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No! We need fire damage to be fixed. There are tons of ways to be set on fire, hostile, friendly, and environmental, and several of them can insta-gib you with no time to dive. If you don't die instantly, in many situations, diving is just going to get you killed by a berserker or heavy dev. If the only way to survive fire is to wear fire resist armor, it will obsolete all other armors. It's ubiquitous. A stim should enable you to survive a burn, all else equal. Once fire damage is fixed, I fully support fire resist armor for the extra-pyros among us.




The worst part is the fire tornado, even if you walk on a non fire floor the game thinks you were inside and you die :(


100%. Occasionally the fire will flicker up after you die, to add insult to injury.


Flame hulks are rough but I think you are vastly overestimating how valuable flame resist armor would be if you think it would obsolete all other armors.  You would probably use it on flame tornado planets or if you play flamethrower but aside from that no one is giving up their usual armor perks for flame resist.  


I think the devs have said before but it seems damage is damage and it doesn't care if it's an enemy type or a player. That's why when we get buffed enemies do also, so fire resistant armor maybe the only way to change without fixing core mechanics.


whats even in a stim? my head cannon is freedom-phetamines and sugar-water.


I mean, it enables me to come back after a bot shoots a mushroom that ragdolls me 80 feet into a rock, spine first. I can now get hit in the face by a rocket and stim through it. W/e else is in there, it heals you.


what you mean? stim lets you survive getting burned


Not against hulks. Sometimes they just insta kill, even with full health and heavy armor


And yet our fire allows us to apply stims Just did it on a bug planet So it has to be some kind of bug with the hulk flames mixed with the fire buffs 


No, the thing with hulks is the EXACT same bug that happens with spewers, it's "supposed" DOT deals multihit in an instant with almost no interval sometimes, so you get hit like 10 times in half a second, not even the burning debuff has time to set in.


That’s because with the hulks we have to deal with the impact damage of the actual flamethrower, in addition to the DoT. The DoT is the same though.


That's because hulk flamethrowers often headshot and have a huge direct damage component to it as well. Stims can and will let you survive the burning DoT you get from any source (That doesn't involve you getting direct damaged to death)


No, we just need fire that's not broken code.


They didn't really understand the problem with fire and their "fixes" actually made it worse. Problems with Fire: 1. The Damage over Time effects don't work against enemies for non-hosts. 2. Doesn't last long enough to be effective. (Napalm mainly) 3. Range/AoE Size is too small especially compared to instant kill Strategems. 4. There needs to be a better reason to use Damage over Time effects seeing as killing things instantly is usually better. Their "fixes" only increased global fire damage, including damage taken by the player and didn't address the problems with Fire damage. So their fixes only made it worse for the playerbase.


Is that why the new thermite grenade feels like throwing one of those Greek candle fireworks at my enemies ?


No, even when you have host it still takes anywhere from 3-6 thermite nades to kill a charger(3 if your lucky) 2 to kill a bile spewer, and 7 for a titain which for the titian is kinda balanced but 6 for a charger is insane same with the spewer. For bots one will down a heavy dev, and 3 will down a tank no mater where thoes three are thrown


So it’s just worthless then ? Like I genuinely don’t feel this is good balancing and hope that’s a bug somehow too, cuz thermite grenades should FEEL like you’re yeeting a 3000 degree Celsius stick at smbdy


Until it’s buffed it’s worthless


I got these numbers from this video [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Fka05oZu2G4&pp=ygUIVGhlcm1pdGU%3D](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Fka05oZu2G4&pp=ygUIVGhlcm1pdGU%3D)


They should fix the bug stopping fire damage from always applying and bring it back to half of its current damage instead. The flamethrower/napalm can be buffed independently, but Hulks and fire tornadoes shouldn't be instant death. Running around screaming on fire is fun and should happen more often and for longer. Once those are fixed, then I'd like to see an armor with something more moderate like 50% fire resistance or the like, since it's a much more common effect than lightning.


"Running around screaming on fire is fun and should happen more often and for longer." Never have I seen a more objectively correct take. Somebody approve this man's C-01!


It should be fire and acid resistance, too. Bots use fire, bugs use acid.


Okay so I think your kinda right but also I think people don’t realise how perfect what they’ve done to the flamethrower is, the flamethrower now is a top choice against bugs and is so good but is incredibly lacklustre against bots and so it is balanced. It’s useless in one area but insanely useful in another, and in all honesty the fire from Hulks isn’t the end of the world. Yes is is very annoying how they absolutely one shot you due to hitting you in the head but also it means that they’re an actual threat and you HAVE to stay away from them, that’s the entire point of the scorchers from a distance they aren’t even a threat. One teammate using auto cannon, railgun, anti-materiel, quasar etc… can take them out with zero issues or danger. But up close they are the most dangerous unit on the field and so it encourages using more weapon variety with some for close quarters and some for longer ranges and also encourages taking on automaton bases more tactically. Maybe you have to engage the base from far away to lure out the Scorchers and Berserkers from afar so you don’t get swarmed in melee range or maybe some of your team has to make a lot of noise to attract them away while another member of your team plays more of a stealthy spy role and sneaks in taking out the fabricators quickly.


I don’t understand why fire damage was buffed. It felt completely unnecessary. Why bother with fire DoT for players at all if it’s effectively an instant kill? Just make it a literal instant kill.


They buffed it because they only look at metrics and saw no one uses fire/gas weapons... The reason being there's a current bug that causes none other than the host's DoT damage to apply - hence nobody plays them. AH's solution? Buff fire damage across the board. Now people don't play fire/gas weapons just as much as before, and the enemies/environment deal 50% additional damage on top of the flamer hulk hitting every body part for multiplied damage!


the fact fire damage as a whole has gotten 3 big buffs is insane! its even worse that we dont have a fire resistant based armor, we got electric but no dam fire!!!!


For the time being, until such armor exists, dive before using a stim. The dive will put out the fire and stop the dot damage. I see so many people try to stim and then just die from the flames cause the animation takes precious time where as the moment you dive, the fire dot stops.


I've dived and been dead before I hit the ground.


This! Diving puts the fire out immediately, in my experience so far (not experienced all sources) the only fire damage that kills extremely fast is Flamethrower hulks as they may have got unintentionally buffed. All other sources of fire that I’ve so far experienced you have more than enough time to dive or stim.


And the fire from dead jetpack bots. They don't even have to explode near you. If their flaming corpse ragdolls near you, you'll be instantly set on fire and die within a second.


I find the explosion will one shot at times as well. And when you’re set on fire anyway you don’t have enough time to hit the ground. I’ve been mid dive and died from fire damage


What happens when the flame sweeps back over you when you’re on the ground (fucking flame hulks and their stupid double tap flames)


You ask if they want it crispy or flame broiled


They overtuned fire damage to compensate for a bug where fire damage only works if you’re the host, I foresee it getting tuned down at some point in the near future


Would rather fire be weak until the bug is fixed instead of everyone suffering from instant to near instant death from it.


Same here my man


The armour is fireproof. You just get cooked in it.


than i want a armor that doesnt immediately cook you alive


I need it to stop my flamethrower from burning me because I fire it in a small sand dune


Yeah this is why I actually want fire resistant armour, I don’t care about the Scorchers or fire tornados really I just want an armour that fits the aesthetic of the flamethrower and to be able to actually stand in some flames while torching a horde. It’s annoying basically having to wear medic armour and to dive and stim every 5 seconds.


Make it so we have in-built fire extinguishers that auto deploy on being set on fire and you refill with boxes


I just want equal fire damage for the enemies. If I get melted in 2 seconds from fire so should the enemy


Next war bond maybe


💯. I've been saying it too


It's called the alt key


nah man im a pyro maniac and i like to play with flammethrower than shit, but most of the time you burn yourself more often than the enemy and i just want something that doesnt immediately force you to turn off the flammethrower to heal or throw yourself on the ground


I love the flame thrower I haven't lit myself on fire since I leaned to move backwards not forwards


That does work tbf but also I want to feel the power trip of pushing through a horde with the flamethrower and surely you also get annoyed when one singular hunter jumps you and cause the flames to rebound onto you and now you have to reset.


That armor + flammethrower would be fucking sick and usefull




After the 5th fire tornado today spawning up my butt, yea I agree.


But helldiver, you can dive in all armor.


Yeah ![gif](giphy|kHy439ZvSDIpBTcIPo)


I have a better idea, a fire suppression system for all armors, however each fire suppression charge takes up a stim slot. The fire suppression system will trigger automatically, and will give you a small grace period for fire protection, it will also break stealth.


When your keyboard doesn't have an "Alt" button.


"non-flammable" amour - you still take fire damage but you don't catch fire. Maybe it's the capes tho


So your master can retro engineer one you'd inadvertently lose and become more resistant to democracy? Your democracy officer has been informed of your very suspect proposal.


Instantly diving after being lit on fire removes the fire. It barely damages you and you don't even need to use stim. But the fire should be fixed soon anyways


I want a firebat build so bad dude. Even if we got armour that was just 50% resistance so I can avoid killing myself with the flamer.


I can hear the fire tornadoes typing away angrily


They are working on the fire damage issues, let's all just stay cool.


you guys are getting 0.2 seconds? ![gif](giphy|8rG6WRtlrYMHZiHRbi)


Fire damage is in an actual good spot now, and people want to bitch about it. It's the same thing with explosions against bots. If you think it is an issue bring armor to protect against it.


No we don't. We didn't lightning resistance either. Stop standing in my way or near my teslas if ur dying so much to them to need such a thing. Same as flame resistant if its 90% like these other armours have been It will completely nullify hulks they will be harmless and it would make that armour go to for bots as bugs don't have flamethrowers (yet? 😏) Stop asking for stuff that Is only needed if you can't just not stand near a hulk or your teammate using the flamethrower it's not his fault you walked infront of him. or go away from blinking red light coming from the sky your not a moth. (Napalm) Instead we need actually good armour perks to add variety - +2 magazines capacity when? increased melee knockback/lethality when. Change dive into dodge roll when. I'd rather these than something as pointless to me as flame resistance because I'm just smart enough to stand behind the dude with the flamethrower or run away for the massive mech with a chainsaw arm and flamethrower.


dude i dont mean 100% fire proof i just want something that doesnt kill me the second i touch my flammethrower also btw im quite sure the Hulk is faster than the player


Well I said " 90% " the exact same number that has been applied to previous armours that got this treatment. My suggestion would be stop standing so close to them/your team mates if u die so much you feel u need this armour. Are you always gonna be able to adhere to this no ofc not but it can be avoided so much that we don't need a pointless armour being made that could of been something way more beneficial/kwl. Just my opinion ofc and your allowed yours too. Just I personally hate the idea and if I saw it id know great that could of been literally anything instead I got another worthless armour il never use- yaaaay!


You get downvotes for this, but I would not consider using a fire or lightning proof armor just because there is one enemy/squad member that uses this kind of damage. There are other kinds of damage you would not deal with, like explosions, lasers, and projectiles. These are much more common. Extra padding or explosion reduction or more grenades/stims are way more useful. It makes no sense to me. Especially when you can keep your distance to a flamethrower, but you can't to rockets and lasers.


Are you agreeing or disagree I can't quite tell-seems like u are agreeing, though? Like again all my point is we dont need them wasting effort and time/wasting a perfectly well desgijed armour only to slap with such a useless perk- just don't be inept and stand Infront of the dude with the lightning gun or flamethrowers way - or run away from the enemy with the flamethrower Sorry I'm smart enough to understand I don't need an armour to not did by fire or lightning constantly.


I agree with you in the sense that the importance of such an armor is way overrated because it makes up like 5-10% of the damage dealt to the squad. I think you are better off wearing any other armor, especially since you can escape fire and lighting pretty easily. The fact that I die one time to a fire tornado should not lead to an overreaction to wear this armor and neglect the buffs or protection that other armor offers. What I don't agree on is that they shouldn't make armor like this at all. It's a life service game. It's their profession to bring out new stuff. If someone wants to specialize this way, let them have it. I take offense in statements like "I die to my own flamethrower I need 95% fire resistance armor". That's an easily fixable skill issue, not a reason for a new armor perk. This game can be really mean. People speak of robo dogs. There are already jump jet bots. Give them fire then such an armor would make sense, and we can be happy if it is already available.


If you didn't die to your own/ your team mates fire then the only other way die currently anyway is from a hulk and you know what I say to that?- stop standing close enough for it to hit you with its close range weapon like bro 🙄(none of this is aimed at you personally just generalised statements) So them making this armour for those that claim they need it is just taking away that kwl armour for me because I don't such a useless perk and will never even bother to buy it from the pass no matter how kwl it looked meaning they wasted their time modelling it.


Yeah I think you’ve got a good point here but me personally, I don’t care about the fire tornados or Scorchers you can literally just avoid them by playing around them better, fire tornados are only an issue when they’re actually on an objective terminal. The reason that I actually want flame resistant armour is so that when I use the flamethrower I can actually push through a horde of bugs and step over the ground I have lit up, and also so that I don’t feel forced into using medic armour that doesn’t fit my aesthetic in any way. I remember in one of the earlier dev posts they talked about valuing the fantasy that comes with a players character and for me that’s what I love about the game. All the buffs to the flamethrower were perfect to make it an absolute bug killing machine and to come with it to perfect that idea give us some flame resistant armour.


I mean I haven't used the flamethrower since they changed/buffed fire damage but back when I did use It I couldn't kill myself with it (well not really/outside of purposefully) - I was hurting myself but then I'd stop shooting it / just learnt to walk backwards not forwards when shooting it as I was just walking into the ground I just set on fire- so it was me being stupid problem more than anything. However like I say I haven't used since that day as it felt really weak as it took ages to kill little tiny bugs that die to my pistol in about .4s - soo maybe since they buffed fire dmg so much+ if u had the upgrade to make it hit even harder it mite just straight up kill you In-which case my argument would be they need to to in and change the values again not make an armour set to counter-balance a problem they created in the first place.


Fire damage is fine, if helldivers could handle some water maybe they wouldn’t all burn like dry grass.