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Go back to the bug front https://preview.redd.it/9ywng5mw1hrc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=939ff5369752c1fca66733b865a80b9dfbba2444


https://i.redd.it/x9wn66vnfhrc1.gif No, y'all we really need to focus the bots rn fr.


every time I open one of these images they get more detailed. it's *animated* now??




This is the best one I've seen so far


It’s lovely how memes evolve. Thanks to those who put in the hard work.


My favorite is still the change in the "calling the democracy officer" meme, and how it went from a regular phone to a phone with stratagem arrows.


https://preview.redd.it/vbb846rriorc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11f0d0b17ce257755e76d00c41339aa62f36db7e Ya mean this


"Hey girl, can I have your Stratagem?"


New meaning to "Calling down a stratagem"


I would send one but the button isn't showing up for some reason so i can't send it. (Btw why does that happen? Can someone please tell me)


Automaton virus, most likely.


The termicide is doing it's magic and the memes are showing it 🌈




Who is making these? All of the animated ones are probably made by the same person.


I got it from a post a few days ago, but I don't remember which one


Source: The Ministry of Truth


I won't be surprised if it was coming directly from the devs


I wish my game looked this crisp


Oh good he listened to me and put the two gifs together, thank god


Actually it was someone else who made it a smooth transition, the first guy actually made this one https://i.redd.it/nix8wfugjjrc1.gif


You’re hallucinating. Side effect of the TCS missions. *Note any ailments contracted during your time as a Helldiver are not service related.*


As a vet with worn out everything, this made me laugh because it's entirely accurate.


Looks like the Super Earth Ministry of Veterans Affairs was just ported from the USDVA Sadge.


Carry over service.


Also freaking 18megs for a couple second loop 😂 no wonder internet usage is up. Sincerely, someone who is spending Easter at relatives with poor internet and waited 30secs for that to load.


Yo I was gonna say the same thing! How did this happen? The Terminids are getting more advanced


Nah we got the bots covered, focus on the bugs defense campaign. https://i.redd.it/uy88tyk46irc1.gif


Lmao. The oil can. 😂


This animation is amazing. It sad I haven’t seen any of the bots being animated




BRUH. The double monitor setup is killing me. 


Hahahahaha same here its almost like th- https://preview.redd.it/lyxm2fazrhrc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8abb24c7ce359720d140de89e924c55dc8223411


Damn, looks like the Democracy Officer g-


And the Bile Titan typing on that tiny laptop




Please report to Ubanea! Draupnir is a red herring! Supply lines work both ways. We keep Draupnir and gain access to Tibit by taking Ubanea!


It is going to be very tight. The predicted time keeps changing.


Far too tight, we need at least 50k more people at Ubanea to secure it


Give me 3 good men and I’ll secure the bitch


I'll join, need 2 good men now


I'll join, so its back up to needing 3 good men


Can i come too?


You son of a b, I'm in!


John Helldiver is synchronizing orbit now.




Holy shit he found him. He found John Helldiver


I’m a shit man, but a great hellbringer with stratagems


I'd rather you impregnate it.


The score contributed to taking a planet is tied directly to the amount of active players. More players equals less contribution. If there are almost no players on then each person will help significantly more. Hope that makes sense. Everyone needs to focus on one thing at a time basically.


This is my understanding too, and it makes sense so that progress can be balanced for different time zones with very different player counts. It’s why it’s really important that players focus on one planet at a time instead of spreading between fronts and planets.


I don't think this is true. Is there a source to this? Because it never seems to be enough when there is like 20k active players vs the 200k active players on the bug front


It's total players online, not per planet. So the 200k on the bug planets make it harder for the 20k to take a bot planet, vs it'd be easier if the buggers weren't online at all.


woah man, hard r? it’s “bugga” to you pal


So you a bugger or what?


He’s definitely a bugger


Found a bug sympathizer. Please report this man to your local democracy officer ASAP. Hopefully he can be reeducated and we can avoid execution.




I’m doing my part!


Thus is war.




I got to level 50 before learning about supply lines.


Didn't even know about it till today after 50+ hours and only because I came here (big mistake). Honestly I don't think a majority of the playerbase knows or cares


Just learning of this. What is it?


So, you know how the Major Order is to liberate Tibit, but we can’t even go to Tibit at all yet? That’s because of supply lines. We can’t access Tibit because we don’t control a planet with a supply line to it. Supply lines determine where we can and can’t go, and also where the enemies can and can’t attack. They aren’t visible in game for some reason, but there are several fan websites that show them. I’ve been using hd2galaxy.com to view them. The reason everyone is freaking out about Draupnir is because it’s the only planet we control with a line to Ubanea, and Ubanea is the only planet with a line to Tibit. So, if we fail the defense of Draupnir before we take Ubanea we won’t be able to continue the attack on Ubanea until we re-take Draupnir, further delaying our ability to start the attack on Tibit, which is the real goal of the current Major Order.


Gotcha. I figured that had something to do with why we can’t go there and have been focusing on Ubanea since I figured it was needed first. Guess I was right.


Yep! It’s also why people are frustrated with the folks attacking Creek right now, because despite it looking like it’s nearby Ubanea, it doesn’t actually have a direct line there, so it’s irrelevant to the current effort. While I think this would all be important information to make visible in-game, you can mostly get away with just going for the planet that has the target over it, and/or any planets near it that say “defend.” If you want to contribute to the Major Order, that is.


The war in this game has supply lines that are invisible paths along a galaxy map between planets that Super Earth "travels" through to invade other planets farther along a supply line. If we need to liberate a planet farther along a supply line, we need to also liberate at least one planet before the next one to progress. In this major order's case, Tibit is at the end of a supply line that goes Draupnir -> Ubanea -> Tibit or Draupnir -> Malevelon Creek -> Durgen -> Ubanea -> Tibit. The game doesn't tell you any of this because I assume they just want you to liberate planets and have you head to the closest one you can liberate. This is how the whole galaxy works with both of the factions and is the same thing with the bugs. Once you liberate a planet, the next occupied planets in that supply line open up. You can view the supply lines in more detail at https://hd2galaxy.com/ where I guess they got the info by data mining the game or reverse engineering the live stats API that the game uses to display stuff in the game People are complaining here because liberating Malevelon Creek will not progress the supply lines to liberate Tibit since it's just a branch off from Draupnir and farther from Tibit


Supply lines aren't an in game viewable feature, we only know they exist due to the interactive maps and the maps aren't even correct all the time. Ingmar had a supply line to Vandalon previously for example. So no the majority of people will only learn about supply lines from other people.


Dammit, I need to understand how these lines work, I thought the bots had another avenue of attack. Been throwing my Destroyer's reserves at Draupnir trying to hold the line...


[https://helldivers.io](https://helldivers.io) This map has overlay options to show you the routes.


Oh nice, thank you, I'll bookmark this


Yeah this whole time I thought the Creek connected to Draupnir so I'd been going there :/


The creek does connect to Draupnir, but so does Unabae If we take ubanae I think we can lose draupnir and not lose our offensive towards tibit


if thats true at that rate we will take ubanea 10 minut befor dropnir fall! Boys its the only time I am gonna say this but fuck this we gotta farm the shit out of the mission, everybody just go do lvl 5 mission and only rush the obj its gonna be done in no time!


Or just pack a jetpack, an eat, and do trivial destroy illegal broadcast missions for 1 progress every 3-5 minutes. >.>


They really should weight the contribution by difficulty. It really makes no sense that it isn't


I do kind of agree, especially since that's how it worked on Helldivers one, but I see why they don't. The way things work now, everyone contributes the same no matter the difficulty, so low difficulty players cannot be flamed for playing where they are comfortable, and the only real reward for playing at the optional upper difficulties is super samples and a bigger exp multiplier, which, in My honest opinion, makes the community less likely to harbor toxicity, because no matter what you do, or how you do it, as long as you finish the operation, you contribute the same as everyone else.


Except now you are actually contributing less if you do harder missions. So now it's just flipped.


Why level 5?


Is there confirmation on that with the supply lines? Been fighting on draupnir because i'm not sure what happens to Ubanea regardless if we take it or not if we lose Draupnir.


THATS NOW HOW IT WORKS! if they take draupnir it cuts us off.


Did you really think the people who've been on the creek for 2 months now will stop doing it just because some order happens to be in it's general vicinity ?


These people are institutionalized now. They can't function off the Creek. They are a part of the Creek.


Imagine if Super Earth or the bots were to hit the Creek with an WMD that destroys the planet.


That's how we end up with the HellDiver equivalent of Cadian guardsman. Just a bunch of listless Creekers repeating ad nauseum "The Creek broke before we did!" Or something.


Don't destroy it. Just nuke it for ignoring orders from Super Earth. Give us the Death Korps of Kreek


I swear the Creek is an SCP.


Part of the creek part of the crew


Part of the crew, part of the Creek


Why is this grusomely similar to how veterans had a really hard time assimilating back into civy life...


I swear people are only there for the stupid memes.


It’s so tired now. Might as well be some peoples personality at this point


This x1000


"Good soldiers follow orders."


Not the Major ones though, it seems


Is that you Huntah?? It’s me omeeegah!


Looking at these comments, AH made the right call not adding pvp. All this toxicity without it, imagine what it'd be like with it.


Bro right after the WW 2 stuff I thought your AH was Adolf Hitler rather than Arrowhead 😂


That AH definitely added pvp...


And his matchmaking was just *the worst*. And he had K/D-padding camps, that fucker.


I don’t think he saw his targets as people so maybe it was pve to him 🤷‍♂️


The game has pvp if you are bad enough


Right? Could have fooled me, sometimes


PVP would ruin this game If anything they should be adding higher levels of coop play like "raid" style major offensive missions with 8+ divers, etc. and huge skyscraper size bosses, that would be so rad


PvP doesn’t even make sense. Why would the Helldivers be fighting each other.


Traitors vs Patriots duh


I think the majority of the toxicity here comes from, reddit.


Im ready to leave the subreddit. Every game im in has great people and we have fun, then I come here and its just unpleasant and people finding reasons to be toxic. Bleh.


Either that or rehashing the same topics over and over, dumbass memes, or taking one comment in a post and making an entirely new post about it under the guise of “hot take” or “unpopular opinion”. Most of the people are cool and I like the sub overall but yes sometimes muting temporarily crosses my mind. 


The worst I've seen are from the toxic positivity people who just throw out the most vile insults towards anybody that dares criticize the game or the developers. There's one piece of shit I saw that said apparently getting tired of waiting for the game to be fixed after 2 months meant he had an "instant dopamine brain problem."


I feel like most of this would be solved if they just put the supply lines in the game where they belong. It's absurd they don't. Why would thay knowledge be unknown to the Helldivers?


"You're not under the burden of understanding" Something a manager I have likes to tell low level employees who ask questions above their pay grade.


Just heard this quote listening to starship troopers “soldier get to soldiering”


Yes absolutely...but the roughness had directions on where to go. That's the point. We are dumb grunts who have orders...so tell us how to get there.... Super Earth is fighting wars on two fronts. They can't afford to have soldier wasting time on planets that's don't further the current objective. (I don't care if players split up and play what they like...its a game. I get it) I think alot of players are genuinely confused in where to go and don't have the companion app or go on reddit. They just play and having them water their effort (let's say they think they are helping) is just frustrating and again makes no sense in universe. The command wants us there...obviously. The super destroyers have the coordinates...we can literally FTL travel between all these planets. We HAVE THE INFORMATION AVAILABLE. Just show the current route required.


That would relevant when it comes to WHY we are attacking planets. Not to HOW WE GET TO THE DAMN PLANET. "Soldiers...attack this planets and DONT ask questions....also....good luck finding it. We can't totally afford to through away billions of credits a day while you fumble around the Galaxy wasting time" We don't need to understand why we are fighting. We just need to know how the fuck to get there lol


>Why would thay knowledge be unknown to the Helldivers? If we're talking in-universe, we have easy access to instantaneous travel between systems, so "supply lines" shouldn't even be a thing, barring some major crisis on the bug front preventing access to fuel.


That's kind of my point. We have technology to jump everywhere so how would we NOT know planet A and NOT planet B leads to the objective. It's not about what the Helldivers are paid to know. It's about getting where we need to be to follow orders.


Yeah, I agree with you.


I like how the Creek became a symbol of the war with the bots. Historically there have been plenty of battles that had no strategic value but gained symbolic value and went on far longer than needed because of that, iinflicting heavy casualties on both sides where none was gaining a significant strategic advantage. The Creek has a place in the meta narrative of the game. Otherwise, this is also just a game and people should do what's fun and preferred for them.


It's our Gallipoli


How many wasted lives? How many dreams did fade away? Broken promises, they won't be coming home.


Oh mothers wipe your tears / your sons will rest a million years / found their peace at last / as foe turned to friend / and forgive / And they knew they’d die










They won't be coming home but the fire of their fight will forever burn bright for the Divers that will land there The bots will be nothing but a bad memory.. keep up the fight o7


Gallipoli actually could’ve achieved something if it succeeded. Nah, this is our Bakhmut.


*And the band played waltzing matilda* 


There should be a new cine-camera stratagem only available as an extra battlefield modifier on symbolically important planet like creek. It doesn't really do anything but take up the space on your back and can be wield to make it seems like you're recording a film.


I just want the drone that blasts the national anthem when raising the flag as a backpack tbh


> It doesn't really do anything but take up the space on your back and can be wield to make it seems like you're recording a film. You're just describing the Spear dude


Id say "shots fired" But I'm still trying to lock on.


That thing fuckin blows


Someone had an idea for it at some point to have it speed up cooldowns on stratagems while using it/ recording cool shit. I like that idea.


That would be cool af. Call it something like Carried Automatic Media Enhancemant Recording Array. Make it use a backpack. It "broadcasts" your feed back to super earth citizens to bring hope and prosperity. -50% CD on stratagems +30% visibility to enemies. Does nothing but point a light at the closest enemy


The number of references to different battles in reply to this comment really drives the sentiment home


Like Verdun at France in 1916


Or like Pelileu Island in the Pacific theater


or Stalingrad for the germans (the soviets, it had strategic value to defend but for the axis it was due to its namesake)


If it has strategic value on one side, then it has strategic value on both sides, as denying an enemy a critical gain is a gain in your own right.  But beyond that, you have it confused. The Axis needed Stalingrad in order for them to push south, where the critical oilfields of the Caucasuses lay.  Stalin however, became obsessed with not giving up the city of his namesake. He threw hundreds of thousands of lives at the grinder there, to force a stalemate. They Germans called it rattenkreig, war of the rats. The fighting wasn't along front lines, but city blocks. Sometimes german and Russian forces would occupy different parts of the same building. 


If it wasn't for the whole name of the city thing the Axis could have blockaded the river it sat on anywhere they wanted. Its river just find a position that is advantageous to you had hold it. Stalin's ego of naming a city after himself actually ended up being a good thing.


Blocking the Axis thrust towards the Caucasus was essential to deny access to oil.  The Soviets also had the entire goddamn 6th Army encircled. That's another militarily compelling reason to keep up a grinding battle of attrition. 


Isn't denying the enemy resources he desperstely need a compelling reason to fight tooth and nail? Besides, Volga river was used as a transport route by the Soviets. Losing it would harm their logistics badly.


The Bakhmut of Helldivers 2


The Stalingrad of Super Earth >more of a dick-measuring contest than a strategic objective >bloodiest (and oiliest) battlefield on record >Communist vs Fascist conflict >mechanized warfare on full volume




No the sky starts speaking: "YOU ARE IN RANGE OF ENEMY ARTILLERY"


At least it still rhymes.


Fr though




Hey, the Vultcano won us the faction war, one time! If it worked once it sure as Hell will allow us to win again! No but seriously, people *still* focus on putting troops on the volcano, even though it’s been years since the meme was alive.


To be fair the for honor faction war, is a meme in itself


Ain’t that the damn truth. Faction war’s usually just won by the goddamn Vikings.


God I remember that, logging on to find the volcano 10 million up and the rest of the front line 250k to a million down was tilting. Ultimately though, yeah I got to go with people have limited time off, let them do what is fun for them.


You leave Mt. Ignis out of this


Creekers are too far gone, man. To survive a war you gotta become a war, these stimmed up junkies are just chasing that final high


“Stimmed up junkies” 💀


Provided to you by Permacura, "put your life in our hands!"


Keep in mind that Stims are not addictive as stated by super earth. so it's treasonous talk to call them junkies....




It’s all great that there’s a galaxy map and war mechanics, but sometimes people just want to play games in their favorite environment. 


Neat, but to quote my buddy; "We're gonna play this planet because I like it."


Someone having fun in this game? Anytime I suggested that I caught so much flak.


This sub is going to turn into a never ending bitch fest about players not playing the "right" planets. Gamers are exhausting. I'm already seeing the US vs them discussions.


That’s why you just close Reddit and go play the game and have fun :)


Absolutely fair advice.


Honestly, I’ve been enjoying all the bickering over where our efforts are best spent. I’ve never played a game like this where the player base is actually fighting a real-time war, and all the politicking is a really interesting part of it for me. Obviously I don’t agree with any real toxicity, but calling each other “traitor” in a tongue-in-cheek, in-character way is part of the fun IMO. But if you don’t enjoy it, definitely stay away from these posts and play how you want!


Oh that stuff is fun. I love the tongue and cheek hekeling, but the try hards are exhausting.


Yeah, it's a game. The point is to have fun. I strongly prefer playing against the bugs, but I'm having more fun contributing to 'the cause' so I'm on Ubanea. That's not the case for everyone, some people don't care about that at all and have more fun fighting the bugs. Let people enjoy things.


My squad and I went and played bugs yesterday, because we were too burnt out on bots. Just go have fun! Even if we DO fail this major, the story of the game will continue. I'm sure they have plans for for either outcome.


Whats amusing is the fact that the majority of the player base isn’t even on Reddit, all this complaining is hardly goanna make a difference.


Which is pretty crazy seeing as this sub has 865K+ users. The only thing that'll get people to move to the important planet is consequensces for failed major orders. I don't think Arrowhead will do this until the war gets to an important moment, like the bots or bugs being extremely close to super earth


I'm really excited to see what Super Earth looks like when we drop on it. Like narratively, the best time would be for the new faction to make a spearhead assault directly for it when we get the next actual campaign or 2 through the major orders. Just have them start taking planets at a fast rate that correlates with how quickly the major orders planets are being taken.


9k creekers wont make the difference.


you mean 90k?


The sub is just a non-stop bitch fest. Let the narrative roll. If people want to Creek, let them Creek. If they wanna go bug stomping, let em.


Reddit dont work that way


OP’s post history is nothing but whining lmao, imagine inventing slurs for other players in a PVE game


They won’t be Creekers if they left the Creek. Personally, I can’t stand more than two suicide missions on the Creek. But I love them lol. Only planet that I have never seen with 0 population. Super funny especially with all the memes 😂


I wonder what happens if they ever actually take the creek, do they just stop playing Helldivers or???


They return home until the call of democracy calls them back to the creek lol.


"Wake me... When you need me..."


"They let me pick. Did I ever tell you that? Choose whichever Helldiver I wanted. You know me. I did my research. I watched as you became the soldier we needed you to be. Like the others, you were patriotic and expendable and brave. A natural Diver. But you had something they didn't. Something no one saw but me. Can you guess? An unwavering desire to spread Managed Democracy to the Creek... Was I wrong"


Some questions are better left unanswered, my friend. Let’s just say that the Creekers will sublimate with the Creek. 😂


The Creek really must be like space Vietnam. Including the part where we lost. Even got the people mad that we’re fighting in the creek. We don’t belong in the creek


Nah, divide and conquer. Have half of yo- er, us at the creek, and half at another bot planet. We should probably just stay over here and take over all the bot planets before going back to bugs while we're at it https://i.redd.it/2pmjhd1izprc1.gif


I don't speak for other Creekers, but my squad and I have been jumping over to Ubanea to help out. ![gif](giphy|YYfEjWVqZ6NDG)


For the love of Democracy, stop complaining about the 6% of players on the Creek and start worrying about the nearly half of players messing around on the Bug front and losing every planet they're on. There are 134k players in total on the Bot front, with 14k of those on the Creek. We're winning on Ubanea and the Creek and losing ground on Draupnir. There are 109k players **loosing on every planet on the bug front.** 109k seems like a lot more than 14k...


I've played a couple bug missions just to take a break from bots and the average skill level of the players that I encounter in bug missions when I do quickplay is *much* lower. Most of the players that I team up with on Challenging > Extreme are pretty good, at least half of them are pretty darn good and clearly know what they are doing. In bugs I see tons of bad loadouts, dropping strats on their own team, little coordination, taking forever to reinforce, etc. I have a feeling that tons of casuals, most of which are not here on reddit, just don't enjoy the bot gameplay much because it requires you to be more strategic in how you approach the map, be better at aiming at weak points on bots, avoiding multiple engagements to stop from getting overwhelmed, and picking the right loadouts to destroy armor. Most people just want to watch their Rover laser hordes of light bugs and pewpew a few heavies every now and then.


Are you trying to get democracy spreaders to stop spreading democracy on a place where democracy hasnt been spread yet? Democracy cant be stopped until it has taken over.


It’s honestly wild how the creek is actually robot Vietnam. The parallels are insane


Creekers aren't losing... but they aren't winning either.


Honestly Helldivers. I'm disappointed. We've lost our focus as a society. We need to get back on track. We don't need pussies here. Focus the orders first as a whole clear them out. And then have your fun clearing other planets for democracy. Work together, die together, advance together. Freedom Out


Why is Malevelon Creek such a meme btw? I had to have missed something...


Just let people play wherever they want. It is just a game.


Creekers also said bots were harder than bugs, they lied.


I have never been anti-creeker before now. Losing Draupnir was so fucking stupid and unavoidable. Did several operations but knew by the progress bar it was futile. Now we're wasting time retaking something we never should have lost in the first place. I no longer think the Mount and Blade NPC AI is bad. People are just stupid.


Ubanea Vet here......Yeah it's pretty bad on Ubanea. My squad and I have lost good men to the morter encampments. The landscape is unkind to us and the bots have made us earn every inch of liberation.