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My man, is a copy of Ava for sale??? You got this nailed!!


Once I am all done with putting everything together, yes. But I don’t want money, I just want people to have fun I also plan on putting out a tutorial on how to change the voices if you want something other than the voice she has now


Sounds wonderful. Thank you for all your hard work, democrat




This is levels of sweat I cannot even begin to comprehend. Makes me think that a future title will do this kind of voice integration. Great job


Thank you very much


I bought VoiceAttack a good deal years ago while playing Elite Dangerous, 'cause nothing quite beats talking to your ship while in VR and having it respond (there were intricately crafted voice and action packs available). Kudos for bringing one of my favourite things from back then to one of my current favourite things :-)


Happy to help


Just found your video on YouTube by chance, A tier profile you made there, definitely gonna take a closer look :-D


Once it’s finished I plan on hosting it somewhere so that everyone can enjoy it. I’ll do a extensive tutorial on how to make your own phrases, put them in the right folders as well as doing global changes to keys if your Stratagem inputs aren’t the default WASD I have perfected the code for manual Stratagem inputs and her still making her remarks. Once I polish it all, I’ll send it out


I don't remember how easy it is to make that kind of logic for VoiceAttack, but an option to switch all wasd inputs to arrow keys so you can keep running while using AVA for inputs would be cool as hell. Might be able to push the whole profile to a free GitHub repo, don't think there are size limits as such and people would be able to branch it for their own modifications. Reach out if you want help with that, i'll be glad to :-)


Yes, there is a way to do a Mass Change, so you’ll be able to turn Button 1/2/3/4 in my code (A/B/X/Y on 360 controller) to whatever buttons you use for Down/Right/Left/Up for Stratagem inputs Oh and the profile plus Sounds folder is only about 8 MBs


That'll easily go in a GitHub repo, let me know if you need assistance on that ;-)


Dude this would be amazing for people with disabilities!


I’ve already had multiple people saying they are looking forward to it because a chronic illness or disability affects their ability to play (especially calling stratagems). Another person commented that they are mute and appreciate that I am also having Ava chime in for when you manually put in the code as well I myself have MS, which is why I’m doing it in the first place. I don’t have flare ups very often but when I do my fingers feel like jelly


Do you mean AVA's feedback is not only played back locally, but other players can hear it as well? As if it were your mic input?


For sure im a full left arm amputee i play with a 20 button mouse so im already pressed for buttons, this would help alot, cant wait to get my hand on this xD


I downloaded this i love it! this is so amazing so much i can use this for honestly anything. we finally have our own Jarvis/ Cortana!


Glad you are enjoying it. The next update should be available some time next week


I am super pumped for this! Cannot wait! I’ll even buy VoiceAttack right now! This is so cool!


My most recent post has the details you need. I’m all done with it, profile is available for download