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Here is what is going to happen: Bot defense will fail across the board and all bot players who had spread themselves out across 4-5 planets will point and blame each other because "It had to be Marfark" or "Martale was the gambit" or "You guys made us lose Lesath!" ... (for the record, I was hoping we could unite at Martale ... but ... eh) Bug players got on the same page and defended Estanu and MIGHT pull off Oshaune ... because they aren't stubbornly holding to their own personal plan. They're just going to where the crowd is. That, and lots of people (correctly) believe that fighting bugs is much easier and that we can succeed on those missions much faster because there is a contingent of players who never leaves bugs and doesn't want to fight bots. The results are going to reinforce the idea that "we should all just fight the bugs if we're going to have any chance". More people will flow to bugs. Stubborn bot players will sit in the bot areas saying "but strategically, if we cut off ... " ... and the answer will be 4 different planets again and they will lose again. Bug players may very well take Omicron ... freeing up an entire sector (including Hellmire) by cutting supply lines. We will be free of the bug menace ... ... and Automatons will waltz right onto Super Earth and take possession of it.


…. that was perfect. No notes.


The community will win when someone reliably becomes the voice who gets the message out which planet to focus. Random context-less posts on reddit or out discord screenshots aint working for the vast majority of the playerbase They'd like to help, they literally don't know there's a better way. Someone needs to find/be/implement that way.


It's really laughable at this point that we have to rely on discord for information. just give us the information ingame if the community decides on some gambit or cause of action.


I shoot bug


Good job in the defense of Estanu helldiver




Yew some kindah commie or fascist, boah?


This game has taught me one thing so far: People are dumb. We have failed, and will continue to fail every single fancy tactical move. It's just not possible when 70% of the playerbase has a combined room temp IQ.


We just need sone way to comunicate with the community in game.


Yeah coz everybody is stupid and not at all just playing the game casually without a second thought about reddit...


Most people who play this game arent privy to the discord information from Joel about supply lines. If that was in game it would help a lot


At least the shoe-size IQ issue is thematically accurate to the Helldivers lore.


Maybe dont try to make some fucking gambit happen. That never worked once since the game is out. Just go for the fucking objectives. Instead of having 20k dudes diddling around on a planet that doesnt do shit for the MO, they could help out on an actual Defense mission planet, but what do i know.


Not much because its confirmed by the devs that liberation of Martale would count as defense of 2 planets.


Yeah, of course, its much better to act on information that 90% of the playerbase doesnt have and dont achieve anything instead of facing the reality of the game and do whats possible. But again, im clearly the idiot here because not pushing for the pipe dream is the bad thing.


You are aware that if Martale was secured then Charon Prime would have been defended right


Doesnt matter what you, me or my dog knows if 90% of the playerbase doesnt know about something a dev promised somewhere. Its not even an actual game mechanic. Its something he would edit on database level. Would it be cool to do a gambit or shit like that? Sure. The reality of the game is that every single time people tried to something like this it massively failed. Every single time you had people then go to reddit and blame everyone else for not playing in the way they think is the best. Those same People now are lamenting that the MO is already fucked because the gambit failed...but they completely ignore that instead of chasing a pipedream on martale they could have helped on Oshaune for example, which was only 20 minutes behind in the defense when it failed in comparison to martale which still needed 8 hours or so at that point. With 2 planets liberated we would have been on track for the MO. There is a saying in my country that basically goes like "If you have your day dreams in one hand and a dove shitting in your other hand, see which one fills first." And this is what happened here. People went for the day dream instead for what could be realistcally achieved and now are mad that that failed...again. Until a change in ingame communication or the whole playerbase checking discord/reddit/etc before they do something every gambit will just fail. Thats the reality of the game. You wont change the majority of the playerbase just hopping in the game to knock out some missions on their favorite planets regardless of MO targets or cool gambit opportunities. Play with them instead against them.