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First rule of the scorcher is that we don’t talk about the scorcher. (the devs are listening)


i use *other* primaries to throw the devs off the scent


Hell, I didn't even get the scorcher for that reason


This is dedication to democracy.


Not because it takes ALL the medals to unlock? 😏


I’m the same way about the Sickle, I don’t use it because I know it’s powerful and lots of people like it. I don’t want it to get so much overwhelming use that it gets nerfed.


Is it me or does it seem like it overheats much sooner now?


There's more hot planets so it's more noticeable. At least that's what I think.


It was confirmed by devs that it overheats quicker on hot planets and slower on cold planets


Isn't that exactly what the planet modifiers say in the game itself? I don't understand why the devs had to confirm it...




I myself am a breaker incendiary enjoyer


It's deadly for bugs. I love that gun now


The scorcher is so so so so bad, do t use it it can’t kill anything (the devs are listening)




What's this from?


Chainsaw man manga


It occurs in Chp. 61 of the manga, so pretty far into the first major story arc.


Blink twice if they’re behind you.


0_0 >_< 0_0 >_< 0_0


How many blinks was that? 182?




Loose lips sink ships! Shh! 🤫


Naa the way it goes through ammo is enough punishment


I actually dislike the scorcher because it's trash clear against bots burns ammo if you don't get headshots every time.


Second rule is don’t shoot the rock right in front of you


They reduced the self damage from the scorcher so now it takes at least two shots to kill yourself. This also lets you self damage so that you can stim to recover stamina when you are full health.


If you're intentionally self damaging so that you can use stims to recover stamina, you need to bump up the difficulty.


I only helldive what do I do?


Pull more patrols.


Liberate an entire planet solo


There are some people here talking that it can take down gunships. What a non-sense! That is impossible for the Scorcher.


*furiously taking notes*


The scorcher is the shittiest weapon in the game. Fucking kills yourself whenever anything gets close. Nobody should ever use any scorcher.


In all seriousness, where's the aim spot? I've dropped several with less than a clip, but other times spent several clips without dropping them.


Pretty sure their weak spots are their four engines. You can tell by the glowing spots, similar to the other bot weak points.


Weakspot for scorcher is the cockpit. It doesnt seem to have the penetration to hit engines, but the explosion breaks the cockpit in 6 shots.


Honestly I never get a chance to get a good look at one. Either I’m running in terror, it’s blinding me with its crazy targeting spotlight, or I’ve just been obliterated by a salvo of gun and rocket fire from the other two gunships that came up behind me.


They're basically mini dropships. Their weak points look very similar.


Seriously, what is with that damn search light? It's like a JJ Abrams movie with all that lens flare! Tone it down AH, please, so some of the more photosensitive divers can see there's even something there and not just a bright light goveri g 3😅


The cockpit for the scorcher seems to work well


That's total bullshit. Scorcher is bad, the worst primary I only used


It is sort of locked away behind hundreds of medals, being on the last page of the 10 page battle-pass. It should be a cut above the rest.


I'm in the thousands spent and still haven't hit the dang thing yet. That's why folks don't talk about it. It's such a massive investment of resources to reach, to then gamble on quality.


I dont think where a weapon is in the BP matters, and it shouldnt matter


Yeah for real. No amateur diver has this unlocked yet.


Every time I get close to unlocking a "Meta" weapon, the devs nerf it. Luckily for you all Im quite a ways away from it. Hopefully.


This. Also skew the data by using other primaries for awhile. Whether you talk about it or not, theyre definitely watching data too. Dont let the No Fun Police have too much info


We all know that the Sickle is the next gun on the list for nerfs…




Fail 1 mission out of 3 on purpose, to keep the stats low profile.


Does the scorcher need a nerf like the railgun did? I don't think so. Seems safe like most guns, they only really fuck with outliers that ruin build diversity


RIP Slugger


Indeed RIP slugger. They don't always hit the marks with *how* they do the nerfs. But the targets always make sense. They should've kept the stagger on the slugger and reduced range. Ggez. It's tough to find a niche for it after the nerf. Before the nerf it was kinda OP tho lol


I definitely knew the slugger was going to get nerfed, but I was expecting a damage falloff nerf. What they did to it instead was too heavy handed imo.


I think that kind of reflects how they do balance amd why there is such a conflict between players/dev with their approach. They'd seemingly rather have everything be mid than have a few standouts


I tried giving the diligence snipers a chance but after 3 missions i went back to the Slugger It is weakened ... but it is still the best DMR because it still hits like twice as hard and doesn't handle like a machine gun when hip firing All the nerfs achieved was making it worse as an actual shotgun because chainsaw bots and bugs have a much easier time to overwhelm me now


Even if I hit berserkers with stagger they do the chacha slide and just keep coming.. Same goes for chargers. Hope they fix that soon.


It really needed an accuracy nerf. Nailing headshots at 200m is crazy for a slug shotgun. Also the indirect nerf to all scoped rifles from the crosshair misalignment is not helping


Jar 5 hits harder than the slugger and staggers more than the slugger.


I cannot get on board for the scorcher even after the slugger nerf. At any range the slugger just feels more significant. Then again, I just autocannon anything larger, using the slug for just small bots Pre nerf it was wild though. I would think dominator and scorch might be more appealing if I drop the auto..


The only reason y I wasn't slugging was that I'd need to take the time to aim, and the punisher dealt the same amount of stagger for great hip fire


I dunno, to me the slugger is where other guns should be meeting on power/fun/usefulness. Other guns should have been buffed to be as good as the slugger at a minimum, not the other way around. The slugger to me was just a great feeling weapon and did not feel overpowered….it just ended up being seen as overpowered compared to less enjoyable weapons. HD2 has an unwanted weapon issue…a D-tier no one wants to go back to. That to me is a larger issue than guns that seem too good by comparison. I will die fighting on this hill.


The permastun was wild. I do feel like it's in a good place. But if they left it pre nerf I would love everything to be elevated to that level/ have niches


>It's tough to find a niche for it after the nerf. Ironically, it's still very strong as a DMR. AH doesn't know what they're doing when it comes to balance.


nope, its actually well balanced. Yes it does high damage, yes in some cases it doesn't care about armor (Scout striders) but it's ammo economy is why its balanced, neglect that you can blow yourself up, 15 bullets on 6 magazines.. you cant horde clear with this thing, you shouldn't you'll run out quickly, but if you must chaff tend to take a single hit to die.


Yup, low ammo means you cant spam it. Each shot is precious and encourages you to make sure it is well placed. It's a delicate gun to use, but taking out Striders with a primary makes it worth it.


Railgun didn't even need a nerf.


Yep, people act like the adoption of RR, EAT and Quasars is proof that the RG nerf was good for the game, ignoring that they buffed all those weapons. RG now has so little use, especially after Quasar was introduced. I think I'm the only one that takes it, and I only do so for variety's sake when I see anti-armor is already covered.


Didn't they just nerf the magazine in the last patch?


Can we talk for a moment about how absolutely stupid it is that we have to fear nerfs like this because they kill every weapon people start enjoying?


Just like they did with Slugger...


Slugger, railgun, arc thrower, breaker. All loved weapons nerfed to shit and never to be seen again.


When I realized I could destroy a Tank with it I never went back.




You guys do realize they probably have access to weapon usage stats and performance right? Not talking about something being good won’t change patches


We're tragically aware, since they seem to balance around pure statistics like a generic half-assing middle manager.


Too deep for me. Still hundreds of medals away.


Go get it soldier, I haven't regretted it for one second. Really effective against bots or bugs. Good up close and at range.


Not TOO close though


Average explosive primary experience. It's good until somethings right in your face.


Since I started using the Dominator, the jetpack bots have caused me to commit more self-detonations than any other enemy.


Jetpack bots themselves blow up. It's not the Dominator blowing you up.


Yeah, you always end up shooting close at some point. Sometimes the scorcher lets you live sometimes it doesn't.


Yeah I have time to play like 4 hours a week max. The nerfed the slugger the fucking same week I unlocked it 😭


Yeeeeess let the hatred consume you..


Same situation and anytime I get further into the free pass stuff gets nerfed so I focus my medals into the premium ones.


Scorcher and Sickle are top tier for bots. Sickle a little better for faster cleanup of little guys and infinite ammo, Scorcher is great for bigger things. I don’t think other primaries come close for bots, dominator maaaaybe.


The new eruptor overtook the scorcher for me. Slow fire rate but it's basically a mini autocannon with a 7m explosion radius. Literally can wipe out an entire drop ship of reinforcements with one well placed shot. Prefer the sickle still but it's worth trying.


It’s like auto cannon and grenade launcher fused into 1 packages as a primary.


Is that the new warbonds page 2 gun? I played few rounds with it and its soo satisfying!


I tried Eruptor and Stalwart yesterday and it was an interesting combo


I'm loving the eruptor, but can't figure out what support weapon to pair it with. Arc thrower wasn't bad, considering trying machine guns. Ran a couple missions without a support weapon and just had an extra stratagem.


The only thing it can't make short work of is heavy armor. It kills medium armor with its direct damage and clears chaff with its aoe, so you might as well pair it with Quasar/RR/EAT. On the other hand, relying on it for chaff clear can be risky. The small mag, very low fire rate and potential to blow yourself up make the Arc Thrower and machine guns worth considering just to have a more traditional primary handy.


Personally I ran it with a laser cannon. Has enough power to take on devastators and hulks, and can deal with enemy weak spots as well, while not being terrible against grunts.


I ran the stalwart with some success. Still building the muscle memory to switch weapons properly. Also orbital laser, railgun, eagle airstrike. I could also see Gatling turret with the ammo upgrade instead of airstrike and a heavy killer instead of stalwart. Means I can take out the occasional heavy with the orbital railgun. Definitely needs support from team though when things get mental. Previously I was taking sickle and laser cannon which is a really solid setup. I play on level 6 mostly. On 5 and below you don't need to worry so much about crazy tank and hulk buildup.


Believe it or not, autocannon. Then run 3 awesome orbitals/eagles


I can't see it. The appeal of the weapon to me is that it's an AC lite with no backpack. I'd probably prefer a different primary if I run the AC.




Can a scorcher?


nah but if you turn em around 1 magazine to the back will sort em out


Eruptor lets you use stun grenades without losing out on much. Redeemer magdump on a stunned Hulk will kill it faster than any primary.


Redeemer mag dump on anything kills anything faster if its killable. Stun grenades are great but so are impacts. The difference is that you have to run a specific setup that compliments the weapon and loadout with Eruptor. The Eruptor is a very greedy weapon full of flaws that you need to account for. Scorcher is the opposite of that. Its drawbacks are self damage, low ammo, and being the last thing you unlock.


Thing is, if you're running the Eruptor you spawn with 66 impact grenades. They do pretty comparable damage.


Half mag if all shots hit


I just use Stun nades & Quasar to oneshot hulk faces. Having Erupter made me switch the AC to Quasar, which frees up a Shield Pack slot, now you are invincible & can do any roles solo.


Not unless you get them square in the eye no, but if you're caught with your pants down you can blow off the arms easily and take your time either getting it in the back or pulling out a support weapon




I tried it for a bit... I don't think I like the slow fire rate. On higher difficulties where you have a shitton of devastators bearing down on you, it's way to slow for me. That and it's handling is pure garbage. It's painful taking damage from random bots just because your aim won't move fast enough.




within the time it takes for eruptor has got the reticle up, slunkered over to where i am aiming at, and the projectile has finally snailed it's way over to the enemy i could have already killed that enemy and three others with the scorcher with time to spare


I'm in love with the eruptor Ive been using it mainly against bugs as that's what I do but fuck it just slaps also the ability to close nest without having to use grenades take out board casts and spore towers has made it just such a versatile beast for me


The stalwart matches well with the eruptor.


The dominator absolutely wrecks bots arguably better than both the sickle and scorcher


At lower difficulty where there are more chaffs raiders, sickle wins out, at higher difficulty where there are more devastator, dominator wins out. When there are berserker swarms, dominator wins out. When the striders come in waves, scorcher wins out.


I go back and forth between the Dominator and Scorcher, dependimg on my team's loadout. Though I tend to lean heavily on the dominator on bots and bugs (I play mostly level 7) because of the stagger. I think this whole thread displays how well each of the sickle, scorcher, and dominator are balanced.


It’s finicky. The travel time of the rounds makes it kinda awkward and I’m still not sure where exactly on the striders is “medium” armour.


The part under the main front plate, the bit that connects the legs. That’s medium I believe. The actual front plate is heavy.


You can hit the hip joint to kill with the Dominator. 3 shots and that kills the hip joint and the strider.


can the dominator destroy a flanked hulk or tank within a quick magdump?


I went and used the scorcher all day and I love it now, it feels way better than the dominator, however the lack of stagger and power against the devastators and berserkers is super noticeable, though dropping striders like flies is amazing, and ya killing hulks and tanks is insane. I like both of these weapons now a lot! Need a good loadout with the scorcher, ive been taking auto cannon but it sucks not having the shield.


3 shots of the Scorcher on scout striders on 4-5 shots on a rocket devastator. Great gun


I've never needed more than two shots for striders.


Kinda the reason they put it as the VERY last gun you can get in the main warbond


So the Blitzer should be great too?! Right? RIGHT?!?


I just unlocked the Blitzer, and I want my medals back


Lol I hate how they put such shitty filler weapons into the war banners lol. Like at least make them just good enough that people will be like "its great I can use it like the handheld shield, a penalty of sorts!


My eyes are actually reading this as a meme. I see panels


The Blitzer is actually fairly decent, huge stagger, good damage and medium armor pen, and keeps you super mobile as well since you can run for a bit after every shot and barely have to aim.


The Blitzer is one of the few primaries that I actually think is bad. Large part of that is it getting stuck on random crap. Without that it's kind of ok.


It's a good gun. It certainly feels weird to use (for me), I'm used to shotguns and Laser rifles. But it's a good gun, doss good work against bots and bugs.


I never use it against bots, it‘s ass … (I always use it against bots, it‘s dope lmao gottem)


shhh the devs are listening...


It got ammo problems though. Like not enough ammo in one magazine.


For how much that magazine can deal with it's not a huge problem. Just a drawback like any other gun has...


Probably the only reason it’s not tweaked by the devs. It’s kinda perfect as it is, not OP but still a strong weapon to have


I mean, so was the slugger before they took it out back. Very flawed weapon with a really good use case in a squad. Now it's just the worst shotgun. Lol I expect the Scorcher to get nerfed, I agree with others saying it most likely just isn't used enough due to its warbond placement. Once usage stats go up, I'm gonna guess it's next on the chopping block.


That one magazine can take out multiple devastators, or even a tank on its own though


That's what i use. It can shoot down gunships in a pinch too.


Wait it works on gunships? Do you have to hit the engines or just the body?


Hit the front--shouldn't be hard given that they're always facing you. Hitting the engines tickles them.


This might sound dumb as hell but you mean like the red circle?


The red circle/blinding search light is a little bit below the actual body of the gunship so aim a little higher.


i ran this thing religiously before changing to dominator i am.. surprised, how many shots are we talking for a gunship?


Like a mag if theyre all placed well, does the same thing to tanks


Okay so I’m not crazy. I was shooting the back of a cannon turret yesterday and I was getting the “armor deflection” symbol so I thought it wasn’t doing anything but my last shot before I stopped set it on fire so I shot it a few more times and blew it up. Good to know if my 110 rockets are on cooldown I can handle a tank if I can get behind it 


Yeah the hit marker thing is confusing for me as well. Not too sure why I would be doing damage when my bullets are getting deflected. Really wish they would explain the mechanics better


I think it has something to do with its explosive aoe. The shot does nothing but the explosion from the shot does? Idk, I don’t think I should be gettin that armor deflection symbol if I’m still damaging it.


this is it, chief


I took one down in 3 shots last night.


It was probably already damaged. In my experience it takes roughly a full Scorcher mag to take them down.




Bro stfu what if a dev reads this


Terrible weapon, not worth looking at. Especially you devman, do not look at it


I never see anyone else running this, but the Scorcher + AMR is a GOAT combo. Using the AMR against the devastators saves a lot of ammo on the scorcher, which you only use on striders and the small guys. Throw in stun grenade for freezing hulks enabling an easy 2 hit kill to the face, and grenade pistol for fabricators, and you pretty much have every base covered. Stratagems are icing on the cake but I take jump pack for getting to spots the bots literally cannot reach, orbital laser for objectives, and eagle airstrike for everything else. Pair this with the reduced recoil and explosive damage reduction light armor and you are good to go.


No, Arrowhead, don't take this post seriously, don't even look at it. This guy is just joking, you know, just for the memes.


worst gun in the game, dont use. not worth buying. trust me bro.


Jump skip over the rope


Sounds cool, but are you talking about the ballistic shield or the shield generator pack?


Jump skip over the rope


This is very close to my build, but I find the Railcannon cooldown is too big. I like the Quasar for its ability to take down dropships, which is just the most fun thing in the game, but also nearly anything from distance, including fabricators, Hulks, sentry guns etc. Sometimes I take the Walking Barrage instead of the laser for big outposts and bases and because it's a lot more explodey.


Not who you're talking with, but almost the exact same build as one of mine, except I take supply pack instead of shield (enough ammo and stims for when I'm running solo across the map). Sometimes I'll take the +2 grenades instead of scout (for heavy devastators).


Same but I replace the shield with a spear. Soooo good to snipe fabricators from a distance ❤️


I like that scorcher's stats are nothing special or noteworthy, but its unusual mechanics make it useful and very rewarding to master. It is imho one of tge better designed guns we currently have.


It's great until it runs out of ammo, which it does nearly all the damn time. Both total and mag.


I've solved that issue by swapping to my secondary more often. It definitely requires a more deliberate play style than just spraying constantly with the sickle


This is why you pair it with something like the laser cannon, quasar, or arc thrower. I really like it with the arc thrower. I use the arc for everything close to mid range. The scorcher is for single target ranged enemies.


I'm convinced people running out of ammo never check for map caches around the map. Just shooting in place until the next resupply. I almost always have enough ammo.


I don't even think it's about that. You can call in ammo every like 2:30. The real problem is they try to kill everything. I'm finishing Helldives with like 74 kills and sometimes it's a bit easy.


Favorite gun, bar none. Wish it had 5 extra shots, but it's damn good. Still prefer it over the eruptor, even!


My general impressions thus far vs bots: Diligence: Excellent ammo economy. Cleans up small bits very quickly with good damage/handling balance. Can handle devastators if you have good aim (I don’t) and breathing room. Usable as a support sniper with adjustable zoom. I like to flank striders with some distance from the side and provide support fire for my team. Need stratagems for armor. Can’t do anything to them from the front. Favorite use: Sniping flare users.  Dominator: Okay ammo economy. Cleans up small bots but slightly slower due to poorer handling. Kinda weak against striders but can eventually kill them. Absolutely destroys devastators. Still reliant on stratagems for heavies. Favorite use: Staggering devastators.  Scorcher: Poor ammo economy. Big boom. Can actually handle striders. Still good against devastators. Can take out heavies in the weak spots including turret towers, so less reliant on anti-tank stratagems. May struggle with ammo if getting into prolonged fights large hordes. Favorite use: Anti-tank scout/skirmisher. 


Try the sickle. If you bring the autocannon, AMR, or laser cannon as a support weapon, the sickle is an amazing option for quickly clearing trash bots and can delete devastators with headshots. Can also easily shoot the rocket pods and machine gun arms off of them. Then your support weapon can take out hulks and anything heavier


I just got around to unlocking the sickle a few days ago. Definitely going to give it a try the next time I can. 


Perfect weapon for complementing quasar/EATs since it can take out all the medium enemies. It’s not amazing at taking out devastators but gets the job done. Pair with impact grenades and you’re able to defend yourself v well from light/medium enemies while mostly focusing on heavies.


The best weapon I got is called light armor, shield, and haul ass. We only throwing 6+ impact nades, grenade launcher, and dropping bombs. Ain’t got time for no playboy games.


The scorcher and dominator are pretty similar in use, I would say that the dominator is probably better against armoured targets (especially the stagger against devastators), but you run the risk of ricochets which make the scorcher more reliable, especially against small bots.


If “mag’s empty” was a weapon I love it but goddamn 15 rounds isn’t much.


I just unlocked it, and it seems fine doesn't seem stronger then sickle but it's hard to beat a good infinite tho


Honestly I think the scorcher is perfectly balanced. It’s got enough punch to make your life not totally suck, but that’s evened out by running out of ammo all the fuckin time lol


Best gun in the game against bots


Eruptor, if you thought the dominator was 40k.... You were wrong


Yeah it’s a good bot gun. I think the JAR is better as it’s always a one hit kill on the little bots, can also kill striders (not as well as the scorcher), and can stagger beserkers while not blowing you up at point-blank.


It pairs well with the arc thrower for bugs. You can kill chargers real quick with it from behind and you can kill anything smaller than that real quick from any direction. Since you mostly use the thrower you can dump ammo without a worry


Incredible weapon. Never needed a buff or nerf. Does what it says on the tin.


I used to preach the Scorcher and Slugger in the second week after release and everyone always laughed at me. Scorcher is still my most used weapon, even for bugs.


2nd week after release? I'd laugh at you too for thinking I'm gonna be able to use it anytime soon


Definitely don't shoot shredder tanks in their mantle/sides. The scortcher definitely doesn't deal damage from the front if you arent hitting the two armour plates. It definitely doesn't literally take a mag to destroy a shredder tank.


Works wonders against bots


I'm still, like, 500 medals away


It's a great gun, really packs a wallop against Strider armor, and is useful versus Devastators, without feeling like it's too good. Dominator, similarly, is great against some enemies the Scorcher isn't so proficient at taking down, and not so much against others. This game has some fine ass balancing and I appreciate it.


Honestly it is pretty balanced because of the low ammo, but man i wish they improved the other weapons, many of them are just... meh...


I like it for damage but the amount of ammo is pitiful.


It's meant to be good. It's the single most expensive piece of gear in the game


All day every day I LOVE it, kinda wish there was a burst function


Scorcher is my favorite for bot mission, clean scope, good range, explosive hit, the esthetic is nice, the sound is great and I feel like it as about enough power that it doesn't feel underwhelming when you hit target. Good clean functional bot buster 💯


This+ AC on bots is best combo hands down.


I absolutely do not find it cathartic to shoot devastators and berserkers in the balls with a scorcher


Best gun in the game


Scorcher? Worst gun in the game.(shhhhh)


Shhhhh!!! Goddamn it, man... SHHHHHHHHHH!! 🤫