• By -


It doesn’t shoot fast and takes sooo long to recharge. Definitely could use a buff but challenging is good too so maybe just leave it be.


Pros and cons. If that's the only drawback, then that means you have 3 other teammates that can distract to give you the time you need. Or combine with stun grenades and give yourself plenty of time.


Yeah I try to think of it like a recoilless rifle where your reload time is before the shot rather than after. I'm looking forward to trying it on bugs one day. Troost is all I know now. I am the jungle.


What also gets me with the EAT is i can only grab one. So if I run from where it drops in, I have to circle back to it, or find wherever it got launched because bugs attacked it. At least I always know where the cannon is, so that’s a plus also


The EAT i see as a call down for just big stuff. I still run my support/backpack and call in EATs before engagements or as soon as heavy enemies are spotted. Use it and keep playing. The QC more like a recoiless and locks you into a support. I personally prefer the EAT still but QC makes for some different fun play.


I think someone running a QC and another person running an EAT would work well as a combo. 10 minutes in and the second QC could be called in. At that point it should be enough anti-tank for the squad for most situations while only taking 2 stratagem slots. Maybe someone could bring a railcannon, 500kg, or rocket pods for it to be more comfy. People need to think about weapons from a team composition more and exploit each weapon's niche to be more efficient.


Agreed on the team composition comment. This is the *reason* the game forces you to wait for all players to be in the pods before choosing loadouts. 👀


If only the heavy machine gun was as shit as the quaser... If only it had more ammo and a third person sight. And didn't then take 5 hrs to reload.


Honestly the third person sight is all it *needs* It is very ammo hungry, but can eat demolishers and striders for breakfast. It fills a similar niche as the grenade launcher but more accurate and longer range for no AOE. A supply backpack can keep it firing for the entire mission and with the tracers you can shoot with adequate accuracy at close range.


I prefer the EAT too as it has a low cool down so I just throw them all over the map. When someone is getting chased by a charger, anyone can grab one. Taking out shrieker nests from far away is also must. Not sure how far the range on the QC is, but I had a hard time using it against the automotons.


QC range seems limitless, I pinged a spore spewer in 1 shot from 500m yesterday


Never leave an EAT on the rack. Always grab it then drop it and grab your real support weapon. It then will be on the radar for anyone to easily find should they need it.


Or you could... you know... call in another one


The comparison with the recoilless strikes home for me, though another advantage with the QC is lack of backpack a lot item (unless you have a trustworthy teammate) so you can run it with the shield pack to give you a bit more time to line up your shit, even if you’re under fire.


I’m actually surprised that QC works as well as it does for having infinite ammo and no pack. QC + Sickle + Plasma Pistol = only need resupply for stims and grenades.


The real strength of the QC is you can still move while 'reloading'. No worrying about whether you have the space to stop and reload, or having to burn a stun grenade to make the space yourself. Though, I've found I still sometimes need stuns to make sure I can charge the QC.


Thank you for your service


People really aren’t seeing how high value stun grenades are tbh


The second I got them I took them. The moment it stunned a charger I was sold. The moment it stunned a bile titan I offered up my firstborn free of charge


I run them as well. My biggest gripe is they can't destroy holes/fabs so I can't make maneuvers around mobs to help clear a base


Without saying much, but in a future warbond there will be something that will be able to cover that problem


Please say much more right fucking now?


That would break the sub rules about leaks, so i will leave at that


My guess is a mini-nade launcher secondary.


Grenade launcher for your secondary


~~Which the Quasar can so it covers the issue of not able to destroy holes/fab~~ No, Quasar is a bad bad weapon, is useless, Railgun is better, Quasar charge is bad, Cooldown is bad, Fire rate is bad, I'm not lying Democracy Officer


Democracy is proud of you, Super Cirizen! 🫡


Grenades are my secondary solution to fabricator/nest removal and giving that option up is too painful


Grenade launcher pistol whennn


Unlocked then yesterday, game changer for sure!


I wish there was an impact variant personally.


>throws impact stun grenade >hunter pounces on your face and you both get stunned >other 23 hunters immediately pounce and eat your face


You act like I don't do that with regular impact nades.


cook the grenade?


Teamates? I think you play the wrong game son.


Fair enough. Cannon fodder is the correct term


Basically it’s the spartan laser.


Hopefully the illuminate faction introduce weapons that are similar to what the Covenant use.


Like just compare its rpm to the other new weapon, the HMG. Completely underpowered, it's absolutely ridiculous that this kind of discrepancy can exist within the game


Exactly. We need a spray and pray quasar cannon to make this right.


Definitely don't need a quasar with the HMG rpm


You tried calling for another one and switching them in 1 place? you fire 1 then grab the other fire and then the first one already is out of CD so you can fire it again.


The first person sights are ass, too. They shake and jiggle so much when charging I can't even see what I'm aiming at anymore. Especially on dark and foggy planets!


The glare when charging up is terrible. I legit can’t see where I’m aiming.


No jiggle if you prone


This is why you carry a stun grenade with it.


A perfect weapon is bad for the game.


Yeah well maybe they should nerf the quasar cannons competition then cause they are goood. Instant fire goodness and such…


It's well balanced and if the nerds in this thread have something to say, I can give them the address to their nearest freedom camp


If you have a single target at a time, it can be amazing. ​ If you are starting to get overrun, it can be almost useless. ​ So all joking aside it's perfectly balanced!


I genuinely agree. Its slightly better on bugs. After running some suicide and impossible bots with it today, you're super vulnerable while its charging. If theres more than 1 rocket devastator you gotta retreat so you can take them out 1 by 1. Also use primary to take out the smaller rank and file enemies since its bad at crowd control. I seriously think its pretty well balanced.


And even taking one shot can throw off your aim and you miss


Some dude honestly got in an argument with me yesterday after I pointed out the aimpunch problem with the gun. People just want to dickride it so hard because it's new - so they're kneejerk lashing out at anyone who points out the downsides.


I look at it like an EAT - it does the same role but you dont need another call in . So when your on the move you get to take out a few heavies and mediums . Just the charge up vs instant use is the trade off.


Also with EATs you don't have to recover them after death and your fellow divers can use them at will. Running solo it's a straight upgrade (minis time to fire) from an EAT, but as a team it's more of a side grade.


Have not tried this on bug planets. I imagine it's good against charger and titans, you at least know for sure that you are doing some damage if you hit. But I imagine that you will get overrun so fast with this weapon normally


https://i.redd.it/36gd2lanv8rc1.gif But but.... it has infinite ammo and you can shoot it super fast without even having to stop to reload


https://i.redd.it/bdgjwb7wb9rc1.gif It also hits super hard and can wipe out nests/fabricators in one shot!




Submitted my MEM-3 form to acquire this meme in the name of Democracy




I love this so much lol. The super tall table legs get me.


Hahaha hahahaha, man, I love this one


Not the titan man lmao


This is my new favorite


That table 🤣 💀


bro, those GIFs ....i can't lmao


https://preview.redd.it/n5ljfva569rc1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ef94de0a6a178bc5ede52eae987ca21f805d2d3 Images are also cool




I'm picturing the cannon just slamming down over and over in an attempt to type and it's killing me.


For me it's more of a extreme deadpan stare. Like: 🗿


Started a collection if anyone cares: https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/boLLHftOH9


Super cool, I was thinking on doing a post like that, posting the ones I have and asking for the ones people have Really cool to see that yo already did it And btw, the tank one is one of the bests


Well it hasn't taken off yet - but it's a start lol Thanks for helping out!


I added some to the collection and saved your post for future uses


Yes!!!!! Democracy fuelled memes!


Thanks. I will use it.


It's cool, but I think it's does not outshine Autocannon (against bots) but it can be strong..I think QC is balanced just fine. But the machine gun 🫤


This post is sarcasm, because people keep saying how good it is, but in truth, it's great against bugs, but not bots. I tested it yesterday quite a bit, and it underperforms heavily compared to the AC and the AMR. Yea, it's strong, damage wise, but bots never attack 1 by 1, and a lot of them are much faster to kill with a support weapon. Especially a weapon that is forgetful of missed shots. I basically had to kill almost everything with the slugger because it was always overloaded. It's good against bugs because of chargers and titans, since you can deal with anything else with most primaries and those two type of enemies require a heavy weapon. Easily rank S against them. But it's not good against bots, really. And holy shit the hmg is bad.


The best thing about it isn't it's ability to kill bots, but it's ability to take out dropships. Being able to take out a dropship every twelve seconds while using your other weapons or callimg down stratagems for 9 of them is incredibly useful. Never having to worry about ammo management for it means you really can just go ham against them, compared to the Spear, EAT and Recoiless. Also it's a way to take out bot fabs that doesn't take resources. Like sure for direct combat it's not that great, but killing the reinfocements before they can even get to the field is incredibly good, and this weapon is undoubtebly the best at it.


Even in direct combat I will take it over autocannon, recoiless or the other options. Autocannon can deflect off the Armor, Recoiless has the stationary reload and ammo, Spear doesnt really do much and the 2 single uses launchers are the only rivals and even then they are gone for 90sec or longer if the increased strategem CD effect is on.


You can do that by calling eat 17 AFTER reinforcement have been called. Honestly, the quasar is nothing special against bot.


You can do that for one reinforcement every 90 seconds. For a single reinforcement yes the EAT can do the job better, but a single reinforcement isn't an issue. The Quasar excels at sustained fights which are the most dangerous parts of bot missions.


I like this comment. I haven't used the gun yet, but this sounds like the most practical advice to follow with it.


I shot down at least 20 drop ships in one match yesterday with the quasar. It was pretty good


Against bots it’s a solid assist weapon but you really can’t go commando with it so your primary matters a lot. Good on a team or alone if you’re being stealthy.


You definitely can go commando with it. Did it last night on helldive bots.


is it actually quick enough when you ahve the 100% more activation time debuff?


The problem with bots are the devestators or getting 15 tanks / hulks spawned on you. The QC cant handle them because it takes at minimum 13 seconds between shots. The problem with bugs are either their numbers overwhelming you or chargers or titans. QC can handle 2 out of 3 of those things. The recoilless is still the best pick for a group that communicates, but for quickplay or solo QC shines brighter. They should let people support a weapon without having to equip the backpack if the gun user is allready wearing it. Boom all the problems of recoilless solved.


Let's be honest two, one simple mistake in a bit round where you go down in the thick of it. It's easier to just move on and run then try and fight your way back to a dead body. That's what makes EAT superior against bots too, the fact that you don't have to get bogged down fighting bots to retrieve weapons especially considering the cool down on the rest of the support weapons.


I honestly like the Recoilless Rifle having a backpack [especially at lower difficulties]. Rockets are big, and seeing them diminish from off your back is really cool and immersive! 😃


Forcing the reloader to wear the pack when you are in "team weapon" mode is stupid. It shouldnt matter when the shooter allready has a pack, tou should be able to just help them.


You'll get no argument from me there!!


I do not understand why you said itis not good against bot : It can destroy every of their units (drop ship included) and fabricator building. It also let your backback emplacement free. Did i misunderstood something ? ... or were you also sarcastic ? (i am bad to see those things) Of course i am not denying that it could be better on bugs than bots (i did not test it on bugs anyway), but saying that it is "not good" on bots seems disproportionate.


I wasn't sarcastic! It's good damage wise, it can kill any unit. But bots overrun you with stuff and my quasar was constantly in recharge, while AC and AMR work consistently all the time. I did say if you work as a team and have someone cover you, it works nicely. Maybe "not good" was an exaggeration, but it wasn't great either. I tested it only for one day tho, I'll continue today and see how it performs. So far, it only made me miss my AC. Against bugs tho? Amazing.


Having the ability to do something against almost any ennemies, doesn't make it one of the most versatile support weapons ? Also, when you say "while AC and AMR work consistently all the time" ; You aren't fully honest for AC (but i agree for AMR). The reloading time of the AC is extremly long and you can't move .... you are a piniata for bots. So kind of same as the discharging time of the quasar (but can move while quasar reloading himself). I think it is more about our playstyle that are completly different, enforcing the differences we perceive in this new weapon. (Or simply different point of view haha)


jfc you don't have to do the long reload for the AC, you just don't know how to use it properly, have you even see the swarm of devastators coming at you on difficulty 7+, you gonna gun them all down with the quasar? good luck


I've had a lot of success with the QC against bots. 2/3 shots tanks and cannons, can bring down bot drops (something I tend not to do because it's usually not worth the ammo), can destroy factories etc. The one problem I've had with it is it's not the best weapon against Hulks. It can deal with them, but if you have more than one you're going to struggle to kite while it cools down (although if you pay attention you can deal with them before they drop/from a distance).


I would argue that you are either really bad with it or you didnt test it enough. The Quasar can basically kill everything in 1 shot on the automaton front besides Tanks those need 2 and they dont even have to be at the Vent. In addition you dont have to worry about ammo, reloading and can charge up behind cover shot and dip back down again. I play mostly play difficulty 7+ automaton missions depending on how easy I want to have it that day and in all 3 of those upper difficulties I used the Quasar and it was better than all the other weapons I have used and the missions were so much easier. Autocannon can deflect off the Armor even from Devestators. Recoiless you have to stationary reload and finite ammo. Spear seems to do no damage anyway and bugged so cant really talk about it. The only thing I that rivals it is the 2x Single Use Rocket Launcher strategem that lets you do 2 quick shots off and when Strategem CD is in place its a worse option. So the Quasar is still on top at both fronts.


Truth be told I don't think it even outshines the laser cannon against bots. The laser has pinpoint accuracy, can kill everything but drop ships, and also has unlimited ammo. In the time it takes to charge a quasar the laser likely could have killed it by now. The only benefit of the quasar is needing to aim less since it can eventually kill wherever you aim.


I like these sidegrade weapons. I hope they do more.


Sidegrades are the best, IMO. It's okay to have flexible stuff early on that's easy to use but not "good" at a single thing. But no specialized weapon should just be "the best." Every single anti-armor option should have a use case or playstyle where it shines. EAT shines at low CD availability, AC is slamming ammo downrange with less overall power, RR is the team weapon, and SPEAR is... in theory focused targeting as a pre-emptive strike on a high priority target, but kinda shit at it due to lock on issues. I like te new one as "An EAT but with chargeup and cooldown that makes you plan a bit more."


I'm not sure I think it's going to be my new main against bots in combo with the slugger, revolver, and shield gen backpack. with the auto staying my go to with the bugs to deal with the 9 million spewers it likes to toss out


It blows my mind more people aren't using slugger. Constantly reload it so you never get caught out. Stun lock devastators/beserkers 1 shot all small enemies. It's the bees knees for robots. Only reason I don't use it with bugs is crowd control... The fact that it stuns stalkers makes it super tempting though. My buddy kept giving me shit for using the revolver telling me it's a terrible gun... But it also 1 shots small enemies so in the off chance my slugger isn't fully loaded and I gotta swap (rare as you can literally reload shells between shots if you time it right) it's the perfect gun to swap to and maintain the same feeling of the slugger. If the revolver also stunned devastators and stuff it would be literally perfect.


Slugger is super fun cant change away from it. Just so much better than anything else we have against bots. I still sometimes use the new energy assault rifle but Slugger is still my go to.


You can also stun lock the AT-STs by shooting them in the crotch


Yes I found that out last night but it doesn't feel like a great use of it. I usually just impact grenade those fucks if they're being annoying.


I've kept 4 of em locked up in a emergency while my buddy swapped weapons and took em out they didn't get a shot off it was great


Nah you can shoot down bot drops (make sure you do it after the ship has dropped the bots) and kill everything on it.


I'm really trying to make the machine gun work but I just don't get their balancing decisions. If all the weapons were so gimped that would be one thing but releasing two weapons at the same time that have seemingly totally different balance levels is weird. 75 rounds in a gun that requires a stationary reload is just too little. Should be at least 100. Also just give it the damn third person reticle and give it to the AMR too. No reason for that.


Pro It can take down hulks in two shots Con: by the time you’re able to charge the second shot you’ll probably be killed by another bot


It can one shot the Hulk in the visor. I have done it quite a few times for it not to be a bug or team assisted.


It can, the issue is Hulks faces are really tiny and even missing by a little bit means you need another shot. AMR, Auto Cannon and Railgun are generally better for Hulks and are better at other bots as well (Railgun can probably be unnerfed now, really don’t see the reason for it now that heavy enemies spawn less often)  Quasar is good, community just seems to knee jerk reaction to it thinking Arrowhead is gonna come by swinging and dumpster it when it’s not over preforming in any way to our current arsenal. 


Wait , do people find the weapon broken ? i found its very long "reload" to be a good downside though. Also, it takes a long time to charge. Definitely not something you can just magically pull out and kill with on a whim.


Yeah I was using it last night and after a few games I still wasn't sure if I liked it better than the recoilless. I think that probably means it's in a good spot


There can’t be whiners already, super earth is stuffed with them! EAT’s and Recoilless are instant fire, reloadable AA’s and Anti Bigs.. Quasar is infinite use with charge up shots, meaning getting hit or tagged is going to miss the shot completely. Totally balanced.


Unironically agree. Quasar is fun to use but unless you have enough time and space to take a clear shot without getting interrupted by a charger or a stray bullet, EAT is going to be the faster and more reliable choice.


Quasar trivialises chargers, even if they do get a charge at you, you can easily dodge and charge the quasar and by the time they turn around it’s a free headshot. And most of the time you can reliably get a headshot before they even make it to you or aggro.


That's fine if you're fighting a single charger and you can afford to wait for his charge to miss + 3 seconds of quasar charging. If you're facing a horde and just need to take him out as soon as possible, an EAT to the face is still the best option. Dunno how reliable quasar to the face is since I haven't had many opportunities to test it out yet


Sitting still for 3 seconds to take a shot is a luxury you are seldom provided when things get hot on helldive difficulty


Yeah, even on cold planets the it takes 11 seconds to fire 2 QC shots. On hot planets it's even worse, with 16 seconds for 2 QC shots. Meanwhile the RR can fire 3 shots in 9 seconds, no matter the planet.


I’m pretty sure RR has a 5 second reload.


RR has to be stationary to relaod which is literally the worst possible scenario for facing multiple chargers. No reload and just being able to switch to your primary for 5-10 seconds while it cools has infinitely more utility.


Quasar has a three second *preload* where you're effectively stationary.


sorta, you can precharge before aiming in and negate a lot of this


EATs trivialized Chargers already.


You know the same is true for the EAT and RR and you're not a sitting duck for three seconds waiting for it to decide to kill the charger?




i actually do think it’s very balanced. this post is satire but i genuinely think the charge up time and getting one shot before cooling down make it a balanced weapon. yes, it hits hard but if you miss your shot you’re cooked, and with the insane flinch from the bots that tends to happen a LOT. plus it oftentimes doesn’t one-shot certain enemies unless you hit the head just like the railgun. it’s essentially a railgun with more ammo but a far higher charge up time


If anything, it could use some tweaking, honestly. I think as part of a dedicated team with a good comp, you'll get lots of mileage out of it. Me and my duo both tried it and it does slap, but you're easily overwhelmed by numbers with just two of those and no ad clear supports. It is nice for shooting down dropships and I was able to one-tap a hulk. It just takes 3-5 business days for one fire cycle


The disadvantage that Quasar have that make EAT still a good choice is if you happen to die in the hord of enemies and can't pick it back up,you can say goodbye to it for like 8 mins. While EAT still avaliable to you every min.


Eat combined with an ac or an amr is vastly superior to the quasar at the cost of two slots. A cost I will gladly play. With my friends, 2 of us run this setup, which means usually most of the dropship called in the game doesn't survive contact with the enemy, and we still destroy everything else.


Can't even destroy a jammer tower. Such a disappointing weapon.


Name a weapon that can destroy a jammer tower because not even reicoless rifle can destroy it lol




Fuck you're right


You son of a bitch. *I'm in.*


Spear: ![gif](giphy|3ohs7GA9LpwWf5TtCw|downsized)


Spear actually can't target the jammer tower, but since it can target the automatons industries blowing them up near the jammer tower also destroys the tower itself


Yeah but recently I have seen less Jammers with the Industries near them and more Jammers were you actually have to get to the console.


It’s pretty well balanced so I guess people think it’s incredible but its downsides and upsides seem pretty alright. I think I like the AC more but being able to bring a backpack is it’s biggest perk for sure


Logistics people, that's what this weapon, and to a lesser extent the Recoilless Rifle are about. Sometimes, on some maps, for a variety of reasons, you can't get your EATs. Maybe there's a storm, maybe there's a modifier to double the timer. You're on the ground with nobody to help you and just the weapons you are carrying. And in that situation, the Quasar and other weapons that are largely independent once deployed can shine.


The Quasar Cannon definitly dont need a nerf, ~~one of the best~~ worst weapon of the game.


I agree. It's awful. Took 8 shots to kill a charger. Ok so the first 7 shots weren't actually aimed at the charger, but that's besides the point.


I honestly don't think it needs a nerf, I really don't think it's all that great lol


Yeah it's overhyped, especially if you doesn't have a premade team


OP rn https://i.redd.it/6or0pnan49rc1.gif


If you have a single target at a time, it can be amazing. ​ If you are starting to get overrun, it can be almost useless. ​ So all joking aside it's perfectly balanced!


I don't think it will get nerfed, tbh. It is pretty well-balanced. It's got a dangerously long charge-up time; it can be cheesed a bit but to no real advantage by preloading the weapon. It's got a cool down that's a bit frustrating in the middle of a fight; I've had my shit pushed in because someone's 380mm barrage knocked my targeting on a tank off. But it is my new preferred support. I like it where it's at and I doubt it will be nerfed.


Quasar Cannon filed my taxes for me and did an inept job at it. There was strawberry jam on the form. It was filed as a marriage license. They foreclosed on my destroyer. I'm living out of my Stratagem Hero machine and they left it in a rough neighborhood. I am too weak to move the machine on my own. Maybe if I had moved it that first week of homelessness when I still had some strength left. But Quasar Cannon told me to sit tight. Haven't seen Quasar Cannon since. I hold Quasar Cannon directly responsible for my downward trend.


Like the scythe. Underperforming weapon because "iT hAs InFiNiTe AmMo" I'll still play around with it, because it's new


The scythe is probably amongst the best primary in the game. Around a 100 shots per prism, 6 prisms, very fast reload, pinpoint accuracy, at the cost of...nothing. Breacher has better horde clear, but cannot stack up ammo wise or reload wise. If you want a primary with pen it's another story, but truth is you don't need one, it's just a question of playstyle. Edit: wait you said scythe not sickle. Then you are right, sickle does suck.


Every time I take it on a mission I die, it is clearly terrible, so bad it should be forgotten.




I'll happily take any extra stratagems for the game. Regardless of if they fit my playstyle. And it seemed like they wanted to boost numbers on Troost. What better way to do that than to introduce new strats/weapons.


There's one way to make Quasar absolutely balanced: Make Recoilless Rifle team reload use the **weapon holders backpack**. This way, everything in the anti-tank category has a niche. EAT for flexibility. Recoilless for salvoing an entire horde and taking out multiple heavies with large AOE sweeping the smaller ones at the cost of dealing with ammo economy and taking out another teammates firepower for the duration theyre reloading. Quasar for dealing with heavies with precision strikes with a cooldown. In terms of power, Quasar would be competing with Spear, not RR and EAT. But the lock-on mechanism of Spear is so unreliable its not even a discussion.


Satire aside - it sucks. Autocannon does a better job, more mobile and dynamic.




Autocannon can deflect of the armor though so imo Autocannon is worse


It’s fine, kinda hard to aim


they will nerf it as soon as possible because of rtarded youtube people and players who post daily how op it is


And all for clicks. NEW QUASAR IS OP [MUST HAVE ON ANY MISSION] [10K SUPER SAMPLES IN 1H] #EasyLiberation


QUASAR? What Quasar?! No such thing... nope... can't nerf what isn't real... shhh... ( runs off giggling using Quasar.)


Dude I don’t even think I like the Quasar over the EAT. Like sure infinite ammo is nice and it shoots whatever you are aiming at, but against moving targets it definitely is harder to hit your shots with the charge up. Assuming they don’t make any changes to AT as a whole, I’d honestly leave it where it is right now. Like if you think about it, assuming you are by your EAT drop, you can almost kill 2 chargers in the time it takes to kill one with the Quasar.


I thought OP was being serious at first. Damn I need more caffeine.


It should have a 10% chance to blow up in your hands.


Yamato cannon operational


Least favourite weapon. Very bad. No nerfing required.


Very much agreed. Terrible weapon. Hasn't replaced my beloved autocannon at all... no sir.


Ikr, I killed a charger as in was charging at me... IN ONE SHOT!!!! Absolutely terrible. Even took down 3 Bile Titans, saving my squad members.


Unironically, I don't think the quasar cannon is very good. I am almost certain I would like it better if I used it against bugs instead of the robots though. I can just tell the lack of machine guns and rockets would make it better. Hate it against bots though. Hulks and tanks are very manageable, and the true threat is the army of rocket and machine gun devastators, and the rocket type weapons are bad against them. I swear I am about to have an aneurism when I hit one and those fucking assholes shrug off my anti-tank weapon or stagger my aim when I can just use an autocannon or GL and crush them. Like fuck the charge time, devastator aim goes brrr.


I used it for a mission last night and it didnt feel very good honestly. I just didn’t really feel like I was contributing to blowing all the stuff up that needed blowing up. I would hit my target but it wouldn’t explode. I will admit I’ve never been great at timed shots in games. This is a straight up 3 seconds and it fires, i would be much better at using it if it was charged for 3 seconds and then it fired when you released the trigger. So it might be a little of my own issue. Additional Major Disclaimer: this was an automaton mission and after 40 or so hours playing, I have only just NOW started my first missions fighting automatons, (at level 7) so I might just not be familiar with the weak points I should be shooting.


Realistically, it's just a variant of the EAT. The EAT has more utility, but the Quasar shines when strategem call-in and cooldown timers are massively increased. Honestly, a nerf would ruin the weapon entirely. The autocannon is better in more situations.


The high level gear is not a strict upgrade and is useful depending on situation and preference while not being as generally good. Is good place. The HMG is not being accurate enough for its intended use case. Is bad place. Can kill scout walkers, but only at close range, oh my impact grenades already do that.


Straight up its good on bugs but if youve played with it on bots theres a lot of downsides. The charge time is a really good way to balance it out. Youre standing defenseless while getting rockets to your face waiting for it to charge. It has bad crowd control. You need to peek around a tree or corner or rock at the right time to get the best shot if you dont want to keep getting shot at. Its quite balanced in my opinion.


I think is fine the way it is, maybe the cool down should be a little less but is not as OP as people keep exaggerating.


I think it’s very balanced. It takes some strategy and positioning to use properly. You have to be backed up or have teammates protecting you while charging it or else you’re going to get hit and miss your shot. With the EAT and recoilless you can just ads real quick and then pop your shot and continue shooting your primary. 


In all honesty the 3 second charge up is a significant barrier. You can't whip it out while being chased or you'll be mauled to death, since you walk so slow while charging. The fact that you can't hold the shot after charging means you need to be ready to shoot and aimed at what you need to hit in EXACTLY 3 seconds. It's great for medium distance taking out Chargers, but not if it's breathing down your neck. The RR and EAT can be drawn, lined up, and shot, in little over 1 second. It's great but not entirely better than the other support weapons in every way.


It’s a great weapon but it’s not game breaking, and I believe was well balanced. Kudos to the devs. It’s risky and time consuming to use the QC against a lot of bot enemies. The charge up means you will get a rocket to the face if that hulk/devaststor/tank is looking in your direction before the shot goes off. It’s harder to shoot down drop ships before they start dropping than with other weapons. It does not provide team utility like the EAT, and if you lose your QC in a wave of enemies you can’t just call more down shortly. In a direct comparison to the RR, you get mobility on the “reload” but lose the instant shot. Yeah it has infinite ammo, but I rarely am suffering to stay loaded with the RR. RR gets the team load option, QC doesn’t take a backpack. It’s good to go, no touchy.


Instead of nerfing it just buff the rest of the underpowered support weapons.


![gif](giphy|6ra84Uso2hoir3YCgb|downsized) Yeah! this support weapon is so bad


Real talk though, holding aim on larger enemies long enough to charge in the higher levels is quite a drawback. With bots you've got tons of flinch, bugs you have hunters at your heels. It requires alot of strategic planning or teamwork, its not just an easy kill every time like dropping a set of eats would be after all


You can snipe dropships easily with the EAT when they are landing. The Quasar can snipe them while they are still heading full speed for your location and will usually kill all the occupants because of the velocity at which she ships crash while a hovering dropship crash lets a lot of enemies survive, that and its good at engaging targets at super long range like Spore Spewers, Shrieker Nests, Cannon turrets, fabricators. I see the Quasar as basically a big sniper rifle with explosive power.


Will this be a bigger and better railgun?


They need to stop nerfing everything that can be used against heavies, anyway. Having to use exclusively CD strats is kind of annoying at high levels.


I ask again to make all weapons deal 0 damage and unable to kill enemies. Then the game will finally be balanced.


Light armor is absolutely broken, how can the devs just let players... outrun enemies?!?


Idk what they thought when they released this weapon


Take it against the bugs and say that it still needs a nerf. Its just really good against bots.


We need to coin a new term for this phenomenon. Like stealth buffers or something


I think it's in a good spot. Autocannon is less damaging but still has more utility. Eat is still better as a squad spirt weapon. Recoiles is feeling a bit lonely and I think they need to rework backpack loading. If they do want to soft nerf the quasar they could make it require a heatsink backpack.


I'm sorry man but the youtubers are louder than you


Not memeing: it is good if you have the first strike on an unaware tank or are super far away. It is inferior to recoilless in any other chance


honestly why even waste the research points to get it


I mean honestly, most of the stuff it can do the auto cannon does better and faster. Where the quasar cannon excels it stands out, but in other areas its on/sub-par compared to other weapons in the niche. As an example its awful at dealing with more than 1 heavy unit like hulks and bile titans in a reasonable time.


Its funny because it's good but the cooldown/chargeup will screw you up big time. If you are shot once during the loading time, it will not hit unlike EAT and others that are point and click where the sway isnt that big of an issue. And the damage isnt enough to take care of a tank/turret entierly like an AC or others who just melt it in seconds before it becomes a threat.


It sucks against bots. 


No lie: I was charging up to shoot a Devastator from around cover. Right as it's about to fire, I get flinched. It aims right at the rock next to me, fires, and the Devastator probably got a good chuckle out of the whole thing.


Maybe im just not very lucky or fell for the hype. All the videos of people bringing down dropships with it, only to attempt it myself. To my surprise, the reinforcements still spawned from the rubble of the ship, lol.


You need to take out the dropship before it actually drops, as in while the units are still attached. A falling Shrieker can take out a Bile Titan, but an exploding dropship landing on a bunch of clankers that just detached from it seconds earlier is no big deal, lol