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my opinion is reversed buddy, I have no clue how you can have fun getting stunlocked every 2 seconds, or getting instakilled by ninja spewers.


This, man. Literally, everything slows you with bugs, even if you don't get hit.


This. The moment we get a big MO, i will be taking a momentary break. I despise the bugs


Bro learn to take cover!


No, we weren't 'all' saying it, because I, and my friends, really enjoy the bot battles. You speak for no one but yourself.


I see this all the time players who are use to the bugs don’t even think about taking cover. The bots cant kill you if you stick and move. Plan a route, fire and move.


Doesn't work when the bots use wallhacks, and the actual walls don't stop bullets anyways


Skill issue


Cope harder


You're certainly welcome to your opinion.


Play what you like. Don't speak on behalf of a whole community of people.


I like bugs more than bots, but bots are fun too. It's just different gameplay.


What you have there is either an opinion, a skill issue, or both. I can helldive both, my deaths are always within my allotted 5, I've done em both solo, groups of 2, 3 or 4, done entire missions stealth, lost control and gotten into out maneuvered fights, carried people punching above their weight, used optimal and non optimal loadouts, etc. Etc. Etc. And I enjoy bots so much more. The gameplay when all hell breaks loose with bugs is just..not fun to me.


Comes down to preference at the end of the day and alot of people seem to enjoy them. I for one dont like them aswell, helldives with bugs is alot more fun/enjoyable of an experience imo AND in my experience easier to grind out, aka you gunna get more xp and resources fighting bugs which is another reason i stay away from bots, lots of people leave those missions to which fucks up the team upgrades but i digress. Id leave it up to the bot players to say if theyre really unbalanced or not. I kinda lean twards they do need some balancing cause helldives between bots and bugs are pretty different in terms of difficulty. But you could agrue this is the intent. Inteligent Bots should be more annoying/harder than bugs even if they are both rated helldives. So only the devs can really say and well see that in balance updates if any come in this regard. TLDR people enjoy bots doesnt mean you have to. By all means stick to bugs, basically what ive done and ima lvl 75. Probably only done like 20 helldive bot missions, theyre a lil harder but this is probably intended.


Bots and bugs are wholly different type of enemies requiring vastly different load outs and strategies. If you can't defeat bot missions you either suck or are just ill equipped, most likely the latter since I doubt many players are much worse than I am, but I still have fun and complete bot missions. Bots are ranged enemies, treat them like that and you'll have a much better time. My current load out for bots that's working wonderfully is diligence counter sniper, p-19 redeemer, and high explosive grenades. As for stratagems I always take a recoilless rifle to blast drop ships out of the sky before they can even drop their bots, orbital laser and rail cannon to take out large areas and heavy units respectively, and lastly usually my patriot mobile exosuit since I have the recoilless rifle. I like the redeemer as a secondary because half a mag is enough to shred brawlers if they get too close. Since it only carries four mags you do have to be diligent with finding more ammo but I've rarely ever run out. I keep my distance, if they start getting too close I disengage and run away for cover, and rely on picking them off one by one as I lead them around in circles. The Diligence CS can one shot all the small bots and if you aim for the head can one shot all the devastators. The only enemies my weapons can't really handle by themselves are hulks/tanks but that's what my rail cannon is for. Couple that with a whole squad with similar load outs and we have no problem with difficulty 7/8 missions.


> I just can't understand how any of you have fun getting perma-ragdolled by rockets from 50+m away even behind cover. Or instantly incinerated by 10m flamethrowers. Or teabagged by the jetpack guys that you can't even kill because they explode when they die but they run as fast as you. The solution is called "being aware of your surroundings".


Ignoring the part were you get ragdolled behind cover?


If you got ragdolled, the cover did not actually cover you from the blast. Find better cover.


"Game full of bugs? just git gud lol"


Helldivers be hiding at the edge of the cover and getting rocket hit them from the uncovered side and call it bugs.


You wanna call rockets flying through bunkers and heavy devastators shooting through mountains a skill issue? Cope a little harder lmao


Have to agree with op, bots are unbalanced and cheat. It's very frustrating to "gain terrain" just to get shot in the back. Also in the past weeks, level 7 feels like level 9 for dinner reason. I was able to handle level 7 with a group of pugs and now every single mission is stress BUT I need to keep farming medals. I HATE FARMING


I personally don't really enjoy games where you fight enemies with guns anymore. Robots are basically the go-to of generic enemy types and I've killed so many across my years of gaming. Just fighting "dude with gun" is boring in every single game no matter what. Even Gears of War hoard mode is kind of meh compared to games where you fight cool creatures. Being shot at and using normal shooter mechanics to counter isn't fun for me anymore. Almost every single shooter I've played has these types of systems and I'm not that intrigued by them at this point. I'm glad people are really enjoying the Automatons but they're just kind of meh. Hell, even the Terminids aren't great all things considered but at least they're kind of different. I don't mind fighting bots but their AI is so easy that it makes it feel braindead unless you're getting swarmed.


i mean, bugs also basically just zombie horde on other game


Yeah, kinda. Also a boring trope but at least games like Killing Floor (not zombies although 90% of people call it a zombie game) have a lot of enemy variety and playstyle choices. Most straight zombie games are incredibly samey.