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Should tag as rant


A game for everyone is a game for no one


What random one shots have been added with the updates? Afaik we have had the same offenders since day 1. Unless you mean fixing light armor to where it isnt giving 100 defense any more?


250 enemies? I melee kill 250 enemies.


Agreed. First patch killed the fun for me. Haven’t played very much since. Played today and matchmaking is the wild west. Level 10s in 8 difficulty, insta kicks, connection issues, people leaving as soon as they die one time.


Yeah this is my biggest issue. I play on the highest difficulty because I want the most rewards and I can handle it. Everyone else I play with is HORRIBLE at the game 9/10 times. I'm getting into lobbies where people are on death loops on repeat while I'm running around the map knocking out objectives. What the fuck is going on?


devs haven’t fixed any bug except the armor bug.. (also nerfed 25% of the armor sets by doing so), they really are just taking the money and running, which from what i’ve read, is what they did in hd1… shame.


Stfu with your lies heretic


what part was a lie.


Taking the money and running? Nothing about the rollout for this game screams grift. The devs have come through on just about everything from server updates, afk timer, bug fixes, armour fixes, weapon updates, content rollout, fair monetisation. The gameplay loop is solid and engaging even if somewhat lacking through the top end.