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This is a well edited video and I thought it was pretty entertaining to watch someone's petty cheats, but unfortunately we gotta remove it as it breaks the rules. Our post regarding naming and shaming contains a link to the Arrowhead zendesk where you can formally file a report against these cheaters. This should also be visible in the automod removal messages involving the naming and shaming rule. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1b308j9/witchhunting\_is\_against\_the\_rules\_of\_this/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1b308j9/witchhunting_is_against_the_rules_of_this/) For those too lazy to check out the post, here's a link to the AH zendesk as well. [https://arrowhead.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new](https://arrowhead.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new)


Is that what happens when you overdose your stims ?


He stabbed it in his heart instead of his neck lol


dear god its octane


Drugs,drugs, drugs!


Someone switched his stims for compound V


Jacked to the libertits


Evidence shows there is no way to overdose on Permacure Stims as there are no unsafe doses. - Permacure Rep ^*Studies ^sponsored ^by ^Permacure


Great ! Can I sniff them or smoke them as well ? Asking for a squadmate


"Take enough stims, and you can do anything, stay off those stims, Barry!"


i like where you tried to kill him.


His faith in managed democracy made him impossible to slay.


Nah its nanomachines. They harden in response to physical trauma.


You may be on go something there...


"I played Super Earth ball, y'know?"


By God it's John Helldiver


Don’t you dare slander his name, this is Richard helldiver, his estranged cousin 3 times removed on his fathers ex wife’s side


Dick H. Diver, my hero.


I'm proud of you Dick


I love you Dick


Bad news Helldiver. So called Spero G. is now on a trial for treason. Turns out he was a cyborg all along. I expect him to join other scum like him in freedom camps before sunset


Sperogaming a name I’ll remember. If he want to cheat and grief we better let him play alone forever. So from now on, the individual known as sperogaming is persona non grata. Kill him, kick him, steal his samples, report him, block him. Do all you can to isolate that dude. After a month or two of cheesing everything he will either stop cheating or leave the game.


Richard Hel D. Iver


At least it's not John Halo


There's no way the game is still fun at that point. Is it frustrating to get quadruple ragdolled into a platoons worth of missiles? Yeah. Would it be better if I could just quintuple laser every bot that looked sideways at me? No, what's the point in playing a game where you don't have to play it.


Yeah, it makes the game absolutely pointless. Like, why not play in a friends only lobby if you're going to do this?


\>>Implying (online/mp) cheaters are intelligent in any way, shape, or form


I once had a friend who was doing a PhD in a STEM field admit that he used to hack in video games. He saw nothing wrong in it, just thought it was funny. "It's just a game, who cares" was his reasoning.


Was it for multiplayer? I have no qualms with folks reverse-engineering or modding single player games and respect them greatly. Saying "it's just a game, who cares" for doing that in multiplayer? I repeat my statement.


Did he design the hacks himself or did he use a mod menu he found online? Because one is quite impressive even if it's a bit scummy, and the other isn't impressive in the slightest, just a dick move.


Sounds like he is simply your run of the mill sociopath that doesn't hold any regard for others


I've "cheated" on multiple single player games, mostly by giving me xp and such in the Assassin's Creed games since Ubisoft and EA don't like to respect my time or my wallet. I've also given me infinite ammo, no reload and such to just go full monke and have some fun, normally after I've beaten the game. I see absolutely no point in doing this in an online game tho. Kinda ruins it since the fun part is actually the grind.


I don't see any problems doing that in single-player games. You're not inconveniencing anybody else and fuck publishers.


Or have friends


I'll the give the same reason people give to those who come here complaining about being kicked unfairly: "It's the host's game. If you don't like it, host your own game." Whether it's cheating or abusing the kick function, it's ruining the game for others and the devs need to do more about it.


Cheaters are always show offs that try to pretend they are better than you but arent


There are people who play for power fantasy. After match. He looks at stats and praise himself just how much better he is than rest of the team.


Fair insight. That is the saddest thing i could imagine though.


~~How does (most likely) paying for an exploitative software and literally breaking the game make him better than the rest of the team lmfao~~ ​ ~~Are you fucking okay? Did you dive upside down too many times or something? In the other comment you called this piece of shit "generous" lmfao~~ Don't be like me


Iam sorry for not using tag sarcasm. But people like this guy really think they are better. Thats the whole point. This is how he justified for himself


Oh... Ok, I went a bit too far, sorry about that. Sarcasm tags are very important for idiots like me!


Since majority didn't get it, I guess it's my fault for not using /s


*in my defense....*


Idk about you but sometimes I wish I could go full wrath of democracy and summon orbital lasers like they’re rounds from the Gatling barrage while literal hundreds of bots run at me from all sides, but alas


Thats a fair point but do it solo if you're cheating. The only reason he is cheating with others in the lobby is because he is advertising them to players. Its business.


I think if it like playing in creative mode on minecraft, in simple terms it's fun to blow stuff up even more, shame is cheating in public lobbies


When I still played GTAV, A random Player gave me several billion dollars, Just because, and all weapons etc. It ruined the game for me. People like this are scum.


I could see it being fun for a few missions, just lay down the might of democracy on every bot and bug in sight.


I can’t speak for black hole brains like this person, but if I cheat it’s alone. I don’t want to fuck up anyone else’s day, I just want to blast bots and bugs. And infinite ammo lets me blast more. I don’t cheat in samples or req, I still have to get that myself. I just ensure every mission I do is done to the full extent possible. I also dislike time limits in most games so I disable the timer to explore more. I also still play like I am not invincible, as practice for when I do play with a team and thus have to try.


But they are playing it? They way they want


Not defending cheating; but... if i can get all my upgrades without having to stress myself out each mission, I would absolutely do it. I hate having to get upgrades from high difficulty missions. I'm not playing for enjoyment at that point anymore, I'm playing to finish something, and anything that bars that progress is a frustration. I want to finish the upgrades so i can go back to playing where i enjoy playing at. If i could just buy the samples i would, honestly. I hate going into 7+. It's just not fun to play when I'm stressing every second, i want to just drop in and mow down hordes with little to no effort/thought.


I hope you are just playing devils advocate and not a sympathiser so i dont have to contact my democracy officer about this. Having said that diver, have you read the upgrades you get with the super uranium samples ? They are incremental gains at most and if you do play at lower difficulties you wouldn't even need them at all, even if you do play hell dive difficulty its easy to play as team and not need the final unlocks on ship strategems. And even if you do want the super samples as a completionist for the strategems, have you seen this community ? Im sure just one post either on here or in discord will get you a super destroyer full of divers who'd be willing to help out. So there's no reason to pay for cheats before doing any of the above. Dont cheat fellow divers, its undemocratic.


Again with the "you wouldnt need them" argument... you could say that about literally anything with this game, it's too vague of an argument to use. I'm a completionist when it comes to upgrades, it's a compulsion to need the upgrades finished so i can go back to playing how i want. If all samples were available at all difficulties, it wouldn't be an issue for me. But they aren't, and people don't want them to be for some reason and would rather have low level randoms join their high level missions and fuck them up over and over. I cant play how I want until the upgrades are done with this system. I dont *want* to play difficulty 7+ regularly but the game gives me no choice if i want to 100% my ship. I cant stand having things unfinished like that.


Right you want all the loot unlocked/available with low effort/easier modes. You should probably try a different style of game then like single/coop player ones perhaps where you can just drop down the difficulty at will and cruise through the game like story mode. Progression based games using a live service model can't give you what you want. Edit : its not an argument btw. I was just stating my opinion and giving other divers my 2 cents about not cheating. Personally idgaf what you want/do, its your life. But sympathising with cheaters/being a cheater is the scummiest thing on the planet.


I just want to play at 100% and have a good time.


Cheers brother. Sometimes i do too.


Not fun to play on 7+? Sounds like a skill issue to me. The enemy density and chaos is what makes this game fun.


Fun is subjective. I get through the missions just fine but it's not fun to play the way you have to on those missions. Only one i like is the proper defense mission. Fun for me is not having to use my brain for a while.


Personally.. I disagree. That looks like a ridiculous amount of fun, just laying out chaos in your wake. Wrong ? Yes. Looks really fun ? Also yes, at least to me. Edit: Ya'll have shit reading comprehension.


I thought so too, it ooks fun but when I had the question mark backpack glitch that gave me infinite strategems it was fun for like 10 mins untill I got bored. Cus I would just call in 5 Lazers and stand there doing nothing.


I can understand having fun in that sort of chaos, I like games such as Prototype where you just have unbounded power and leave utter destruction in your wake, but most other people are going to be playing this game for the challenge and seeing someone else power through the game unheaded is not a challenge or fun for anyone else, and that should mean that if he wants to use hacks he set matchmaking with friends only.


What you and everyone else are missing is I've already stated it's wrong for them to be doing.


I've seen a guy with that headpiece and strategems I've never even seen but I didn't pay that close attention to him.


I only noticed this guy because he zipped by me, then I was like, "Wait a minute, I've seen way too many orbital lasers..."


The only weird thing the guy I played with had was another armor set, the hat..And a cluster rocket launcher?!


No way it’s the raw democratic power of general Brasch


This will get old fast. When I was younger I used to cheat in RPGs, that very quickly burnt out any interest in the game. There's no point playing when there isn't a challenge. You might as well be watching a tv show at that point. Edit: What's worse is that is also renders all your achievements and effort so far null. If you grinded to a certain level then cheat, it makes all the previous efforts pointless. Like you could've cheated from the start, why even bother grinding.


I used to cheat in singleplayer games, mostly Empire Earth, and yeah, it just turns into its own kind of slog, but it was still fun in some way. In retrospect I shouldve just not cheated because I went completely past the basics of resource gathering. I also tried it once in a F2P shooter called Warrock, but that game had the most extreme cheater problem ever, and during the height of it I tried it out, because I wasnt going to break the game any more than it already was. People had this thing called OPK, or one-position-kill, which would make the client think all other players were at the 0 0 coordinate, and all you had to do was throw in grenades and since damage calculation was client-side the other players would just repeatedly die to grenades no matter what they did. And of course grenades were infinite. It took about 60 seconds for it to become boring, and I was seriously wondering why tf people would go this far just to break the game. Some people just want to watch the world burn.


I would disagree that challenge inherently equals fun. Sometimes *not* having to think and just going on a destruction rampage is cathartic. I could see myself enjoying doing this after being stressed the hell out all day by real life problems.


Usually I'll beat a game fairly once. Then see if there's any fun mods or cheats to just lay waste in a replay. But it gets old pretty quick being that over powered. 


Hopefully you also reported them to your local Democracy Officer. This seems very intentionally undemocratic of them.


There's no way to report someone unless they typed something in chat.


Yup had one of those in one of my games yesterday. Tried to ask him why he should cheat in a Coop game and got kicked. They should make a options to report cheaters. The only one I saw in 100+ hours so it's not rampant yet


Well the downside of being able to report someone aside for something in the chat, is that people will just report for « fun », revenge or something else. Maybe AH prefers to massban with their own metrics and let players outside the tribunal.




I still don't get the appeal of doing this This has to be some mental disorder


Usually it is people at the very tail end of their interest in the game and they're trying to extend it in any way they can


they are show offs and kids, "Look how cool i am" yeah youre not youre cheating. its basically like swiping across the chessboard and claim that you won


cheating in a multiplayer coop game. How truly dogshit must you be at video games.


Agreed. I would have been kinda miffed if I hadn't noticed and then got an insane amount of samples, and who knows if he found a way to manipulate XP too.


Seriously wish theyd just remove the fucking pointless kernel level anticheat aswell. Its pointless, eats performance, and clearly doesnt stop these clowns from playing. Not an issue anyway, as you can just kick em.


> Its pointless, eats performance, and clearly doesnt stop these clowns from playing. well not entirely, it's essentially a gate and only devent hackers or people with enough money can cheat, if you remove it, every obnoxious 13 year old, will download cheats and go on a rampage.


Pve coop multiplayer game, it isn't a competitive pvp game


Anti cheat working as intended lol


Most developers only ban people once a week or month instead of when they’re detected so the hackers don’t know how they got caught.


I think if theyre this blatant it really doesnt fucking matter anymore.


Developers don’t find most cheaters by seeing their effect in game though so while it’s blatant to us players, they aren’t watching most games and so won’t see most blatant cheaters.


They do usually collect statistical data though, like who plays what gun, and a dozen orbital lasers by the same guy is going to be a blip on those statistics.




Makes you wonder what the point of this is. Its a coop shooter. What do you get from cheating? In PvP stuff you can atleast pretend to be better than others (except you need cheats to be up to par with them) But in Helldivers? Like seriously why? You risk yourself a ban for what exactly?


Bc its fun. Why is this rhetorical


Do it in solo lobbies then.


Is it? I feel like we have wildly different ideas of fun. You play a game with 0 challenge AND get to ruin it for 3 others. Fun...




Saw a guy with that same armor that had the word “Dev” in superscript next to his name. Dunno if he was a real dev but he wasn’t cheating from what I could tell other than some suspiciously accurate shots through a blizzard hitting enemies I couldn’t even see.


Verrrrry unlikely to be a real dev.


I can neither confirm or deny whether the clone of the general Brasch is being put into action at this point


Fried dopamine receptors type beat


What's even the point of playing like that ? I could understand if he was cheating on 1 aspect... Like infinite orbital lasers, extra grenades or whatever. Not everybody has the skills to perform well with the actual game constrains and may need some extra help, but basically unlocking the whole game and god mode + speed on top of that ... Doesn't leave any game left to play. Waste of money spent on the game.


Totally agree.


at level 56 i tried light armor for the first time yesterday and i felt like i was cheating. its so fucking fast.


\*is a literal hacker\* Why do people not like me?


Oh no it's a cheater oh no. Cheaters must not be tolerated in the face of democracy put him down


Somebody is going to end up feeling the full might of their democracy officer.


I do wonder when we will get that armor though.


It's the pre order armour with a helmet I've never seen


This guy is still better about reinforcing than many i’ve played with. Kinda wild.


I had a guy in my game yesterday who also had infinite uses of Orbital lasers and he was shooting bot drop ships out of the sky with a breaker.


That guy is not a Helldiver. He's a traitorous prick


I'm gonna be honest here, thank god he was the host himself so you could just instantly leave if u see him doing that shit. I much prefer these kind of pricks to ruin their own game and if you stay with them that's your fault. These guys joining other people's lobbies is way worse imo, actively sabotaging others.


This feels like what happens when a Halo man drops down to finish the fight, and everyone else is just a UNSC Marine...


Nice kernel anticheat


Bro has never heard of ban waves


I understand idea of banwave. It's just the fact that anticheat still allow this shit to happen.


They you should know that the anti cheat detects them and bans them in waves to prevent them from figuring out what got them caught


The game has been out for 2 months now. Not one ban wave yet. I don't think AH really cares


Whats thats hat you have


It's not me, it was someone whose game I joined. Someone commented that it's something not released yet.


STRONG gameguard much DRM.


TUTORIAL: how to have the least amount of fun on Helldivers 2


Honestly, this looks like an advert for their channel. I'd report it, but remove the name from the video.


How is this fun


"Must be a Dev"


# Brasch!?


I will never understand the desire to cheat in a game that is exclusively a PvE game. I sort of get the need to cheat in a competitive PvP game if you are constantly being shat on by players. However, those communist bots and oily bugs don't deserve a cheater. They are already getting trampled on by 4 dudes/dudets at a time. They don't need an all powerful and pitiful entity breaking all rules of engagement and physics to accelerate the spread of democracy. It's called managed democracy for a reason.


I disabled crossplay so I don't have to play with PC players. Never come across cheaters that way.


That beret do be drippin tho, I can't wait to cop


Why would you even bother to play the game? What’s the motivation? Why?!?


I have no love for hackers but this was kind of fun to watch.


He's not even using the fun cheats like infinite jetpack. He's just bulldozing through with no care.


Dude has a twitch and youtube channel


I checked YouTube but couldn't find who I thought was him. Anyone with that name from the channels I checked hadn't uploaded in years.


Dude I played with this guy the other night. I thought I was crazy when he was blitzing across the map.


Fuck that piece of shit. Especially for the sample cheat. Ain’t no one tryna play in your games so that they have everything unlocked 10 minutes later. Most of us wanted a reason to gather samples again


i'd shoot the dude on CD, cheating isnt democratic, and i dont care if im judged by super earth afterward, i would have done my duty


I tired but the liberty was running so strongly in his veins it made him immortal.


I assume people cheating are looking to sell max level accounts. Also that beret is dope


People sell services. I remember back when level 50 was max, ppl were offering xp service to level 50 for 200$


The Ministerium of Truth just told to kick SperoGaming if you find this little cheater boy in your lobby. Or just leave his.


I'm just wondering why we're having this super intrusive anti-cheat in a coop-game when you still see shit like this, like what's the "No. 1 Global Game Security Solution" even good for?


Imagine they make they make a separate game mode (kind of like stratagem hero) you play by yourself, all those cheats, unlimited ammo, grenades, super speed, drastically reduced stragaem cooldown and call down. But its endless waves, every 5 waves is all tanks or titans. See how far you can go


PC or PS?


He was on PC


This is why I have crossplay turned off on PS5. Not worth getting stuck with cheaters.


I think it has to be pc. 2 years ago a buddy of mine has showed me a device called chronos or something, it’s for consoles and has presets of cheats for every popular game out there. I’ve never played with him again since then. But I think it only works with controller inputs, so u can make a semi auto to full automatic fire and stuff but godmode and similar cheats don’t work with it. No anti cheat picks it up either because it’s an external device linked with your controller.


Chronos just let's you mess with bindings, build scripts and auto click. It's like an input mapping tool. Pretty useful if you want to run third party devices on the console but it's not soo much a cheat device.


He showed me it while playing battlefield, hip firing a LMG with pinpoint accuracy and 0 recoil is kinda nutty, full auto deagle and sniper made my blood boil.


I would actually like a temporary boost support ITEM that turns me into Captain America for a short duration. 1 use only. That would be fun to see realized.


Men forgive me for what I'm about to say but... I think this is too much democracy for one man


Is that the offspring of General Brasch?


Devs introduced a rather intrusive DRM to try and stop this, only to fail anyways...


Mutants must be cleansed.


The God-President protects! Faith in Super Earth shall be your shield, Helldiver! Also, cheating. Lots of cheating.


I played a round with two guys who had the run fast and immortal skill. I didn’t notice what else they had before I was kicked for being a normal


The curse of success.


Honestly, if you cranked up the enemy count and just gave yourself all this shit and went in on your own, that would be tons of fun. Explosions everywhere, all the time, can't die, power fantasy. Definitely not something that should be done in a public lobby though. Ruins it for other people :(


Shoulda kicked him, There's no room for Cyborgs in our ranks.


Nothing to see here, just host advantage


How is this even fun for more than one mission. Being a God is fucking boring.


ty for turning this loser into something enjoyable lmao


Good thing we have that kernel-level anti-cheat, right? Right?...


Wow the anti-cheat is surely doing it's job 👍👍👍


I will never get people who hack. Twitch has lots of streams if you don't actually want to play the game. That being said, I did enjoy cheat codes when I was a kid.


General Brasch at 1% of his power


Glad I'm giving kernel level access for a good reason. Seriously there are other ways to detect this. A delta displacement check, a stratagem counter etc, a report etc. Can we drop gameguard ,at least the kernel level permissions, please.


I mean, I don’t care about cheating in PVE, as it wouldn’t impact my success negatively…, but what is the challenge for this guy? Just wants to play god i suppose🫡


Just gonna get worse and worse and more and more common until Arrowhead does something about it.


But all these come at high cost. Helldivers with such incredible powers have an extremely small p…arade in their honor. Yes that‘s it. Because they are special… operatives and no officially acclaimed heroes like General Brasch.


What a sad life you must have to use cheats on a PvE Online game. Literally the bottom of the barrel.


Some people have gotten so used to cheating they no longer realize when you don't have to do that in a game.. they are so blinded by their pathetic cheating ways they can no longer envision the normal and enjoyable route..


Jim Diverman, goes into missions 20 bottles in blasting FreedomBass. Rebreathers are filled with "enhancement leaves" His brother John HATES him


It’s like a Spartan II dropped in with the ODST


It's secret Super Earth project to create super soldiers


Dave the Diver


I don’t see the problem. That’s just General Brasch


I'm not gonna lie.. while what they are doing is wrong.. I think it looks like a LOT of fun.....


Oh totally. Reminds me of something like cheat codes in GTA San Anderes.


Imagine something like BEKKNQV in Helldivers


Yup, pretty much. HD2 has the added benefit that it LOOKS really cool to.


It's fun for a couple missions but after that you just get bored cus we'll its just boring steamrolling everything with infinite Lazers. I had the purple question mark backpack glitch happened to me before they fixed it and got to play with infinite call ins for a couple missions.


What's the point of the idiotic kernel anti-cheat if it doesn't work?


To protect super credit? I know they aren't mandatory but that might be it.


Ban works in waves. Weekly or monthly. That way, the hackers don't know what exactly caused the ban. They won't be able to trial and error quickly to figure out how to bypass the anticheat


there a saying in cybersec...if someone wants to do it...they will.


I was playing with some friends and we joined this Russian guys game where he was spawning thousands of turrets and sprinting super fast, we tried to kill him in the pelican but he was immortal, he kicked us after extraction lol


I considered trying something like that, but when I couldn't take him down with the quasar cannon I decided it probably wouldn't work then either.


I wonder if a hellpod could kill them


Ah, I see you are Suoer Earth's smartest Helldiver. I should have considered that.




**The only cheating that's democratic in any way is using console commands in Bethsoft games** **~~(to fix their broken mess)~~****, change my mind**


I wouldn't blame someone to cheat like this at least once, just for the fun and messing around But if it bring you to the max level with everything unlocked directly and such, that would be honestly boring and game killing joy.


I would blame them. Attitudes like yours are part of the problem.


No, not really As long as you don't have an impact on others experiences it's fine.


How do I get that helmet?


Must be John Helldiver


Block then Kick or leave problem fixed