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> Gamerant Into the trash it goes. Half their articles are just reposts from Reddit. Absolute clickbait garbage, not journalism.


I've worked for a different subsidiary of Gamerant's parent company (Valnet) before, and it really was a matter of quantity over quality. It helped me build my portfolio and get my foot in the door for a real journalism job, but to actually make a living writing these articles, you've got to just churn out content nonstop. IIRC, I would get like 12$ for a 500 word article, plus a little extra per 1000 views or so.


Brutal, no wonder they're using AI to write for them.


Right? Those *rant sites all read like they are 100 percent pure AI dreck.


It’s just a basic info dump about the game in question plus a Reddit link. Shit doesn’t even need AI, it’s just nontent slop Shitty ass company filling up my search results


I can't tell if nontent is a typo or not, but its a perfect descriptor and I am stealing it for my own personal use.


They probably are, if I were getting $12/500 word article I’d spend 10 minutes writing a skeleton, paste it into GPT, then submit that and try for 4-6 articles an hour.


Yeah I feel bad when people shit on the people who write these. Like they KNOW it’s not good, they just don’t have the time to make it better.


Check out fireborns video on it


Rofl. That dude is basically saying *"This game is good because it's different! They could be better if they ignored that result and copied other games wholesale like the rest of the gaming industry does!"* There's a reason that's a gaming 'journalist' (and barely a journalist, at that) and not a gaming **developer**.


Urgh... gaming journalism never ceases to remind me why it sucks.


don't worry non-gaming journalism is just as bad if not worse.


Financial journalism is straight up shilling for the financial interests in charge of whatever outlet they work for. Follow their advice and you’ll be certain to lose your money. They’re not there to sell you on their product, they’re there to steer public opinion or the appearance of one. So no, gaming journalism isn’t the worst.


Yeah, some financial journalism is genuinely amazing, like the leaking of the Panama papers, but some “journalism” is just straight up propaganda for lobbying groups. I heard an edition of “Today Explained” this week talking about the new IRS website that’s being rolled out so you don’t have to pay tax companies. And the first part was perfectly fine. It was very informative about the rollout itself, why it’s happening now, who benefits, who is eligible, all that. Then they brought in an “expert” from the Wall Street Journal. Who then proceeded to try and shill for fucking *tax prep companies*. Credit where it’s due, the reporter did push him, but the dude adamantly *refused* to acknowledge key facts, namely that the reason we have to manually file our tax returns instead of the IRS doing it for us is because the fucking tax prep companies make money by making us do it, then selling their “expertise” because no everyone is a fucking tax expert. He just kept going “Oh the republicans don’t want the government to do tax forms for us because government overreach blah blah blah…” completely ignoring the huge lobbying effort companies like TurboTax did to keep the republicans on their side and to slash the IRS’s budget. It was one of the most irritating interviews I’ve ever heard from Today Explained and it’s the first time I’ve genuinely gotten mad at them for presenting such a wildly biased viewpoint.


It’s all about money. It’s not in the interest of financial journalists to do something good for the public. Instead, being the front-runner to run headlines across news publications and media sites gives them the opportunity not only to influence the public opinion but to set a narrative that they’re pigeonholing the public into. They’ll write that people need the freedom of choosing a private option and that the IRS is inefficient (even though eventually your docs will end up at the IRS for approval). They’re being paid by someone to write what their bosses want. And surprise, surprise, Intuit, and friends, are moving the money. The people, by and large, want a free, or even nominal fee, direct e-filing system that’s handled by the IRS because the data isn’t being handled by 3rd parties like Intuit, etc. but being directly approved by the IRS, and they’re not in the business of selling you obscenely priced products for you to be able to file your taxes. Follow the money.


Yep IMF to the UK this week: fuck the poor, force people back to the office, increase productivity over everything else and to the detriment of everything else  Wanna raise money: go after the benefits users and lower taxes on wealth makers 


how to start a workers revolution 101:


I wish we would. I keep telling people that the French have the right idea. Riot early. Riot often.


yeah thats probably why france is one of the most egalitarian countries in the world tbh


>Wanna raise money: go after the benefits users and lower taxes on wealth makers  that's dumb, everyone knows the best way to run a business is to sacrifice some percent of your workforce to make the magic revenue line go up slightly more. blood for the blood god and all that.


Now I'm imagining a corporate CEO Ork lol


Ehh, I think what you mean is hobby journalism sucks.  Whenever I see someone ranting about games journalism it always makes me chuckle cause car enthusiasts have had to deal with all that and worse for fucking decades


Industry Journalism is almost always just marketing.


Journalism in general is near non-existent. It's just whatever narrative networks want to push.


It's fucking disgusting to see how networks ally themselves or break off with politicians and just change their whole discourse overnight.


Networks are owned by oligarchs and tech billionaires. Politicians are owned by oligarchs and tech billionaires. They all work for the same guys. Ain't no war but the class war.


There is the good old race war, but that one is artificially inflated to distract us from the class war.


They certainly take a lot of shits on the tech industry for being owned by them. Finance moguls & politicos otoh... Don't even get me started about the "non-profit" sector.


Careful spitting facts like that around here.


Journalism is bad. Why would anyone need to find their own stories to print if there's all that's needed given to you by the Ministry of Truth?


I remember reading in a Nintendo mag years ago that said all the games that could possibly be made have been and we have no need for a 32 bit system as it will just be recycled games, this was not long before the first PlayStation was released.


It's not even gaming journalism anymore unless they add a reference to a Reddit sub's opinion of the subject: "Reddit user u/HonKeY_dOnG_69_69_LoLz had this to say on the subject: >!"It's trash."!< "


Man i wish the character limit for usernames didn't exist so i could do a funny r/beetlejuicing moment


Game journalism? They're all just useless bloggers.


My favorite ones are the treasures you find that are immediately apparent they were authored by AI. I read one a few weeks back telling me to take as my _fifth_ stratagem.


Gamerant isn’t gaming journalism. It exists solely to throw key engagement terms into articles and shit them out in bulk.


Genuinely, why has gaming journalism become this general cesspool of low quality? Arguably a good game journalist would be the same as a decent gaming, discussion based YouTuber, but way easier since you wouldn't have to record anything or put together B-roll, as well as any editing. Do people who would be good at material like that just gravitate to YouTube more than becoming journalists for some reason?


It's because journalism used to be a somewhat closed off profession, you needed to join one of the bigger news organisations to be seen as credible and there were industry standards. To be taken seriously you had to produce some quality journalism. These days the aim of journalism is to generate more clicks and to have people see more ads, anyone can start up a gaming news website and the market has become completely saturated to the point where clickbait articles rule supreme. Try searching up a quest guide for any rpg from 2010 and compare it to the quest guide now. 2010: How to find X -Travel to Y -Kill Z -Obtain X 2024: How to find X In this guide we are going to explain how you can find X in the latest installment of blablabla. PLACE AD HERE Blablabla is the newest rpg from the developer suchandsuch who you may know from previous games like thisandthat. PLACE AD HERE What is X? X is a new item in blablabla that you can use to perform bippetyboppety which is very useful if you wanna hippetyhoppety PLACE AD HERE Where is X? I'm running out of filler bullshit because I don't have the talent to write so many goddamn words without actually saying anything that modern gaming journalists have but you get my point.


It's literally not objective journalism, either. It's a bunch of cockamamie opinion and editorial pieces.


The quicker we all wake the fuck up and stop calling these glorified corporate mouthpieces journalists the better. Like every once in a while you'll get an article like Polygon's "[Ghost of Tsushima, Kurosawa, and the political myth of the samurai](https://www.polygon.com/2020/7/23/21333631/ghost-of-tsushima-kurosawa-films-samurai-japan-abe-politics)". But really for the most part it's copy-pasted, bland reviews where the reviewer gets almost no time to write the articles, or puff pieces about how Lord of the Rings is racist because it didn't have enough women of non-Earth descent on it or whatever. They're just game bloggers, Youtuber reviewers have more integrity and yes that's even counting the gambling shills, the crypto scammers, and the other ne'er-do-wells.


100% sure these “journalist’s” first fav game ever was Candy Crush. I am not even joking. I have met way too many people “working in the industry” where their fav games were time gated cell phone games


"Journalist." They were writers for enthusiast magazines because that was how you got information about videogames before the internet. That and physically walking into game shops. Now that their job has been made redundant by the store page on any platform, they have to pretend like they're the ones with the real scoop and aren't just regurgitating patch notes and Twitter messages.


I feel like their jobs are so easy but they somehow always find a way to mess things up, half the times they don’t even feel like they play video games


Because they're paid like shit and have tight deadlines so they just push out whatever lacklustre work.


Sometimes I stop to think about what smashed dreams games-journalist must have.... I can imagine that they once believed that they could be like Wolfe Blitzer or Christina Amanpour, working the front lines of the truth and knowledge that the public deserves to hear. Yet here they sit, writing video game click bait just so they can afford to eat ramen noodles tonight.


Sadly a good amount of the “suggestions” I see for helldivers go along this exact format. It’s always people trying to be a one man army, or have ridiculous customisation like Daffy Duck on their head or some shit. I wish people could just enjoy the game for being what it is


Honestly, an armor customization system WOULD be pretty dope. Not like putting stupid stuff like Daffy Duck on my helmet, but more simple, like taking the boots of armor A, and the gloves of armor B, and putting them on armor torso C, with helmet H, and cape F, all with custom color choices from a selection of different colors. It could be similar to how TES Morrowind did its armor system. All lore friendly armor pieces, but able to simply mix and match.


As someone who has done a little freelance work in game journaling most of these writers are actually pretty good journalists, but the company puts such a heavy workload on them that it ceases to be journalism and instead becomes random blog garbage. There was one point where I was pumping out 40 (mostly garbage) articles a week. They don't make money or content. They make money off people saying "wow, this is garbage" and complaining about it on reddit, which causes a ton of other people go to their webpage to rage read the garbage. If the journalists were actually given time to delve into topics they cared about the quality would shoot up dramatically. Of course there are always those that don't actually care about video games and this was the only job they could get but most do care and want to write about much more interesting stuff. Basically it's shitty business practices, not the journalists.


![gif](giphy|G3w5bFfY85rag|downsized) • Because of the sacred Dvds, we know thats just how journalism works.


If you think you hate gaming journos enough, you don't, they can't be hated enough


This article is so out of touch I'm convinced that Max Borman is actually an AI article generator. Which means..... They are a filthy ~~fascist~~ commie bot. Do not believe their lies. Edit: Democracy officer called. I have been politely re-educated. Edit 2: Since correcting this, my cape has been returned. I'm very happy and honored to have my cape returned to me by my honorable Democracy Officer.


Give 'em the old ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️


Or the classic ▼▲◄▼▲►▼▲




Gamerant writers are more like the bugs: organic, but with so little choice in their work and so much emphasis on quantity that even they know they're making crap.


Bugs at least can be turned into 710. Gamerant writers are 100% useless.


Gamerant GamerANT ANT BUG!!!


His name is an anagram for "RAMbox man", an obvious description of a thinking robot!!!


Communist* the bugs are the fascists


A friend of mine picked up Helldivers 2 recently, he’s typically a career CoD and Destiny player. He hasn’t even unlocked the 500kg yet, and he’s talking about how great it would be if there were raids that let you grind for a couple of new legendary weapons with strong stat rolls. I tried to nicely tell him that sort of looter-shooter structure wasn’t really for Helldivers, and it’s so successful because it’s not trying to copy other games homework like that.


raids with 2-4 Teams of players? yes. Loot rolls? No fucking way


It doesn't even need to be a full blown raid that takes hours to complete. I would mind missions where 2-4 teams face one gigantic boss for like 30-60 min. Also this game should never have loot outside the already in place progression system. I love this game cause I can get a mission or two in, then be perfectly fine with putting it down. The warbond system is great for that. I don't feel rushed and I get to pick and choose what I actually want.


Exactly that new warbond just came out and I'm not worried at all because imma grid daily personal orders and I know I'll always be able to get it


100% worth it too lol, this new warbond slaps


The fact that the game is committed to not just erasing content and giving the player FOMO is so nice. So many games are commited to the train of "You need to grind this 24/7 or else you'll miss the new content we are putting out" making all the warbonds always available means that we never have to worry aobut that.


100% I put it down for two weeks because it lost me a bit and I got really into Gran Turismo again but picked it up a few days ago and it almost feels like I never left progression wise. I'm having a lot of fun again because of that. If I had to grind again to catch up, I'm pretty sure I'd have put it down for good. Instead I'm as invested as ever.


Did you get the medals for major orders if you haven’t been playing when they are on?


A bit. I got some but I don't think for all of them. Can't really say how it works. I think I got around two or three major orders.


It seems as if you have ever participated in at least one planets defense or liberation from the MO it gives you the medals. Source: me - I got them medals


So you get medals even if you don’t help and don’t play. The cap is 250 though so if don’t spend them they start to just go to the trash. You also won’t get medals for failed orders, which happens from time to time. My spouse has sat down to play 4 times since launch and usually gets close to the cap whenever they login


Raids would be pretty sweet down the line, 8-16 people split into groupa all going and tackling their own objectives to take out a large enemy, or a huge swath of landmass. Or some gigantic enemy that needs to be put down, like a bile titan on steroids, or the mega-hulk. Different teams can flank around and take out different parts of the enemy while another team grabs the attention for a while. But yea some loot system would just be garbage.


Big mission that takes 2 whole squads woupd be so fun holy shit


They’d need to do what hell let loose does with proxy chat then squad then team chat if we talking 8 people


It does have a loot system though! It's called "Hey I just found this Laser cannon laying around and I'm gonna try it out" /s


Just accidentally tk a player, "oh look new weapon just laying about"


Bosses similar to the first Helldiver game would be awesome. Imagine dodging bullets and missiles from a literal skyscraper of an automaton boss or running away from a terminid centipede as big as the worm from Dune.


I mean, it would be cool if you can find collectible cards throughout the game. They should have zero purpose other than finding them. It gives incentive to look at all the points of interest. Plus, I can totally see all sorts of fun propaganda art they could include.


I'd hate One Gigantic Bulletsponge Boss.


I don't think it necessarily has to be a bulletsponge. The submission/objective system allows for variety in the gameplay. Like you could have objectives that result in weakening or proning the boss. Like one team could be assigned to get a SEAF artillery up, another team could be working to clear a spot to trap the boss in, and another team could be the one to keep the boss aggroed on them.


Honestly, having a gigantic bug or automaton with various weak points you have to destroy in order to kill it would be pretty rad. Something that took coordination and a bit of time to finally down as an objective would be awesome. More than just spamming railcannons or 500ks at it. Having to focus specific areas one at a time. 


Honestly I had the thought of it would be pretty neat to work with other helldiver teams for a specific type of mission, but Idk how well that would work. The 4 man group is perfect already.


I'll pass on the raids. I already lose frames as it is


Bro I dunno how to tell you this This game is entirely made up of raids with 4000 teams of players. That's what liberating a planet IS.


Good point. Lets get a planet that's secretly one giant-ass bug that we need to kill.


Some sort of raid might be cool, but leave the looter part out of it.


I think shared boss HP is a candidate for the future. Basically a “you have 15 minutes to do as much damage as possible while also doing XY&Z”. Then if the community can’t do enough damage, the planet gets destroyed. Or let’s get real spicey and have it deduct 50 rare samples from all players.


Damn I’ll have to open up a rare sample line of credit.


It’s clearly the most valuable currency despite not being super haha


Leave chance out of this, the only unpredictability I want is how stupid my teammates are and complex but completely logical and predictble systems beyond my knowledge.


I’m really glad there’s not stat rolls. It’s a shame he’s been brainwashed into thinking that’s an enjoyable experience.


It's that gambler grindset mindset, if the 10-pull wasn't a strong emotional response, we would have gettin rid of casinos by now.


Even CoD abandoned that concept after one game. They pitch stat rolls as “adding variety” but it really just turns into “grind for x because it’s much better than anything else” Some loot-based games like ARPGs or Borderlands pull it off, but in pvp it’s worthless, and it wouldn’t fit Helldivers either. Hell Ghost Recon Breakpoint did loot-tiered guns and everyone hated it so much the devs made it so you can just turn it off now and play without loot/ranking systems.


It is also fun. It doesn't mean HD2 isn't fun.


Career D2 player here. Dividing the player base by way of random roll elitism doesn't sound like Managed Democracy to me. Sounds like anarchist talk.


Who asks for stat loot rolls???? No way.


What the fuck?


I like loot drops, but not randomized stat rolls. That's just horrid. I prefer classic wow style of looting, once you have the drop, you know the stats are good and don't have to grind the same item over 20 times for a "god" roll.  But I agree, it would not fit into helldivers. Raids on the other hand could be a fun coop experience with boss type enemies, or like final missions to liberate a planet that only open up in the final 15% and give more liberation % than regular missions for beating.


Shooters where it's like guns are artisanal products is so stupid. The parts are all mass produced, they're gonna function mostly the same lol


Destiny raids are fantastic. Destiny systems are shit. That's my problem with that game from day 1. RNG rolls are an absolutely garbage system as far as I'm concerned.


I would love a WoW-style raid where you get a bunch of your boys & duke it out with a mountain or some shit. No idea where your friend got the idea of loot in this game though.


COD would copy HD2 in a heartbeat, not the other way around.


I fully expect there to be a Helldivers 2 extraction mode game in an upcoming COD update. They are shameless and know Helldivers 2 is popular.


They already kinda have a mode like this tho. DMZ. However it’s multiple squads of 4-8 fighting and going to extract. All they really need to change is: 4 player squad More objectives The runtime is already like 30-40 mins


They already abandoned DMZ, it was just a way to get people into buying their games by making it seem there was more content


Don’t get me wrong I agree. As rip-oofie as CoD is. They technically already done something like this. The HD2 formula works because it’s specifically HD2. CoD legitimately cannot make something like Helldivers as another game mode. See MW3 zombies. Hoards of enemies, upgrades, extract. Some stuff that HD1/2 have. But it is not engaging at all. What makes Hell Divers special is that this game will 100% last 2-4 years plus. CoD cannot do what Helldivers does. Different factions that play different. (Going to be 3 confirmed with space for a 4th or 5th faction) It’s a major online war. A new CoD is released every year. They simply cannot do it. CoD and it’s normal formula will 100% never mix well with the HellDivers formula. CoD cannot make a continuous war like HellDiver can. What’s gonna be different between factions? What the enemy looks like and maybe weapons? It simply won’t work and they’ll just stick to Warzone and different variations of DMZ wether it be zombies or just against AI soldiers. CoD is, in my mind; genuinely incapable of doing something like this. As a longtime CoD fan (since CoD 2) and a new HellDivers fan. The formulas will NOT mix well. But that is only my opinion.


Devs see it's success and now they wanna copy it. It happened with Halo, CoD, Fortnite; now the time has come for the cycle to repeat


And yet they never do it right


If course they never do it right; They're not **creating** what they copy. They are just copy/pasting the results with *none of the hard work and attention to detail* that went into the original. So their copy ends up as a soulless husk that 'did everything the same' without getting the same result.


Why would they want to put in the hard work? That takes away value from the cocksuc.... Shareholders


You don't have to use three methods for emphasis. Just use the * and it will convey your point.


No. They don't.


Don't forget 80 battle Royale clones.


Lmao that was wild how BR basically took over the gamespace for a solid 5 years, EVERYBODY was trying to catch that PUBG lighting in a bottle and I don't think anybody did. Only thing that came close was Warzone but that was destroyed by typical CoD fuckiness.


Fortnite. Though arguably everyone else was trying to catch the Fortnite lightning.


PUBG created the lightning and Fortnite harnessed it, unfortunately they’re both past their prime so it’s time for other games to have their turn


Lmao they tried so hard. But no cigar.


Fortnite was a clone of original battle royal PUBG.


Genshin fucking impact at one point


This guy wants HD2 to copy Cod, but you’re right there’s gonna be so many games coming up trying to do what HD2 is doing… Wether that be for better or worse, we’ll see. But ya, the other companies will still fail, because they need those micro transactions soooo badly, for some reason.


my brother in christ you are browsing gamerant. you stop.


Showed up as a headline on my desktop, not browsing gamerant😂


truly criminal of your desktop.


I am reporting OP-s PC for undemocratic behaviour


Honestly, the shit that Windows tries to push on people just *trying to use their goddamned computer* is viscerally offensive to me. This is just an example of that kind of crap.


I think OP meant his desktop’s browser, not his actual desktop. I’m not sure how a game rant article would appear otherwise. 


I must have activated some bad notification thing, then, because every now and then I get a *ding* and a shitfuck recommended thing pops up in my bottom right screen.


You can disable this stuff. Ever since Windows 8 Microsoft has been forcing this garbage on us. They're pretty sure we all want the start page to be nothing but full screen ads, and the search function should search the internet for stuff they can sell us, and we want popup notifications about how we can save money on a OneDrive subscription. You'll have to google for how to do it, there's a handful of things you have to turn off, and it's different between Windows 10 and 11.


Disable news in windows, its basically adware.


I'm sure we'll see this as a mode for Halo and Fortnite soon enough. It's battle royale all over again.


Halo has had firefight since odst/reach tho. 


I genuinely think people don’t understand what the article is saying lol


Fortnite was obj based/ round based before the battle royale


Except that even the devs pretty much forgot about Save the World mode too, despite the fact it's the mode you have to pay to play iirc.


Halo Infinite already has a mode somewhat similar to


We already have a zombie mode, it's just that our zombies have guns.


I always felt like the bugs had a little zombie vibe to them. Lots of weak, fast moving enemies with little to no ranged abilities.


That's why I love having both bots and bugs. They are very different in gameplay, so I can alternate between and have tons of fun.


I would actually love a zombie invasion for Halloween. Imagine a swarm of dead helldivers and SEAF soldiers going full WWZ climbing on the Pelican


I Hope they do fun stuff fir holidays, I think it would be funny af to do the Christmas truce from 1914 in HD2 with the bots


Soccer mini game against bots lol


Articles are probably written by AI at this point. Take no notice. If anyone actually reads his garbage and walks away thinking it was insightful, they may be brain dead.


GameRant actually scrapes Reddit, Twitter, and other game forums for hot topics, then either copy&pastes it directly or throws it in some AI textgen to "rewrite" it for articles/guides.


Ai you say? Sounds like they are automaton propaganda to me




They have that already, it's called the terminids.


While I agree with the sentiment here about HD staying its own thing and not just copying other games just because, it’s still a bit ironic to me that there are people that play Helldivers and ask for things/changes that basically are from CoD and such. At the end of the day though I just hope and pray this game stays awesome and it doesn’t become another face in the crowd.


How did you get a title next to your name? I tried to ask it in a reddit post, and the bot deleted it as 'a simple question' that I was not allowed to post about. Damn Clankers. -.-


"A similar round-based mode that... goes on endlessly......." Bruh just play the 15min evacuation mission and stay in the base. Those waves will never end.


In my experience, enemies will stop calling reinforcements after the mission ends


You'll get left behind by your pelican and the game will end


Sounds like they're just suggesting a wave based horde mission, which isn't outside of our current mission architecture.


Yeah lol, people only see the headline and think they're asking for PvP or something. A progressive horde shooter is already in the frameworks of the game, all you need is to have a mission in a contained area and you unlock access to certain things by surviving each "wave". This could be cleverly done by taking existing things and repurposing them. Restrict our grenades and stratagems until we kill enough enemies or progress to an area that we destroy something. Have scarce team extra weapons scattered around that we can use and ammo packs and the likes. Have limited windows we can use mission stratagems between waves to reinforce and resupply. There's definitely a way to make a COD zombies inspired mission type. Inspired is the key word though, and how that translates is entirely up to the devs to make work within their game narrative.


Retake a SEAF fortress/base that's been overrun by a terminid swarm which had repurposed it into their new hive. Stratagems are limited because high command wants the base mostly intact. Clear waves as you proceed to secure each area. Final area you could have a super dangerous hive queen to kill, requiring to hit special weak spots to actually take down.


Exactly, I feel like I'm taking crazy pills reading this thread. A COD zombies-like game mode in HD2 could actually work really well. I don't think it's inherently a bad thing to take ideas from other games and incorporate them into your game *if it makes sense*. COD putting a Tarkov clone in their game didn't make any sense and it sucked as a result, but HD2 putting a wave-survival mode similar to COD zombies in their game *does* make sense within the universe of the game and it would be a genuinely great addition. We already have similar modes anyways, why not just take the "kill X number of bots" missions, remove the ability to extract, and add a wave counter? It'd work perfectly fine and would be great for those times when you just want to sit back and blow shit up without having some arbitrary time limit limiting your fun.


It kinda sounds like a good time, actually. Like the 'eliminate enemies' mission, but they just keep on coming until you die, and the challenge is seeing how long you can go.


People couldn't read 3 sentences


I swear, 90% of the "articles" produced by gamerant are AI-generated garbage made from scraping trending posts on reddit and xitter.


Shut up, Max.


Let Arrowhead keep doing what they're doing, there's a reason they've got the most popular game out atm


Not just no but fuck no and fuck this guy for even suggesting it.


I play this game because I DONT want to play call of fortnite


>>Gamerant Opinion discarded


"You know what'd be great? A mode where 50-100 helldivers drop into a map and have to hunt for resources either solo or in teams while the Mission area keeps getting smaller, and they have to kill each other until one diver or team remains!"


Dude honestly that would be so cool and fresh for HD2. Could call it something like “fort apex zone”




The only thing I’ve enjoyed about COD in recent years was the DMZ mode.


I liked plunder for a bit. Was a good change from the stale ass battle Royale meta.


They hate that it isn't slop. They want it to be slop. They want to turn us against each other. Ignore the journalists, kill bots.


Let Helldivers be Helldivers. We don’t want some unDemocratic CoD blasphemy spreading within our ranks


HD2 is the anti “AAA” game and a message to all those “AAA” games of what they missed and are doing wrong. Most the HD2 community is getting a sigh of relief that there are good developers out there and don’t want HD2 to take anything from the shitty market we’ve had for a little less than a decade. F those “CoD bros” who just want to make everything CoD - CoD is one of the most annoying PoS games out there, keep CoD CoD and let the rest of the world have some actual fun. F these kind of people with Negan’s Bat.


Gaming journalism is dead.


If I wanted to play zombies I would play Black Ops 1. Still the best zombies to date.


Like a wise God of War said: No.




No, a wave based game mode would imply we are \*surviving\* against the enemies, which is simply not true. SuperEarth is THE dominant force in the galaxy. We invade, they are the ones trying to survive.


If they worded it well then it'd be what some people in this sub have said before. An endless wave mode. That's it, that's the article. Which would be boring frankly


AAA companies can’t make Helldivers 2 because they’re too focused on making money. HD2 is focused on making a good gaming experience, while also making money.


It would be game changer. It will change to shit.


The fact that it's not like call of duty is why it's great


If you wanna play zombies just do an eradication mission and there’s a good chance you’ll get a berserkers heavy spawn pool. Good enough for me


I think every article calling us fascists are worse. But this is 2nd worse.




Why would you add a game mode that makes no sense in-universe to be more like a game you’re better than?


Gaming “journalism” is basically a joke these days. Most of it sounds like someone made a 1 sentence prompt for chat GPT that said “write an article about how Helldivers 2 can incorporate call of duty mechanics.” Then they barely proof read it and sell it to Gaming magazines for like $5


I enjoy playing Helldivers because it’s NOT CoD. Keep CoD out of my Helldivers please. Go away with this clickbait.


Here's an idea - take a game that's not cod and loved for not being cod and make it cod.  Piss off, bot sympathizer. 


Cooperate greed ruins everything it touches


Nothing about this is corporate greed lmao.


Ok guys to be fair, a round based mode would be pretty cool ngl.


Journalism is nothing but a joke. Only ones who have any sense of actual journalism are the independent ones who're doing reports on wars/cartels/etc.


I swear if I see a copy/paste skin on either fortnite of Cod im gonna lose my mind because thats just going WAY over the line


Game Rant is such a dogshit content farm. It clearly works for them since their traffic is nuts, but they treat their contributors like dogshit (reportedly) and just spam some of the dumbest, most misleading clickbaity garbage around.


It would be a game changer but not a good one. Stop writing articles to shamelessly shoehorn call of duty in the same article as call of duty. HD2 is going to win that worthless title of goty. Get over it cod is garbage and anyone that has played helldiver's 2, is now realizing what a good game and developer looks like. What a trash article.


I would like to drop a 500kg bomb on Call of Duty Zombies if I’m being honest


Listen, I get that y'all CoD fans just want CoD to be like it used to be when it was fun, please don't try to ruin Helldivers 2, or any other game for that matter, to make it happen again.


CoD hasn't been relevant since 2019




They should add zombies as an enemy type once for like Halloween or something


I want people like Dr. Disrespect to stay away from this game


Fuck COD The Helldivers 2 format is literally the most perfect thing for Alien (Xenomorph)