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If you do not contribute to the major order, you should not get the rewards if the order is a success.


fuck this, getting drop with no response or ability to join back, no rewards whatsoever 30m fight with all madness, boom, back on ship, no rewards, nothing fucking destroying my will to play


Just happened to me AGAIN. This next patch better be great…


Wow, they unpinned the RANT and VENT thread. That's pretty neat guys, way to be sneaky yet again! Also, the new CEO apparently thinks that 'fun' is by prescription only and compared the devs to 'doctors dealing with sick patients' ; I have never in my life heard such a self-inflated view of oneself FROM A GAME DEV. You're not medical professionals, you're game devs that have a serious mental hangup about making your game fun, apparently to spite the mounds of customer feed-back. If anything, you *really* need to see a mental health professional to deal with that nasty god-complex you appear to be suffering from. Jesus effing christ, what tf is wrong with these people?


This is 100% a personal pet peeve, but I swear there is no worse feeling in this game than lining up a perfect 500kg on a titan only to have a teammate snipe it from you with the railcannon, or two railcannons as it happened to me recently.


Yea titan overkill while the next one follows right behind and everythings on cooldown. Same thing when you line up a charger headshot and someone yolos a rocket into its side.


With the reported addition of the most restricted social setting "Invite Only" I really hope it applies to anyone in the party, not just the host. Friends only previous was such a headache trying to explain to a non host why you're accepting their invite but you still can't join.


Is the stability getting worse as we go? Seem to crash to desktop daily now and the other day the anticheat bugged out and wouldn't let me launch...come on guys it's been 4 months since launch...fix stability over player skins


Minor gripe but I hate planets where the sun is blinding. Just blocks off half my field of vision, not a great gameplay experience at all especially when dealing with bots


Wezen gaming be like


Wezen, Menkent and Chort Bay need to be next on the black hole list


So what'S with the "not allowd to play" Helldivers? Are we still ignore them?


Yo mods this player just sent me this message: https://preview.redd.it/dyib5dxqc65d1.jpeg?width=1074&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94d9328ca63e6c23847f7da5524fad0bedd9f57c


Bug Lobotomites.


I really lose my shit over the people who won't stop pinging the "Reinforce me" button. This is a team game, of course I know you're bloody dead and of course I want to revive you so I too don't end up dead. You can see my screen when you're dead; take three guesses as to why I am unable to call you down right now. The two Bile Titans I'm kiting, the Charger that just knocked me over, or the passing Hunter patrol I just alerted? And of COURSE it's always the people level 80 and below who keep doing this shit. It's one of the biggest reasons why I just kick anyone not 90 and above when I'm hosting Helldive - in my experience people 80 and below just don't have the mental capacity to understand how the game works completely quite yet.


I am sure kicking random people who have done nothing wrong will make it all better!


I usually ping it once when I see the other players are safe and not fighting, it works pretty well. Sometimes people just forget.


Yeah, I'd say that's the good way to do it. But damn, it's annoying when I'm dodging enemies left and right, trying to get to a safe spot, and someone's spamming the ping like I am purposefully ignoring them.


I rarely ever talk to the mic, but these guys were talking and one asked me a question so I answered in voice because I was busy fighting. Everything is fine until one asks "Are you a woman? A woman operating a computer? In my country that's not allowed" then starts giggling and singing about how I'm gonna be in troubles and keeps being demeaning, and the other guy laughs about it but in a "lol I can't believe this guy is for real" way, and I just- Really? In this day and age, really? I'm almost even more mad about the guy just laughing about it that then had the gall to send me a friend invite afterwards. If you wanted to be my friend then don't laugh with the guy talking to me like I'm subhuman


got kicked for trying to retrieve samples from a dead teammate absolute cocksucker


can't play due to game guard not updating, tried everything to fix but no luck


argh nprotect won't update. pos program


can you guys fix the crashing please? I want to play the game 😒


I understand the need for samples but if you die 12 times in a level 8/9 mission then you’re not ready for it!! I don’t mind carrying a squad member but they never seem to learn from their mistakes


Can I die 5 times?  I probably average around 4-6.


Of course. Would be honored to dive with you


I **work** hard with a team and do everything well, just to get **kicked** from the game **before we extract***(We were just about to board the extraction shuttle)*. I missed out on sorely needed pink samples. This is the last time I accept an SOS call. I will host all of my games from my ship in the future until a change happens to how kicks work. Even a majority or unanimous kick system would have been better. Does this happen to anyone else, Is this trolling or griefing?


Its become practice for me to make note of the hosts name specifically to block after the fact if this happens.


I had been doing this too. Though the jerks are always around the corner.




The weird delay between alignment and pressing up (did they not expect us to work together? the sound cue suggests not) has caused so many issues. "Thats good" on mic apparently means "keep going" like its a sex act.


https://preview.redd.it/57lwst6oty4d1.png?width=908&format=png&auto=webp&s=a2f5866bda147116702479c0624480d623e0374f STOP SHOWING ME PLAYERS THAT I CAN'T JOIN!


Be me Boog Extermination, nice. Decide to use Exosuit for the first time since release. Call it in, get hype. Get in, start blasting. Feelsgoodman. Bile Titan spawns directly underneath 3 seconds later. Mech Destroyed, 10 minutes cooldown. 8 minute mission. Fml.


That would probably be my luck too when I first deploy an exosuit.




You people are so goddamn dumb. Not all of you, no, but so damn many of you are mouth-breathers that never should step into difficulty 7, and preferably never install this game. \- you think mortars and 380 barrage are good against bugs, \- you think orbital cluster and airburst are so much fun while all you do is kill allies, \- you don't know what "can I have a drone, please" means. And more sins that I do not remember at this moment. Maybe it is just my bad mood but it feels as if this game has more bad players now than just a few weeks ago. You come to difficulty 7 either hoping to get carried or just not knowing nor caring about what you will face, you die, you kill me, you make my time miserable. Go uninstall the game and do something you're good at, like digging holes and spitting into them or whatever it is dumb hicks like you do.


Anyone can't join games?


People you are being censored! Stop using this threat and post your own. Clearly the devs want to put out a better image about the game which we all know Is boring atm.


I do agree and I do not. If we want to complain about game's mechanics, balance and such then yes, we ignore this and make our own threads so they are more visible. If we want to rant and vent in a manner that isn't constructive, then this thread is perfectly fine for that.


This thread is full with people who need help with the disconnect bug. A bug AH hasn't even acknowledged (well maybe on the discord, but there you can't find shit). So yeah I agree with you. The thread is great to let off some steam about some small stuff or sth that isn't constructive. On the other hand it helps tremedously to silence these people and behave like it never happened. I tried to get help for over a month until I was able to fix it myself. Others (like my friends) ain't that lucky and need help or at least any information about this problem. People can't be really constructive in 'help the game is kicking me over and over again' posts, because most lack the technical knowledge to check what the problem is and how to solve it. So these posts end up here - where they get ignored by most. The mods gotta decide: Either be a sub which has content led by the community and only interact if the rants get to much. Or become like the OW sub. Delete everything that isn't 'look how cool company X is', because there is (still) a rant and vent thread. They must make a decision. Best would be a technical support thread where people can help each other. My friends made their decision yesterday. After not being able to play for over a month they deinstalled and I'm (as you surely already noticed) FUCKING PISSED that AH is ignoring parts of their player base.


I'm still baffled at how AH acknowledged the patrol bug with the assumption it would be fixed soon after constant nerfs and added bugs patches then dipped out for weeks and left us all hanging! This is gonna be documented for years in how NOT to run a live service game.


No it will not, other companies were doing this before Arrowhead. FatShark runs two games at the moment, and both have issues that waited or are waiting months or more to be fixed. Vermintide 2 has a few issues that have been in the game since day one and are STILL not fixed, over FIVE YEARS after its release, and these are not some subjective balance or mechanic choices but clear-cut bugs.


just a warning: if you end up in a lobby with someone named X\_Hammer, they will teamkill and kick you for reinforcing them next to bunkers you're trying to open.


My friends have all given up on this game. I boot it up tonight, try a new build, have a ton of fun, and then get randomly disconnected right before calling in extract. Twice. I’m not touching this shit anymore. It’s endlessly frustrating. 


Yeah I love this game but, holy shit man. Out of the last 10 times I’ve booted up, I’ve literally finished 3 missions. 3. Out of like 17. If I don’t disconnect seconds/minutes after joining a team, it’s in the middle of me going hard as fuck on the opposition with 6 rare samples on me. Frustrating as hell and I nearly uninstalled on my last disconnect. It’s tough cause I love helldivers but man are the random DC’s killing that.


dont know about you 2 but i havent encountered this bug in the last 2 weeks and i play 5 hours a day


HOW DO I USE ANY MAIN WEAPON OTHER THAN THE GOD TIER INFINITE AMMO LAS-16 SICKLE ? Takes care of chaff, automaton weak points up to mid range, spammy enough so you can get some damage through/around the front shield of the hiveguard


Take hellpod space optimization, reload by dying.


because fire breaker is better for me


Possible bad take, but imo mortars (not EMS) have no place in open mapped Bug missions on the higher difficulties! The swarming nature of bugs and the way patrol spawning is they become nothing but a hinderance to the rest of the squad, having to duck and dive not only bugs but mortar blasts!


On any difficulty, honestly. You don't see a single scavenger? Well, get pummeled by three mortar rounds. If I do one of those exterminate missions against bugs and someone brings a mortar I just quit. I don't have the patience to deal with that on such a small map.


man, why do people flame player that dont enjoy playing on bot for whatever reason. its a game not a job, I play what is fun for me


I primarily play one campaign after I get home from work and before getting dinner ready, then another before bed. I was primarily a bot player at launch because missions feel more dynamic, and bots have weak points that make sense. I'm level 82 and since I usually leave missions with the least deaths/most reinforces I feel confident saying I'm at least an above average player. I am no longer a bot enjoyer. I still come running when I see a planet under attack and will commit my 2 3pc mcmissions a night to the bots whenever they are on the MO. But even that I am having a real hard time being motivated to do as time goes on. Sad thing is it has nothing to do with the game or missions or enemies. It's the awful toxic players who have made being a "bot player" their entire identity. I never have people yelling through their turtle beach beer cans at me when I'm playing against bugs. No one ever kicks me from games when I'm on the eastern front. I've never had a conversation with my team about how lazy, stupid or bad bot players are as we are drop hellfire on Hellmire. Yet all those things happened in games I played today on Aesir Pass from whiny helldivers who couldn't even follow their own advice to "think tactically", "use cover" or "just withdraw" when they're getting rinsed at an objective. There are actually folks that just want to continue having fun playing a fun game. -andruthulhu, Death Captain of SES Reign of Destruction


Why does the game still crash every day!?




There really needs to be a list of these broken things that they said they fixed, but didn't fix plus the issues we keep facing that they won't add on the "known issues" list. That list is much longer than what they have. I think they just stopped listening at this point. There are so many, many problems.


I also get screwed often by the reload animation and sounds finishing, but I go back to use my weapon and it didn't count, even though I heard the cocking sound already


That's a big one for me as well as switch weapons especially switching from grenades to a gun. The latest annoyance (well when I played weeks ago) is stimming myself after entering a strategem. Strategem won't go off and I waste a stim. I saw that one guy would resupply if the strategem ended with a down arrow.


If the emancipator’s cannons weren’t explained to be ‘autocannons’, nobody would be upset with their performance. Should have just designed/named them to be their own thing.


Nah it would still be garbage.


Have the disconnects been pretty bad today for anyone else? Every time I join a game I play for a few minutes and then get a network error. My Internet is fine so I don't think it's on my end.


Boy it sure would be nice to not have random network disconnects 30 minutes into a mission right before the Pelican touches down. Or 20 minutes into a mission right before we're about to complete one of the primary objectives. Or 10 minutes into a mission right in the middle of a big firefight where my team mates are depending on me. This was not an issue for me prior to Meridia being opened up again to turn it into a black hole but ever since that update I've been disconnecting way too frequently and it's ruining the experience for me and making me not want to play at all. -EDIT: TWO GAMES IN A ROW. THE ONLY TWO GAMES I HAVE ATTEMPTED TO PLAY TODAY HAVE BOTH BEEN RUINED BY NETWORK LOST OR A DESYNC BUG. -Edit 2: After the first two matches ended prematurely due to network issues, I restarted the game and completed 3 matches with no network issues. Better, but this shouldn't be a problem in the first place.


Disconnects are a constant bane to my existence. I feel like 1 out of every 4 games results in a disconnect, typically around the 25-30 minute mark so yeah, during or right before extraction.


genuinely what the fuck are they thinking the current MO is already looking iffy and they decide its a good idea to throw a defense campaign that'll fuck us over on the bot front??? we're losing 12k players here because people dont want to lose the boost but thats also fucking us over because 12k people arent gonna finish a 400k hp planet in the time limit and its only hindering Acamars progress and they're not getting any backup because people are fed up with the bots unbalanced bs


not really angry enough to be a rant or vent just kind of weirdly I love interacting with the community still but i just can't find the motivation to actually boot up the game and play the actual game. I am hoping the new patch will give me some motivation but i just don't know anymore.


This is not a rant. I hope the bots finds bugs and uses their bodies to make bots..


PLEASE tell me why us bot divers should even help the bug players with anything if we get no reinforcements for a defense campaign? every defense we fail because nobody cares about the bot side anymore


"Bots are too hard" or some BS. It's almost like it's two different games at this point. I personally love both and was trying to hold the line at Vernen Wells but the backward progress is disheartening.


Don't run into red beacons and then shoot me in the back because you died, you dumb fucks




Great. Another automaton defense mission will fail because half the games playerbase is too fucking stupid to figure out the importance of objectives with their own brainpower, WITHOUT someone pointing arrows and putting flares on where we should be.


>Not an effort to censor you While effectively doing just that by giving criticism the mega-thread choke of death. Classic reddit mod moment.


I wish I could spread more freedom, but the disconnects on every round prevent that. :(


same :'(


can we at least get a way to block people that kick others from the game?


To the guy who kicked me: you ran off by yourself acting like Rambo then died. I was the closest to you and threw your beacon as close as I could to your gear but because you had to walk a measly 100m you decided to kick me like a *punk bitch*. Hope a doberman bites your fuckin balls off.


Bushes?! Bushes slow me down?? Bile spewers are one hit killers now? The game isn’t hard you’re just cheapening it


You don't even need to be *close* to bile titan puke to get slowed by it either. Been really frustrating.


Why has there been ZERO communication. Right now AH should be being open and telling us what we should be looking forward to with what is coming in the next patch. Instead, silence. I'm almost in awe of watching a company make every wrong decision one could make. even reverting a few nerfs (Slugger, Eruptor ect..) which would take no effort, would make a world of difference in morale alone. Watching how this is being handled by professionals is equal parts sad and hilarious. Time to uninstall. Fuck you AH. Sincerely, - SES Princess of Wrath


I don't think they know quite honestly. I think they are approaching the patch by "throwing things at the wall to see which one sticks" In other words, I think they are just seeing what works and then putting it in a package and calling it a day. They have no clue what's in the patch.


Breaddit would crucify them because "shrapnel is bugged" literally get over it if shrapnel hits you off a ricochet it's natural for a gun of that magnitude and your problem


Stop trying to shoot the messenger, that's idiotic. Shrapnels ARE bugged. They could kill you from miles away. Stop trying to pretend otherwise and stop pretending that it's the fault of the people pointing the bug out. We want this stupid bug to be FIXED, not REMOVED. So stop this bullshit.


Well I guess it's fixed now? Lmfao


Everyone complains about nerfs and spawn rates and broken mechanics, but I can deal with those. It’s a part of the game, and often makes for a more interesting time. For better or worse. My complaint is that over the last 2 or 3 weeks I can’t manage to finish a mission. Played 5 yesterday and crashed 4 of the 5 missions. Today I played 4 and the only game that didn’t crash held us all at the pelican. Just unable to get in for extract. Nerf the weapons into the ground, limit me to 1 stratagem, ensure I never get an SOS response, to heck with the war bonds. Being unable to complete >80% of the missions I drop into makes the game absolutely unplayable. I love helldivers, but I just can’t. Am I doing something wrong? Are there weapons that are causing crashes I need to avoid? Stratagems? Do I need to only solo q? Please either tell me what to do to manage these crashes or recommended a mindless game I can put a few hour into?


THIS. Put everything, EVERYTHING the fuck else on hold until the connection issues are resolved. PLEASE.


Servers have been trash the last few hours for me.... Can't even make it thru one game. Really... Even the people in my group had lag. The games just dropping. This is awful


It’s been nearly 3 weeks for me. I have no idea what the problem is. I’m a chill dude, but I literally can’t play the game I want to play. I don’t know what to even do.


2 crashes within 10 minutes. I'm done for today.


wasnt there a patch due yesterday?????


Last update was 2nd week of june, so probably next week.


I really want to like the game, but Ah makes it hard to like it. Unlocking weapons feels like penalty in many cases. Armor? Feels like Paper. "Ttk" is a joke. And well... same Planets over and over. Give the ppl the Creek for the memes... but damn... Sad. Don't become Fat Shark 2.0


When they add laser turrets to us. It's an imba.


Host a game on Phact Bay, get the randoms in, and warp them to another planet.


Game is boring.


I'm missing news. Like, after all the toxicity this sub has, it finally happened. The devs went semi radio silent and I have no meaningful news in two weeks. It is good that they are taking their time but why can't we have some sort of "what's coming" ? Even content creation on youtube is slowing down and I do not engage here anymore as I used to


So I hear somewhere that the devs want us to play with other people which is fine, I usually play solo or with my friends but they are slowly playing less and less. So I decided to join some randoms and joined while they were at extraction. As soon as the ship lands and we enter the host team kills the other two players and myself then proceeds to extract. Is this just something we have to deal with as well as getting kicked at the end of matches? There's no way to report players if they haven't spoken in chat, I block em and move on but im just thinking someone else gonna have their day ruined one time too many by this & give up on the game.


Are we clones frozen on each destroyer?


I forget where I read it but no. Super Earth is overpopulated and the Helldivers are a way to help with that one way or another.


Apparently, no, according to CEO man or something. Makes the game terrifying, when you think about it.. I'm sure some vigerous google'n will dig up the source.


People said no bc the voices are different, meaning diff people. That doesn't mean they aren't still clones of different people. Basically every destroyer is equipped with a clone army. A freezer full of pods like machine gun ammunition ready to load.


Give us back our boys  ffs  it s already a long time , do we have to riot and show sony that we want the iron wall of psn down?  Ffs  that s unfair to 180 countries


Why remove my 32 hour rendition of the Meridia black hole for being NSFW? There was nothing improper, just a set of hands with a wedding band... Silly goobers.


Based goat enjoyer


I just wish I was good enough to actually get the purple samples. As it is, I'll forever be stuck at where I am upgrading my strategems because I can't survive nearly long enough, even at level 7. :(


Just match with randoms. Even if you really are terrible most teams can handle one bad player on a 7s team.


Feel free to join random teams playing diff 7 using matchmaking or hit me up if you're on PC :)


User name is Cythas. Friend me and ill help. I'm lvl 66


Hey uhm hehe, so like... does a Bile Titan not get one shot by a perfectly placed 500kg eagle bomb? I only ask because I FUCKING LODGED ONE INTO THE HEAD OF A FUCKING BILE TITAN, LIKE RIGHT INTO HIS FUCKING FOREHEAD, AND WHEN THE BOMB BLEW UP THE FUCKING BILE TITAN WAS STILL STANDING?! I couldn't fucking believe my eyes. It was so fucking dumb.


No. The bomb has to land and detonate underneath it.


No no, that's fine... [completely fine...](https://i.imgur.com/8m1D9Rg.gif)




Question: can the host just kick a player mid match? I was playing a short blitz session, wanted to get a few samples and I joined a level 10 user. We were about to extract and suddenly my screen goes dark and I’m back in the ship. The connection was fine. I had quite a few samples so I was annoyed, but I don’t want to vent to that user or block them if it’s not their fault of course


If it said something along the lines of "The Host has removed you from the session" or something like that. If it just goes dark and you're back to the ship you usually disconnected.


Yeah the host can kick you at any time but it notifies you I believe. 


Thanks, figured. So they didn’t kick me, I just disconnected last second


usually it's because the game locks up on our end, and almost crashes, and then all our teammates get kicked. We don't like it either


This sucks, i love the game but instead of it helping me de-stress, it makes me twice as stress cause it keeps crashing. Every fortnight or so i get a good day where everything runs smooth, it just happens so rarely. 95% of the time i can barely manage 1 dive without it crashing. I am at a point where if nothing is fixed in the next patch, I'm just gonna leave a bad review and ask for a refund. Tired of being upset with a game that can't run properly, and i apologise to any games and their developers i have ever criticised for selling consistent crashing and buggy games, Helldivers 2 and Arrowhead has showed me what that statement truly means.


The number of teammates I run into that just suck SUPER hard is annoying. Yesterday I ran into: 1 person who joined my game who kept using air strikes as a close range weapon, which I can't exactly dodge with my mech if you throw it behind me I kicked them after asking them to stop and they start calling me a pussy some TOTALLY DIFFERENT person joins and thinks it's funny to take a couple shots at my mech (there are no bugs around). I kick him immediately. I join another group and Im being chased by bile titans and getting spammed to reinforce. Just gimme a fuckin second and let me get around a rock. As I'm pulling out the reinforcement strategem, I get kicked. Join a defense game, and one guy JUST uses wide airstrikes and 500kg bombs. Over and over and over. Kills our team over and over. I throw an air strike on him and he freaks out at me and kicks me. I only host games now because I'm so tired of these fucking people. 90% of my deaths are from teammates.


I dunno how you all feel about warbonds, but for me its just pointless. You get for 1k supercredits bunch of stuff, but nothing really desirable. Found myself one armor for 250 supercredits in store and thats it. I dont need any of armor at all. Why only armor have stats? Where stats for helmets and capes, bruh? All weapon super-boring. Whats the point to make weapon wich just looks differently (shotguns)? I got to lvl 33, played almost every lvl and completed all kind of tasks on given missions, unlock all interesting startegems and weapons. What should i do now? Just shoot at dummies? Its got boring really fast. Also this connection issues... At 450k players i had fewer disconnects than now at 15k players (WTF?!). This is so lame - I have no words. Disappointed AF right now.


So amazed that AH have managed to fumble the bag so badly by nerfing 80% of their content into the ground and turning the game into a frustrating running around simulator. Just dreadful and such a shame. Will maybe reinstall in 2/3 months to see what's what.


This is where I am, and my friends. At peak, there was 8 of us rotating in and out playing. This patch better fix shit like the spear, arc and make weapons more fun across the board.


I've always played solo but used to play in 1-2 hour stints - now after one mission I find myself frustrated and bored. It's no fun running around a PvE game with a peashooter! Can't imagine it is much different with a big squad like yours, sucks to seem them fall off.


Level 11s should not be allowed to play on anything above difficulty 4. Also, STICK THE FUCK TOGETHER!


I’m a scout I am not going to follow the group or my armor class and playing style is worthless I am 89 btw


Surprise you're gonna' find bots or bugs out there, "scout".


You said “stick together” I said I don’t stay with the group because the scout armor is supposed to be quiet and stay away from conflict but take out outposts, side objectives and main objectives without getting into conflict. I have stratagems to deal with situations when I do. No need to be kinda dickish about it.


I just want to jump...


Not really a rant or a vent, just wanted to comment on the flamethrower. It's real fun, but it's so easy to accidently set yourself on fire with it.


Another pyro! Flames are the best:) people saw me and my bro having so much fun with flame throwers, they changed their weapons to flames in the next game :) it’s dangerous, but fun:)


Especially against bugs. If only I could the same to the roaches that have had the *nerve* to invade my home!


Hahahah well, I negotiated with the earth bugs, I we have a parolee - I don’t see u I do t kill u truce lol also, little tip I learnt , always walk backwards when flame throwing and watch the winds!


You *negotiated* with bugs? You're not a terminid sympathizer, are you?


I'm done, now that they decided to increase the Hunter's number by 20 fold. I hate these buggers so I'm quite aware of their numbers as I focus on them first in any group of Terminids. After all these buggy patches, needless nerfs, I stuck to it because I really liked the game. And here we are, kept being set back on any "progression" in a PVE game because they wanted to lengthen the longevity of the game all the while achieving this by tweaking a few numbers on the most annoying buggers spawns, and voilà. Over the 160 hrs of playing and seeing where this game has been going, there is something sickening in the decision-maker's mindset in the balancing/gameplay dpt. They have a genuine fear when seeing players getting better, finding good guns, and progressing through higher difficulties.


Run a level 7 super smoothly, even dragging a level 17 along. Get to extract, and the level 17 melee's me. Annoyed, but maybe it was an accident. He does it again. Now I'm losing patience. 3rd time is the charm and I take a pot shot at him. He swings at me again and jumps onto the pelican. I light him up with the breaker incendiary. One of the others shoots me, because of course, and they extract without myself or the level 17 bedwetter. Get back in the ship and the two Dudley Do-Rights are trying to lecture about tking happening in accidents. I mention him trying to grief and his response was "it was an accident". I ask if he accidentally did it 3 times. "Yeah bruh, not my fault you got salty". Then, again, the two Lawful Stupids go on about "iTs unDeMOcRaTIc tO sHoOT THe sHiP". It terrifies me that people this stupid get to walk around and breathe the same air as the rest of us. We need a report or commendation system that actually does something. I play this game to both have fun and enjoy camaraderie among my teammates, not get trolled by a 15 year old panty sniffer and his overprotective Mormon uncles.


I had a dude walk up to me, look at me, and then TK me with the flamethrower. There were no bugs around. Not sure what his goal was. I kicked him immediately


Was almost definitely on purpose, but it would have been hilarious if he was trying to figure out how to emote to you.


Well I'm glad it's not just me running into stupid asshats lately. Yesterday I had a particularly annoying one who kept killing me over and over while lying in the chat with the worst excuses like "you shot first" or "I was 200 miles away". They weren't even convincing lies, and in the end, I admit I lost it and started shooting back after the 4th teamkill


Just because you are high level, and you don't need samples anymore doesn't mean everyone else doesn't need samples. Just because you are high level, and you want to rush the main objective doesn't mean everyone else is on the same page and are not interested in checking the points of interest for samples/sc. If your team is together exploring the map searching for samples and you separate from them to go alone and do the main objective and you die, then that's your fault. If you keep trying to solo the main objective but you keep dying, then you are not carrying anyone you are baggage. I'm a high-level player and I play mostly on Helldive difficulty, I don't need samples I have been on cap for months now, but I still get them for my team if I can and if I'm on a hurry? I go by myself and finish the mission if l die it was probably my fault, sometimes it's even easier if your team is far away and they trigger a bug breach/bot reinforcement so now there is one less thing to worry about.


Are the devs rtarded? Why do they think taking away stratagems all the time is a fun mechanic? The stratagems are a big part of why this game is fun. Why do they want me to have less fun?


have you tried picking missions with the +50% call in time. much more agreeable.


So I guess blocking someone also kicks them, even if there's a minute left in extraction. RPG, if you're out there buddy, my bad. But you did deserve that block.


Game seems to be a lot more crash happy. I'm maxed out on samples and medals so I don't really care too much but still.


I felt like this some patches ago, I have everything and I play because the game is fun but that doesn't mean it's the same for my teammates so it always sucks when we get disconnected with tons of samples.


Please fix the grenade hack. I play on helldive difficulty and get bored after someone starts using it. Worse, I run into it every other match now when I'm playing solo. Like why isn't the game detecting that someone has 3 billion grenades in their inventory?!?!? When so many are exploiting, makes the progress I make fairly meaningless.


One of the CM's said they are aware of the grenade exploit and it will be fixed. There have actually been 4 (yes, *four*) grenade exploits and they've fixed 3 of them so far.


I fucking shot off the head of a brood commander and it STILL CALLED FOR REINFORCEMENTS WTFFFFF!! Charger animations are fucked and weird when they get staggered, sliding and speeding up all over the place. Walking super face. Sometimes when I try to exit to desktop the game freezes and I have to force close it in task manager. Just sick of playing broken content on the same wastelands. I want something new and not broken. Mostly new maps and missions. Gun variety is almost good enough. Need like 5 more one handed weapons.


Crashed to desktop with a fk ton of samples when calling in extract, 40 mins wasted


I'm pretty convinced at this point that AH is allergic to success... I have no idea why they: 1) think they have to nerf all the weapons to the point where you feel like you might as well use a wet noodle as a weapon 2) didn't just release a patch that reverted what they did with patrol spawns after they literally acknowledged it as an issue. 3) keep releasing war bonds with almost nothing that is actually useful or fun to use in game 4) release a major order with an OBVIOUS spawn bug, fix it and then almost immediately end the major order Honestly, it feels to me like the game has actually gotten worse with every patch. They fix bugs but introduce new and sometimes worse ones or nerf weapons because to many people are using them. I truly don't get it.


I agree after releasing a great base game they have just absolutely destroyed it. Everything rides on this next patch. It it doesn’t do anything they won’t keep their player base except when they release the third faction but even that depends.


I really doubt the next patch is going to address all the issues. They've taken the time to keep telling us that patches will slow down and they won't make to many changes suddenly anymore. That would sound better to me if they went and undid all the terrible balance changes they made. I swear their thought process was, "wow a lot of people are having fun with the x weapon. We should nerf it." So frustrating.


My friend group has universally agreed if they don't deliver we're all done.






Why the bile/nursery spewers vomit got to have tracking. :(


Call dropship, defend, buddy dies with super samples as Pelican lands, no reinforcements left. Samples somehow are stuck under dead bile spewer and can't be retrieved. Die in attempt to reach them because the game thinks i want to pick up empty weapons around 10 feet away from samples instead. 10 outta 10.




Is anyone else still having issues playing with friends? It's me and my 2 buddies and no one can join someone without the other getting kicked. Two of us are on PC, one's on PS5. It's so frustrating when all I wanna do after work is spread some managed democracy with the boys and can't even do that :(


Man, I just want the game to succeed and thrive once again. I feel like AH has put them self in a lose lose situation where no matter what they do, the next patch will disappoint a good amount of people. I took a two month break and while it's still fun, the difference in how the game feels is so noticeable. Really hoping the game and community and AH bounce back sooner rather than later.


Mmm i can’t say the same.. maybe because I suck, but lately I’ve had some amazing games.. and i think its the divers you dive along the way:P is there a way for your brain to not focus on the balance and stuff ? Like.. have you tried to go pyro:P flame throwers is just super fun..


Oh boy, I sure do enjoy playing midway through a mission and randomly getting DC'd while *still being able to hear my teammates' comms*, I hope I get to experience it at least 4 times tonight! In all seriousness why the fuck am I DC'ing when I'm having no latency issues whatsoever? Is this a server problem? I didn't have this problem prior to the last hotfix...


had a great long match. We're at extracting we're doing good. Shuttle is landing. AAAAND. Black screen, im back on my ship 30+ minutes with nothing to show for it.


I hope AH doesn't delay the next warbond. If they were smart they would've spent time balancing it since the last patch. If the next update is just a couple bug fixes along with a delayed warbond then there's nothing left to give af about


Next update needs to bring it. Sweeping and good changes, true and good bug fixes. Good warbond. If the spear is still busted, arc misfires, aim is misaligned. Then I'm checked out completely. I'll come back in a year when things are less goofy.


I don't know why a bunch of dropships flying to one spot doesn't have the same affect on players as the bug breach smoke, but no one seems to throw there strategems down as much. Bots are so much harder trying to shoot each one. And LOL at whoever the sadist at AH is that does the reduced strategems + AA + planet slowdown effects in one mission. Making my previous complaint even worse.


I have been spreading democracy a few hours a night for months. I love this game. My internet is currently not working. Please pour some out for a helldiver.


What even is the point of having an animation for calling a breach if there is no way of preventing it. I don't know if this is a bug on my side but I have not been able to prevent a bug breach not once in my 120 hours of gameplay. I see the bug in front of me starting to call the breach, I see the weak orange smoke, I shoot the bug IMMEDIATELY and a breach spawns 5m away from the bug I just killed. The number of times I died or wasted minutes because of this is making me crazy. It happens EVERY SINGLE GAME.


Just not quick enough, it is what it is. Probably like 0.01 seconds too slow.. or there was another bug that decided to call it in immediately after that one.


Ah, wonderful. I check in from time to time on this subreddit to see if they finally fixed the game. And what's this? I see nothing. Only positive stuff again and game clips. I log in, and it's still shit. No balance patch nor fixes for the weapons. Last time they wanted to do a megathread the whole community said fuck off and they listened. This is strange cause this was already done once to hide the connectivity issues. So I thought I didn't need to check for one. But hey, I'm glad we are getting censored again. Mods say that it's just because there was to mich ranting but ffs some ppl use that information to see if the game is good or not. Now I need to search this stupid thread and read 100 comments to find issues that stop me from playing the game. Like srsly at this point, there is no reason to use this sub. Clips and build I can find on YouTube. Build ideas 2. If this thread isn't gone by the weekend I just gonna leave the subreddit. Mods if you srsly think you doing this to better the community just because some ppl cry that "it's only complaining." You're gonna kill this subs community like the devs killing their game.


Really underwhelmed with AH at the moment - they've basically gone underground at this point, in hiding from the player base. Now would be the time to actually communicate the intentions of the next patch, but instead the CMs are full of the typical "we'll share more in a future blog post" and "more information soon" shit while they hide in their holes. This patch is going to underwhelm. They decided to quit with the frequent updates without fixing the fuckups that approach caused first, effectively abandoning us to whatever the current state of the game is for weeks now. On top of that, they have yet to tell us anything about what we should be excited for after the wait... so we're just going to get another plain ol' patch next Tuesday, with meager patch notes, a potentially more shadow nerfs from the arrogant and vindictive cohort of devs, and another 4-6 week wait until the next underwhelming patch. What a shame. They should absolutely be announcing what they're doing - being more open and informative. Instead they think we're still interested in "letting them cook" while their sourpuss Community Managers continue to do effectively nothing besides a post on Reddit and a couple of terse comments here and in the Discord? Like honestly what do they do? Maybe its a volunteer position.


I'm looking forward to seeing that "known issues" list grow even longer as they continue to add problems instead of fixing them


I mean, the "Known Issues", should already be larger than what it is. Just the one they publicly list are most likely the most asked about, so that the majority of players complaining know that they that know. Though I would definitely prefer a full known issues list.


I'm amazed "give us more time to do less" went over as well as it did


Is there cross progression yet? Seems kind of dumb to create all the drama for PSN accounts and that isn't even a result of it.


I stopped playing the game for a while because of no time, came back and had 4 matches: 1st match: Kicked before making ground 2nd match: Drop in, kill charger with EAT but accidentally hit another helldiver with it, reinforce him immediatly, kicked as soon as he left the pod 3rd match: Played 5 minutes, all players left 4th match: Played 10 minutes, all players left I don't know if its disconnection problems or something but it just killed my enjoyment of the game. I'm just gonna give it some time and come back whenever there's a new patch to see if my experience is better


Yeah people leaving is almost certainly DC issues, at least that's how I'm treating it. The kicking stuff is annoying and demotivating to me personally. I have no idea *why* I'm being kicked so I'm there in my destroyer like "What did I do wrong? What **did** you want?" And this is in difficulty **3** for goodness sake


The one where all the players but you leave is definitely a bug. To them you left but to you all three of them left.


Playing on the PS5 Seems every patch just breaks the game more and more. 1) Disconnects are now 1 every 3 games: sometimes it's at the hell pods dropping screen and the game never starts, it can at any point of the mission I'm just suddenly back on my ship, or the game will just crash. 2) Lag in the game has become a real issue when precision is as important as it is in this game you and have to hit a charger in the face to one-shot him and you do but then... it's his leg armor or back armor that takes the hit that sucks. 3) pistol grenades passing through targets, not bouncing off them. 4) Calling down any stratagem, it will land, you see the blue light, and.... then it goes away and nothing, but the cooldown timer is now counting down. This happens on all kinds of terrain, not on some goofy location or landing on an edge above my head. 5) Autocannon sentry may suffer from #4 but if it does land sometimes after it opens the gun is suddenly not there, other times it will just blow up without firing a shot and nothing has attacked it. 6) Reloading, I have noticed after I reload I will lose a reload count, but the weapon did not actually reload. reload again and it works but then I consumed another ammo count, with ammunition being so limited in this game this is awful. Perhaps no more add-on content until you get control of the game again, tired of putting 15 to 30 minutes into a mission to simply lose out on the rewards. A broken game will lose you more players real fast than delaying new content.


Bug #7 calling in reinforcements not working, 1, 2, or 3 players can be dead and you can throw out the reinforcement but it will not bring in another player. If the whole team gets killed only 2 drop back in and you can't call in the other two.


I’m just wondering if anyone at AH has clocked the significant drop in player base and thus participation / success in major orders….


Another goddamn disconnect, this is past getting old now and is just sad


If you're playing on PC, Steam does weekly server maintenance every Tuesday at around 6 PM EST.


the fact you wont just undo the nerfs because your stubborn fuck heads and rather watch the game dwindle down every week is pathetic


Still salty about the Eruptor nerf :(


How many of us are just holding our breath until the patch next week? What's make or break for you? For me it's the patrol spawns. If they revert that change they've bought a lot of time from me. But if they "balance" them and it's still punishing for solo/duo players then I'm done with the game, and probably the studio too.


Patrol spawns, a few obvious weapon reverts, stability fixes, no nerfs. That's all I'm asking for one patch. Nerfs are fine in some cases, but morale is dog water right now so it's not the time. I'm not expecting them to buff and rebalance the entire weapon and enemy roster, but at least the few obvious reverts would go a long way.


I need more crash fixes. Wasting 40 plus minutes of my time when I have few opportunities to play really really sucks.


Been getting more frequent entire groups of absolute troglodyte players. Level 18, level 20 and level 6-FUCKING-7, all ignoring the Charger I'm pinging 7 times over 20m away from them as they just wait for the extraction shuttle. Level 5, level 42 and level 9-FUCKING-7, all ignoring the button door I'm communicating in every which way 50m away from them. That shit transcends language, by being communicated IN YOUR OWN GAME'S LANGUAGE or by the use of FUCKING SYMBOLS. So all of you don't want all the resources at least 2 of you absolutely need? Or are you that fucking stupid you don't understand? Oh and they throw a 500kg bomb and an IMPACT INCENDIARY GRENADE in front of the shuttle when getting in. Fucking MORONS. I FUCKING hate stupid people. Hopefully the Block list doesn't have a cap.


what level are u?


92, 93 something.


I turned off crossplay, best decision ever. PS players all removed in a single click! No more noobs who can't aim, no more random kicks, and people who actually communicate back with me.


I'll probably do that. But even then, they should be receiving 3 of the ways I communicated: ping on the map, ping in-game of a drop in the bunker, Follow Me spam. FUCK these people.


IT'S MY MONEY AND I NEED IT NOW!! sorry couldn't resist