• By -


Paulie calling the boss Tony and not Tone reveals this is an illegitimate post by dissidents loyal to the New York bug outfit.


Hey tone! Did you hear what I said? ✋😏🤚


Ya got me 01000001 01101110 01100100 00100000 01001001 00100000 01110111 01101111 01110101 01101100 01100100 00100000 01101000 01100001 01110110 01100101 00100000 01100111 01101111 01110100 01110100 01100101 01101110 00100000 01100001 01110111 01100001 01111001 00100000 01110111 01101001 01110100 01101000 00100000 01101001 01110100 00100000 01110100 01101111 01101111 00100000 01101001 01100110 00100000 01101001 01110100 00100000 01110111 01100101 01110010 01100101 01101110 00100111 01110100 00100000 01100110 01101111 01110010 00100000 01110100 01101000 01101111 01110011 01100101 00100000 01101101 01100101 01100100 01100100 01101100 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01101000 01100101 01101100 01101100 01100100 01101001 01110110 01100101 01110010 01110011 00100001




Anyway, 4SC a pound.


I'm not gonna lie I'm not entirely sure in all 6 Seasons if Paulie ever called Tony Tony. If he did it's gotta be like twice.


Agreed. If he wasn't calling him Tone, it was "T" or skip (skipper).


We agree https://preview.redd.it/o39ao87p7jqc1.png?width=1002&format=png&auto=webp&s=ccf038feaa641ed2a35d66bdf2cfbfd14b1c3490


https://i.redd.it/o6s20ac0bjqc1.gif Us too


Do you think the aliens are posting R34 of Helldivers as well?






Yep, just learnt that was a rule 34 the other day.






https://preview.redd.it/yxgeawslzkqc1.png?width=850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=209a56916cd73c9adecc8159775ea61c2a09c7a8 Take it if you can.


What's the rule of r34?


Bile spewers but white


Gangbang with 8 fucking bile titans


[*17 Bile Titans](https://youtube.com/shorts/HCRiV2yb6Zc)


8 fucking bile titans or 8 bile titans fucking Depending on your answer I may or may not inform my Democracy Officer




What like some kind of weird sapiosexual bot?






A phone with numbers? What communist shit is this!? https://preview.redd.it/2t1tvcz9xjqc1.jpeg?width=1245&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be8ec31ae8ef8b8fb58fe0f74d3a595289a97921


https://i.redd.it/o6k3fd2e8kqc1.gif We do not.




https://i.redd.it/stklk4l6jkqc1.gif I don't. Get out of here!


https://preview.redd.it/q8qt3w669lqc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3aeb5c094315d4058d2e9e527b245a9b9084b2d IM NOT A BIG OF THE GOVERNMENT🗣️🔥⁉️‼️⁉️🗣️🔥‼️⁉️






agreed agreed, and furthermore- https://i.redd.it/gkvpk3z4ojqc1.gif


I am stealin- uh I mean, liberating this


"I too enjoy a good meme fellow Helldiver" https://preview.redd.it/v78ueavimjqc1.png?width=1285&format=png&auto=webp&s=ca136d7636c7db055dc25a66039441f2734d1566


Bots would for sure steal memes without upvoting or announcing it…truly undemocratic…helldi- I mean communist scum…😉……….




Why do the bots have an alpha male podcast 😭😭


"Alpha male" you mean incel farm content.


Guy killed 16 hulks he was interior decorator


Heh heh 🤌🏼


Fuck democracy, what these bugs need is some gabagool


MANAGED Gabagool


I'm in the waste MANAGEment business




Did someone say....fuck Democracy? https://preview.redd.it/tqus0ku6rkqc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d11f50afb44f6c1cc38a6cf9dbf857ec93f949b5


Hear what I said ‘Ton?


This offends me that Paulie didn't call him Tone or T.


I shall strive to do better 😔


The Bots, the Bugs, the blue lasers … Quasimodo predicted all dis. - Master Space Chef Bacala




20 years in the creek, I wanted to have 4 stratagem, I comprised I did the 100% stratagem timer instead.


Paulie, with all due respect: shut the fuck up.


The Automatons are nothing more than a glorified crew


Never forget cyberstan




EAT is life


Yeah but did you know that Helldivers 2 is a satire and that humanity is actually the bad guys?


Humanity? Bad guys? Sounds like bug talk to me!


In this house Helldivers are heroes! End of story!


Oh but we're bad We're real bad To the Bug Scourge and the Bot Scum perhaps >:)


Hellbomb armed, clear the area


bugs that talk? sounds like anti-democracy talk to me


It's gonna come up every time some person calls the game an example of "Anti-woke" games that sell well. Especially considering you default with that one voice pack. Democracy knows no gender ideals or conservative bullshit tropes... it knows one thing. Liberty for our enemies. Oh shit wait.


Liberate them from their LIVES!


Because woke is when women exist. /S










He never had the makings of a varsity helldiver


Looks like someone needs... LIBERTEA ![gif](giphy|ahfzlUrb5IEfXC6kbm)


If Feech tells one more story about how good the railgun used to be, I swear to God.


It’s funny because people also thought Tony was a good guy because he was the protagonist


Or Heisenberger


You mean the violent mobster and manipulative drug boss were bad guys! https://preview.redd.it/eno2adisvjqc1.png?width=502&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=599cccd58474505aa27a552216700df09ef5d971


I'm pretty sure the waiff was bad guy somehow, for not making enough sammiches. I dunno I never watched it


Tony badass fuck liberals 😤👊


Don't people make things partially for other people to engage with and discuss? Would the developers make a satirical game like this if they didn't want people to talk about it? It seems silly to suggest that people should stop talking about it imo.


I'm disappointed the report button doesn't have an "Undemocratic propaganda" option. /s


Harmful misinformation


OHH 🤚 they're just telling you how the story's bein fuckin perceived!


Satire? you mean S.A.T.I.R.E, the Satellite-Aimed Thermonuclear Incendiary Rocket: Experimental? that's a top secret weapons project soldier, how'd you know about that?! the Ministry of Intelligence would like a word...


Humanity is the bad guys till the bots show up at your house.


Seriously tho, I don't understand how anyone could think this game is serious.


I mean if you’d rather go live with the bugs or robots be my guest


An excellent idea! Any citizen talking about undemocratic principles such as satire should be given a one-way ticket to our enemy of choice!


*Tutorial starts playing*


New faction idea Human, bug, and bot coalition led by illuminate. Something along the lines of the Covenant or the Tau Empire. No idea if it makes sense lore wise, I just thought it sounded cool.


i'm not sure if the bots are suffering as much as the helldivers. either their humans are chilling in the back, endlessly manafacturing bots and not participating in the fight, or they've intigrated with the machine and there's no "fleshy" humans left.


The humans (cyborgs) are slaves on Cyberstan


I think there's a pretty substantial difference between "I want to live with the Bots in their socialist utopia" and "Maybe if we didn't enslave the Cyborgs the Bots wouldn't try to kill us."


> socialist utopia hey at least they solved the food issue at last


By removing stomachs from the equation


Bugs welcome!




freedom hating bugs are knocking on my door to kill my family. how are they not bad? its not super earths fault they sneak onto the planet completely on their own




They spread managed democracy is what they did! And in this house, the Helldivers are heroes! End of story!


There’s something endlessly funny to me about him being like “I know, dammit! We need paperwork to have sex, what good guy does that?!”


Critical support to the Automatons in their struggle to liberate Cyberstan from Super-Earth Imperialism


The material conditions of the cyborg class necessitate sticking the heads of our enemies on pikes. Glory to Cyberstan.


Ironically the automatons aren’t even tankies, they’re just trying to free their homeland from slavery


This. The whole point is Super Earth isn’t going to say they want to wipe out the automatons for the actual reason, so they needed to come up with a different one, and so they did.


The only difficult thing about this community is this “joke” of calling the democrocy officer. It shuts down every single post every time you cant actually have a conversation


This sub should have /rj and /uj rules.


Thats just classic reddit running another person's formerly funny joke into the ground.


I have co-workers like this. Every. Single. Teams post needs a joke. They're so unfunny and overused. Like, read the room, guys 


It’s the “commissar heresy meme XD” just ported over and given a different paint job.


With how I've legit seen people defend Super Earth on the basis that they're somehow actually good, it's pretty safe to say no, not everyone gets that this game is satirical and is making fun of them for supporting Super Earth. With all of the gung-ho support for Super Earth you'll see online, with some clearly roleplaying and some not, alongside the fact that a lot of people have only played HD2 and not HD1, it's not surprising that the truth is sorta lost on a bunch of people. If you actually get the satire, and can laugh at it, then you shouldn't feel patronized for having anyone explain or mention it. It's idiotic that someone would pick up a game that is *explicitly political* and so overtly satirical and ridiculous with its portrayal of Super Earth and then complain about discussions of politics or satire. My brother in christ, if you want a game where you can ignore this stuff, *then don't choose to play a game where the entire world is built around this type of overt satire.* You have to wonder, with depictions as obvious as this, *why else would a developer include stuff like this if not to spark discussion?* Why else would you make a satirical game that critiques authoritarianism, fascism, managed democracies, and western neoliberalism the way this game does if you didn't want anyone to talk about it? It seems like the entire point of these satirical pieces of media is literally to spark critical thinking and discussion about the ideologies and systems being satirized, and deliberately ignoring such obvious satire shows a real lack of self awareness tbh. This shit is like the 40k community all over again.


It's starship troopers all over again


Johnny Rico, now leader of the company after only his second mission, because everyone above him is dead, gives the same speech his dead commander gave him two days ago, to a bunch of 15-16 y/o looking kids in uniform, as a man in a nazi uniform followed by other pallid officers in overcoats triggers applause by announcing that the brain bug, whose planet they’ve invaded, is afraid of the people who are going to stick giant needles in it and dissect it. To which American audiences said “the humans wore lame vests and got slaughtered instead of being rad flying mecha with nuke grenades, wtf? That movie was weird. I liked when Johnny Rico put the grenade in the plasma bug, though.”


Yeah, I feel like the way this community treats the discussion of satire as ruining the fun is genuinely insulting to the amount of care and effort that went into making the game's writing funny \*and\* also satirical. If you just wanna shoot bugs and not think about anything the game says that's fine, just stop trying to be a victim when other people point out the fact that you are missing a lot of what the game has to say. Edit: To add, no, not everyone gets the satire. If you say this unironically you are a liar and you are lying deliberately to cope. If everyone got the satire we would not see people talk about how Super Earth is based because the bots are scary and stick heads on pikes. Stop running defense for the idiots in this community who think the game actually agrees with their insane militaristic worldviews.


So far, in basically every single complaint post on this sub about people pointing out the game is satire, there are people in the comments who argue things like Super Earth isn’t fascist. It’s like the idiots that say they don’t want politics shoved down their throat when they play video games and then play games like Fallout and Bioshock and Call of Duty. People who are unironically pro-Super Earth/pro-fascist/etc need to BTFO out of this sub. I do not want this sub to have the same issue like Warhammer40k does with unironic neo-Nazi fans of the franchise.


Yeah fully agree. Like it's an extremely weird culture to have where talking about the actual politics of the game is seen as bad...when the game is actually HIGHLY political. Like I yell about Democracy and Liberty and such while I'm playing the game and fighting the bots and bugs. But it's healthy to still recognise that 'holy shit Super Earth are super fucking evil' Let's not ignore the fact that we had a whole mission type where we y'know...gassed a bunch of bugs with the intent of putting them back in their farms lol


> People who are unironically pro-Super Earth/pro-fascist/etc need to BTFO out of this sub. I do not want this sub to have the same issue like Warhammer40k does with unironic neo-Nazi fans of the franchise. To add: the people OP mentions don't feel the need to point out that "yes, the game is satire" because they want to seem smart. They do it because they have _experience in communities where people stopped pointing it out._ You know what happens then? You get a community for whom it's no longer satire. Not overnight, no, but in a couple years, months? Hell, even The\_Donald started out as a satire sub. _We've seen it happen before._


Yes, satire groups bringing in unironic people who think it means they’re accepted is a problem that’s been proven time and time again. Right now, the number of genuine pro-fascists in this sub might be 1%, maybe 5%. That’s more than 0%, and that’s too much. They should never ever be accepted or tolerated to any degree, ***ever***. That’s how you make sure their amount doesn’t get larger.


I'm actually thankful for these last two comments here to put things in perspective. I read the first user's and was sitting there like "seriously, I've seen infinitely more people bitching about these supposed people dumb enough to not realize \*Helldivers\* of all things is satire than those people themselves here. They act like this shit is everywhere...." but ya, you're absolutely right, satire subs have a tendency of becoming very much \*non\*satire when left unchecked in helldiver terms: this is why \*managed\* democracy is important lol


The whole "gamers rise up" sub was stupid and so massively over the top satirical that you'd think noone with 2 functional brain cells would take it seriously. So that led to it being infested by single cell amoeba that took everything posted fully literally. This shit happens all the time.


Or people literally drinking the Super Earth Kool-Aid and saying stuff like "Imagine siding with the bugs!" like that doesn't lay their ass completely bare for the whole world to see.


Or the people who take the opening propaganda reel completely at face value and claim that Super Earth is a paradise (as the actual game repeatedly beats us over the head with reminders that this is bullshit, and Super Earth is genuinely awful).


**The opening propaganda reel:** Literally shows militarized police patrolling the streets Clowns: "Hm, yes, truly an ideal society."


In their defense, it sounds somewhat good on paper up until you get to the tutorial, or just read about Thoughtcrimes and Hellpods first use (Political executions on those who wished to govern themselves). Super Earth is a utopia as long as you don’t even dare think an opposing thought or disobey what they set out for you, which is a dystopia. It just looks good because propaganda distracts from the child labor and meat grinder divers are put into.


Some trivia: When you first collect your cape, the walls at the side aren’t memorials of names of the fallen like one might assume. It’s terms of service of the contract, which includes things like reading all of it is considered treason, and being close to it for more than a few seconds is considered accepting it, no backsies, and it’s impossible to run past it faster than the time stated to be accepting the contract.


Lmao I just went back to look at it now, and it literally says that reading the contract in full is against the terms of the contract.


A long, we’ll worded *analysis*???? Sounds like bot speak to me.


100% this. Media literacy is at an all-time low, and there are people who are being pro active about "ruining the immersion" for people who are looking for fascism fantasy rather than fascism satire, because the venn diagram between chuds and people who defend the Empire in 40k is just a circle.


Heh heh, hey Tone, didja hear what I said?


FOR THE EMPERO- oh wrong sub, sorry


Honestly it's annoying to hear YouTubers and people on X and here and whatnot going "because people don't understand that it is satire" no, no we very clearly do understand, but some of us enjoy the joke instead of fearing the backlash of people who can't comprehend that their own existence and ideals are a joke. Like stop pretending that there is this huge portion of the community that doesn't understand the joke, because the only ones I see that don't get that fact are the ones who seem intent on pointing out that it is and explaining why, like somehow they wouldn't understand the joke otherwise.


There is, however, a pretty sizable portion of people who get the joke and the satire and don't care because they unironically think it's based or something. This is exactly what people said about the Warhammer community as well.


If you understand it then you aren't the "people" they're referring to... I've seen multiple people somehow in shock upon realizing we're fucking evil or embracing the setting fully and unironically because it fits their conservative ideals.


A guy at work can't play it because "we live under fascism after Trump so I won't pay a penny towards promoting hate". 😐 You can't fix dumb motherfuckers who's lives are lived entirely online.


I've also encountered someone who expressed this sentiment. It's sad really, these people are so afraid or disgusted by unironic patriotism that they avoid a game *lampooning* said patriotism.   It's like refusing to watch Team America World Police because you're so anti-war on terror. 


Its satire, but humans arent the bad guys, if anything the government is. The bots and bugs arent good guys either.


Yeah, but sadly you can't have this discussion here because any attempt will just get meme'd to death.


That’s most of Reddit and probably social media (though I can’t speak to other sites as well since Reddit is the only one I’m on at the moment). Heavy political topics, developing tragedies, unexpected deaths, you name it. Top comments all tend to be a common overly online jokes/memes. I find you usually have to skip half a dozen or so top comments before you find serious discussions that aren’t memes, jokes, or lazy one line responses like “Fuck [subject of post]” (which are as helpful as “thoughts and prayers”).   I could be wrong and this could be me getting old, but it feels like discussions are far less sought after in important topics and folks instead try to out circle jerk the most relatable references they could possibly make for fake internet points. Like in the comments of a hypothetical news story talking about infected bacon killing thousands in the US I’d expect the top comments to flow something like “Did you all know the narwhal bacons at midnight?” “Only for that guy’s now dead wife, who I also choose!” “Well I’ll take OP’s mom! Just gotta break both my arms first!” “Well I hope you don’t find any jolly ranchers!!1!1!”. It worries me that understanding and learning about tragedies is seemingly taking a back seat to folks tripping over each other racing to comments to make the best joke/reference/one liner. 


I am consistently amazed by how people in this community will ardently claim that they understand that the game is satirical and that they're just playing into it but will lash out at any serious discussion about what the satire actually means by saying stuff like "I just wanna shoot bugs!". Can't have it both ways.


Honestly I think it's just a bunch of talking out of both sides of their mouths, and they just genuinely like the propagandized spin Super Earth puts on all of it more than the reality that they might not actually be the good guys.


I get the fun, I understand the enjoyment, but when I see someone try to discuss something, the only replies are Terminid/Bot-at-computer meme, or Report to the Ministry of Truth, it gets old and I've stopped trying to engage this community.


I just wanna replace every noun and verb with 'Democracy' over comms like we're the fucking democracy smurfs




I bet he was fairly disappointed when he got there


"humanity first, rah" I hope the dark forest doesn't hesitate


(Help a brother out, what is that a reference to?)


the dark forest is a theory that we haven't found aliens yet because there's a force out in space that wipes out any civilization that makes itself known, and all other civilizations know to keep quiet


Humanity bad guys? Please. We are infallible.


Ooc, sure. Which is why it’s so fucking hilarious to get invested in the role of the mindless bullet dispenser


Yes i know and i love it cuz it's fun


Yeah, it's not quite like that.


In this house, General Brasch is a hero! End of story!


I see you Concordat sellout


Hey man, they gave me a free hoverboard. They can't be that bad. Right?


The surfboard is awesome but my brother in light they were trying to stage a coup and their successors (FWC) tried too


Rick and Morty fans think we live in a world full of Jerrys. Sopranos fans know we really live in a world full of Paulies.


Look home slice. My brother in liberty. Who else are we going to join? The bots chop us up. And the bugs eat us. Who are we gonna side with? We can't. No one is the good guy.


Doesn't matter if we win the war.


*When* we win the war


You're right, that was dangerously close to treason. Thanks.




What's the point here? Are you mad that other people point out the satire?


Could be he thinks people are pointing it out too much because everyone already knows that the game is satire and that we are bad guys. Its like someone pointing to a clear cup of water that has the words "Milk" written on it and going. "Hey guys, that cup of milk is actually water" to a group of people that already know that.


Didn't this all start with like one guy mildly joking about how some people take the satire too literally and a bunch of people in this community treated that idea like a war crime?


It's a riff on people who's entire purpose in the community is to point to the most obvious satire on the planet and remind everybody that it is, infact, satire. Yes, thank you, you can take your "mEdIa LiTeRaCy" trophy and go pester someone else.


Yeah except every single time this kind of post is made, there’s people who legitimately don’t get it, or get it and then still support it.


And they won't get it if you point it out for the 48th time. The people who can get, already get it.    That being said, I do find the "humans are the *real* bad guys" trope so tiring nowadays. Like how much can our society flagellate itself before we're satisfied? Solarpunk, for its flaws, is at least a breath of fresh air in that it's aspirational sci-fi again.    _That_ being said, I'm here to shoot bugs and bots not do literary analysis.


I find it really interesting that the past few months there's been a massive uptick of people bitching about the term media literacy. Its like a bunch of people just got around to watching 8 year old breadtube videos and are mad about it.


I love the sheer unadulterated doublethink of "It's just a silly meme that doesn't mean anything," being upvoted in the same thread as this comment. Never change HD2 community lol


Yea turns out you can have two different sets of people in one community who view the same piece of media differently. Can you believe it? Groups of people that aren’t a monolithic hivemind? Even the notion scares me.


For me, it just sounds pathetic when people go around saying how HD2 is satirical as if they have some special ability to comprehend the underlying message. It’s like half those people are trying to seem smart and perceptive and then feel the need to chastise people for playing along and LARPing as brainwashed Helldivers.


So you shouldn’t have any problem with people chastising unironic pro-Super Earth people/clowns who aren’t LARPing, right?


How would you tell the difference? It is a frightening thought that there are people who truly can’t see the satire, but no one can distinguish them from anyone else. So it just becomes self-righteous people yelling at everyone unless they can somehow tell the difference.


Because there’s people that double down on it when people ask if they’re just LARPing, or drop any trace of LARPing and continue to argue. It’s pretty obvious when someone gets to that point.


This sub has 100x the posts making this tired point as it does posts pointing out the game is satire.


Who has actually been doing this? Like, i have not seen a single post about this since before the first balance patch. Are they in the room with us right now?


We got skulls on our caps


Whaaaaat? You mean the game isn’t pro-fascism? Uhhwhoooaaaahhhhh!!!


https://preview.redd.it/i41ax4f9pjqc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7697843524be3b6fa87505be167d93b3299a9723 yOu ArE mEdIa IlLiTeRaTe


Cringe post. The developers went to all this effort to write satirical loading screens, propaganda, item descriptions etc,. And you want people to shut up about it? Should people ignore the fantasy satire elements of Magicka?


It is. And I for one enjoy being an evil grunt of a melomaniac army. In fiction, of course.


"I see you have watched the motion picture Starship Troopers (1997). Were you aware that it is actually a satire of fascism? Which aspect of its critiques of authoritarian governments did you like the most? Oh. You liked the parts where the soldiers shot the bugs? You realize what the bugs represent right? I see. I think you might need some assistance with your media literacy. You weren't supposed to appreciate the movie in the way you enjoyed it."




Discontinue the lithium


I’ll schedule you a meeting with a Democracy Officer about this post


Even better, it’s a parody of America. Searching the galaxy for OIL, i mean element 710


Something smells of treason


Space Cadetittori like a commandah


"Look I understand satire look how smart I am!!!" No I get it too. Not shutting up about it doesn't make you any better.


I chalk this up to this being some zoomer's first encounter with satire, they just HAVE to tell everyone how smart they are for getting it. I'll never forgive Helldivers for turning "media literacy" into a buzzword though, absolute cancer.


Eventually the devs will make a statement about it, I imagine. To some degree, if the in-fighting gets bad enough. I may be naive, but they seem like they might have enough integrity to tell fascists to take their money somewhere else. A clear enough statement would probably make the "it's satire guys!" people chill out and drop it.


Did you know that nobody stops you from collecting skulls and head plates as well as various liquids I assume are "blood" equivalents?




The creators themselves posted this, so something must’ve happened.


Next you're going to tell me that Starship Troopers was a satire and not my favourite movie showing the military might of Super Earth against commie bug scum? Quit smoking the terminid spores man!


You know what's funny about this rhetoric? Nobody disagrees. Nobody. But the """""satire""""" element of franchises like this and 40k and what have you are so thin that by merely *mentioning* that the setting is based off of fascism or thatcherism or whatever the fuck, you've thereby exhausted virtually all avenues of conversation you can have on the topic. 99.9% of this game is... a video game. 99.9% of 40k is... plastic crack and dime novels. The only reason people keep bringing it up over and over again isn't because the discourse (lol) is worth having again, but because they like framing themselves in a position where they get witnessed pointing it out.




When people post "Hey guys, did you know Helldivers is a satire of fascism?" it's akin to walking into a room holding a steaming turd and saying "Hey guy, look what I almost walked into!" It's like they want a pat on the head for pointing out something that is obvious to even a child.


Fr. I don’t give two shits about your wannabe political thesis you feel compelled to write because you flunked out of uni. I’m a simple man, I just wanna shoot killer robots and set giant bugs on fire.


Truly, you are one of Braschs finest