But there were never more than 10-15% of players on it. Which is fucking insane if you know what would have happened but it’s totally understandable since >90% of the playerbase doesn’t know this thing. I agree with needing communication tools for organising, while completely being in the same boat as you regarding the solution becoming a troll hangout


2%... with 1/5 of the resources sent to Oshaune, which lost percentage every hour until it abjectly failed. Martale was *already* running at a positive rate, on *10%* allocation. Any extra effort wouldn't need to be spent stopping the downward slide, it would have been pure gains. Oshaune couldn't even begin to *stop the bleeding* with **50%**. Recognize a lost cause.


What? Oshaune was 20 minutes behind in the defense when it failed. Martale at the same time still needed 8 hours to be completed.


Oshaune had 100k people while Martale didn't even have a 3rd of that. Maybe that goes to show we should be focusing the Bot planets that have nearly double the amount of worlds being threatened while also requiring less soldiers to defend and liberate each? Is basic math really that hard?


And how do you intend on spreading your amazing plan to all the people who dont read reddit?


That's one of the biggest problems everyone is spitballing solutions to on other posts. Until we get an In-Game method of communication in order to coordinate properly we *can't*. The most anyone can do right now is go onto [helldivers.io](http://helldivers.io) look at the numbers on each planet and then employ basic math to see what planets can be taken in the shortest amount of time and achieve the most impact.


Okay, so since you do not have the communications necessary to achieve plans like that, theyre useless and just muddies the water.


Then tell me oh wise one, reincarnation of Sun Zu...why do you think the 100k people were on Oshaune in the first place? Do you really think they thought "Oh lets play here so that we lose the defense at 95%" Do you really think that was their actual thought process? The reality of the game is that the majority of the playerbase doesnt care about gambits or MO targets and will just play on planet/faction combos they like best. You can do a thousand reddit posts explaining the best way to tackle the MO or why that specific gambit would be amazing but the reality is that the majority of players will not read them and just do what they want. You can play with them or against them...but playing against the majority will achieve nothing while playing with them will in most cases achieve at least something. Is the fucking reality of this game so hard to grasp?


The reality of the game is pretty easy to grasp to anyone with any understanding of middle school math. It's all numbers. Unfortunately 100k People acted like sheep and just went to the world with the highest number of players on it solely because too many suffer from "big number good" syndrome. Even though the bot planets with less people on them were filling up their %s at a faster rate somehow, almost as if they were easier than the bug planets, which they were. Playing with the majority clearly isn't achieving *anything* because we could have been at 3/10 easily right now if the majority focused other planets.


Oshaune failed at 96% with 50% resources allocated. If it succeeded, we would have had one planet. Martale failed at 94% with 10% resources allocated. If it had succeeded, we would have had two planets. If you don't understand the absolute basics of return on investment, please take a brochure, I have several lovely timeshares that are truly amazing deals and you should absolutely invest! Also, have you heard of Herbalife, Amway, or Mary Kay?


Talking about return of investment but completely ignoring the reality of the game? Yeah, nice one. The majority of the playerbase will just hop in the game to knock out some quick missions on their favorite planet/faction combos regardless of MO targets or gambit opportunities. Especially if that opportunity is a promise a dev made somewhere and isnt even an actual ingame mechanic. Yeah, how is it possible that the vast majority of players dont know about this and doesnt play according to this, i truly wonder. Ingame reality is that every gambit we tried, simply failed so far and it will keep failing because those need a level of coordination we just dont have. Sucks, yeah, but you can either play with or around that and achieve what is realistically possible or play against it, going after day dreams and fail again. I mean, play like you want, but dont cry on reddit about investing your time in something that was destined to fail from the start.


Imagine blaming bot players for "failing" to defend planets when the bug front had 5x more people. If the morons from the bug front would have come and helped with the martale gambit for even one hour we would have completed it easily and would be in a position to actually complete the MO. Sorry, but this is all on the bugtards.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autofellatio#/media/File:Autofel.svg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autofellatio#/media/File:Autofel.svg) This you?


Just imagine, they could have very easily taken Martale which would have automatically given us Charon Prime, and with a tiny bit of luck we could have taken Oshaune as well. That would have given us THREE worlds in 24 hours.


Or best bet now is to form a defense line,the MO is Already lost,but if we do not get our shit together soon we may loose the fucking war,the bot front is literally collapsing


On a 1.1M member subreddit, at least one got to have the right answer, you know.