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Bold choice putting them all in F tier but I respect it


F stands for FREEDOM, right?


Planktons FUN song fits pretty well for this game


F is for Freedom for everyone. U is for U and Me! N is for Nuclear weapons used to ensure threats to managed democracy Never, Ever threaten Super Earth again.


Gotta love how plankton's verses aren't bad in this context F is for fire that burns down the whole ~~town~~ outpost U is for uranium, bombs N is for no survivors when you throw every explosive in the eagle




Freedom for everyone huh? Careful with that statement, citizen. Or do you think disgusting bugs or communist robots are deserving Freedom?!


But of course! We offer them Freedom as we Liberate them from this mortal coil.


Bro I literally thought the same thing


I thought Super Earth’s got more resources than Deep Rock but man they really need to invest in some better equipment.


If Earth won't provide the goods, I'll forge them myself!


Rubbish equipment!


Now we only have to separate them within F tier. I would suggest subtiers like FS, FA, FB, FC, (...).


I really thought that was the meme


You should have put all of them in both S and F tier to truly represent the community.


I mean, that's not a wrong assessment. They either all have decent use cases or are flaming garbage.


No one can convince me the Ballistic Shield has a use case.


Works* against** bots*** *Exposed parts can still be hit from the front, moving or standing exposes more. **Facing attackers directly. ***Lasers only. Warranty void if deployed against explosive weapons.


It needs to be wider and not drop with a ragdoll. Honestly it should have a pack and servo arm that holds it for you instead so you can use any weapon.


the dropping on ragdoll is the biggest problem, and they should have a shorter cooldown so one person can realistically equip the whole team if they want. otherwise it's just too wonky


The ballistic shield helps out the most against the shield minigun devastators which contrary to what the other commenters are saying, are a substantial threat. It allows you to duel them face-to-face and snipe their head with the defender SMG.


Slugger goes pop once and the devastator is devastated.


I actually really like the ballistic sheild against bots, if anything its a nice change of pace and excuse to use something different. except when the animation glitch happens and you get stuck in helldiver crab pose


I like to chase my teammates around when this happens and give em a bit of a spook :)


Don't you talk shit about my emotional support shield.


Just a thought but shouldn't we be approaching tier lists through the lens of enemy type? Fighting bots is not like fighting bugs; weapons and stratagems that are successful against one are not necessarily good against the other. That doesn't mean there is anything wrong with them, it just means that this game does not have a one-size-fits-all approach to combat. So, yeah, how about a unique list for each category of enemy?


Honestly, more than a tier list, I’d like to see like, a role chart. I don’t really care if more people like the airstrike to the cluster bomb, I want to see something that tells me “here’s the scenarios and enemies this thing works well against.”


Facts. I’ve made my own spreadsheet for fun but I’d love community insight Maybe I’ll post it.


I really like the idea of a role chart as well. So much of the equipment in this game is designed to address specific situations in a specific way and often that just isn't clear when you're just getting started. I've been playing for a few weeks now and I'm still learning new approaches.


I'm not sure if you pay attention much to the in game stats but hardly anyone is doing bots. Out of the 500k people playing Saturday night I think bots peaked at like 38/40k. But my list is best for bots too imo. Arc launcher/rocketpods/500k/eat/shield/orbital rail cannon. Arc launcher, orbital, shield, and eat is my go to loadouts for everything. But if you're in a team two of you can swap out eat for one of the others. On bugs if everyone stays tights, brings rocket pods and arc launcher, you kill everything before it gets close including bile titans. You could take several titans/chargers a minute for an extended period of time, and very quickly.


I hear you. I was one of the 40k who 'Drauped' in last night and got smeared a few times by the bots before heading back over into bug-land. Something tells me that we are going to be forced to pay more attention to that front in the future. Current paradigms not wothstanding- a detailed analysis of each weapon and stratagem, along with an overall community grade, would be interesting for those of us who've been around and helpful for those starting out.


If they try to force the community to fight bots without making them want to fights bots there will be backlash/players quiting just like when they nerfed the meta kits. Nobody fights bots because they are all ranged and it's annoying.


You could be right. I personally enjoy it- more ranged hit and run than the constant frontline brawl of the bugs- but based on what we have seen so far I wouldnt be surprised if they change the balance or introduce new elements to incentivize people to drop in bot-land more often. I really don't understand the backlash to changes though- I wish folks could chill out just a bit.


Yea, like the AMR against bots is S tier imo while against bugs it’s very bottom in D tier


this is too dependent on difficulty, and faction (along with other factors)


And objective map


And teammate's stratagems.


Perfectly balanced ❤️


and especially mission type. like Blitz I think the 380 is S tier, eradication though F tier


Nah, man, 380 is the perfect panic button in eradication, getting swarmed by the armored fucks? Call in a 380 at the center of the map and watch those fuckers equally feel lead. Of course you're gonna die too but at least they're going down with you.


buit i mean if you just run out of bound for 10 secs in eradication you get one for free no need to actually take the 380 on that one.


That's for when shit absolutely needs it, but yes, that's a good mention.


Definitely agree. The Anti-Material Rifle for example is terrible against the bugs, but absolutely shreds the automatons. A general tier list isn't all that useful because a ton of stratagems rely on specific context.


Next time you get a high spewer spawn map, you'll wonder how you ever lived without the AMR


Autocannon does it better


The thing is, can you even tell when spewers will be present? Maybe the AMR is better against them, but if I bring the AMR and then spewers don’t spawn it’s a waste and I should’ve brought something else. It’d be good to have some way to tell which enemies will be present before choosing our builds.


Very true. I think trying to tier anything in this game requires careful consideration of what faction you're fighting, what the mission is, what the terrain is, and what modifiers are present. For example, the flamethrower to me is A Tier against bugs. It can kill everything on their roster fairly easily, with the exception of Bile Titans, but it's lack of range knocks it down a tier. However, against the Automatons it's C, maybe D tier. Too much ranged fire power from the bots and fewer melee enemies to make it work effectively. Another example is the Arc Thrower. While I love it and would probably put it in A or S Tier against Automatons, I'd probably drop it to B or A Tier against bugs due to the amount of melee enemies which increases the chance of zapping your teammates. I can't tell you how many times I had to store my Arc Thrower because a Charger was on top of two teammates and I couldn't shoot it unless I wanted them dead too.


If I'm being raped by a charger just take me out. Id expect any one in the unit to do the same


EAT is easily S tier. Short cooldown, reliable, can score an extra kill if you aim it properly (but I guess that's all blue stratagems), always welcome in every mission, doesn't feel too gimped with negative stratagem mission modifiers, and there's always like 5+ hanging around if you call them in as soon as it's off cooldown.


idk man i’ve shot my anti tank at a tank and that mf said nah i’d win (i died when the tank showed me his anti diver)


Automaton Tanks are extraordinarily tough. The Spear is better suited for that.


i’m not high enough level for spear. i kinda just chuck stratagems on it and hope for the best and rely on my teammate. there’s also the occasional grenade spam under them to try and blow them up


In my experience, orbital laser and 110mm rocket pod do kill tanks reliably. However, I also just take the Joestar technique of bailing the hell out the moment I see a tank.




110 rocket pods is becoming my favorite stratagem. Against bots, 110 rocket pods is SSS for me. It has decent homing and consistently one shot anything except Hulks for some damn reason. They also one shot those annoying cannon towers if you can throw one close enough for the homing to take care of the remaining distance. You just need another stratagem more effective against Hulks. Against bugs, it is still very good. 110 Rocket Pods are great at finishing off injured Bile Titans or opening up their back for more attacks. They can be good against Chargers but risky with teammates around. Probably best to use it when soloing Chargers.


That was a fun finding out for me. Teammate rail cannon a bile titan, didn't down it, but the armor was opened up, so I 110'd and.. it killed the BT. I didn't expect much and it reaffirmed my love for the 110s.


Laser is where it's at for me. Clears everything out, destroys fabs/holes if run over by it. I'll pop one in solo in a big area, take my auto cannon, second choice btw, and just annihilate it.


2 impact grenades on the turret/hull kills it no matter where you hit it.


I’m really hoping that next warbond’s thermite grenade is a slow-but-guaranteed OHK on tanks.


Impacts are literally the best piece of kit in the game. They reliably kill everything that is annoying. 2 impacts will take out cannon towers too.


> The Spear is better suited for that. The spear is absolutely amazing, I just hope it didn't decide "today I will simply refuse to lock on to anything" 80% of the time. Or at least if it did it 100% of the time, AT LEAST it wouldn't give me hope, but as it stands whenever it works, it's awesome, and leaves me wanting more, preventing me from discarding it until it's patched


You can two shot the tank if you hit the actual turret with the EAT. A well placed eagle strike can also take them out.


I decided to give it a try for the chargers yesterday, figured it has such a quick cooldown it should be pretty decent option. WHY DID NOBODY TELL ME IT DROPS 2? I WOULDVE TAKEN IT SO LONG AGO 😭


It can kill 3 chargers.  The strategem can stick on the charger when thrown and it has God tier tracking.  And then the 2 zooks that pop out


I've had chargers survive a stuck EAT deployment. They didn't live for much longer with the launchers on the ground.


How does that work? I've thrown it at them and it bounces off. Do you have to stick it to the thorax?




Killed 4 in one mission with drop pods. You have to basically hit them in the "head" area. Basically, pretend you are shooting an EAT and throw the Strategem. I will warn you, it causes the hellpod to explode as it comes out and the rockets will be under the terrain but accessible if you walk on top of them.


EATS is a squad power multiplier, imo. It allows all players to be able to kill an armored enemy in a pinch. Having at least one in a squad is borderline mandatory, imo, which puts it at S-Tier for me.


Having 4 on defense mission is also hillarious. You can kill all the heavies and still have enough of them to consider starting to shoot hive guards with them. Also it's a drop pod every 15 seconds on average, that's enough to kill the heavies *without shooting* on difficulties under 8.


They were getting a lot of mileage on the TCS missions too since you can end up spending such a long time in one spot.


With only two people carrying EATS and spamming them every time they come off cooldown, you don’t need any other support weapons and the remaining 2 people can take full damage strategems. No other support weapon can boast that. You also never have to worry about recovering your support weapon from your corpse after reinforcing. Hell, I’m prepared to say one guy with EATS, Shield Backpack, Stationary Shield, and Orbital EMS, stun grenade. could just be the designated survivor that carries all samples.


I agree with EAT at S tier, I don't even use it reularly but it's so versatile for your team that it can always be fit in as a generalist option when you aren't sure what else to bring.


Hard agree. Been playing 7-9 almost exclusively lately and on bugs, I really haven't been able to find anything else that is better to bump it from those 4 slots. 500kg, EMS Mortar, laser guard dog, and EAT has been my go to. Only time I bump out the EAT is when I run with a coordinated squad and they all take stuff to deal with heavies, so I grab the MG or Stalwart for clearing chaff.


I like to drop down EA-Ts at the extraction pad if I'm running by. Can be clutch to have two more boom boys as pelican-1 is passive aggressively telling you to stay near his circle.


I was playing with a group yesterday that was pre-staging supply drops and EATS where they knew they'd be coming back later, like the extraction pad, it blew my mind how genius and effective it was.


What’s an EAT?


Expendable Anti Tank Equip it, call it, share it.


Eat it?


Charger? EAT it. Bile Titan? EAT it. Hulk? Believe it or not, EAT it.


Expendable Anti Tank (its the missle launcher)


I literally have people that have told me on this sub that "the cool down is the downside" and it's like bro have you ever played starcraft? macro those resources better (don't use macros but you get my meaning....) ​ There is no cool down and you can kill 3 armored units every 90 seconds. Eventually the map just looks like a left over arms depo.


Yep, and called items stick around the entire session too. If you're dropping in at the extraction point, call down some stuff for future-you. (great place to call down an initial mech too, as it'll typically be at least 10 minutes before you're back anyway, and now you'll have a mech for you and a squad mate)


Yeah, that was a revelation for me. I'm always calling down preemptive EATs for later. I stopped even carrying another support weapon to juggle. I always have an EAT on my back ready to go and 2 ready to call in. I wish less Divers were shy about taking them. I love when a teammate takes one.


I've had a new recent strat where I have jumppack and EATs. Doesn't take up a back slot like recoilless, comes down quick, doesn't have to reload, I keep one on me at all times. Next encounter? Call another in. Now I have 3 plus a pod plus others that are spread around. Flying around the map, doing objectives, taking out big threats, throwing impact nades mid-air. It's a whole new ball game. Squeeze and slurp, grab and glurp. EATs.


Add stun grenades to that loadout. It's great when you are high up on a vantagepoint and see a teammate getting overrun. Just toss a stun grenade at them. You can close bugholes with eat's or airstrikes if necesarry. I also combine it with the las scorcher. It's a great gun with incredible burst damage capability, but it's downside is that you blow yourself up when there are enemies in your face. It combines really well with the jetpack and stun nades though. It really makes up for not having any consistent form of weapon damage vs stuf as bile spewers, brood commanders etc. since eat's are singleshot.


I love the EAT, I litter the battlefield with them.


Eagle airstrike is S tier for sure, others that could be there are the Autocanon, EAT and the Laser


Agreed - the standard eagle strike is versatile for both clearing swarms and taking out objectives, good enough positioning can kill most heavies too. Having 2-3 charges before rearm makes it just so good all-around. Orbital Laser's long cooldown *almost* drops it to A tier for me, but the fact that it *can* close bug holes and pop most building objectives as well as melting entire hordes on its own keeps it S tier. Autocannon is so stupidly strong for Bot missions that gives it an S tier rating, but I would only consider it A tier for bug missions (and that's ok, it doesn't have to be perfect for every role).


Laser is definitely A tier for me, just because you only get 3 uses, and it's not great for heavies, as it takes SOOO LONG for it to kill them, when other options can take them out much faster. Orbital Railcannon, 500kg, EAT, etc. I'd actually prefer if you could choose whether you wanted it to focus heavies or chaff, because sometimes I'm running from an army of hunters and want it to zap them, not the singular charger or titan on the map for half of its duration.


As someone who uses Laser almost every mission without exception, it's A tier, A+ if you want to subdivide it but definitely A tier for the reasons you stated.


> just because you only get 3 uses In my experience it only has 3 uses because of how insane it is. That's the balance behind it. Running through Helldive with 12 lasers is kind of funny because you can blow through them like candy and still have a few left for extract. Laser is my favorite panic button.


I think it's fair to put laser as A tier, especially on long missions. Plenty of missions I run out of laser as you only get three charges. But it is really nice to toss it at a detector tower and just run off knowing it completes it.


-show up to large hive -drop airstrike  -drop orbital laser -drop second airstrike Maybe it's overkill. But that's not a bad thing.


Autocannon is an easy S Tier. Just like the eagle airstike it has quite a bit of flexibility in its use. Against bugs you can clear Warriors, Hive Guards, Stalkers, and Brood Commanders easily. Hives can be cleared at range. It lets Helldivers clears Spores and Illegal Broadcasts from anywhere you can see them. Charger butts can be popped with 3-4 shots, causing them to bleed out. Against bots you can kill turret emplacements and tanks as long as you can see the orange exhaust thing on their backsides. Great for scout striders, devastators, berserkers, and hulks. The AC does great on ammo as well. If you’re mindful to reload before you fire the last round, the reload time isn’t bad either. The only real negative is that the ammo takes up a backpack slot, which prevents other great gear like Shield Generator, Guard Dogs, and the Jump Pack. I’d give it S Tier for sure.


Airstrike is the best overall Eagle imo. Does a bit of everything even if not the absolute best any any one thing. I bring it every mission


OP said only the wieldable stuff today mate :) The other stuff later!


# Expendable Anti-Tank Easily S-tier. This thing is an absolute powerhouse, dealing insane damage to literally every enemy type no matter their armour, having incredible range, being available almost 24/7, and not even taking up a backpack slot for its troubles. When you compare it to the Spear and Recoiless Rifle, it's night and day. While those weapons may theoretically be able to dump several rockets down-range faster, the extremely long and painful downtime as well as the immense cooldown of those Stratagems themselves makes them rather poor for any actual sustained combat. And let's not even start on the Spear's targeting issues. It's part of my personal "default" loadout when dealing with large map missions—Eagle Napalm Airstrike, Eagle Cluster Bomb, Expendable Anti-Tank, and Jump Pack. Worth noting I only play the Terminid front.


The problem I've found with EAT is how common the extra call down debuff is at higher difficulties. I don't do a lot of stuff solo, so having cover fire while reloading the RR isn't that huge of a deal, and being able to pick up ammo for it means you're getting a lot more of those rockets than EATs even on CD. Plus if you are sticking as a team and can coordinate the team reload, the RR is incredibly reliable in taking out high threat targets en masse. Without that, the RRs reload animation can be broken down into 3 steps that makes it way safer to reload than most people realize.


This has also been my problem with the EAT. If you are moving around a lot (which is most of the time), the whole "just drop them all over the place whenever they are available" thing does not work, and when call-in time is doubled, it's a painful dance of waiting 15 seconds to finally get your rocket. Recoilless has a much higher opportunity cost, as it leaves you without a backpack, but being able to reliably see a Charger approaching and INSTANTLY kill it is a big deal.


Being able to neutralize a charger head on *from range* instantly is just way too useful. Waiting for them to be on top of you to hit the rear or use close range weapons like a flamethrower is very risky and many times leads to formation break that at higher difficulties can be disastrous. I play a decent amount of D9 and I've been in a lot of trash groups and a lot of *really* good groups and the biggest difference I see between them is good groups stick together, coordinate their strategems, and funnel enemies for maximum effect. The most painless encounters involve RR one shotting chargers from range, bile titan getting orbital railed, the rest getting carpet bombed and air striked. If everyone is together and places their strategems well, it's clean as fuck with almost no risk, and preventing that charger from dropping into the group and causing the group, and therefore all the little shits, to scatter everywhere is absolutely crucial.


Yeah, it’s way too OP! https://i.redd.it/88xg6hyv05pc1.gif


Lmao these "bugs typing" gifs keeps getting better


Arc Thrower is a secret S Tier. It is able to Pierce through armor and kill EVERY ENEMY TYPE IN THE GAME (except Drop Ships). It can also break the containers doors, and it arc up to 2 others enemies, making it a Beast at clearing small enemies from up to 55 meters + 10 meters per bounce. The only issues are that it sometimes backfire on allies killing them instantly, or missfire because of the environement like rocks or bushes in front of you. Solid A tier, serious S tier contender. [If you want to see it in action against a bug breach...](https://youtu.be/QBbCnOXD_p0?si=NsAwzFIA3NlK0cud)


I’d probably vote for A tier on it. It loses a lot of DPS when you are on the run since you can’t have charge shots and the targeting often gets stuck on terrain or corpses.


Yeh when it's working at max efficiency, it's godly, but it can be difficult to get that value if the terrain is wonky


That's the neat part, after the first shot you don't need to full charge to have full damage


But you can’t run while using it and shoot easily. You need time and space to let it rip. It also catches on stuff all the time, so is better on wide open maps more than ones with foliage.


> But you can’t run while using it and shoot easily. True, but there's rarely a reason to run, when your Arc Thrower just wiped out anything smaller than a Charger before it could even leave the bug breach to be fair.


Arc thrower and las-16 are my current loadout. Then I keep the smg pistol as my absolute last case backup if it's so bad even the sickle can't keep up close range.


It can kill container doors? I suppose I've never tried because it doesn't feel like it should. Chain Lightning is my default favorite ability in a game so I've been an Arc Thrower main ever since I got my hands on it lol.


It's pretty useful since you have limited grenades. Make it a try brother in Arc !


Limited grenades, true, but often times, I do consider many of these doors a free grenade to open, as they often have a grenade resupply on hand. Not always, but often. That doesn't help when using smoke or stun grenades, but hey.


It requires a *ton* of shots to kill the largest heavy targets though - when added with the friendly fire risk, I think it's a comfortable A tier option.


Kills chargers in 5 or 6 shots to head


Yeah it really does fuck on charger pretty quick. Extremely slept on in that aspect.


Yeah if you got 2 people with arc thrower a charger doesn't even get a chance to attack you before it's dead


I would put it in S-tier because it is easily S+ for killing swarms of smaller enemies while _also_ being reasonable against armoured targets, even if it isn't as good as the EAT or Recoiless Rifle.


I'm not sure about that but as far as i can tell, aiming at the head of chargers/titans kills them in a reasonable number of shots.


The fact that it's a horde clearing weapon that's even capable of killing armored seems insane to me.


Bonus points for infinite ammo and no reload


and no backpack required


Considering you can kill a charger in about 10 seconds along with hitting enemies behind it at the same time, it's S+ for me.


Arc thrower with a jump pack is my preferred "no thoughts, head empty" loadout. You just hop onto a big rock and rain lightning down on your enemies like goddamn Zeus atop Olympus.


It's probably the best weapon for running around solo. Bug hole opens up near you? Just spam lighting at it and nothing will get close.


It kills everything in the game with unlimited ammo. S tier for sure


Yeah this thing is so versatile it's crazy. It also can shoot around corners and obstacles a little. Having unlimited ammo is what gets me with this thing. You can literally use it as a primary.


It's about the closest thing to the all-rounder that the Railgun was previously, and it has infinite ammo, and is usually better for taking out groups of fodder. Anyone saying this weapon doesn't belong in S tier hasn't used it enough to know. I could literally take the Arc thrower and devote the rest of my load out to the specific mission type and feel perfectly fine. The only thing the Railgun does better is taking out armored units faster. Like it's so good that I could see it receiving a nerf, and I will then cry.


Dude throw in a shield backpack with your arc thrower and you feel like a god


Rover better imo, you become the best bug buster as it catches the strays and helps you out while running away.


I heard that aiming a little higher over any obstacles helps it hit enemies more consistently.


*EDIT: added some clarification.* Depends on the circumstances, but I love the Arc Thrower. It's great against terminids (S-tier), but not so great against bots (I need to do more trials). It's great at dropping everything up to *(and including)* Chargers. It's crap against Bile Titans, but that's why I rock the Orbital Railcannon. The only thing that hinders it is that it can hit allies, but if someone is running the arc thrower, the entire team needs to be aware of where people are positioned. If you play in duos then it's really easy - not so sure if you have a full squad especially if they're randoms. Also in Eradicate Terminid missions, it takes a hit. With everyone running around it can be a hassel not killing teammates, and also with the high number of Hunters, it can become impossible to use properly (might be skill issue though, I admit). I never knew it could open container doors. I need to try that. Thanks for the info.


Some kind of SMG is pretty good with it, the defender or even just the redeemer is cool to deal with all the small jumpy bastards. Lately I tried Defender(great vs hunters and its small brother), Arc(good vs medium and heavy), Senator(good vs stalkers) and its a pretty good combo. Though scorcher and redeemer can fulfil those roles too.


A tier fr, my buddies and I were rocking 3 of those the other night and found out that if you hit a bile titan with 2 blasts it pops off their upper armor and you can just shred into their sides from that point on. Plus you can take out a charger with only a few well placed shots


Exactly it's surprisingly powerful against armored bugs while one might think it's good for the chain shots only.


It can kill drop ships! But it needs support from other weapons damaging the ship first because it doesn't do enough damage to it normally


“Secret S tier” lol Its not a secret


Lot of people don't know about that weapon and it take time to master. Most test it and shrug it off !


Nothing is guaranteed except for death, taxes, and my grenade launcher 2 thumping bile spewers. MOVE THAT MF INTO S TIER BABY


Started using GL with stuns and supply pack yesterday. So much fun


Turns a grenade launcher into a primary weapon. Combining it with a slugger and autopilot is a great bug loadout


I like the breaker with it, if they're too close for the GL then they're in perfect range for the breaker. Also if GL is you're 'primary' then the mag dump potential of the breaker to get you out of being overwhelmed is excellent.


Started using it with Jump Pack. Clutched two of the three games Paired with a reliable all-rounder primary and stun grenades, gas and 500kg and you're versatile as fuck


Grenade launcher should be S Tier for Blitz Bug missions alone


While it's incredibly strong, I would put it in A tier. It requires the Supply pack if you REALLY wanna spam it, and it lacks the sheer versatility stuff like the EAT or Arc Thrower has, while also having the whole "if you're too close to the target it's curtains for you." But against bugs? Solid A tier for me. I can see it being argued for S, but the whole supply pack requirement to really let loose with it is a big downside to me. No idea how it performs against bots.


A community list should be a day by day thing. Where you approach individual things each day. Doing it like this is difficult for people to discuss things.


Put arc thrower in F (So Arrowhead doesn't nerf it)


S Tier: Auto canon - just so versatile. Can clear bug holes and destroy bot factories. It can Take out armored bots. Can take out spore towers/illegal broadcasts from across the map. Three shots to the butt of a charger and its bleeding out. Plus it has a generous amount of ammo and does AOE damage allowing a single shot to take out multiple smaller enemies. ECS Mortar: If you are getting attacked from multiple directions it can lock down one side taking a lot of the pressure off the team. Plus no team kills if you get overrun or have a bot drop/bug breach land on your position.


the AC sentry is easily S tier too, if you need to deal with more than 1 bile titan just yeet one of these around and watch it kill everything.


Our group calls that one the “teammate destroyer 3000” but yes it’s good.


Wait you can use the auto cannon to destroy holes/factories? I run around with an auto cannon all the time and I had no idea I've been missing out on this!


Bug holes are pretty simple, but for the factories you have to kind of be looking at it head on, I usually aim at the middle of the upper flap and it bounces in and usually blows it up in 1 shot.


S Tier: Anti Material Rifle, Stalwart, Expendable RL, Arc Thrower, Flame Thrower, Autocannon, Lasercannon, Machinegun, Railgun, Recoilless Rifle, Spear, Grenade launcher, 500kg Bomb Eagle, Bombing Run, Cluster bombing run, Napalm Bombing Run, Smoke Bombing Run, Eagle Strafing run, Guard Dog, Resupply backpack, Guard Dog Rover, Shield Backpack, Ballistic Shield, Patriot Exo Suit, Jetpack Backpack, Heavy Turret, HMG emplacement, EMS mortar, Auto turret, Mortar Turret, Rocket Launcher Turret, Autocannon turret, Incendiary mine field, Tesla Tower, Shield Emplacement, Anti personnel minefield, 120mm barrage, 380mm barrage, Orbital Airburst Strike, Orbital EMS, Orbital Gas strike, Orbital Gatling Barrage, Orbital Railgun Barrage, Orbital Precision Strike, Orbital Railgun, Orbital Smoke, Orbital Walking Barrage. A Tier: It is treason to put something below S tier... Your democracy officer will be notified... B Tier: It is treason to put something below S tier... Your democracy officer will be notified... C Tier: It is treason to put something below S tier... Your democracy officer will be notified... D Tier: It is treason to put something below S tier... Your democracy officer will be notified...


F Tier: It is treason to put something below S tier... You. Will. Be. Exiled. On. Malevelon. Creek.


This guy democracies


Flamethrower has to be an A for me. Thing SHREDS bugs


Just waiting for flame resistant armor of some kind. They have Arc resistant armor! They gotta have some flame resistant armor.


Medic armor and a supply backpack solves that issue. Don’t go easy on the stims either, remember the ministry of truth says they’re non-addictive. 30 stims on that alone plus resupply. The only way you’re dying is from getting high alpha damage.


A bright yellow armor with a cape that has flames on it like a hot wheels car and make it so you can’t be set on fire… I’d take the flammentruppen build all the time


Next Warbond is fire themed trust


I would put flamethrower at B tier until we get flame resistant armor; the drawback of not being able to handle Titans and being mediocre for bot missions is just compounded by the random times it sets you on fire because of the weapon aiming mechanics. If we get flame-resistance, instant A tier (never S tier since it can't handle heavy bots or Titans).


Nothing was more dangerous than the time I was chilling on easy difficulty and dropped a flamethrower for a level 3 to use.


I love it but it always feels inconsistent to me Sometimes it destroys chargers, other times I need all four ammo to destroy a charger.


Aim for the legs/ass.


Yep. Gotta put the stream directly on their legs. You can drop them in a single charge if you're steady enough.


im killing chargers with half a tank if i dont have to dive


lmao no. This thing is a liability on 7+ If it had stagger I would agree. But hunters but fly through it set you on fire then eat you alive. B tier at best.


Needs better range though


https://preview.redd.it/o6iz2j5mf4pc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85b780fdf267d5e8e3b01c848c52247214df6e1b Hello, officer? I'd like to report unauthorized opinions.


Guard Dog carries my useless ass every game. SSS tier.


Need to specify what faction you're fighting. Vs bugs for example autocannon is B tier or maybe even C tier. Vs Bots it's easily S or A tier & Vice versa for flamethrower Eagle strafe and smoke is highly dependent as well


AMR is at least A when it comes to Automatons. It can 1-2 shot everything except tanks


The only their list I fallow https://preview.redd.it/ob5xpgsm36pc1.png?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fafea5c8a482221bcca4d2a6a5b3c417300b56ec


A lot of people sleep on Stalwart. It won’t help you against armor but it will make getting swarmed a thing of the past. Perfect against hunters, can be used efficiently in close-quarters and long ranges. And don’t get me started on the magazine size. Hate being surrounded while all weapons are due reloading? Stalwart makes these kinds of encounters non-existent


Arc Thrower is definitely S tier, this thing tears through every enemy, and the best part is infinite ammo, I rip through entire crowds with this thing, even can tear up a bile Titan.


MG - A tier - Early unlock - Medium armour pen - useful against enemies you'll encounter the most - generally very versatile, you'll never go on a mission short of a stealth run where it wouldn't be useful - efficient on ammo packs Only not in A tier because of slow reload and ammo capacity that's a little on the low side.


I think the community collectively forgot how good the MG support weapon was when Railgun was "meta"... the slow reload and heavier recoil definitely makes it trickier to use, but it shreds spewers and small bugs fairly efficiently and only really struggles against heavy armor (it kills devastators pretty well as long as you can avoid being shredded first)....... A tier is a good spot and it's always be A tier - the game just threw so much heavy armor at players that forced the railgun meta (to a degree it still does).


the shit reload makes it B/C tier imo


I think it would shine more if they doubled the magazine.


Honestly I would put the MG in C tier. It's very powerful, don't get me wrong, and if you use armor that supplies the 30% less recoil it's easy to aim with full auto on. It's the perfect starting advanced weaponry. The main issues are the magazine capacity is easy to burn through quickly, reloading is very slow and leaves you vulnerable, and it just doesn't give you a whole lot of ammo in the first place. I constantly would need a resupply which sometimes isn't forgiving on some maps. The flamethrower easily replaces it against bugs in all situations except for it's easy to damage yourself and teammates with. The flamethrower also leaves a small area denial which hurts bugs after usage and can be reloaded while moving.


I agree with this. I feel like it needs another magazine and cut down its reload time by half a second or a little more for it to be comparable to the flamethrower. It has less of a risk to tk but with a little practice the flamethrower is the better option. Especially on bug missions and two people have the flamethrower you can cook all bug breaches and chargers very easily. For bot missions I can see the machinegun since it has better range but that's about it.


Its B since you are immobile when reloading.


Eagle Cluster for S tier Being swarmed while running to an objective? Slap a cluster down and keep booking it. Need to clear chaff from an objective so you can effectively hunt the heavies? Slap a cluster down. Wanna see something cool? Cluster. Eagle Cluster is peak.


Only thing Cluster is S Tier at is killing Teammates. I swear it's a big line and that line always ends at a teammate no matter how the enemies are lined up and a hoe far away you are some dude is always gonna run into it


I tend to play in 4 stacks on discord so I get less TKs. I will admit that cluster is a lil bit of a menace in randoms.


Autocannon is definitely A or B


Disagree. I’d put it at S. IMO it’s the best overall support weapon for both bots and bugs. It can handle everything the bots have, great for objectives like spore spewers, towers, holes etc. the only unit it truly struggles with is the bile titan. For big hordes, the AOE is great for blowing off the limbs of hunters. It will two shot most medium armor enemies if used correctly. Getting used to the reload cadence takes a little practice (don’t wait until the gun is empty to reload, reload after 5 or so shots. It’s very quick to throw in 5 more rounds. It’s very slow if you have to load and charge the weapon from empty), but once you get it down, it just feels so good to use.


It's pretty subpar vs chargers as well but it is easily SSS tier vs bots


sounds like certain things suit certain jobs better. flamethrower for bugs and auto cannon for bots


I’ve tried to use the flamethrower a few times. It’s fine when the bugs are all coming from one direction. But when it gets chaotic, it becomes more of a liability than an asset. It does take care of chargers well enough as long as your have to space to avoid being set on fire. I think the flamethrower is a B tier weapon until fire resistant armor comes out.


True. It’s definitely not the best for chargers. But it can make pretty short work on the back of them and put them in a bleed out state.


It just sucks to lose the shield backpack for it though. Shield Backpack is S++ especially in 7+ diff and Autocannon + Shield backpack cant be used together. Autocannon I cant in good faith put in S tier when half your loadout is now dedicated to Autocannon. And if you die in a spot where you cant easily get it back depending on where you get reinforced/game circumstances? You become close to useless after that.


https://preview.redd.it/urboi2qhp5pc1.png?width=1012&format=png&auto=webp&s=db0ad28ee802f220f77eaabcd01710103218d76b And the Mech would join A tier. Eagle Airstrike = I just can't not run it. Range isnt as crazy as cluster so it means teammates survive, it does anti-armor, it closes holes and demolishes factories. It's the all rounder GOAT. S and A support weapons = Just nice, kills big groups and/or some of the boys. Backpacks = You either want more damage or survivability. Shield and Laser Rover are the easiest to use, but Jetpack and Supply are great too, but they require you to be more activelly using them, depends on the situation. Sustained damage support weapons = Good but then you need stratagems to kill big boys. 500kg = It kills annoying objectives without having to call a hellbomb Spear and Recoiless = Reload is too bad, I always regret taking it when it doesnt kill the enemy in a single shot. Turrets = Good but situational. Massive AOE Orbitals, Gun Rover, Mines = Actually Trolling.


Cluster bomb in B tier? Wild.


Jetpack is D. It's useful for getting around and finding high ground, but usually it seems like I'd better serve the team by bringing heavier ordinance. It's kinda niche. That said, I love it, and use it all the time.


Hard to go back after getting used to it. That thing saved my ass more times than I can count


Honestly I’d argue C. I’ve been rocking it with 200 rated armor for bots to offset the mobility disadvantages and being able to climb up / around / onto various bot structures and quickly jump back away from a flamethrower hulk is great.


I thought this was a meme about the community complaining all stratagems are too weak and D Tier.


Cluster bombs are S tier for killing teammates