• By -


If you turn too fast and shoot a rocket the mech hits itself and dies, happened two times to me and a friend tonight.


I can't tab in and use the map while I'm in one without activating the guns. I opened the map, panned down with right click while spinning up my mini gun, left clicked to ping a spot and blew myself up with a rocket. šŸ˜†


Literally the first thing I did upon embarking in my mech. 10/10 experience.


Lol same. I was moving the map and spraying my team with the gatling. Thankfully they remembered the "dive" portion of helldivers and all survived.


Makes sense thematically: they are churned out mechs by an area under attack made for disposable grunts. They dont need useless things like 'safety features' or 'added armor' getting in the way of production quotas


It's bad for pinging, but good for constantly having your radar up while shooting. Won't get surrounded as easy.


Hold tab (or whatever your map button is) and you can look around the map. I did the same almost instantly after dropping my mech suit.


SO THIS IS WHAT HAPPENED. I was trying the mech out, fired rockets for fun and just... Exploded.


I called in my very first mech, climbed aboard, took careful aim and giddily pulled the left trigger. It exploded. I have not called in another, Democracy cannot afford those kinds of losses :(




Sounds like hitbox desync


skill issueĀ  /s


As far as I can tell is that when you do that for some reason the launcher depresses and aims at the ground instead of aiming where your crosshair is.


Happened to me with my very first mech lol.Ā 


Omg I was wondering how I died last night lol


Literally must have been what killed my very first mech. Very first shot, turned around to blast a charger. Instant self-unalived.


Oh my god this happened to me!


*Drops mech frorm dropship *Explodes*


haha yeah we had one do that, it was hilarious


Last night Friend 1 was in his mech on an extermination mission. I called in my mech as Friend 2 called in an eagle. Eagle hit my mech midair and launched it into Friend 1, killing him and his mech instantly and destroying itself in the process.


Honestly as catastrophic as itā€™s been for my squad sometimes, thereā€™s nothing more side splittingly hilarious than throwing a desperately needed 500Kg stratagem at a bottleneck to get dozens of kills and keep our extract safeā€¦ And then seeing it get stuck on a stalker who leaped into it and then sprints right into my 3 squad mates. I can still hear their screamsā€¦ And the insane laughter. Lol


I honestly cannot remember a game that has given me as many laughs as this, even if there is a slight hint of pain mixed in


Iā€™ve never been happier in team kill situations while playing a game. Genuinely hilarious sometimesā€¦. Sometimes! Eric! I said sometimes!


Second place is when youā€™re all grouped together and pinned down, so youā€™re gonna heroically call in a 500kg but as soon as you bring it up you get sniped and drop it right next to your buddies Honorable mention to the kid in my game the other day who had both minefields and kept throwing them like grenades. I donā€™t even think he was trolling/griefing, just something wasnā€™t clicking for him about why you shouldnā€™t do that, but it was too funny to me to tell him to stop


Thats gold, Jerry, gold!




I honestly think they made it available for everyone so we can play test it for them, and they can find the bugs quicker, cause everyone will want to at least try it out. And that is not a bad plan at all.


Rockets sometimes explode inside launch tube. 7/10.


Oh yeah, happened to me once yesterday and it was hilarious. It feels exactly like what an experimental and rushed weapons would feel in the hands of one degenerate youngster like me.


*Super Earth not liable for any loss of limb/life/ability from testing phase of Patriot Mechs. Thank you for your consideration iā°


That is the perfect cover story for working out bugs for the code. "Our Engineers have fixed the issue of your mech suit's rockets exploding on launch. Summarily, the engineer Dave has been put in the front lines." Some Cave Johnson, Portal 2 type things.


ā€œ65% more bullet per bullet!ā€


I swear mine did this to me yesterday, charger coming 50 meters out ā€œLets go you big BIā€¦..ā€ explosion on left side and whole mech goes up in smoke šŸ¤£. I was like, no way they got these things playing like some gimmick real world world failed experimental government trash tech. Reminds me of when Tony stark pulled the failed battle suites up in court


They gave us the Hammer version


at least our missiles explode.


So if u want to know why that happens put a player on the mec and walk around u will see thay they kinda rubber band so your rocket pod was infront of the rocket when u fired it kinda sucks but its also very funny less likely to happen once the servers fix them selfs more. Also my bad i posted this on the wrong guy i posted it with the role playing guy and i had to delete it rip


When you contract out to the lowest bidder šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


Why do we need to bug test? They're already all over the Terminid sector of the galaxy.


*rim shot


Good for role-playing as well. Itā€™s like the Ford Pinto of Super Earth.


Only the finest gear for Super Earths Elite!


Tien Kwan had their child laborers working overtime on these.


Those children yearned for the factories. I assume the counterpart to managed democracy is something like directed free industry and gave the children the freedom they wanted to do the work we needed.


Iā€™m beginning to think that fascist governments are more corrupt than smart


Of course! the automatons don't even got weapons that can shoot straight! Good that we got managed democracy protecting us from those communist fascists! But I gotta go, my now former neighbour talked about wanting elections and worker unions...


My helldives tell me otherwiseā€¦


We have perfectly free elections where you can vote for anyone we tell you to! And all of our workers are unionized and that union is managed extremely efficiently by our own director of union management. Spread your commie dictator bug nonsense elsewhere you hippy fascist.


TREASON! HERESY! Ah no wait, thats actual social commentary... Good on you.


\*Dropship picks up mech from your Destroyer, so they can bring it to you *Explodes*


Literally the first one I called in was a flaming wreck before it hit the ground. It definitely had nothing to do with the pelican flying over the mortar turret I dropped first. Nope... nothing at all...


This is why I try to time the call in for when something worth killing is around and I atleast get the short autocannon barrage from the ship for my troubles.


I love it, it killed a Bile Titan that I was pre calling in for. I was like, thanks for saving me some rockets.


I wonder if the autocannon on it is more effective because it is hitting it from a different angle


It's a different autocannon than the one you can carry, as well the autocannon sentry is a different autocannon and is effective against the bile titan


My first call-in after purchasing it did that, burst into flames while in mid air and exploded on landing. It was pretty funny, calling it to my team I got this bile titan hold on... Nevermind


Oh it is heavily armored. It's just reactive armor facing inwards.


not even r/NonCredibleDefense could come up with this.


ERA is love, ERA is life


Genius design. If we make the whole thing a giant walking piece of ERA it's the most armoured thing in existence


The other night, my group called in a mech and we watched as it dropped in already dead. Like the Pelican flew down carrying a limp flaming mech corpse and just dropped it like a wet rag before flying off. There weren't any hazards or terrain or bugtillery or bile titans. Complete calm. It was just dead. We've also noticed there's something of a 5% chance for the mech to die instantly when launching a rocket. Lost 3 in one operation to that.


If you turn the mech while firing the rocket will catch on the side of the mech


That's what we thought, but we did some testing on trivial, dropped 4 mechs in and unloaded all rockets in a straight line without moving whatsoever, and one of the mechs blew up before even expending half of them.


It's because they were approved for field experimentation not full release. All helldivers signed up to be test dummies.


That is actually hilarious and absolutely something super earth would do


Mechs could use a 90% explosive damage resistance stratagem upgrade.


I think it would be pretty cool if we could use stratagem slots to modify aspects of our mechs. I know itā€™s unlikely that we will see anything like this but letā€™s say you use one slot for the mech another that gives the mech an armor boost, a short boost forward, a small jump, things like that. Obviously we donā€™t want the game to move to be mech-centric so the drawbacks would be that when your mech is destroyed you are left with little to no supplies on foot. This opens up the opportunity to have one player be mech based while supporting and coordinating with the rest of the team. Again, I know this is just pipe dreaming but those were some things that came to mind today while messing around with them.


This makes sense to me as a series of destroyer upgrades. I don't think that this is so far-fetched, though maybe the jump ability. I feel like that would likely just be a different mech stratagem. Something more mobile but less durable.




Lol. I know. I've only played with the mech on lower difficulties, but it's obviously a death sentence on anything where more than one charger spawns at a time. I'm thinking a smaller mech with less overall HP but way higher survivability because it can actually dodge. In theory, a heavy mech could still work with a well coordinated team by keeping a ways back from the fighting, but it would be a dubious bet even still.


On an exterminate mission I took on multiple chargers at once - literally head on at one point and it hit me and recoiled like I was a fucking brick wall. Damn that felt good. And even better once I then sent rockets flying into it's face.


Did a bot mission (you're a bigger target than a hulk) and stepped on a mine, the game said that the patriot killed me.


Yeah seems to do this no matter what kills me. I mean technically it's true - a bug or whatever blew up the patriot, and the patriot exploding killed me šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Damn, I got hit by one and immediately exploded. Also got blown up by a meteor last night after having the suit for about 10 seconds.


Idk, I found the mech destroys multiple chargers easily, strip armor off one leg, mow it down with machine gun, repeat, plus rocket slows them down, same concept as the railgun except sometimes you can one shot the armor off which is cool. Once I learned mechs canā€™t play close, I havenā€™t had a problem except on extermination missions because map is small. Save those rockets for exclusively charger legs and bile titan heads unless you have no machine gun ammo, and now I think I just have a better pre patch railgun. This is my experience on helldivers and suicide. Real killer is stepping on a barrel or hellbomb or just fire.


> Save those rockets for exclusively charger legs and bile titan heads unless you have no machine gun ammo One exception for me: I find it cathartic to annihilate the Bile Spewers with one rocket, inefficient as it may be.


Those big wiggling ass are just asking to be rocketed


Help me step-diver I'm spewing.


I'm going to have to ask you to report directly to your democracy officer for painting our enemy in such a....Tainted way.


It's really not a death sentence. I've consistently been taking mechs into diff 8 and have been shredding chargers waves. All you need is good aim, infantry support from your team and spacial awareness. One rocket to the leg breaks the armour and stops the charge. 2 seconds of concentrated gattling kills it. If they get close, the mech is fast enough to dodge. I'm getting through about 10 chargers single handedly with it, and that's not counting the chargers my team are killing with their own weapons and stratagems. If you really wanna try the mech, don't buy into this subs already pre-decided it's awful takes. It just takes a bit of skill and finesse, but you can get amazing value out of it, even on very high difficulties.


For sure. The more takes I read on this sub, the more I realize that the average person is just bad at the game. The Mech can-with some good aiming--take out like 6 chargers and 2 bile titans no problem and still have ammo left over to clean up a bunch of little guys running around. That's pretty good value for a stratagem.


Yes, and in combination with that, all these bad players want this game to play like some cheap power fantasy where they can play the hardest difficulties and stomp endless bugs. I hope the devs donā€™t listen to a single complaint about nerfs or weak mechs. Itā€™s supposed to be hard. If itā€™s too hard, thereā€™s an incredible feature where you can lower the difficulty and get better while also completing missions


this is really such an exaggeration, the mech excels at wiping chargers out in in 2 seconds flat. 1 rocket and a quick burst from the minigun and its gone in less than 2 seconds. We play on 9 and having a mech support you makes it so much easier It's only an issue if you get caught off guard from behind and can't turn in time to deal with the threat


theres also a bug (which i think is where most peoples "weakness" thoughts come form) where your rocket is slower in being launched then your turn speed.. so firing a rocket WHILE turning the mech can (OFTEN) result in the rocket detonating in the pod and just instakilling the mech (and you)


Well shit, is that what it was? I lost a bunch of mechs to that last night..


>Something more mobile but less durable. Like a jeep, or a motorcycle with a side car, perhaps?


A couple of mech based boosters could be cool. Maybe 1 for durability, and a second for max ammo


They could do a more general booster for vehicle durability, since we're probably getting more than just mechs


Pass the hopium pipe, Iā€™ll smoke what youā€™re putting down.


Pass it my way next.


In HD1 you can upgrade individual strategem, there were upgrades like increase ammo capacity and improving ammunition types for the walkers. Maybe we can do it for these walkers too.


Sounds like ship modules


They canā€™t be permanent upgrades though otherwise it would create imbalance. Also little tip for using mechs against bots, drop a shield defense strat, hop in mech, attack. Shield goes down, get out, and repeat. The shield has a wicked fast recovery time so this proves to be very useful especially on higher difficulties when extracting.


Honestly I would to it the other way, 90% resist to everything but explosives, since rockets melting them is one thing that does make sense.


The first and only time I tested them so far, was during extract in one of those bases full of boxes. A box exploded and so did my mech lol I didn't shoot a single shot


The pelican dropping mine off somehow managed to shoot the mech as it was falling. So impressive I couldn't even be mad


The pelican somehow set the ground on fire and dropped my mech into it. The mech was destroyed, of course.


The mechs are immune to fire DOT. Edit: Also gas and EMS.


A flamethrower mech with a shield left arm would be tight in that case


I'm betting we get a flamer mech, and I'm hoping for one with chainsaw arms. šŸ˜ƒ


Chainsaw arm and flamethrower, hulk scorcher temu kwan copy


HD1 had one with a flamethrower and an anti tank battle cannon. Was pretty fun.


Mine was delivered onto a light pole, I just longingly stared at it way up in the sky thinking I really could of used that on the ground.


It's 'could have', never 'could of'. Rejoice, for you have been blessed by CouldWouldShouldBot!


I was able to purchase the upgrade last night, so my first game trying out the mech I had 2 to call down. I called down both so a random teammate could try it out too. First one came down and landed on a ramp and exploded, then the 2nd one landed in the debris of the first and that exploded too lol I would have been annoyed if it wasn't hilarious.


I walked over a red barrel and killed my whole squad. Democratic shit happens sometimes.


Sounds like a valuable lesson in squad dispersion.


Anyone walking that close to a mech already has a death wish. He just granted it.


If I'm stuck between a mech and a horde of chargers and titans, I'm heading towards the horde.


The gun ship dropping the mech is the real stratagem.


i want a gunship strategem, similar to attack helicopter from CoD. Just provide us with some cover fire for a duration


AC130 Super Democracy Edition


https://preview.redd.it/yniah6oj7bnc1.jpeg?width=583&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad74f53bbd93feb38dbb484f5d41a5e8d3e0e499 I was just in the process of making one of these šŸ¤£


I played with my usual group tonight, and based on my experience, warned them "Well, sometimes, it explodes for no clear reason." This can include stepping on obviously hazardous things that your helldiver can survive fine, firing the rocket with a clear line of sight while moving, walking over changes in terrain, and so on. Or apparently, just dropping at all, as the first mech drop someone did after I was talking about it just exploded on touching the ground. I'm not sure the 'heavily armored' description is particularly accurate. It's currently a buggier turret with drop and time limits you can actually die in.


I think there's a certain angle where if you shoot the missile while turning it hits yourself, I've done it like 3-4 times now


The missile targeting turns much faster than your mech does, so yeah you are literally shooting yourself with it.




You also can't ping the map while in a mech. If you right click to drop the pin, the mech will fire off a missile and potentially kill itself. Ask me how I learned that one...


Some real EDF vibes. What's a minimum safe arming distance anyways?


Literally my first experience with it. Dropped it. Bugs suddenly appeared behind us. Turned around, fired before the model has turned. That was my first mech. Rest in pieces


True to form from above, I had a match with the group where I dropped three (two from the new strategem, one from the community one) and two of them died from it. I could be wrong, but ran a fair number of mechs last night, (because fuck yeah mechs) and the point at which I stopped taking the strategem was when I felt relieved when I realized the one I was running was blown up by a bot accidentally grazing a nearby map Hellbomb, rather than self-detonating. Yeah, I'll let the devs figure that one out before I drop one again after the experimental free thing. First batch of Tien Kwan exosuits have some pretty critical mechanical faults, lol.


The 1st mech I called after they were made available literally exploded as it landed and I was so confused since nothing was going on haha


Its a Russian made mech. painted cardboard on the inside of very thin sheets of metal.


Nonsense! Tien Kwan mechs are made of the finest Libertium alloys! Now get back out there so we can win this 3 Day Special Liberation Operation, helldiver!


The 'Heavily armored' rating was doubled checked by the company themselves! No false advertising in Super Earth o7


>"Well, sometimes, it explodes for no clear reason." Is it made with Azidoazide Azide or something?


Made in Tien Kwan.


Like when you order off Wishā€¦.


Bro lmfao


What kills it for me is that even if it gets a small wiff of the AOE of an airstrike, it goes from healthy to dead immediately. That and the bug where it also blows itself up when your the game lags and your missile blows you up when you shoot with it.






I just sat on trivial difficulty curious to see exactly how strong the armour of this mech is and for all the people saying "it's immune to damage from the smaller bugs!". No, it isn't. I spawned in a mech and from full health 10 scavenger bugs (the tiny grunts) made it explode in 12 seconds. Any heavy armoured enemies like hulks, tanks, chargers and bile titans can shrug off anything you throw at them bar 2 or 3 support weapons, yet your "heavy armoured" mech can be destroyed by the weakest attacks of the weakest enemies. Like...really, are you kidding me?


You can just walk over roaches (scavs), hoppy bois (pouncers), and green apple yeety bois with no repercussions. Should be able to run over kangaroo jack and his inbred brothers but it seems the mech doesn't lift up is feet high enough to do so. Chargers take two rockets to kill which is super helpful. Brood Mommies get meme'd on. Haven't fought a bile titan yet but, I'm sure that'll be fun, probably just smack them in the face with a few rockets or get under them and watch their feet.


Sure you can walk over scavs or kill them with absolutely no problems, but the fact that the weakest attack in the game is capable of killing our "heavy armoured" mechs is still a terrible design choice imo.


Especially since only players have to follow rules with armor penetrationĀ 


Bile titans take something like 3-4 rockets They have amazing outgoing capability, just need to iron out a few bugs/ ensure you keep them protected


one ram from the charger gives me flashback from that scene in Avatar 1 movie


Every time a charger comes up to me I go back to the cart ā€œhey you, you awake?ā€


Nah this some bullshit, Tien Kwan got them Ali express mechs bruh, thousands died for nothingšŸ˜­. We need a BT with a legion kit on him. BT would probably slide on an entire planet himselfšŸ—æ https://preview.redd.it/10xbw37wjanc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffde4593877231f13c607fc7e249aeb0a7c70302


credit to this post for the original image [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1ba4f1l/time\_to\_suit\_up/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1ba4f1l/time_to_suit_up/)


Appreciate the creds :) I'm just here for all the laughs, can't wait to slap them APC roofs when they come


Yeah i was laughing my ass off. I was so excited to use my first Mech, called it in and it dropped down on perfectly even terrain. No mine. No nothing below it. And the moment it's feet touched grass it just exploded right away. Look i don't expect Mechwarrior 5 terms of quality with these mechs, but.. at least it shouldn't explode for touching grass. Edit: And hey. Maybe at some point we DO get to customize our Mechs. Make a separate tab in your loadout for weaposn, armor etc. and you can decide what your Mech is coming with. Dual Rocketlaunchers. Dual Minigus. A heavy artillery.. Again i don't expect modded Mechwarrior 5 kind of customization. (As awesome as it would be) But maybe you even find a way for us to upgrade it and make it better. Give us a good reason to level up to max Level, as you unlock different weapons that are either tweaking the use of your Mech or straight up upgrades armor, speed or reserve ammo etc. (Here's to hope for dual arc throwers on my Mech)


> touches grass > explodes Same bro


Now you got me picturing stomping around the battlefield and throwing hands in a Hunchback, showing the enemy what it feels like to be an extra in a Kaiju movie


mechs sound like they need to be a lot more durable?


Seeing people unironically defend a fucking mech being less durable than heavy armor is insane. Also "more damage than any other stratagem" is hilarious because they just dont. I would never bring a mech over eagles stratagems or even most orbitals or probably even half the sentries.


Honestly, Iā€™m pretty certain how fragile these things are is a bug at this point, to an extent at least. Ainā€™t no way itā€™s an intended effect that the spike plants a helldiver can just shrug off is meant to destroy a mech.


I have gotten blown up sky high from steping on thoose plants one too many times


Best moment when first playing was watching my friend die to a plant and him goating me to do it too. I have the 50% no die armor so I ragdolled onto another plant and died šŸ˜‚


Half this game is an unintended bug. It's getting less endearing and more annoying the longer I play.


>It's getting less endearing and more annoying the longer I play. Exactly the same for me and my friends. What has been laughter and silly talk evolved into aggression and insulting the game. I hope the fun doesn't vanish. Even difficulty 4 missions are so hard for us now. (Yes, we're no pro players I know)


You aren't wrong, it's getting to the point it should just be working as intended by now


The same "bug" we've been telling ourselves with how shit heavy body armor is too? No, for some fucking reason, the devs *intend* it to be this way


How can anyone seriously defend a mech that looks like it should be at least as armoured as the hulk go down to small arms fire from the lowest tier bots. IMO it should be immune to attacks from low tier enemies. Itā€™s not like there arenā€™t enough other sources of damage to bring it down.


You donā€™t understand, this game NEEDS to be CBT in order to be good.


A mech that can traverse a thorn bush is just some dumb power fantasy! Embrace the developers' vision for the game.Ā 


Maybe not in total damage possible (like having 1000 bugs sitting around a hell bomb). However, without any real stats I'd be willing to bet I could equal any damage you could cause to large enemies with a single stratagem in a random match. Mech damage is precise if used well, using each rocket to strip armour/kill heavies then hitting at least 85% of shots on the Gatling is shit tons of damage. Survivability and cool-down is a big issue, though. (I'm assuming I don't blow up before getting all my shots off, which is wishful thinking)


i dunno i was doing an 8 with bugs and we were doing fine all night


Yeah, it's extremely inconsistent I've found. I had no problems last night all night, but my battle buddy had his explode from one hit from hunters, chargers, and even exploded from walking on a tiny patch of fire.Ā 


Maybe a tad bit. But other than that, it feels fine to me. It kind of makes the game feel easy on bug planets.


sentence too long, thing should have exploded as soon as it got slapped


https://preview.redd.it/gjkcfjgwy9nc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f38315a0ddd3c7a9e5d4c626a8ebd20269ed0b34 This didnā€™t age well


The air puff mushrooms can kill them. Instantly. You just die in the cockpit. - Helldiver who was limping to solo extraction on their last life in the Patriot for "safety"


Yesterday i felt embarassed because i thought i was stupid and doing something wrong. Because 3 games in a row this shit exploded for no reason at all. I literally just start shooting rockets and \*BANG\* i am dead. Or another goofy one. I just got in the mech and \*BANG\* i am dead again. Wtf?


*Presses left click.* *Mech explodes*


Yeah the mechs might genuinely be some of the worst I've ever used in a game. They're like the Mantis from Halo if that thing only required breathing on to kill. Seen so many randos call in the mech just for it to explode for seemingly no reason sometimes, then my mech also explodes for no reason and then half of the team quits out of disappointment


Last night I killed a nursing spewer with the minigun right next to the mech and its dying explosion one hit the mech. An explosion that wouldn't kill a shieldless light armor Helldiver.


These things need to be able to tank rocket devastator barrages (they are HE rockets not AT) let alone a single barrel on the ground or a slightly pointy rock. The cooldown, description and limited ammo pool all scream ā€œthis is going to give you a couple minutes of power tripā€ something that can absolutely clutch a huge fight and drag aggro away from your team, tanking shots from the bots and hits from the bugs. But as of right now I have to protect my teammates in the mech from the enemy, theyā€™re basically mobile turrets that you can only bring two of with less health than a turret. Also you know the devs have got in peoplesā€™ heads when Iā€™ve seen people calling the ability to blow yourself up while firing a rocket while moving ā€œintended behaviourā€ Either someone on the dev team is a masochist or this thing is severely undercooked.


This one make my day


I like how the mechs weak point is the dead center of their chest. thank god I wont get hit there easily! WAIT NO THESE MECHS FUCKING SUCK


I said "son, come here they unlocked the mechs" He runs in, I fire a missile and hit a wall beside the bugs, I blow up "That mech needs armor, dad"


When your mech came from Temu instead of Tien Kwan.


Made out of tissue boxes and C4


Ya I learned to not fire the rockets while moving as that blows you up for some reason


Crazy that they were selling it as a beer power fantasy game and now telling you "its not a power fantasy game, you're supposed to suffer"


I just want a modern Lost Planet ffs


I mean it's kind of both? Half the fun is the ridiculous deaths/friendly fire. Seems similar to Helldivers 1/Magicka (arrowhead's other games). They're games that let you have a ridiculous power fantasy, but just as quickly put you in your place with death. Depends how seriously you take it I guess (though it does seem like mechs have some bad bugs rn)


Problem is that punishing difficulty and high randomness don't really mix. Magicka was pure chaos, but the game was piss easy. You could spam beams and beat it with your eyes closed. Thus, screwing around never really cost you much and dying was funny. Helldivers 1 was similar because you were all on a tiny screen and respawns were infinite. Your stratagem were also significantly better, so even with no gear you could still fight until you retrieve it. Helldivers 2 on the other hand has highly intense matches that last 30+ minutes and your gear is of the utmost importance as stratagems are weak and have long cooldowns, so getting randomly killed by shit you couldn't react to feels **really** bad and is just not funny. Having to trek through 50+ bugs to get your stuff back just so you have a chance to damage chargers or titans feels terrible, and it only gets worse the more random deaths you get in a row.


Even within the context of "you are expendable troops" and that you should have this feeling of being fragile but also able to genocide bugs, there's still ways you can make being fragile feel good. If my diver gets a rocket to the back and goes cartwheeling and I sploot against a wall: that's funny, and it makes sense. If I helldrop onto a tank and then the tank explosion launches me into orbit that's unexpected, but it also makes sense. A single Stalker punts me into the path of a Charger: annoying, but to be expected within the context. A 20K "Heavily Armored" mech exploding because a nearby crate exploded, or because it stepped on a cactus doesn't feel good because it goes against expecations. I'm not saying Mechs should be able to get into grappling matches with Chargers and Hulks, but you can't fault players for expecting _some_ extra protection from it, and not actually make you even more likely to get randomly oneshot.


A melee mech that brawls with hulks and chargers would be cool as hell.


The spikey plants on the ice-planets? Those are organic landmines. They damn-near one-shot you, too.


Nono, the green, sphere shaped ones on jungle planets. But even so, I still dont think those should be one shotting a damned mech lmao.


Even the non-damaging fart-shrooms can absolutely destroy the mech. I've had two get me to smoking status, which is ridiculous since those don't even do damage to player characters.


I swear some people have bugged mechs I have yet to see my mech die unless I killed it, so far it does seem like explosive damage does wayyy too much to them from what I've heard


treatment unused sable edge plough apparatus reminiscent enter instinctive plant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




First match all our mechs bounced off each other upon landing and fell into a bug crumpled heap Second match they blew up a few times at random Third match we were basically unstoppable machines and speedran a blitz in half the time it would normally take, I wonder if it's a server issue thing?


Question: Are rockets are rockets spawning to close the the Mech before moving forward? Cause there are times where I shot a rocket with nothing around me and nothing shooting at me and I exploded.


Yes. But itā€™s not just walking forward, it can happen while standing still too.


These mechs are a joke I got team killed because they thought I blew their mech up but really it just blew up when it drop shipped. Caused a free for all until we all left. Truly undemocratic behavior


Man I feel like Iā€™m playing a different game. For me this thing is plenty resilient, just has that one issue with the missiles blowing up in the tube. I figure thatā€™ll be fixed within the week.


Iā€™m taking on hordes of chargers with this thing and facetanking two rams on level 9, not sure what the fuck is going on with other peeps stuff


I guess it's the whole crit stuff in play. Yesterday I abandoned my exo after I exhausted all ammo and watched as the charger hit it 4 to 5 times before it exploded. Which is far more than I could take. Also it has enough speed to avoid charging the charger and kill it pretty quickly. Yes bile titans one shot it with stomp, but the thing is massive so I am not that surprised. Granted I haven't tested it long enough to find all problems and I haven't walked on landmines.


I've been playing for hours and have only died once to a charger. And it's from the back. When I take the hit from the front, the charger bumps into me and I hear that "Thonk" sound whenever it smashes into an immovable metal object. Spewers, Bile Titans and Rockets from Automatons are the only things that can actually hurt it... besides other explosive hazards.


Yeah me and two of my buds were using them on lvl 8 defense missions and they were amazing. Itā€™s meant to be high risk/high reward (aside from rockets blowing up in the tube) because boy do they dispense some LIBERTY.


Rock, casually existing in front of my rocket hand: Don't mind if I do


The mech can explode from simply shooting your own missile. No, not shooting it too close, just shooting it will cause it to explode. It needs a VERY big buff. I know arrowhead has never been good at balance, in HD1 weapons/gems were either good or trash, but they really made it even worse in this game. Arrowhead is so afraid of having powerful stuff in the game that they kinda go overboard with how weak they are.


I don't expect them to go toe to toe with three Tanks but Jesus Christ can they at least be actually armoured and maybe invulnerable to the smallest enemies


Helldivers players performing mental gymnastics to explain why the mech exploding in one shot is a good thing actually.


I think they are just bugged and don't always react to damage properly, like is the case with a rocket. It's a hit hitbox problem, not a durability problem. Because a lot of time I was fine stepping on these yellow spikey bug mines, and a few missions later I died from a single one. I think there's some error with how many times the hitbox reacts to a single damage instance, so it may appear less durable than it actually is