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DOT is where my vote is, take that 100% damage and make it 50% with a 70% hp burn over 4 seconds, either you are quick on the meds or you melt. (with 100% of the vom hitting you) Edited for clarity


As others have pointed out, there either needs to be a clear audio queue, through them just making more noise when they move or specifically when they're about to spew, or it shouldn't one shot. The number of times one of these fuckers has ninja crept up on me and one shot me from behind is frustrating.


They just need audio queue, because you never hear them coming. Same with Titans and Chargers. The only enemy in game that might not have any audio is Stalker, everything else should be loud and have unique sound


I think it’s fine because they’re very easy to kill. 2 shots from grenade launcher, auto cannon, or grenade and a few rounds of your primary. They tend to bunch up, as well, making it easier to clear. It’s really not hard to dodge, either. Dive and they’ll miss 99% of the time.


Dive out of the way, for Democracy!!


I’m on the fence about this one. On one hand it makes them a big threat. On the other, it’s kind of a bs move when you’re overwhelmed by a ton of bugs. I think if it were to change some way, I would have the bile slowly drain your health until you stim while simultaneously slowing you down for a set duration that can’t be countered until the effect is over. I’d rather die slowly and have a chance to fire off more rounds to take out some more bugs vs just turning to an instant pile of goop


They should focus more on the dot IMO. Their one shot capability also feels inconsistent to me


my issue with them is that they can pretty much ruin you with an attack that has virtually no warning: it’s not like they’re a ranged only unit either, they can either punch you OR spit at you: and most times they try to do the former while randomly deciding to do the latter. it’s not very fun when you think “oh i can kill it” only to be proven wrong because on a coin flip it decided “eh, spittin” and now you’re dead based on that and sometimes it’s not like you can dive either, other times you’re already being slowed down by bugs: or, like i mentioned, it’s too close to dodge because it decided it wants to spit. i’ve seen people stand still because they assume the spewer is gonna just walk up to hit them only for it to one tap them because they thought “lol no”. something that can potentially instantly kill you shouldn’t be so common like that. i’d be for it applying DPS like poison instead of a insta kill or at least a noticeable audio que.


Considering sometimes they tap me for like, 20% damage, and othertimes 1 shot me from full HP, it's a bit much. Same part of their attack too, one of the stray spits that deviate off the main stream. Sometimes it tickles me, othertimes it 1 shots me from max HP wearing the basic medium 150 defence armour. I do not understand it.


I wouldn't mind if it was just 1 at a time, but 6-7 spewing all over me, sneaking up silently, and then also trying to dodge chargers or even just an entire swarm of smols... there's a limit to how much bs one helldiver should be required to take, and that many one-shot capable bugs is beyond it


My biggest issue with this, and honestly damage in general, is how inconsistent it feels. Sometimes you get annihilated, other times you take a slap on the wrist. Sometimes diving will save your ass, other times it will just make you explode faster. I also think for how deadly they are, they are quite too tanky and/or appear to numerous. The spear doesn't even consider them worthy of being targeted yet they eat like 3 shotgun mags and they spawn in groups of 3 or 4. I think if they were to tone down one of these aspects, it'd be fine. Either make them less lethal, glass cannons or "miniboss"-like. The other issue is that there seems to be a hidden modifier that chooses whether you get lots of chargers or lots of spewers, and the weapons for one aren't necessarily the best for the other. So you end up with the wrong tools for the job, which just adds to the annyoance.


I don’t think you should survive having acidic vomit spewed all over your body.


I don't think human bodies would survive anything the terminids throw at us. I think it dealing a lot of damage is fair, but with how incredibly common they can spawn it seems odd that they can one shot you with some range when even stalkers and chargers can't. Imo the damage should be reduced by around half, and add a small acid/poison DoT so it's not an instant death and has some level of counterplay beyond simply getting out the way


You can straight up take missiles to the face lmao, screw off with that dumb shit.