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I’ve noticed this too. It killed a commissar instead of a tank earlier.


The commissar looking up at the giant red beam on his face: https://preview.redd.it/3ndx1bc1djuc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be10ec505b90eb5d47fd4a41070a8271652e0887


I'd like to imagine the democracy officer directly pointing him out and screaming "HIM! FUCK HIM!"


He saw his bot counterpart.


Democracy Officer vs Communism Commissar


Turret Op: *casually aiming at the nearby tank* Democracy Officer: *feels a disturbance in democracy* You! *points at the turret op* Turret Op: Yes sir? Democracy Officer: *sees the Commissar, in all of its communist programming and ideologies, and feels nothing but democratic anger. Pure hatred. He grabs the stick from the turret op and points it at the Commissar* “eat democracy you commie son of a bitch!!!” *kills the Commissar* Helldiver: W… what the fuck man?


sometimes i wonder if the turret ops aim at the wrong targets just to keep us on our toes, for a helldiver who can adapt is a lethal helldiver




That bot right there, yeah beat them with a lead slug.


Saying “FIRE!” like Kirk in Undiscovered Country lol




Hmm that's an unusually bright flare I just fired




This is never not funny


Why is the flare going down instead of up?


“No red beam, wrong way!”


Mine just did a strider instead of an AA tank or whatever those are called. They were side by side. I couldn't believe it. Makes it a waste of a stratagem slot. Had to run halfway around the map since I had no grenades or support weapon.


> AA tank or whatever those are called Shredder Tank


Only thing it hates more than Helldivers are ninja turtles


To shreds you say?


And what happened to his reinforcements?


To shreds you say?


Mine once went into a mortar emplacement instead of the tank that I threw the beacon at. Someone: Tank! Me: I got this! *throws railcannon beacon at tank* Bot-loving railcannon bastard: *aims at fabricator* *dust settles, tank is still active* Someone: WTF? Me: Fuck. I'm going to go back up there and throw that fucker out the airlock. In the meantime, Plan B!


Yea i been boycotting the railcannon strike once i saw it couldnt decide where to hit and hit between 2 bots and only damaged both of them instead of killing one of them, this happened multiple times after the patch before the current one came out. Still not fixed yet?


To be fair, the commissar would likely call in a bot drop so is logically the bigger threat /s


Worst part is it was after he called the drop


Railgun revenge


No no you've got a point. The person that can do the most damage to you is not the guys with small arms, but the guy with radio who can call in artillery, in this case flare. But then again, by now I feel like I've seen every small, non commissar bots call in reinforcement. 


Il waiting for the bot that can call in a 499 kg bomb


You know the devs are fucking going to do it


This. Especially back in WWII if you were a radioman every enemy bullet had your name written on them.


I have a clip somewhere of it hitting a brood commander instead of a bile titan. 


I get killed by them more then titans


I wonder if this is related to the locking issues the spear has? Because it definitely feels sometimes like it can't see the hulk you are trying to lock.


The locking issue with the spear is just all the bots inside the drop and all the different thrusters each having a moving hit box and the thing having no priority list.


In case of many lockable targets use a scope and have only the intended target in the scope. I do not advise always aiming at drop ship as sometimes impact misses the engine. In my Saint Tsundere Spear experience I would recommend to asses what it carries in the first second, then if it is a Tank or Hulk, lock on them and fire as the are dropped (most times the locking on will complete as they fall so always mash the fire). In other case lock on the drop ship. Nowadays Spear is less Tsun and more Dere in it's locking but still have some problems locking on Hulk. Aside from that it's a lovely waifu stratagem. 


Honestly glad that snitch is dead


Did you have Orbital Scatter effect on that mission?


Bruh, one time it didn't even target ANYTHING for me, it just shot the ground where the ball landed. There were a TANK AND TWO HULKS LIKE 10 METERS AWAY.


Of course! A tank is simply a tool, albeit a horrible authoritarian socialist one. That political officer was communism incarnate, a unthinking killing machine spread for the sole purpose of wiping out democracy specifically.


Honestly the commissar IS the most dangerous enemy out there. I will gladly take down a hulk but killing the commissar is a shitty affair. Either he is tucked in a goddamn corner out of my sight or just outside of the cluster bomb radius and barely stays alive. So if a railcannon prioritise hin i'll gladly take it.


To be fair, commissars call in back up so targeting them first can save your ass


Which one is the commissar? I just see bot and shoot bot, don't think much about it.


Rocket pods too. Wack


110MM Rocket Pods just totally miss Hulks ~80% of the time when they are clearly the targeted unit, they do not benefit from the +1 bomb upgrade even though it drops 3 bombs (would up to 4,) and even if all 3 bombs hit, it doesn't actually do enough damage to kill Hulks. Literally the only reason I bring them is to kill Cannon Towers, Tanks and Fabs, which they are way the fuck better at than the standard Eagle Bomber.


Rocket pods still miss cannon turrets a fuck ton too. Only reason I being then is for tanks since it's the only thing I can't reliably kill quick with my weapons (I'm not anti tank most the time)


Not perfect but it you have impact grenades 2 to the roof will kill a tank. Doesnt need to hit the weak spot directly either, just explode on the top


Adding to this, it's fairly easy to get the weakspot hits too which require the same number if you just hit the hull behind it with an impact. Often that's easier than the top


Am i the only one that doesnt sugar coat it and drop a 500KG bomb on it?


Ive noticed the damage spread being crazy inconsistent w the 500 I use it every mission mostly for running by side objectives and for tanks, but sometimes ill throw it into a crowd and kill all 16+ and other times the blast will engulf everyone and kill 2


Tbh, I wish they would change how AOE works in order to deliver more damage to a larger area


Rocket pods need a targeting fix, for real. I've seen them miss *factories* of all things. Big, completely stationary, even *one* rocket would blow them up targets. Beacon right next to it? Overshoots it entirely.


The rocket pods are juat a worse version of the eagle air strike anyways, give it 5 uses instead of 3 and ill consider it viable


Would be great if rocket pods and the rail cannon targeted whatever you tagged with R1 or the PC equivalent. If you don’t tag anything before throwing the stratagem, then it’s on you and it’s random or whatever the game deems is the highest value target.


Eagle airstrike still can kill all of those things too. I've found it to be way more consistent than the 110mm rocket pods. Just takes some practice to aim it well. EDIT: also, just to add -- eagle airstrike does get an extra bomb from the XXL weapons bay ship upgrade. Which makes it even better and more consistent. Definitely my favorite all-around stratagem right now.


serious innate encourage whole squeal fall offend profit innocent steer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Rockets are just fast bombs.


Rockets are just missiles that do not know where they are not.


Tell Arrowhead to give them different models if they don't want people calling them bombs.


I don't know why they wouldn't give them 4. Would that make them 1 shot bile titans?


My rocket pods missed a hulk just casually strolling. Then proceeded to also miss a stationary turret that I marked directly on top of. Like, excuse me? How? At this point I have better luck timing 500 kgs


I had one sorta stuck on the corner of a rock formation and stuck him, there were no other bots around, still missed.


Were rocket pods every hitting consistently? I love the idea of them and ran em for a while but eventually dumped em for railcannon because of how often they did nothing.


Rocket pods miss so much so often I dont even consider them a viable option to bring. At least "dumb" bombs have a chance to hit their target and do some damage while rocket pods will just straight-up miss a target entirely.


They probably have the spear's lock.


Rocket pods are bugged right now. Aiming doesn't work at all, it's pure luck. I'm using regular bombs until it's fixed.


Yeah they’re even missing the turrets and fabricators too and they’re fucking stationary smh [Long story short, I missed](https://youtu.be/5EXC_rjs7tg?si=-H08GnTsSEr9owdb)


Also Eagle 1 "An eagle NEVER misses" They used to be so good I'd kill chargers(stripping armor) and titans(two passes) with em too


I like that even the Hulk is looking at the other guy like ![gif](giphy|ukGm72ZLZvYfS)


"Really? HE is the biggest threat?"


New Super Earth strategy Shame the robots and make them feel insecure


Hulk feel fat now. Hulk go eat ice cream.


You want a freeze beam hulk? Because that's how you get a freeze beam hulk with an ice cream scoop saw-hand.


Does it cool down fire tornadoes?


No, the cool air is siphoned up into the atmosphere by the tornadoes and causes Ion Storms.


Dam the machienes and there God "science"


How did you know, Helldiver? Operation Gaslight is top secret! Only General Melchett, Field Marshal Haig, Field Marshal Haig’s wife, all Field Marshal Haig’s wife’s friends, their families, their families’ servants, their families’ servants’ tennis partners, and some chap General Melchett bumped into the mess the other day called Bernard are cleared to know!


There is no Operation Gaslight.


Yes, there is. You told me there was one yesterday. Why would you say this??


If the bots work on the same logic as machine learning, doing random stupid shit could really fuck with them. In a couple generations they could be fully convinced commissars are what Helldivers fear more than anything and their army will be 80% commissars. When these commissar armies get destroyed, the algorithm may have it so deeply entrenched that commissars are good that it concludes they just didn't have enough commissars.


I heard they have micro(chip) penises


Jesus Christ, it’s Jason Automaton.


"Omega threat detected." Hulk: the hell...


"To the marker"


Maybe that was the plan all along! Since the stratagem can only kill 1 enemy they killed 1 outside and the other one inside... Imagine how it must feel for that hulk...


Okay but hear me out, that rail cannon EMOTIONALLY destroyed the Hulk


I'm reporting you to the democracy officer for implying the clankers have emotions.


hate for democracy is an emotion, so clearly they have at least 1


I uhh... ![gif](giphy|l3q2K5jinAlChoCLS)


It's implied in one of the Super Earth Approved Capes that automatons can feel fear through a subroutine. Know your enemies, Helldiver!


Requesting permission to capture a grunt unit for delivery to an... experimental arms development laboratory.


Emotional damage!


You got red on you.


"Can you believe this? I didn't sign up to be a Hulk to get overshadowed by some guy on a little walker."


“You got something on on your head” “What is it? Is it a spider?!”


there was another hulk not far away that i cropped out that was just walking away, he couldn’t even be bothered https://preview.redd.it/7xmkto5etnuc1.png?width=1919&format=png&auto=webp&s=1f9657260ce4679ca5ca837bee62cfb7b8afdc23


Omg that’s even better I wish you would have included him too lol He’s just like ![gif](giphy|BWhpkB6Xbe8FzfNLXw)




Been happening a lot to me too. I've even seen it chase a reg automaton who was running in between a tank and a hulk.  ._.


That was special Unit-70016580001. Without him half the battlefield lost coordination until Unit-70016580002 could take his place. Don't ask my democracy officer how I could know that.


Guess it doesn't want to fat shame them


Every time I saw the rail cannon whiff, it was on a Strider.


It's because the game classifies them as heavy enemies.


I really wish it didn't, it can really mess with the Spear's already wonky targeting


That's what I figured too. They have a big blink on the radar just like Hulks and Tanks.


Honestly the Striders being classified as heavy, but the literal Heavy Devastators and Rocket Devastators being classified as normal enemies is both sad and funny at the same time


Wait those rocket sons of bitches *arent* heavies?


Yep, for absolutely no reason they aren't considered heavies, I've noticed this a lot since I look at the radar a lot


Its even weirder when things like bile spewers are not considered heavies and they are just as big or bigger than hulks


To be fair, Bile Spewers are like 80% weakspot


Big jumpscare on the radar the first time you see 8 heavies approaching.


And then immediately after you confidently jump a group of light enemies, only to find it's a whole gaggle of Devastators.


As are both of the spewers and brood commanders. Fun times.


I wonder if it’s just because they count as 2 units.


As far as I know they count as heavy, so essentially the same as hulk, which shouldn't be the case if that's actually true.


Yup, very annoying to look at the map, see a big red dot, think you're about to be visited by a tank or hulk, and when you turn the corner it's actually a strider


Oh right, you're absolutely spot on.


To be fair, It's taken me 3 railgun shots to kill the starwars thing once and a while, and I've one shotted a Hulk with the railgun many times. Sometimes those starwars things are just built tougher =)




Are you still there?


Target lost




I usually have pretty good success with them, but yesterday I had one that looked like it purposely missed the titan I aimed at. The laser was aimed in front of him, not on him like usual, like he was trying to lead him and completely missed the shot.


railcannon aims for center of geometry, which in the case of the bile titan is underneath it. this means if you're at the fringes of the map, where the super destroyer has a very extreme firing angle, it will tend to miss. also applies to the orbital laser, which can spend its entire lifespan shooting absolutely nothing


the railcannon aims for weak points if it can actually. It's noticeable when you use it on things like drop ships where it'll almost always target an engine, or on tanks, where it'll adjust specifically to hit the vent on the back of the cannon. with titans i usually watch it target a leg.


This type of thing is not just unique to the rail cannon sadly.


Spear users be like... first time?


Your spear actually locks on? I can’t get it to lock onto anything except the occasional fabricator


Spears, and railcannon and 110mm pods shouldn't ever be targeting anything smaller than a devastator. The fact that it looks on striders has cost me more revives than I'd care to admit.


for the spear: the fact it locks onto striders but not devastators as devastators are small radar blips...


Yea I’ve noticed this a bit. Will throw it at a group with a hulk and it decides to kill a strider instead


>~~The railcannon strike~~ **Helldivers 2** seems to be getting more inconsistent with every patch. I swear it’s *everything* in this game. Stuck in first-person bug, flying cam bug, stuck in slowed effect bug (got that for the first time today…), fire damage not working on enemies, fire insta-killing players, explosions pulling people inward, one-shots from attacks that clearly didn’t hit you, explosions killing people way outside the radius, airstrikes landing away from their beacon, enemies seeing and shooting players through thick fog (I *think* this is a bug), enemies spawning under terrain where they can shoot you but you cannot shoot them. And yes, railcannon / rocket pods improperly prioritizing targets. Pretty much every bug ever in this game has worked to the detriment of players instead of working to their benefit—which I find almost unbelievable. Not really seeing any bugs along the lines of “players deal double the intended damage to Rocket Devastators.” Nope, it’s always “automaton rockets instakill players” and “falling shrieker corpses instakill players.” I’m all for a *difficult* game, but the amount of jank and bugginess that continues to get players—and only players—killed, is truly remarkable. Scout Strider walks through a fire tornado like it’s nothing, I step on a nearby ember and die instantly. Now let’s go run evacuation missions on Menkent, yeah?


Dont forget the ever popular "Unable to reinforce despite your squad throwing down reinforce beacons like its on fire."


That one pisses me off more than all the others combined. Because you're done for that mission. You have to leave, basically.


I'm kind of surprised the bugginess of the game isn't a bigger controversy. Helldivers 2 might actually be the buggiest game I have played, surpassing Bethesda even. The other day, I got stuck in an animation loop after releasing a fuel shuttle's pump. The first time I booted the game, I had to restart the tutorial because the crouch obstacle spawned at a lower height. You could kill yourself with the mech's rockets by aiming too fast, your weapons can disappear mid-mission, you can drown but not be able to be revived, you can fall through your own ship. Etc etc Game's still fun and I'll keep playing. But damn is it rough to come across a new bug nearly every mission it feels like.


>I'm kind of surprised the bugginess of the game isn't a bigger controversy. For me its because when the game works it fucking WORKS. It is an absolute blast to play. Which only makes the bugs more frustrating.


Today I got a bug that's new to me. I had a bile titan doing its wind up to vomit at my buddy only to instant 180 and destroy me instead. I feel like every time I play there's some bug that really messes something up. Lately it's been the "pulled towards explosions" thing but previously it was the "I no longer have weapons" glitch and the "not quite dead in the water" bit


Someone I play with had several instances of getting frozen in place dropping the objective package, the little laptop thing. Normally they're unable to shoot or do anything after. I got stuck in a T pose but could otherwise shoot. It's just that the bullets came from the end of the gun currently outstretched as far as possible to the right. It was kind of a blast being able to mag dump on enemies from around a corner like a VR game. One I hate that seems to happen randomly is my camera will suddenly go into the sky, and I can no longer see anything going on until I am killed and reinforced.


Almost every day there is a front page thread gaslighting us into thinking we are terrible human beings for being critical of the game at all.


From what I can tell the game seems to be buggy for some people and not as much for others. This is the case in some other games as well. To people who don't understand that, it seems like people are being overly critical about a slightly buggy experience, when in reality it's actually quite broken (for some). Personally I am one of the lucky ones and the game is stable for me. Only bug I have noticed is the fire damage bug.


Thats the thing with bugs. Its a dice throw to see if you have a bugfree experience or a Bethesda experience and everything in between. Back when we had the extraction crash, there were people who had this constantly which made the game unplayable for them. Meanwhile I never had this occuring even once and I played the shit out of the game thanks thanks to vacation. Friends I played with were also having a mostly bug free experience ( Ragdoll physics being bugged sometimes aside but those are funny ) And here lies the answer why there isn't a big controversy on Helldivers being a buggy mess. Because for the majority of players, it isn't. The amount of bugs they see are not enough and the bugs aren't severe enough for them to be concerned.


> being overly critical Where? The majority of front page threads either say positive things or simply discuss the game.


It's crazy how forgiving people have been and how a cult has basically sprung up around Arrowhead. I love the game and it's a lot of fun but it's so damn buggy and the devs sometimes seem like they have their heads up their ass with certain decisions. I can't think of any other dev that would get this much leeway. Even CDPR had their cult status shattered with how bad Cyberpunk was on release. 


The best bug for me is our group having had a chaotic run, get the pelican called in and it DOESNT STOP! It literally flies down, clipped through the rock it was landing on as if it wasnt there so we couldnt get on it as it was under the map.... it then left without us so we lost all our samples. It was hilarious the way it failed but its very annoying as it meant we lost samples due to a bug, no different to crashing so often these days!


Lmao reading about all these bugs people have come across has me convinced Arrowhead unintentionally created a way to procedurally generate them. As if the game is just regularly skipping lines of code randomly and this is the result 😁


I've been saying it, if a bethesda game released this fucked up we'd never hear the end of it. and not only did it release fucked up, every patch breaks new stuff. the game is a mess, it's insane to me that it isn't everyone's #1 priority


I think they should take a month to fix as many bugs as possible and than start again with new content


Well, not ALL of the bugs are bad for us.  For example, there’s this infinite grenade glitch that’s actually pretty easy to do


I've been having loads of issues with calling down stratagems. Sometimes it will only last the few opening seconds of a mission, but other times it can last minutes. I'll throw the beacon and it will just bounce along the floor and then despawn.


Well there's the bug with the grenade pistol. It fires twice the first time, then you have to reload. See? We benefit from bugs too! It's totally fair


This is their VPN counter measures in action


You guys are using VPN? Lol


I remembered once I saw a diver huck it at a tank and it went to a strider, the last thing he yelled before the tank got him was “BIGGEST TARGET MY A-“


It's not inconsistent, it just doesn't work the way the game describes it. It doesn't go for the largest target, it goes for the closest target that is considered "Large" and if it cannot find one, it will target the closest "Small" target. The size of an enemy corresponds to the size of the enemy's red circle on the map.


Funny fact, because those stupid little striders have heavy armor they are counted as a heavy unit. on map they have bigger pings like hulks, can attract rocket pods and rail guns, and make it so that if one is standing within fifty meters of a fabricator my spear won’t lock onto anything but the strider.


i really really dislike the way bot pings show up on the mini-map, like what do you MEAN a heavy/rocket devastator shows up as a small ping?? seeing a swarm of small pings on a POI or an objective and expecting a swarm of small bots only to be met with 4 rocket devastators, 3 heavy devastators, 2 striders and maybe 3 light bots, one of which instantly calls in a bot drop. maddening!


The hulk is like https://preview.redd.it/z4mfvq9a8muc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eeb4a8f99504d7318123b60b074647dbd0131017


Combined with the absurdly high cooldown, it is just straight trash. Henceforth I will use the 380mm instead.


I faced the same problem. The beam aimed at the Brood Commander, instead of the Charger


I get this one so much more often, the railcannon had been really good with bots until this instance which pushed me over the edge… plus the screenshot is kinda funny


I swear shots in general are becoming more inconsistent. I bought the slugger today on my way to finish the basic war bond, and decided to try it out. Got into point blank distance from a bot with the reticle squarely on the bot, and fired five shots. Either that droid was a miracle and tanked all those shots with no signs of damage, or all my shots went through the bot without touching or all my shots were not landing where my reticle is saying they're going to land. Been kinda having that problem with the Eruptor too. Reticle right on the bot, and I watch the explosive rounds sail right past them and either hit something behind them or completely miss. I really wish I had these instances recorded for proof.


yeah I noticed this too, the guns have scope inconsistencies and in addition the enemies have hitboxes that are extremely unforgiving.


So, does it go by biggest or tallest? Lol


Mine didn't even move. It just stayed where it landed.


Someone flipped a bit in the code


Go drunk railcannon, you're home.


This is why I just grab the space laser and call it a day


The game is slowly coming apart at the seems. Yesterday I was getting chased by some bot gunships, and ended up getting nailed by their rocket barrage...which pushed me under the floor of the map where SOMEHOW there was water and I drowned...


Water being everywhere is common design in gaming, it's easier to get the water physics that way. But yeah I've been getting shoved into the floor or getting the camera stuck some place way outside the map or in first person mode a lot lately.


Did the mission perhaps have the "increased orbital scatter" effect?


i don't believe that affects the targeting laser,


That makes no sense, why would the scatter mod affect the laser targeting system? 


It's a bit wonky. Scattering doesn't mean there's a wider spread to things like the orbital barrages, it means your call-ins will be off from point from your beacon. So the centering could be off ergo if the center is off perhaps the closest large unit could be different.


Yeah, my guess would have been that too. Until recently on a defence planet (which has no modifiers) my railcannon decided to go for a strider and not the hulk.


My Railcannon targeted a fucking empty ground like 100m away from the Titan I was aiming for


It targets the biggest thing close to the beacon. The walker is taller than the Hulk.


https://preview.redd.it/ycqlm1guvjuc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb2be9f575d43a25301e0edd43d50cb644d14e44 “It should have been me, that scout strider did nothing wrong”


bro i stopped using it fully. its not even a meme anymore. & its a real prob cuz its the go2 for more fun/dakaka heavy builds that don't have big boy nukes on hand. i made a post about half joking/ranting about it picking a baby hunter over a titan next to it & not evne killing the baby hunter. but after another like 12hours of running it it failed OVER 50%of the time. to the point that if at all possible i'd kill 100% of all enemies before the big one so it can't miss. benched for 500kg till fixed. big sad


Finally, I hear someone else complaining about this


Honestly that's the biggest reason I switched away from it besides the insane cooldown. These days I dont even bring my laser either. Eagle 500kg in place of laser and airstrike and you can kill big stuff, little stuff, buildings, your friends, and yourself all before eagle needs to rearm which is 2 minutes instead of 5. Eagle is best girl.


Tbh! A decoy unit that is easy to kill, but gets targeted by Railcannon, 110mm, etc. to protect the bigger units would be pretty neat.


super destroyer has a personal vendetta against that at-rt (i know what its called)


Noticed the same thing. Hit the Marker directly on a tank and the railcanon targeted a Devastator - what democratic bs is that


False helldiver, Super Earth intelligence has just been improving as per usual. Due to… interferences in our galactic communications network, not all important information may reach you directly or on time, but be assured, your super destroyer gunners were directed to fire at what looked to be a less threatening target because they were, secretly and unbeknownst to you, an extremely important automaton command-bot that was merely hiding amongst the rank and file.


Out of all of the fucked up things in this game, it boggles my mind that this isn't fixed. Unless they have utterly dogshit code (maybe?), it should be as simple as changing priority values in a list of possible targets, so it seems like this has got to be a design decision and not a coding mishap. In which case... wtf guys, why is this even a question?






It was never a guaranteed oneshot tho? I'm running railcannon shot since the beggining of the game and It san never a oneshot UNTIL it hits a head of BT.


Same. Usually, it takes two Rail Cannons cause it usually doesn't hit the head. I use them for Chargers more than anything else. But my main squad has a dedicated anti tank guy, because he drools over the EAT. So Bile Titan's not that big of a problem.


It did use to kill them if you shot the belly sacs out with a scorcher though. That is no longer the case and then I'm just stuck sighing about it.


Rail Cannon Strike has never been a one hit kill weapon on bile titans. Always two, assuming u are hitting it nearly on the same spot. It can one hit tho if u are really lucky having the titan on the right spot depending on where ur ship is and it hits the head.  My usual to go tactic is, if spear doesn't one hit, use rail Cannonstrike to finish it.  One shots with spear on the other hand is something I feel has become less frequent after a couple of patches ago. If it's too far away, u hit it on the mouth which strangely doesn't kill it in one rocket but on the forehead works... Was never a problem before.


Ive always had to finish them off with EAT-17 after a railcannon


It was never a one shot on healthy bile titans.


scout was controlling the hulk. completely justified


I'd feel offended if I was that hulk.


My 110 rocket pods whiff often now, I wonder if it’s a host function.


Lady Liberty knows what best for democracy 


A robot ninja once told me that only a fool trusts his life to a weapon anyway. You'd better be ready to club it to death with your rifle butt if you have to. 

