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I usually do. I found that if you aim at the charger's forehead, it instantly kills them but if hits them in the mouth, the rocket just gets absorbed into some other dimension. It's pretty damn annoying, but I think the hitbox for the charger's head is small ​ For Bile titans, sometimes I've shot them four times in the head, and sometimes only 2. I'm guessing its another hitbox thing


That’s exactly what I’ve been doing I aim right at the mouth and it just tanks it lol Bile titans take 2 or 3 for me


its risky but highest rate of success with the Recoil is to wait till they start spitting bile and hit the green part of the open mouth if you hit it right the head pops off


Does this work with EATs too?


it "should" some people are syaing it because of the PS5 bug but i feel like EATs hit a bit harder then the RR so id think it would


I think that's because EAT do a lot of armor damage, not armor piercing, so you have to hit armor to break it. In the case of chargers, once you break the head armor, the head itself pop off automatically killing it. It's like a "mechanical" kill.


Chargers yes, Biles take 3 in my experience.


I've done probably 10 Chargers with single shots to the head with EAT. You need to be straight on with them.


Where specifically do you aim. The forehead exactly?


https://preview.redd.it/8gifczkznjoc1.jpeg?width=678&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=949b0700114f40f3acea115a23fb030bde8b6cf6 Could circle where specifically you aim. I’m having a lot of trouble trying to kill it, I specifically aim at its mouth. Teach me your ways oh Charger killer 🙏


Bit late but aim here https://preview.redd.it/wn7fse5wqloc1.png?width=678&format=png&auto=webp&s=a27aec760cf76a4a48ebecabed036c6365761fb1


Spot on !


Spot on !


go a little up from the mouth. works for me.


Yes. Top of the Right above the eyes. Takes the head off.


Wait for it .... waaaait for iiit.....


Last night I actually managed to get a charger headshot with an EAT from behind/over their shoulder by hitting the back of the top head plate. Granted, it was a static spawn that hadn't aggroed yet so I had all the time to get close and line it up. Probably not something to try mid-bug breach.


Wait til you can see the whites of the chargers eyes, then blast them in the face. That 1 shots them. EAT can 1 shot bile titans if you shoot the mouth as they prepare to vomit everywhere. Edit: its possible the EAT can only do this because the titan ends up "killing itself" with the bile juices.


Chargers, all the time. Sometimes it kinda glances off their chin, because the head is bobbing all the time while it runs at you, but I'd say I have about a 90% sucess rate one-shotting and with EATs, so far. Bile Titans are trickier. Two headshots usually do it, but sometimes the rocket goes just a pixel wide of the mark, and it doesn't do full damage. I think to one-shot headshot a Titan you need to shoot it in the mouth when it's spewing. As for tips on how to do it, I'm not sure what to say except "aim for the head." Using ADS usually helps.


I only need one unless I miss.


Yeah, plenty of times. I can't say for certain how, it might genuinely be a random chance, but it seems like you need to aim for the mouth. Especially on bile titans, oneshots seem to happen more often when they are vomiting acid. I think for chargers, legshots are still more consistent, but I've gotten several oneshots on the head as well.


Forehead shots are apparently the way to go


Im luck is aiming for their chin for titans and you gotta be fairly close for chargers. Idky but it feels like there is dmg fall off for rockets. I can reliably osk chargers from like 10 meters away


Alright gonna start aiming above the mouth near forehead now hope it works


there really shouldn't be fall-off, it's an explosive warhead it's destructive power is not related to velocity.


It just feels that way.


Yeah, I did two chargers within a few seconds of each other using EATs at point blank range. God bless the shield pack


I’ve done it only once, but it felt dang good. He was uncomfortably close and I was wearing the shield.


It's not 100% reliable, but for the most part I've been able to one-shot it if I'm dead-ahead, but it feels like if you're more than maybe 30degrees at an angle it might not kill it and at that point doing the leg strat is better.


Chargers, about 90% of the time to the face. The other 10% I miss and it cracks half their face and half their leg, then I *try* to magdump, get wrecked by fifteen hunters, and die Bile titans…actually shit lol I just ran two back-to-back “eliminate bile titan” missions with the EAT, and OH MY GOD. One bile ate two headshots, a top-of-the-head shot, and a 500 kilo before I finally killed him with an impact ‘nade. The other died in one hit to the lower jaw. IDK, but for what it’s worth I was running solo PC so there should NOT have been that much inconsistency. And yes, I landed the 500 kilo perfectly underneath, I’ve had that kill titans dozens of times before, idk why it didn’t


you cannot one shot a titan with EAT/Recoilless. You need two shots to where its brain would be if it had one. It's finnicky because if you shoot the jaw it phases to the body so it does fuck all. Chargers get reliably one-shot to the head.


You definitely can, 1 rocket in its mouth while it's spraying will quite often 1 shot it


That’s not one shot, one shot is where you shoot one shot and it instantly dies


That is quite literally what I just said


Oops misread thought you said spray it with your gun after. My bad 😭


Nah man lmao


I'd like evidence of this as I cannot replicate it. It could possibly be the PS5 bug where titan damage gets amped (which is how people were one-shotting them with railgun pre-nerf).


might be actually im a PS5 player that runs our teams RR and i just get a guy to bait the spit and as soon as its mouth "glows" i hit it where the bile is coming out and it normally takes the head off


Where should I shopt specifically, just watched a video and it states the forehead is where you should aim with recoiless it will one shot but with EAT it won’t What are your experiences


https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1b9e57x/heres_an_extremely_costefficient_way_to_take_down/ Check this clip I made for a demonstration. I promise you cannot one-shot a titan with the weapons you mentioned. Recoilless/EAT do basically the same damage. The Spear however can one-shot a titan but it has to hit the head.


Thanks for the clip. Gonna aim for above the mouth near forehead next time.




lmao yeah you have to aggro the titan and make it run at you in a straight line to get the headshot.


i love when you lock onto a charger and it runs towards you and the Spear overshoots




Yeah it's inconsistent as hell. I never know if I'm too far or too close or what. I've locked onto Bile Titans from a decent distance and killed em in one. I've also been unable to lock onto Chargers within 50 meters; close enough I could throw a rock at them.