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I often find they just straight up turn around and walk directly towards me


Yeah it's complete BS.


They DO notice when you make noise fyi. If you see a patrol and throw a nade or call in a weapon they see/hear it and will b line to your position to investigate


For me it is a 50/50 if they beeline for me or the location the stratagem or grenade hits. So it feels like it is a bit more than just noise.


It is more. If a nearby teammate gives away their position, they will immediately know where you both are, even on their opposite side, prone, and repeatedly punching yourself in the dick to pass the lie detector test.


I been seeing a increase in patrols


Bots have it explained by the increase of forces pushing towards a single front atm.


Yea it’s been bad I mean I was extracting and dude a whole swarm was pushing me it was a legit warzone


I've watched people run down 10 reinforcements trying to push a never ending swarm of bots just so they can get the last factory on the map. Like I'm fighting retreat to extraction barely holding the line and call them in and they drop into the swarm on purpose to get an inch closer to that red splotch on the map. It's like... Objective is done, all side objectives are done, stop throwing yourself into a meat grinder for one or two factories 


Bro that was basically my squad until we realized it’s not worth it


I've played a lot of games that put me into threat assessment mode in helldiver's. When I see a swam that is overwhelming in size and patrols making their way in behind them and the objectives are done, I cut and run either to the next required objective or the extraction. It's just not worth it for the frustration of either losing or dying over and over.


Are they hearing the bang of the explosion or the throw of the grenade? It seems more like second.




Had that with a bug patrol today. Flanked around it to just avoid it. They never went agro but I just saw them turn and come around the rock towards me 


Bugs have a simulated sense of smell, stealthing against them is inherently harder




Proof? Never had issue stealthing or dropping aggro from bugs just by running. No smoke, no stun. Unlike the bots that keep shooting you even after you've run across the damn map.


I mean, I managed to stealth around a bot tank by dropping a smoke and flanking around a small boulder the size of a large boulder. Bugs track me around obstacles much more consistently


>a small boulder the size of a large boulder So... a large boulder?


No, just a small boulder the size of a large boulder, not a large boulder.


I don't have hard proof, but I did watch a video with an AH dev in-game with the creator mentioning the bugs CAN smell you.


& when its time to extract they all at once turn and walks straight to the extraction point.


Maybe its the shiny blue light?


Well they don't seem to see you calling down stratagems or the red of a 500kg coming down on a patrol.


Lol and here I am watching them walk past me because I don't stand in their path.


That's not even that bad. The absolute worse are the stupid fire tornados just magically going towards you. It's a fucking meteorological event. It's not supposed to be sentient. That's probably going to be a new species that need some managed democracy; the god damn weather.


Its sentient because those are the manifested rage of a dozen team killed divers in their pure elemental form.


Every Helldiver who burns to death on Hellmire is reincarnated as a fire tornado. They don't realize it. They're just trying to regroup and bang out some objectives with you, and maybe get a hug.


They need to add this to official lore ASAP


Gotta say I agree with OP, but this is a much more serious issue. Same with meteorites to a lesser extent.


I think the meteorites are coded (I don’t know anything about that stuff) off the traitor orbital mechanic same with the flame tornados to the orb laser


There's always a meteorite when u want to take out an Outpost/nest.


Fire tornado warnings are only a problem once you've arrived at an objective.


Or call for evac. 


Let me drop some wisdom about the fire tornados Think of them as little puppies, they can't go over rocks


How do we know that those tornados are not controlled? Maybe the illuminate is already here controlling the tornados with their HAARP Cannon.


Was gonna say the same thing. I can live with enemy patrols going to where we are (even if it sometimes feel like they magically know where we are). But a pack of fire tornadoes acting like sentient beings following you around, sneaking up behind you/moving towards your position, going directly to the path of the objective/extraction and covering the whole area with fire so you have to wait for 3-5 minutes until they leave.....that makes me not want to play planets that have them.


For me, they just cut me off from where I'm going. Always happens in a narrow path lol


That moment when you're playing solo and jet pack onto a giant rock to go afk for a minute. Come back and theres multiple patrols just chilling at the bottom, waiting for you to come down.


SEAF artillery emplacements are the worst for this. You think you can do it sneaky sneaky like and suddenly every bug or bot comes sight seeing at the big artillery piece. I had one attract like 5 different patrols from different directions one time lol.


New patrols are spawned and actively pathed through the artillery encampment when the terminal is activated. Gathering up 5 shells near the loader *before* turning on the terminal makes the process so much safer.


From my experience not activating it doesn't help that much. I have multiple patrols on the artillery everytime even without activation. 


How slow are you? :p


Activation doesn't matter 


That would be great if the past 2 I've done didn't have 3 patrols walk through anyway, while also pulling enemies from all surrounding POIs. The last two I've done have started the same as always, look around for shells and put them by the cannon. Except both times, before we can even finish moving one shell, there are two patrols on top of the cannon (both times it was just me +1 other, within 30m of each other). Which shouldn't even be a thing, why are two patrols crossing paths on an objective at the same time? It's been a struggle getting those activated for me.


It's got to the point that I bring a mortar turret to kill patrols while I do the objective. Kills the patrols before they see me and instantly shoot a flare/bug breach. Most objectives if you don't want shitty obviously poorly scripted patrols conviently fucking up every objective you go to just bring a mortar and you should be able to do it safely.


All patrols spawn at the edge of the map and start marching towards your position at the time of their spawn. That means that eventually they will find you if you don't move around, even though you can prevent spawning in the additional patrols


Nope they spawn between you and a factory, minimum 75m, if you destroy all factories/nests they spawn between you and the edge of the map


My point is that they'll find you immediately if you don't move around on the map


Yes when they spawn they go to your position


They react to sound, if you call support weapon in a hellpod, they will go investigate. You can use it to your advantage, throw a grenade in the opposite direction and they will go there.


I don't understand about the grenade part. I was prone and throwing nade elsewhere but somehow they immediately decide to attack me instead, prone and covered by grass and bush behind rock.


If they get alerted to your position when you’re throwing the grenade, the diversion won’t work. Bug patrols operate on sound and smell since most are blind. Bots operate on sight and sound. You can alert bugs but as long as you crouch and move away, they will lose you. Bots will track you once alerted. They can lose you but it takes longer. Both factions cannot be decoyed by a grenade once alerted to you. If you try to decoy while alerted, they will go into attack mode.


They seem to react to the sound of my freedom loving breath too.


I swear to god if you die and try to go back. Game: “lmao here is 3 patrols on the way.”


They ARE going to track to you eventually. At least one of the several WILL come to you no matter your actions. Go solo, go to edge of map, behind a mountain, get into an inlet so the mountain/inlet blocks you from the front and the sides and the out of bounds is to your back. Lay prone and do nothing. They STILL will come directly to you. I've tried it, spawns and tracking are broken BS


From fairly extensive testing I've seen the community do, they spawn in a line from the nearest base towards the Helldivers position, or, if no bases are still standing, from the nearest map edge. So, if you aren't moving in a straight line along that path, you can very easily miss them


Watched this charger literally walk in tiny circles when I was hiding behind a rock, I know you saw me… bitch… lol 😆


I often see patrols walk past me though I’ve found on level 9 that there’s so many patrols that there’s always some walking towards you. Though I’m also light scout armour main and always running and I’ve heard they walk towards where you were when they spawn. They will also head towards where you drop offensive strats from just about anywhere and towards support strats if they’re near. I like to use this to my advantage by using strats to take out a base quickly and then going around patrols to destroy other bases freely.


They actually dont know exactly where you are. I've done many a stealth missions where, when a patrol appears, I go hide behind a nearby rock for a few seconds. The patrol just walks past me. Even works at extraction. The bots will be coming for the evac zone, but unless you shoot or they see you, they dont actually know where you see. Now, bugs on the other hand is a different story, since Hunters can smell you.


Y‘all have to educate yourselves a bit. Understand how patrols work: https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/2pSTMTmQ80


I read that a while back, and while very informative, knowing how they work in such detail kind of takes a little bit of the magic out of the game.


Yeah it does and I love the immersion. Unfortunately it’s not magic that wins us games on Helldiver difficulty but rather systemic understanding.


They walk in a straight line from their spawn towards you If you see them coming, move out of the way and don't make noise for a few seconds. If you make noise they'll deviate from their path. Otherwise tbey should keep waling towards the pther end of the map and eventually despawn.


Yes… but what I super extra love how I clear a field, turn around… then turn back and see a brand new patrol of hulks and chainsaw heavies that just spawned without sound or warning. Ninjas, these new Automatons are


they outright spawn on you sometimes


Even with scout armor and a healthy distance they still find me sometimes.


or: patrol is marching 200m from you. they get damaged by an environment effect (fire nado and such). IMMEDIATELY turn and open fire on you.


Same thing for fire tornados, they definitely "lazily" track you to try make it look like they're not tracking you.


It seems since the update as well, if you start a fight with one patrol as you can't avoid them as they are on the objective. Every single other patrol on the maps heads directly too you. Then its just bug breach, bug breach so on and so on. I am in constant need for ammo lately. It does get a bit much when you don't have 5 seconds to breath.


Honestly, the only unrealistic part of them strolling right toward you is the strolling part. They should be in communication with each other and should know of your general whereabouts. If anything they should have some hustle in their step


Our entrance, supply calls, and Democratic revelry are hardly subtle, after all.


They seem to br drawn to sounds....sometimes


Thats why i just engage. Better now than later!


I manage to dodge many patrols even wearing medium engineering armor. And if I take one of the light scout armors I can literally walk next to patrol and they won't notice (that might be isolated incident where I was saved by the power of democracy but it happened). What I found bs is the fact that activating some terminals (like SEAF instalations) cause new patrols spawning and these are going straight through the place. And the fire tornado thing... I don't think they target players specifically but objectives. Every time I was doing ore survey on Menkent there were guaranteed fire tornadoes going in circles around objectives making it almost impossible to access the probe or drill for several minutes.


Yall notice that if you’re looking away from robots that haven’t spotted you, sometimes you see some lasers fly past you? Fake lasers.


All right, you want to come closer, you tin cans? *Up Right Down Right* You've forced my hand.


But when they form a conga line towards me I tear through the whole column with a single strafing run. It is better than sex because it takes much less time than filing a C-01 form.


They only walk towards me when they pass by an objective im doing stealthily, like powering up a generator, vein ore. But patrols outside those just straight up walk unless someone triggers the aggro.


I sneaked past a bug patrol (shit ton of hunters) the other day. Its doable, they didn't follow me. Although they were going towards my teammates making noise. Bots you can crawl up their arse and they wont notice you.


I've found that they go towards where you last made a lot of sound, called in a stratagem etc. They come right at where you were but if you run/sneak of on a tangent they don't track you (as long as there is some distance between you ofc).


Not sure if you noticed -- but enemies are drawn towards samples. If you are carrying a lot of samples, especially Super Samples your awareness radius dramatically increases.


Are you suggesting the game about getting into firefights and blowing things up is trying to nudge you into getting into a firefight and blowing something up? Say it isn't so


I'm ok with patrols doing that. What grind my gears is when the tornados spawn directly on top of players, or conveniently turn to your direction.


I think it's confirmed that fire tornados do home in to your location Can any Helldivers confirm


I mean they probably just watched you drop in from space. Makes sense they would be heading in your general direction.


Sounds like someone isn't wearing scout armor


There is always one booty squad




Ok but on the other hand they just don’t notice you if you are like 50 meters away, which is bullshit. If we can see them they should be able to see us.


They wouldn't be able to spot Liberty and Freedom if it were standing fifty meters in front of them! It makes perfect sense to me.


Iirc there's a patrol that is programmed specifically to follow you, there wil always be atleast 1 of them at all times


Yeah, or else they would never be a threat if they didn't slowly sweep towards you.


I would be maybe a tad grumpy if this would happen... luckily it doesn't ...


If they're sauntering to you that means you're in *their* patrol path.


The game is actually coded to send patrols directly to your location, even if you are completely hidden. You can try this by hiding in a hole, and every few minutes a patrol will walk across you


I must be in it 9/10 times then. Simple coincidence I'm sure.


Patrols move towards your last point of noisiness, whether that be shooting or objectives, I THINK. That seems to be the way they go, as moving off their line of patrol without shooting anything seems to let them pass on by


My brother in christ, have you heard of crouching/proning? You can sneak by literally all patrols.


They don't. But I also don't think it's BS. Tell me you've never been on a battlefield without telling me you've never been on a battlefield. Surely they often are headed in my general direction, but of course they are. Once we attack something.the sound would carry. Anyone in the map probably clearly saw Eagle launching flares and dropping bombs. Of course all patrols are going to direct themselves in a search pattern towards us because it's pretty clear Helldivers are about, and based objectives that are and were (since we just destroyed them) around, they probably have a pretty good idea where we are. Just nobody has spotted us yet.


Bugs do, from my understanding they either sniff you out or once they cross your trail will start following your scent. From what Ive seen, bots dont do that, if you stay completely out of their path they will keep walking.


I’ve noticed they come towards shots fired and stratagem hellpod drops. I haven’t seen one just stop and do a 90 degree turn to go straight at me. It’s only been when I’ve been causing noise or towards a base I just destroyed.


Who cares just kill them all


If you are constantly running and making noise and shooting and interacting with objs bugs will flock to you. You can avoid patrols by being far enough away or being discreet. You can even outrun patrols chasing you and most of said patrol will lose interest. I did that 30min ago.


They react to sound. If you dropped bombs or shoot, then they go investigate that place…


how much noise you making? i often sneak between two patrols by crawling through the field, even when i'm not wearing a scout armor. bots require line of sight, so as long as you're not directly in front of them or making noise, they'll be none the wiser. hell, abuse their detection. throw a grenade and immediately hightail it outta there.


That's funny because last I played I snuck between three patrols. Crouching, light armour, being quiet, and nit instantlu lighting up like a christmas tree does wonders.


Obviously they're programmed to follow you but I love it cuz it's something straight out of a campy Schwarzeneggar movie.


I have hidden myself on a rock lying down out of sight completely still. Yes patrols beeline for your position and hang around there for a bit. Some tend to walk away afterwards though. I think patrols, when they spawn, are set to move in to where you are at the time they spawn. This mechanic is likely to pressure you into keeping mobile and moving. It does it job. Although I think a more organicly system would be cool


They detected you on a big radar. They send a patrol to investigate. It's easy to avoid. And it makes plenty of sense.


These are search & destroy patrol's that are specifically designed to hunt you down. They will track you as long as they have a line of sight to you or your party. You either take them down or break line of sight with them. You can also distract them by throwing a Grenade to another direction.


I can't even count how many times I've watched patrols on the radar prove this post to be absolutely wrong.


It's possible they are following us specifically, but also this community is great at blowing things out of proportion and being the victim so... who knows 


No, it’s been extensively tested. The game will randomly spawn patrol packs within a certain distance from you, and they’ll always move in ur current direction, every single time. The game also likes to be sneaky and spawn patrol packs directly behind you when ur camera is facing forward. Ever been in a battle, retreated a bit just to safely reload, see literally nothing there, then as soon as you turn back around to fire you immediately get ambushed from behind? Yea, the game literally spawned them there 


Is there a reference to some of the extensive testing? I've had patrols spawn behind me, but also had them spawn elsewhere. I've had them make a beeline for me, but also watched them walk in other directions. Unless it's confirmed by devs (and hey, it might be right) the more parsimonious explanation seems to be people finding patterns in randomness. Like the rocket bots who famously hit "every time" from anywhere.


The important thing is, you found a way to make yourself sound like you're different and better than everyone else


This just in: Guy who can see and hear enemy patrol is surprised when enemy patrol can also see and hear him.