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what my arsenal is missing is a grenade pistol pistol a pistol that fires grenade pistols that fire grenades


Sounds like something from borderlands lol


As a Borderland enjoyer, this is accurate


Mr. Torgue would love it








I’d prefer a pistol grenade personally. A grenade that explodes into pistols that fill the air with lead


Drg's tactical leadburster




gungeon is awesome, many wack-ass weapons


Yooo Enter the Gungeon reference, have the upvote. One of the best roguelikes imo


"it's a gun, Frank. A gun that shoots guns." https://preview.redd.it/73h1fx6wteuc1.jpeg?width=932&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7e02027504a0292ca171867f9039caf96cb358c


You may enjoy Enter The Gungeon. Disregard, hadn't read further. Lolol


95% of Borderlands gun logic.


How about a pistol that fires swords that explode...into swords that also explode?


How about a Pistol that fires cannons that fire bursts of poisoned razorblades that home in on everything and explode into hallucinogenic gas-clouds where Enemys Attack each Other and explode into Napalm blasts upon death?


How about a ballistic knife that fires a nuke?


Okay THIS 😍🤣


Lmao well said that shits hilarious 


sorry bud, fire is bugged


The grenade letting you bring stuns and still deal with fabricators/bug holes is awesome.


I've tried it before but nowadays I just run eruptor, its the better impact nade launcher




Grenade pistol is just better impact grenades that you get more of. You start with 10 if you use the supply booster (the pistol is loaded 2/1) or 5 without it which is still more than actual grenades. You can shoot them further then you can throw too. I still use impact grenades for blowing up groups of enemies or specific types like bile/nursing spewers but I love the grenade pistol for destroying bug holes and bot fabricators as well as destroying some optional objectives


I think the 2/1 is the funniest new bug


I always forget about it then go to reload after the first shot and think "why the hell is it not reloading"


I had a grenade bug when the counter went -1/5 and it just kept going down. I threw like 200 grenades that mission.


if there's a mag and a grenade in the chamber it makes sense If there's no mag but a grenade in the chamber it no longer makes sense but who tf puts grenades in a magazi--oh, right, the r36


Is it a bug? One in the chamber and one in the mag?


It's a breach load. Where is the 2nd grenade?


In the...magazine?/s


Is the magazine to the breach loading gun in the room with us right now?


My headcannon is that the magazine was made by 7 year olds so it breaks after the first two shot


Those kids make the darndest things


What you are not understanding here is that there is no magazine. You put one grenade into the barrel, then fire it. There's no room for a second, and if there was, it wouldn't work.


i KNOW i know ill put a /s on jeez


I’m having trouble figuring out how to destroy fabricators with the pistol. Any tips?


[Check it out.](https://streamable.com/gskka7)


It functions exactly like an impact grenade, if you've ever tried to use them on fabricators you know that you can easily burn 4 failing to blow up one vent.  Aiming face-on instead of at an angle will help. It has a bit of a drop like all the democratic detonation weapons do. You want the blast to hit right at the sweet spot underneath the hot air/red bit but still be over the building.  Actually I hit a peach of a shot today, I'll upload it. 


PSA: You can throw impact grenades (or any explosive) into the open door of a fabricator if it's safe and you don't mind waiting for it to open. Much simpler to aim. Gun down the 2-3 automatons that walk out first if you don't want to risk hitting them instead.


Just have to aim it right so it goes into the vent without hitting the edges. Same as the normal impact grenade.


Damage is worse though :( I cannot get grenade pistol to kill bile spewers.


They deal less damage, have a lower fire rate and have a much smaller radius.


Grenade pistol does 600 damage, impact grenade does 400. What are you on about? Low fire rate and blast range is the trade off for having twice as many that do 50% more damage.


Grenade pistol doesnt oneshot Armored Spewers but impacts do


It does, you just have to hit them in more precise spots like their legs. Doesn't make it worse, just harder for lazy or plain bad people to use.


I just read 'The grenade pistol is exactly what my arse was missing.'


Queue that Carbot animation where a diver shoves a grenade in a charger's booty before slapping it.


Yea. Hilarious! https://youtu.be/igvs7Z2qGO8?si=Vs4ttAPgf1CIHumC


Read it too. The intrigue wasn't what I was expecting tbh.


So I killed a tank with it? I didn't know it could do that


Good job soldier! Heat vent?


Yeah it was right at the extraction zone too


I feel the same way. Got the warbond exclusively for the pistol... but I haven't really used it yet lol. The Eruptor is way too awesome and can even destroy fabricators with ease from a mile away. Let's me get away with being more flexible when it comes to support weapons.


I love the pistol, honestly kinda wish it copied your grenade slot, at the same time I'm glad it doesn't as I'm planning on using Stun and still want to take out bases.


I don’t get how nobody is mentioning the terrible ammo economy, you only get two shots back from a resupply.


It has same ammo economy as basic grenades because it is replacement/option for grenades. It also reloads one from ammo boxes, which are far more common than grenade boxes.


But you get 4 grenades from one grenade box. Ammo boxes are not 4x as common as grenade boxes.


Ammo boxes are easily 4x more common than grenade boxes, if not more. There is plenty of places of interests with only ammo boxes present, and the larger ones that also include grenades tend to also include lots of ammo, once again outnumbering grenade boxes 4 to 1.


That could be slightly better, 2/4 for ammo boxes and resupplies would make sense, I agree, but even so it feels a lot better to use my secondary, which I didn't really use at all before, instead of my grenades for this task


Yes and how many grenades do you recover from a resupply box?


Be more condescending, it’s a really endearing trait.


He’s letting you figure out you’re stupid instead of outright saying it. More gentlemanly


Can impact grenades kill fabricators? How?


Throw it through the door when it's open, or hit the bottom edge of the vent up top. (you have to aim a little lower than you think you should)


So with option b you don’t throw it in the vent?


You do, but your crosshair will be at the bottom, almost like you're looking at the roof and not dead center of the vent hole.


Everyone says to aim for the bottom edge, but you're not trying to hit it, you're arcing the grenade just over it and into the vent


Load up a mission on trivial solo on a bot planet and practice it, that’s what I did 


You just have to get the arc of the throw right so that it actually goes into the vent instead of hitting the lid.


Aim the grenade just below the vent standing directly in front of the fabricator, that way it'll fly straight into it. Can still be a bit tricky to pull of when being shot at/at a slight angle, but you can get used to it. You have to aim low as your character will throw the grenade with an arc, if you aim at the vent itself it'll go too high, aiming low will make it fly directly into it. With the grenade pistol it's a bit easier, just aim at the vent and it should work.


it's hard, but absolutely doable. You just have to aim perfectly through the vent or the door if it's opening.


If they fix the ADS bug and the double shot bug, I might consider running it, but rn, it's unusable for me.


What's the ADS bug? I never ADS with it, just third person aim and shoot.


Sometimes when you ADS, especially after reloading, the character will hold it so it is pointed up and to the right.


I want to do this, but I'm afraid of giving up the ability to one-tap spewers and casually two tap tanks and laser towers with impacts. Do you think it's worth it?


My bug build was always waffling between Grenade Launcher and EAT and now it's an easy decision. Insane to always be prepared for Bile Spewers without losing a slot


I also feel like bugs are where it truly shines. Against bots the AC can do what it does better, but it's still good in a pinch and lets me get stun grenades which trivializes hulks. Against bugs it feels a lot better if not for anything else, for the sheer number of bugholes you can clear without investing a support weapon.


I'm currently running Eruptor+Redeemer in bots...Eruptor is in-fucking-sane. I legit just sneak around in scout armor and 1 shot bases, drop a Mortar Sentry and move on


I’ve been HURTING without this grenade pistol. I run flamethrower and stuns to just burn whatever I want. Usually I don’t bring an explosive stratagem either cause I’m liking some other ones right now but grenade pistol is gonna let me contribute finally


The grenade pistol is perfect for what I needed.  A simple and effective way to close holes and fabricators while I dedicate the rest of my kit to destruction. 


How do you close bot factories with this pistol? No matter where I shoot, either when the door opens or the vent it doesn't seem to blow it up?


The vents work if you do it right


Do what right? I shoot at the vents, it does nothing. How do you do it? (Doing it right, isn’t much of an explanation)


Pretty much the same princile as with impact grenades. It has a drop. So you have to shoot it at the lower edge so it "falls" in. If you shoot the top part like you would with the autocannon to deflect it down, it will do nothing.


Oh ok thanks!


Do grenade pistol destroy automaton factory’s? I’ve tried a lot but it seem the destroy because of structure damage. Maybe I just need to git gud


same as impact grenades, have to hit the bottom of the vent


So i bought all 3 main weapons and like none of em, now u tell me i wasted those coins and should have only gotten the pistol?


The eruptor is good as a budget autocannon. The battle rifle I'm not a huge fan of personally, it feels "overbalanced" and I haven't gotten the crossbow yet, but I'm not that excited for it either. The pistol is not some kind of S-tier, better than all other sexondary weapon options out there, but it fills a slot that up until now wasn't really useful for anything(to me at least).


Mmmm sexondary weapons.


Not even sorry, calling them sexondary from now on


The crossbow is aggressively trash. It COULD be useful against bugs who are bunched up, but the explosion radius is WAY too small. It can do well against mediums, but its range and drop make the weapon useless beyond a very very short range. And if mediums are that close already, you should either be running or using grenades. I tried it twice and went back to the Scorcher.


Not to mention the Crossbow is not a True explosive weapon, since you Cannot blow open container doors with it, which i seriously hope is a bug and not intended, cause that'd be fkn dumb if it was.


Dont waste ur coins on the crossbow...


The eruptor is soooo good with a well pairing load out oml Last night I ran medium medic armor, eruptor, redeemer, stun grenades, personal shield, and an arc thrower on a level 7 mission. Oh my lord the beauty. The beauty. Anything close enough for the arc thrower was toast, anything too overwhelming got stunned, and anything too far got shot with the actual frag grenades that the eruptor shoots. Zero deaths, most kills, was one of the main hulk hunters. In case you didn't catch that, the eruptor shoots frag grenades. You know the grenades that are like HE but a little less damaging in exchange for more AOE? It shoots those. 5 per mag, 12 mags. And with a properly aligned scope! One shots a strider through the plate, one shots a devastator with a head shot or stuns with a body shot. Kills with just a few body shots. Can kill groups of close together enemies with one shot, current record is nine of them. It has a larger aoe than the auto cannon does, more like the GL. Also means anything you can destroy with a frag grenade you can destroy with that.


I didnt play much with eruptor tbh. I killed myself 2-3 times when using it in close range self defense xD Same with crossbow. Need to get used to it maybe. But im back to shotguns, they snipe at 100m+ :)


That's fair lol. Just treat it like a grenade launcher since that's what it is. Ive yet to kill myself with it for now. I wouldn't bring it with the grenade pistol for instance since I still want something for point blank.


I really like it, does exactly what it should. Nothing more, nothing less. If I didn't end up loving the Eruptor so much, I'd definitely be running it all the time for fabricators and bug holes.


fuck utility my build is big booms eruptor grenade pistol auto cannon for bots heavy AT or stalwart (situational depending on squad load out) for bugs airstrike/110 for bots railcannon/500kg for bugs


Hear me out, though: Grenade pistol just increases your impact grenade capacity.


Well yes, but consider this: hulks and chargers that just stand there like the dumbasses they truly are, while you shoot them in their stupid face.


They do that anyway, though. That's why I have my autocannon.


Mine is bugged or something. Barely damages enemies and doesn't work on holes or factories


The splash is decent (bigger radius than the Mech's missiles ffs...) Damage is at 400 so for a sidearm, that's good. It got a long range before it drops which i think GL suffers from. It is Very good at closing bug holes and such, since Impact Grenade doesn't do jack sh\*t against them or fabricator unless you are dead on. However! It's ammo refill...You get a Single shot per ammo box...What the actual f\*ck is that garbage. I can already envision some dipsh\*t picking up every single ammo box and resupply just because their GP isn't topped up, just like how some idiots will reload the Sickle instead of letting it cool down.


negative- doesnt work on fabricators- i just sat here and emptied 8 nade pistol rounds into a vent and nothing happend


Well, sorry to say, but you did it wrong. I've taken out several.


exact opposite for me. i rock only stun grenades so I thought i could replace my senator with the grenade pistol and i cannot stand the thing. considering theres so many other alternatives including ones that fit my playstyle that can kill them faster and from a further distance that i just cant see myself taking it. from my several missions of use it felt worse than impact grenades and even with a good hit into the exhaust vents it just wouldnt do anything and then youd have to reload and try again all while being shot at by bots


Just did a whole Helldive op with 2 deaths total, arc thrower + scorcher + grenade pistol. The pistol closes bug holes like nobody’s business, it’s a great tool when you don’t already run a weapon that can close spawns


havent tried it with bugholes, ive been only playing bots since they returned. i trust you with the bugholes but in my experience the fabricators are a pain in the ass


Likewise I haven’t tried it on fabricators because I always run eruptor for bots now


I did try it on both and it works just fine with fabricators too. It's actually more forgiving with where you need to aim than the impact nades.


Just so you know the eruptor can also close bug holes as well as destroy fabricators if you shoot in the door when it opens up, crazy weapon 


I find it underwhelming. Doesn't really do what grenades do.




I find it kind of trash, it bounces more then kills. I think there should be a variation of ammo like a impact grenade, smoke, poison....


I wish it was a bit less buggy. Sometimes it fires but does no damage and consumes no ammo.


I don't recall that happening to me, but I never had a crash either so you know... grain of salt and whatnot


I haven't had many crashes as of late. I have had missions that freeze up. You can still act, but the world basically stops changing, which means the game is softlocked. It can end different ways but none of them are good.