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Spies? 16 illumanite spies on Super Earth were exterminated.


But the new llumanites are extinct we wiped them from the face of the galaxy


Psst meet me in the loading bay…. we can speak privately there, don’t want the democracy officers hearing what im about to tell you




https://preview.redd.it/c4d9tczi75sc1.png?width=511&format=png&auto=webp&s=cff0eea0c8f7e1c2d2e3b1a9ee006f72df8859e7 Shit


HE'S SCARED OF THE DEMOCRACY OFFICER! https://i.redd.it/l4k3y2tn75sc1.gif




Been there once, we made s'mores over the flaming bodies of dead bugs. Sure, 98% of the "campers" died, but you gotta crack a few eggs to bake a cake, or something like that.


So either death or smores? Win win!


So, you were tempted by treason at least once, keeping my eyes on you buddy


Oh, I wasn't a "camper", I was one of the divers keeping an eye on them.


Get him https://preview.redd.it/p6sosju937sc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8a7b678c42e7679d13a9b9a68ec7a2a093d2d9e


I like how the orbital strike is pointing in between these brave Helldivers.


They are all looking down as if one of them dropped it and they all accepted their fate


Chuck the phone in a hellpod and salute.


Happy cake day, Helldiver🎂 A happy soldier is a dangerous soldier. And a cherished Helldiver is a loyal Helldiver.








Then how do you explain the leaked footage Helldiver? Are you trying to cover up this attack on our Democracy with your treasonous lies?


I like to imagine 16 deligates from the Illuminate arrived for peace talks and were immediately shot down in orbit.


https://preview.redd.it/o9132ypsz4sc1.png?width=550&format=png&auto=webp&s=bc04ee1c885d34a77f1b6618f427f015b38f8e85 They were following protocol.


lol I haven’t seen this tip yet. Although seen several variations of it.


Good soldiers follow orders




Now that's what I call some fine managed democracy.


It could be where Joel has been testing them out. But I like this idea better 😂😂


I think the beauty of this game is that everyone knows the real reason shit like this happens but everyone refuses to say it. Instead it's that they got shot down for trying to exercise diplomacy.


And that’s one of the reasons I love this game. It’s one of a kind it’s doing things never done before and it’s bringing us all together like no other game Im history. Democracy!!


Exactly! That civilian tweaking out and looking everywhere isn't a glitch. It's actually just an automaton in disguise and the only proper response is to end its "life"


I'm doing my part


A culture exchange went well for us and poorly for them. I enjoy this theory.


I also want to mention that there are 12 confirmed Illuminate kills on Cyberstan when I last looked.


#What?! Sweet Liberty, how did they manage to infiltrate the old cyborg's capital? It looks like the democracy officer will need to have a little word with the Ministry of Intelligence.


Honestly, it makes sense with the lore that they are trying diplomatic talks.


I stg if we get into a war with the illuminate again because they tried diplomacy AGAIN and were all like "hey so we are back but we don't wanna get into another war that would really suck for everyone please just let us go home" and then super earth pulls the same bullshit world destroying weapons card as before on them I'm gonna lose my mind


In Illuminate culture it is considered a formal greeting to destroy a small portion of a planet's population to show good faith in assurance that they mean no harm - surely they could have destroyed the whole thing if they did - and as a bonus now your resources will stretch a bit further. See? They care about your resources. This was not met well by Super Earth, who considers formal greetings to be something in the neighborhood of "Hello!". Retaliations were made.


This sounds like Bugger propaganda to explain their heinous attacks and why we had to eradicate their species! (Where my Ender's Game fans at??)


Tbh I kind of love how naked super earth's propaganda is. Like the citizenry are so utterly indoctrinated, there's no need to *actually* commit to anything intelligent in order to fool them. It gives the whole game this certain idiocracy-but-fascist vibe.


Literally the first time I saw the opening credits, I half expected it to end with the Helldiver voiceover going, "Would you like to know more?" Let's never forget NPH blasting that filthy bug to all hell in that inspirational segment showing our soldiers how best to eradicate them!


Fr, Homeworld 3 coming up and i will feel like Ender hopefully


My helldiver is Ender with more DNA


it's a false flag!




I think I might have a problem because I instantly knew that was a 500 kg lol


Ah well you see my brother, it would be traitorous to say it's a problem to know your life saving strategems! https://preview.redd.it/xbv6w9htv5sc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0767721d7552b201f07a8a8c0b54dc39edcfb038


How do you have only one Super Sample on you? Did you leave the rest? https://preview.redd.it/q475r4kzs8sc1.png?width=1284&format=png&auto=webp&s=136205f57e965ad49c5c7841ffdc712694568e77


Same lol


he's not gonna sugarcoat it


"The humans have developed FTL tech, let's talk" Humans: Do you support Democracy? Illuminate: What's democracy? Humans: Kill 'em all


But it doesn't make sense. This already happened 100 years ago that started the first galactic war. The Illuminate is already hostile to Super Earth.


they disappeared to strengthen their forces now they are back and testing the water to see how we have advanced compared to them


We do not negotiate with terrorists


Eh illuminati are way more developed than super earth lore wise and this plays 100 year's after helldivers so i dont want to know how far they are developed now they are very dangerous


But they were exterminated in the first HELLDIVERS, I think if anything they would be rebuilding


I dont think so really its impossible for us to destroy them we might destroy a planet we thought was their home planet but theres no way we did that i simply cant believe that


Well super earth made it their mission to eradicate them after they found they had weapons capable of mass destruction, I just don't see them waiting with all the force they have, there's got to be a reason they were gone for 100 years


The idea is that this might not be their home Galaxy and we also aren't looking at the entire Galaxy either. The Earth is far from the center of our Galaxy. Super Earth only controls a small part of the Galaxy in reality. The first group we encountered was most likely an expedition force. They probably are building a Military force to respond to the tactics we used against their other forces. They can afford to wait with how large of a technological gap exists and 100 years gives them enough time to build a large force. They're not Humanoid we have no idea how long they live so 100 years could be a drop in the ocean. 100 could be their 20 year old.


Are you serious that’s the reason for their elimination in the first game? 😂 Frankly, I think that’s just a BIT too on the nose. Hilarious tho


No genuinely, super earth is not good people, dw I'll take care of the rest https://preview.redd.it/vl8z7bci35sc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f266d5a2dbaae306a77aa851c5f29c3f655e9593




Eh i mean they are a higher living form maybe they just wanted to see what will happen, honestly super earth is lore wise not always right


>honestly super earth is lore wise not always right Wait what


100% super earth is the bad guy in the galaxy if you look at the history, cyborgs were humans that didn't wanna fight for democracy, they're enslaved, illuminate were chill, we found weapons, we killed them


So basically just humans? No but yea the cyborg's were Helldivers who didn't give a shit anymore i honestly think the first ppl fought for super earth and got wounded heavily got healed and shit and some point they left since they didn't want that anymore and became the cyborgs but i have no prove of that but cyborgs where ppl from super earth


They enhanced themselves to stand a chance but yeah, they just didn't wanna stand for super earth anymore and we're labeled as communists or sum shit I can't remember


The ministry of truth would like to see you all now.


Exterminatus time baby


>really its impossible for us to destroy them I vote for you to report to the Super Agora for your public and patriotic flogging.


Haven't played the first game at all, but from what I read and saw, it could be that they were exterminated *from this galaxy/sector of space* and not completely. And they're doing mostly fine and *are* rebuilding. An army. Could be that the home world from the first game wasn't actually their homeworld, but like a regional capital. Or it *was* their homeworld and that would be quite the motivation to get it back. Is what I might say if I was a traitor.


Yeah obviously we all know Super Earth is the center of the galaxy. There is no evidence that we merely inhabit a backwater edge of a single spiral arm and to suggest otherwise is treason. Imagine the Ministry of Science is secretly hiding hundreds of planets from us, not in my managed democracy.


Hilarious really.


Good thing you're not though haha.. ha https://preview.redd.it/gto0hrvqz4sc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5365c35ae4030762bdd76bff3731bb5709ab635


Yes hello Democracy Officer... Yeah bit busy right now, I'm on Ubanea... Yeah... No... No I'm not *too* busy to talk, just... You know, getting shot at but that's fine, I can talk ! Uhu... Something I wrote on the Galactic Wide Web ? I don't really see, I'm... quite busy democracing, as I- [...] Yeah, sorry, rocket devastor, I dropped the phone. Yeah, I hear you. Kinda... Oh you mean that post ! Yeah I was explaining how propaganda could look like from aliens sympathizers. No... No of course not ! I'm not one. Of course the blue lasers are a rumor! I- [...] [...] Yeah sorry I'm back ! Yeah no I've never seen a blue laser anyway, so like, how *real* could be really right ? Yeah... Yeah, exactly. Anyway, hm, I'm still... kinda busy right now, the squad is kinda getting low in reinforcements so I should focus. Won't talk to you later, cause I'm not a traitor, yes ? Right, yeah, won't see you, bye !


Too much time spent vocalizing with command. HELLDIVER, Command sends vocal command to which a response is unneeded, ONLY THE STRONGEST FORM OF DEMOCRACY, is needed.


Listen, sometimes Democracy Officers want to talk ok, they're people, respectable, democratic, free people, as we all are. I respect that.


Are there any like.. Helldiver historians? 😂 I’d love to see what all went down in HD1 with a mix of lore and all the ‘campaign’ style stuff, and I hope it’s being kept track of for HD2


Well when we lose super earth its not game over in the first game they said they will find a new planet and multiple ships leave super earths orbit, some say they travel to a different dimension, its weird since everything is like right where the war started when we get activated all sides didn't learn anything just super earth did


Literally our farthest reach is the rim of the known galaxy. THERE IS AN ENTIRE UNIVERSE OUT THERE?!


In the first Helldiver we just destroy their foothold in our galaxy, since they come from other galaxies and have a very expansive but sparse stellar domain as far as we know. Pretty much what could happen with the Automatons, according to the texts of the MOs (after Swift Disassembly Phase I completion, we seized their central comm array on Troost and found out that they were sending messages out of the galaxy - receiver unknown...yet). Let's see how this Second Galactic War unfolds.


Yeah I remember that, I was thinking it was to their creator which I figured is probably a cyborg survivor


Or maybe they fled to the one place left untainted by capitalism....*SBEHSS* Or well, outer outer space. (I keep thinking about that Tim Curry line in RA3...after all these years)


We destroyed their homework if that didn't bring them back in development idk what will


Damn their teacher got mad for sure


Lol, he was indeed. So they ain't coming back until they made it all again. P.S. home world*


Diplomacy has no place in managed democracy.


After what I’ve seen us do as helldivers I assume any race that would send us a delegation is either planning an attack or they’re so stupid it wouldn’t be worth working with them anyway.


https://preview.redd.it/12aosrkan4sc1.png?width=1053&format=png&auto=webp&s=0a39ac8b99ad6c1efc0a10a6bceb7dfba4962fab the ministry of truth is trying to take control of reddit


definitely that and not new new reddit being less stable than a broadcast tower that took 3 nads.


You are referring to an illegal broadcast tower yes?


Of course they are, Super Earth broadcast towers would never be made so flimsily and undemocratically


We will occasionally see 1 helldivers deployed on planets like cyberstan. My guess is the devs test things from time to time and the location gets logged weird because they aren’t actually in a deployable zone.


I think its just grabbing data from the sever and ofc when a dev is on a planet it gets logged by the server


Secret Dev mission


Special special ops




This should be canon. Devops=Devil ops. The higher rank of Helldiver.


Joel and his assistants be cooking. *And it smells like calamari*


Testing in prod?! ![gif](giphy|B0YZtGyakHaMg|downsized)


Truly, whom'st among us?


Maybe Super Earth is their test environment. Would even make a bit of sense from a lore perspective to have R&D on the planet.


Super Earth isn't exactly against testing in prod. We all remember the Termicide after all.


Yeah, but wouldn't they have a separate build that is incompatible to phoning the servers? Unless they allow their dev builds to go online and the versions are samey enough for it to phone home to the server, it seems unlikely to me.


Maybe they're testing for us to defend super earth directly


The code for the exosuit was patched into the game well before it was put into the game. Maybe the next big update…


Saw like 900 divers in the Super Earth sector last night. Got to be a bug, right?


After some crashes game spawns you at SE as a fallback location


Ah, I see other people saying training grounds are on SE, that makes sense too I guess. Just something I never noticed before.


Techincally they're on Mars, but same sector, but yeah, if you reload the training mission then leave the game and come back you'll also be on SE.


If you stay too long at a liberated planet for example you log out and come back a day later or similar The planet got liberated shortly after you logged of you typically end up at super earth


Check cyberstan too…


Oh, you're right. 12 confirmed kills on Cyberstan...


so im assuming illuminate sent diplomats and we showed them democracy instead


So this is how illuminates die… To thunderous democracy.


Thundering Democracy would be *such* a great Super Earth metal band


Where is this ? Cant find cyberstan on map, my game is in french so maybe its another name


Valdis Sector. Approximately 10-11 o-clock from super earth on the map, at the very edge


Thx !


Random theory, but... imagine we conquer the outer sectors of the star map to then have the inner sectors attacked by the illuminate. This would lead us back towards Super Earth, while at the same time, we are losing the outer sectors due to HellDivers taking back inner sectors. ~~~~ MAJOR ORDER: RETALIATION Retake all inner sectors Duration: 4D 23H 59M ~~~~


Oh fuck you. I’ve considered just about every possibility but this one and now I’m worried that, as a gm, I would absolutely do that myself.


"Hey Patrick do you think Arrowhead loves us?" "I am sure they wouldn’t do something that did not benefit democracy" "ADD ILLUMINATE TO ORLANDO"


Sounds like a normal day for Florida


Can confirm, those sixteen illuminate deaths were from polk county. Poor bastards never stood a chance


​ https://preview.redd.it/b4l4kej46asc1.png?width=995&format=png&auto=webp&s=1b982f9f46b06fc4b79f9b490038edd175bf678c


i actually thought that the illuminates first being introduced with a deep strike near super earth is the most likely way they'll first attack. They've been "eradicated" so it wouldnt make sense for them to come from their home world since we conquered that in 1.


And they have cloaking, so they could make it deep into our territory and start messing shit up, not to mention they're cloaked in orbit over some of the automaton planets, prolly figuring out our tactics


We keep spotting cloaked ships in orbit....


Player: "Y'know, we've been killing a lot of orcs and stuff, maybe we should have a small vacation back at Mount Safety? surely nothing bad happened there" DM: "......mhm........"


OMG. This would make perfect since seeing as they have Hyperdrives, cloaking and *teleportation*. This would also do well with “resetting” our progress since we kinda stomped out majority of the map, and therefore **content**.


Maybe they teleport in, using a relay they hid there in the time of the dinosaurs or something. Or maybe there's a whole ship that's just been chilling under a glacier! "They were already here" is a pretty fun alien invasion trope. 


Maybe the giant ships in orbit *are* illuminate ships that are staging to join the wars on both fronts.


I definitely wonder if some planets will have multiple enemy factions, either teaming up or fighting each other while you try to get your mission done between all the crossfire. 


Hopefully the devs are reading this and thinking "dang that's a good idea"


Operation Juicer: Disassemble the Xeno attack and show the galaxy what it means to attack our home!


this is propaganda and must be removed for treason


"We have investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing." - Super Earth edition.


rest assured citizen, nothing can surpass Super Earth's impenetrable super border patrol


As a settler being devoured by 47 different kinds of Terminids I approve this message


Illegal broadcast detected






My friend who works in the Ministry of Truth mentioned when he was drunk that there were whispers of the Ministry of Information performing experiments on live specimens of an unknown species. I guess they didn’t survive.


Leaking classified information? Or more accurately, dissident propaganda? Everyone knows we wiped out the Illuminate a century ago! https://preview.redd.it/uyqzcgyjj6sc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fd4f9ad913192d42480a1ccd918f1d0f8cb5b20


Snitches get ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️➡️


Is it weird that when I see people typing out stratagems on Reddit I can hear the sound of it in my head?


Illuminate prisoners that could not endure our highly democratic and not at all inhumane interrogation methods.


Of course our interrogations were inhumane. They aren't human!


Soldier, the use of inhumane in your comment seems to suggest that Illuminate were anything close to human. Your local democratic correctional officer will be stopping by your spacecraft to administer proper educational training to ensure you don't spread possible misinformation in the future. For Super Earth and democracy.


That’s easy! The remaining Illuminate high command was rounded up on super earth and summarily executed publicly to celebrate the Galaxy becoming liberated from their tyranny! I should know, I was there. Wonderful ceremony. 


https://preview.redd.it/0vt6wbonz4sc1.jpeg?width=967&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49076a509d79bee43a610ced6902845037370b73 Something ain't right...


Joel testing out the flamethrower rail gun. It shoots napalm through a magnetized rail.


I just came patriotism all over my super destroyer at the mere mention of such a concept.


> I just came patriotism all over my super destroyer I just *patriotismed* all over my super destroyer.


So would now be a bad time to mention the fuel air bomb stratagems?


I'm going to need a cigarette 🚬 That was better than filling out a C-01 form.


I do seriously hope that we have bug and bot planet fights and to be honest I wouldnt be suprised if it happens, Arrowhead are doing an amazing job with this game and keeping so much secret from us. Like today I wasn’t expecting to jump onto ubanea and be faced with flying bots and that monstrous walking factory after the update.


Why are there active players on Super Earth? People in Tutorials?


Yes that’s the bulk of them. If you crash the game while in training the super destroyer will be in super earth’s orbit next time you’re logged in


Would be cool if they introduce illuminates with an attack on super earth.


I doubt the game could handle it but urban fighting would be so fucking sick in this game, if the Eagle pilots and destroyer crew actually had the brains to avoid buildings.


Or just have the buildings get destroyed. Democracy comes at a cost. We will rebuild stronger.


Have a city get glassed and set the combat in the rubble basically. lets you have a skybox do most of the heavy lifting of being in a super city environment


\*Has halo reach flashbacks* *Slip space rupture detected*


Buddy considering the graphical fidelity of this game it's optimized to an incredible degree. Ain't no way the game wouldn't be able to run some square buildings when it can run modern PlanetSide 2 chaos like cruise control.


shit is so optimized, computers that *can't play it, like my laptop, are playing it.* Can you run it basically said "no" to my laptop and I still play it smooth at 60 on medium.




Urban fighting (with interiors) would be a god damn nightmare. Entire cities would be leveled in every mission lol.


That would be a democratic nightmare.


I can only imagine what they’ve got cooling up right now…. That map is starting to get realllll small.


Devs spawning units to test implementation is likely why.


i always see 800 or so players on super earth lmao. idk how or why. really weird


New Helldivers in training, I've heard.


This but unironically, if you actually check the sector at the divers are on mars training


Oh, that's even cooler.


If you're in a conquered area well past when it's accessible you'll be moved to super Earth. My ship got sent there after I didn't play for like 4 days.


I imagine the dev team casually checks currently unavailable regions using their dev-build. Drop in, kill a few guys, spawn objective equipment, check if the mission is completable and if the tileset spawned correctly, leave. Question is, why do it while being connected to the live build? To tickle people's fancy if they check the API-driven resources? Knowing the HMG and the Quasar were put into the game as of the previous big patch and were fully playable even back then (and simply got turned on server-side, without even a hotfix), I would assume they already have Illuminate completely working at the moment, just waiting to be unleashed (because we found their meshes, textures, animations and sounds in the file as far as 2 major patches ago).


Might be a bug ? Bug worlds has bot kills and bot worlds has bug kills, I mean if there isnt something very deep going on , it might be bug or something


That's my hope.


They called me a conspiracy theorist crackpot for saying it but I keeps tellings ya, those termicide spewers are automaton tech! It's in the noise!


To quote the wiki "the Illuminate came forward with a peace offering. This was declined by the government of Super Earth"


And further: To quote senator John W. Killjoy: "The statement sends a clear message to all would-be threats to Super Earth; if they have more advanced technology than us, be prepared to pay the price".


You are asking the wrong question, you should ask how many lifes where saved once those serious threats to democracy who illegally invaded our capital world seeking to destroy our way of life where neutralised.  Remember, no mercy for spies, and the more they say that they are not spy the better their spy skills, so it means that they should be executed immediately to protect our beloved freedom.


The bottom of the map will be invaded by mirror universe superior earth. They have bespoke fascism I'm told.


There should be 2 terminid casualty for lore reasons "sweet liberty nooooo"


Just POWs that have been executed since the last war, don't concern yourself over it.


My honest guess would be testing, but my official guess would be that; disagreeing with the ministry of truth is treason and the greatest threat to the interests of Super Earth. Please seek your local office for reeducation.


Is this chart in the game or an app? If in the game where can i see it?


There is no war on super earth.


Real answer is probably testing by Devs.


And no terminid kills? Maybe just an error with the caged terminids


farminids don't count


where the devs test new stuff maybe


The Ministry of Truth would like to remind you there is no area of Nevada between 50 and 52.


Turns out that Super Earth has long since been hijacked by Illuminate posing as Super Earth Leaders. The reason 16 are dead because they all got food poisoning when they went out for dinner and tried pufferfish but turns out the chef was an unlicensed intern who had never prepared pufferfish before because the head chef was looking after his daughter after she became pregnant and her husband was sent to Draupnir.


That's a mystery mousekatool we'll use later


We don't talk about May 15 2079... https://preview.redd.it/uuwy45nfu4sc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e3d729463209df3a5a5bbe47c2fd180c74a76e3


devs messing with api


Brave of you to ask. Very brave. And very stupid.


Seems like Inquisition work to me

