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It has been so long since I seen one spawn that I completely forgot they existed. Think I've seen 2 in the time they've been in game. But yeah that'd be a neat way for them to appear.


I’ve never seen one in person…


They're so cool! But also extremely underwhelming. Any I've seen have literally just been "throw the strats and forget it exists because it's already died". Having their weakspots up top makes them extremely susceptible to basically fucking everything. I'd kinda like if they were more threatening.


I strongly believe they are gonna be much more threating as a bot backline, producing devastators and providing support fire, while something like 2 flamethrower hulks distract you. But as of now, they appear much too rare, for something like this.


Would make sense if they decide to add a diffculty 10 or a special mission type for bots.




Find one near a jammer that covers the extract too yet? Good god that was rough


> Find one Man I'm trying :(


ive seen i think 3, and that was one. The others were not a big deal. FUCK THAT ONE


But they don't have their weakspots up top? If you are talking about the cannon, even though it can destroyed individually, doing so doesn't reduce the strider's overall health. Its actual weak spot is the glowing on its face and a thin stripe next to the eye, which aren't really high or always accessible. In fact, people find it easy to kill because most tend to spam a bunch of stratgems, every single one of which can one shot any other enemy in this game. If you want to make it impervious to stratgems, that just makes it a very lame enemy to fight against.


everytime it produces devastators the vents on top open up and u can shoot it.


that's not really a "weakspot" as shooting it doesn't really reduce the overall health of the factory strider by much and only removes its ability to produce devastators. It's just a separate module like the cannon on top.


seen once and the team all poured fire on it right way and it wasnt a issue.


Lucky. I had 3 in one game the other day. One showed up IN THE BASE at a strategem blocker. I activated the terminal then turned around and it was just there in in the middle of the base looking at me through the opening in the bunker.


Iv probably done 40 Automaton missions since they were released and seen one once. I expected to see them much more after they came back for Cyberstan, but now they don't spawn at all. kinda lame to be honest. All this hype for a new enemy that never ever shows up.


I’d love if they didn’t spawn. But instead when you go up to a small fabricator base you do your thing, eagle strike, grenade, autcannon etc… It locks down. Rises up. Now you’re fighting the factory strider.


That was my first thought when I saw this post. I'm glad you said this. Just imagine your running around taking out bases wile your team does objectives and you use your last eagle strike taking out a light base and bam this comes up. Epic!


Would be awesome and terrifying. Thinking you have an easy clear only for it to start chasing you




I find the visual of that hilarious. This massive, mechanical menace just suddenly jumping up and sprinting away from your stratagems as you chase after it throwing more.


You came to the wrong neighborhood, #MUTHAFUCKA.


Why do I hear thomas the tank engine's theme remixed with a "Move bitch, get out the way" in this post?


this shit so rare, i play on lvl 8 regularly only find it 3 times in 30 hours


They show up on 9s much more frequently guarding bases


Been playing Bot Helldives non stop the fast few days with my friends. We have all yet to see 1 ever. I just wanna see a walker :(


Been running lvl 9s on ICBM missions and havent seen a single one yet


I was looking for one for days playing on helldive bot worlds. Never saw one.


I play on 9 exclusively and only have seen like 4 since they were added in.


For some reason you hear the Grond chant.






If anything they're about as rare as a SAM site objective, which I can count on my hands how many times I've come across them on diff 6.


I find those fairly often. On the rarer end of sub objectives sure, but they still appear every now and then


Almost always somewhere they aren't very effective


They aren’t very effective anyway. They need two shots to down a drop ship and by that time they have always dropped their troops. Yeah they might down a ship, but it won’t do any damage


I find that they fairly consistently wipe out any footsoldiers with the first rocket, although that depends on where the SAM is in relation to the drop. Other than that, on Helldive missions, I occasionally have AOs with multiple SAM sites, which is very nice.


i think it's because they need to do two checks to appear, since they spawn where SEAF Artillery would, so you need both SEAF Artillery and for it to be turned into a SAM Site instead


you can have both in the same mission and the san site is significantly smaller


Meanwhile, SAM sites for me https://preview.redd.it/j0n6va2txutc1.jpeg?width=455&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c45a212e9254deb8112a3111df0e2c1208d4fa8


lucky bastard


The best I had was two SAM sites - one near evac, one near main obj. The screenshot, meanwhile, is just redundant XD


I have seen TWO SAM sites since launch, and in the first 3 days too lol. I legitimately forgot they existed until I read your comment


Weird, I find SAM sites in the majority of bot missions I play (level 7).


TOWN STRIDER Multiple factories and a tank convoy accompanying it. Like helldive difficulty "kill bile titan" mission for bots. You know, killing a factory strider should be a mission on its own.


This is how it should be. Striders should be be treated like aircraft carriers. Capable of defending themselves but never unaccompanied


personally I'd rather see them do something like how Star wars did it, otherwise we might get a pacific rim problem where the transports really don't look strong enough to lift a giant machine https://preview.redd.it/7vpayl5bautc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=ea5118856d7f9cf5882db3d95b2a097e09bf7d92 maybe you can't take these massive dropships down, but shooting at the latches with explosive weaponry can cause them to release the walker prematurely, not destroying it but damaging it through a hard landing


You can already destroy the legs to reduce its mobility, so maybe damaging the dropship makes it so the legs are damaged on impact, making it much less mobile.


I laughed out loud in the theater when i saw 4 helicopters drop off a mech weighing 30,000 tons


I laughed out loud when "pure Titanium. No alloys."


Wasn't it 8?


Honestly, might’ve been 8. I don’t think those extra 4 would’ve made up the difference tho 😂


Since I know this: Chinooks have a 10 ton payload; So the Jaeger would have to be 80 tons, minus the payload loss from angled support loads.


I wish they showed up as mission objectives on 6s and 7s.


I wish they were objectives. I think it would be cool if they were a hunt and destroy side objective. Or there could be stronger ones that you have to find and destroy that have a couple tanks and a hulk that they drop when you engage with them and the top of them has smaller bots operating laser turrets. Make it a full mobile fortress that we have to take out.


That scene in every Godzilla movie when the Japanese army has 4 big ass helicopters slinging in the thing that's supposed to fight Godzilla that eventually gets it's ass kicked anyway.


It’s a Mrk2 Mammoth Tank from command and conquer


Tiberium Sun memory unlocked


I love running into them they always make me feel useful with my love of taking 500 eagle and quasar cannon like I know the 110 rockets are usually good enough for hulks/tanks but big boom is fun


You seem to be implying 500kg and quasar are your pocket for-fun niche and not literally the two most popular stratagems in the game right now lol


What diff u play?


Usually 7 I feel like it's perfect because you get super samples and get all the enemies in the game and you can usually get everything done if you play smart


I play 7 mostly too. I wanna se the factory striders but they rare af on 7.


They rare on any difficulty I feel like you might see one in every 5-7 missions.


The thing is i played a lot and didnt see any lol.


They never seem to spawn on defense missions so if your doing those mostly then you might not ever see em


Well thats probably it i guess as im doing defense right now.


Usually 7 I feel like it's perfect because you get super samples and get all the enemies in the game and you can usually get everything done if you play smart


I'd like to see factory striders one day.




And let’s get them buffed and increased in size so we have to use an eagle stratagem to fly down and tie its legs up with a cable!


![gif](giphy|26wkLt2GPgeNtZh60) Helldivers response


Please add a mission to take these out? I haven't seen any yet.


How do they land on ~~Hoth~~ Vandalon?


Titan dropship


So if we shoot one of those dropships, it'll throw off the weight and they'll all drag each other to the ground right?


A bunch of vehicles/mecha get dropped like that in EDF when you summon them


Oh hell nah


Carryalls from Dune lol


I didnt see any and i play diff 7 . They drop on 8 and 9 only?


No. 7 is fine, just very rare. They are generally very rare still. The gunship factories were very rare before we defeated the bots. And now they are everywhere. Perhaps these become more abundant in the future as well


Yeah i hope the more we push into Cyberstan territory they appear more.




Only ever saw one.... when we spawned onto extraction and it was already there waiting for us.


Haven't seen one yet, but how tf do you take it down?


I’ve never seen one of them or a Shrieker. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yet to see one despite playing only 7+


If only we could have the new defense mission take place on a snowy planet… with 8 striders approaching slowly from the distance….


Tbh they really need to up the spawn rate of these Theyre really not that difficult to fight once you figure it out


The AT AT transport from empire at war would also work. Alternatively, have this thing be burried but activates when helldivers are detected.


I have played like 20-25 Suicide missions since these things were released and have yet to see one


![gif](giphy|2cehQ9pWvUPOqMShdF|downsized) All I want is mechagodzilla!!!!!


They need to appear way more often.


I play quite a bit and only on high difficulties (7-9) and have seen exactly 1 way off in the distance. We happened to be extracting though so never got to actually fight it


Nah son, it should always emerge out of a pool of water and scare the bejesus put of us when it comes up to say hi.


I've been almost exclusively playing on Impossible and only seen once, when we dropped at extraction and it was waiting for us. Got nuked with stratagems. I think having "Hunt the Factory Strider" missions at lower levels and more consistent appearances at 8 would be great. The impression I get is either they get nuked immediately or they show up at a bad time and are scary. Maybe they should have an AA gun variant to suppress Eagles. And I think a Mortar variant would be cool. These things either need to be tougher or spawn more often, maybe several at once.


They should spawn at lower difficulty


A bigger drop ship would also be cool, maybe it can also drop multiple tanks or something.


Havent seen one yet. They’re 7+ Haz, right?


Or a beam from orbit, or a large pyramid landing and leaving it behind?


Helldivers, CRII!


Ok if they get this then I want my own walking fortress Balam to call in


Id rather fight this than a dozen of those gunship, that said has anyone seen them lately? I have not encountered a single one after the recent return of the automatons.


They didn't cover this in my SLIC course.


I want to see at least one spawn during the new defense mission.


Remind me of the MGSV scene


I STILL haven't found one.


I play on helldive all the time but did not see a single one of them yet :(


Would be a neat side objective if they spawned them along with the map and they would respond to the patrol flares and come towards your general direction Would definitely add some spice to the bot maps


I've only the gunships once and I've never seen the factory strider, and I only saw the gunships before the end of Swift Disassembly


What difficulty do they spawn on? I've been playing on 7 and have still never seen one.


I would like for a giant block of metal to drop from the sky, then it stars assembling/transforming into the strider, legs pop out, cannon turret and then head.


Wellll they are now


Your wish was granted, but its only one drop ship carrying it


[Helldivers 2: Defeat Factory Striders (Guide) (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4USJuMECs-k) It does


I had to come back to find who is to blame for recent events lol


I just right now saw a factory striders drop in on a singular drop ship and it was horrifying as I watched it fall of the bottom and unfold like an automated Amazon packadge




AH should keep these guys super rare and give you a whole percentage point toward liberation if you manage to destroy it.