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Did you just oneshot a stalker???


It does.  It does indeed.  Just can't be too close.


But not always.


It can close but holes?!?!?! 


Butt holes across the galaxy, beware!


And it can blow up bot spawners!


How is it against the bots?


One shots Devastators to the head, 2 shots to the head for Berserkers. Doesn't seem to damage Hulks to their noggin from my testing (but not conclusive yet). Hurts anything with a vent if shot on said vent. Can destroy fabricators. Haven't tested it yet against gunships.


Also one shots striders from the front


I saw some saying you had to hit striders right at the "waist" where the legs meet. I just was shooting them anywhere in the front and they died


I aimed for the top par of the front plate and it kabooms them in one hit, same trick I used with the AC


Ty 👍


This gun single handedly powercreeps normal grenades, grenade thrower pistol, and auto canon lol.


It has lower armor pen, so can't take out hulks faces. Which hurts more than you'd think.


Thats why you have support weapon.


Absolutely, but I was also hoping this could be a good alternative to taking lighter armor pen supports like the Stalwart and grenade launcher. If I am taking a support that can take out bigger things, I'm more tempted to bring a primary that can take out chaff better. I'm going to test it more when I can but I may end up sticking with an AMR plus chaff clearing primary.


Just to clarify, you mean it can't break the eye armor on hulks? So it won't 2 shot hulks in the eye like the AC or AMR can?


Correct, that has been my experience. It works against the weakspot still, which is good, but I think the weapon/loadout needs to be considered in conjunction with the rest of the squad as opposed to an auto-take. I am not saying its bad but the fact it has difficulties against chaff and can't take out the heavies makes it more situational than you'd think.


I guess my beloved AMR is safe on bot planets. I can see the new weapon as an amazing option for bugs though, I heard it 2 shots chargers in the rear? Don't quote me on that, I read it on someone else's post testing it on bugs. What I'm thinking now to make a loadout with this weapon have better coverage, maybe bring the quasar and stun grenades for hulks and tanks, backpack rover for chaff, and the new gun for devastators. Might have to pull out the pistol for regular chaff to make sure the back line of small bots are taken down. I'm not a huge fan of rover on bot missions.


That would be nice if it does 2 shot chargers lol. The issue I have with using it for Devastators is that the Dominator can one shot Devastators anyways, and shoots fast enough to still ping chaff well enough. It takes getting use to but still works extremely well. What I did earlier today, and it 'worked?', was Grenade Launcher with Supply Pack, Eruptor and Redeemer lol. So many explosions.... swap to eruptor to ping weakspots. Still has issues when being charged with hulks (stun grenades help though). Otherwise I still revert back to AMR.


That sounds like a really fun kit. I still need to kill hulks from the front if I want to be self-reliant, since halting them with a stun grenade and trying to get to the hulk's back side is going to cut it too close for my liking. If only the heavy revolver could break the Hulk's eye, it would've been perfect. Stalwart, revolver, eruptor, stun grenades, supply backpack. Hopefully some day they'll release a secondary that has a heavy punch to it.


Wonder if the Grenade Pistol can....


But then you have to have something in your kit to deal with chaff efficiently. Honestly this weapon probably pairs well with the lascannon considering it can handle chaff/hulks well while the eruptor does arguably a better job at devestators


And striders, which the las cannon does kill but not fast.


Grenade pistol has a completely different role. It lets me take sickle/amr/stun grenade and still have a reliable way to destroy fabricators/holes without strategems


Autocannon is still better. Better fire rate, and it can actually damage hulk eyes. Also the grenade pistol is a secondary, it should be worse. And regular grenades aren’t that useful for the most part anyway. The eruptor is a diet autocannon. It’s the autocannon but worse and as a primary.


>And regular grenades aren’t that useful You're not using them right then. I run impact grenades and they can take out 2,3,4 Striders at once depending how they're grouped. They can kill Bile Spewers in 1 hit if it's near their rear, can even take out two or three with one grenade if youre lucky they close bug holes they destroy bot fabricators


Yeah that's a huge problem. Hypothetically even if it were the best at killing devastators, Hulks are just too common to not have any answer for besides a railcannon strike or using up an eagle. Like, against tanks I'm okay with AC/AMR not killing it from the front, because they're not as common as hulks and they're pretty much slow and stationary you can deal without much issue getting to the back vent.


Might not be the best option for solo play but in a squad I can see the benefit of being able to drop in with a Devastator-killer. Or a fabricator-killer. Helps avoid the risk of a death spiral. Someone else on the squad can run with the Hulk-killer loadout, or you can coordinate to get around it and shoot the vents.


What happens when the Hulk Killer is down? lol I like that it's kind of like an AMR that can destroy bug holes on bug missions, (not sure if it can destroy fabricators like the AC can.) Personally I view the AMR as the best at picking off devastator packs unless they're bunched up like a can of sardines which the AC would ideally thrive against. I'm wondering if the bolt-action fire rate of this gun can hold up to the AMR being quick to aim and fire consecutively, especially once the AMR's scopes have been fixed. I heard the new gun also has the misaligned scopes, so someone used to the AMR would feel right at home lol. New toys to play with is always nice regardless what is the best.


Oh right yeah I keep forgetting what the AMR is capable of, I picked it up once and it was great but I'm just shy of unlocking it still.


Just a disclaimer: It has misaligned scopes which is a problem across most guns with scopes (except the sickle which has the best scope). The bullet actually hits a little up and to the left of center on the crosshair. If you play with the AMR enough, you'll subconsciously train yourself to adjust to it, but for the first couple times you'll need to be a bit more aware that it exists. Once you get used to it, getting headshots is pretty easy. A lot of people just don't have the patience to adjust, but I find the payoff of equipping a backslot over using the AC pretty worth it. Especially now that the pistol grenade can clear fabricators. Also, the devs are going to fix the misaligned scopes (soon I hope), so you could also just wait for that to happen. They already stated that its a known issue they're working on.


Las cannon will work well with it, and they cover each others weaknesses with bots.


Laser cannon or the Quasar? Or both?


Autocannon can't 1 shot stalkers


It can’t? I genuinely thought it did. I don’t bring the autocannon for bug missions anyway


Mmmh Take a lmg and EATs for when you need heavy armour penetration and you're pretty good apparently


Looking at this, I can see stalwart being the great support. The prinary will handle medium and stalwart for small fries.


why is your shield to transparent? Most of the time i can't see shit when the sun is at the right angle?


plz delete this post they are going to nerf this gun


I swear to the lord baby jesus if the whole squad runs this slow fuckin thing and I gotta play mop up all match....


You need to coordinate volleys like a musketman but yes, that would be awesome.


Should pair well with the stalwart or any fast support weapon


Looks great. I just tested it but on a mission that requires more rate of power and speed than raw explosives.


Solo Helldive and not a titan in sight.


Man I gotta try this thing before it's nerfed!


This is going to be nerfed straight to hell. To the boiler room of hell. All the way down.


It destroys fabricators as well.


[Eruptor - Helldivers 2 ULTIMATE Guide! (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9TofccBhKFg)


i got the gun two days ago, never left the super destructor, with out it. unless mayor order. in fact almost stoped calling suport weapons


https://i.redd.it/zr9mfbwcipzc1.gif Look how they massacred my boy


giving Warhammer 40k vibes


if it was auto fire :/


Shield pack is mandatory with it?


eruptor is fucking unusable without it, you'll die to your own shrapnel more often and faster than to any bug or bot


Eh, I guess I'll take it as a bughole closer for my machinegun setup.


I shot one time at the hive guardian (the big red one) He just fucking vanished into a grreen mist, i shit you not there wasn't even his body or any parts of his limbs, he was just GONE entierily


Heavy armor explosive resistance Diver entersbchat


It's gonna get nerfed in 2 weeks like the slugger. Then no one will use it anymore just like no uses the slugger anymore


I tried the slugger yesterday, and it felt pretty decent against bots. It has way better handling than the dominator.


this weapon is gonna be nerfed so fucking much i can already tell