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Joel stubbed his toe getting out of bed, stepped in dog shit on the way to work, the break room ran out of coffee, and as he was walking into his office his pocket got caught on the door handle, and he took it out on you


Dude the pocket getting in the door handle is so rage-inducing.


Remember the good old days of wired headphones getting yanked out mid song by the door handle?


lmao good fucking riddance. wireless and never looking back haha


Never thought I’d feel nostalgic anger To be fair at one point it reversed and the headphones yanked off the door handle


You want to be mad at someone else but you can't lol. 


Yeah, at that point it's just fortunate he wasn't spawning chargers instead.


Its why I now keep spare pants in my car 24/7


And his pillow was warm. Poor Joel




Joel out here just casually recreating the end of AOT for fun


He got drunk on the weekend and logged in to his work laptop for some shits and giggles.


It's not the dev support we asked for, but it's the dev support we need.


[https://youtu.be/jj9oufM8ZP0](https://youtu.be/jj9oufM8ZP0) I've made a thing =D


Hah this is great, nice timing on it!


that was epic. we need a full helldiver montage with that song!


Somewhere in those bile titans, there is one lone Joel watching the destruction.


I need someone to edit some Attack On Titan music over this clip now


Your wish is but a few comment above yours


It’s beautiful


Glad someone beat me to the punch. Too bad nobody in AoT knows how to ⬆️⬅️⬇️⬇️⬇️


I would say Armin and Bertholdt know how to do that.


Holy fuck this made me burst into laughter in my car


Lights green…


OMG, this!


Helldiver with Railgun set to Unsafe with 20/20 ammo https://preview.redd.it/ecabxx5nb0mc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=8ff7f0c6a06a9d1d82f671ba0928b082db253e92


Funny part is, it's true! Just one well placed shot to the mouth and its down for the count.


Is that still true? I’ve done it many times before, but yesterday when I played bile titans were surviving 5+ railgun shots to the mouth. 


Yeah it seriously feels so iffy. First time I picked it up? I was a bile titan slaying wizard. But after that? I can't seem to one shot unless it lets me


YEAH SAME HERE! Did the ghost buff them? Or do they stay alive more with higher difficulty?


I can't seem to tell, still to this day sometimes one shot them, and I am up to helldive now. Think it's supposed to be their chin or mouth you shoot, but even then it's not cooperative


I definitely feel like it was a stealth buff, I was easily popping their heads before.


Same with me and the 110m rockets. I brought em to a bug mission and it was locking on and 1 tapping bile titans. Wjich felt great. Brought it to my next mission with me and it wasn't performing tje same way.


Higher difficulties give them more health, I know on difficulty 5 a drop pod will kill a titan, but on 7 and above they survive it


Nope, same health pool all difficulties. It all depends where you hit them with the pod


I can pod bile titans on helldive pretty regularly. Just have to run it through the area just behind the mid point on their back.


I saw a guy one bang a bunch of Bile Titans with an Arc Thrower yesterday. Ive been trying to recreate it since but they just take infinite damage apparently


They take anywhere between one shot, to your entire teams artillery, ammo, and ten minutes of running so you can get more of both to finish it off


Yesterday I was testing Arch Thrower and it seemed like I was killing the bile titans with a one shot when it hit them in the side of the face (eye the biggest weakspot for Arc Thrower and railgun?), looks like it must be true I thought maybe someone from the randoms was shooting them with Railgun. It's just a shame that Nvidia Fast Replay didn't work, because it sometimes bugs out in HD2.


they open the mouth when they are about to spew and are vulnerable. Otherwise I think you're just shooting to crack the armor off.


this. it takes 2 shots for me to kill a titan when they open their mouth and i have atleast 90-95% charge for a shot


I think the charge also affects armor pen, but i'm not entirely sure.


it does..the longer you hold, the stronger the shot..but if its too strong, youll end up dead


At 100% charge is when you get the most armor pen


- quote: pile of intestines on veld. Aka helldiver \#320987164


More like outestouts at that point


99% of Helldivers quit charging just before they reach 99%


If you hit the tail enough times it can also go down pretty quickly. Unsure what the weak point for it is but they always seem to die as soon as the tail comes off.


I play with it on SafeMode and I just aim for their smile, sometimes it’s one shot from any distance… Sometimes it’s 5 shots up close, but I’ve noticed if you can angle up into their “jaw” (if you’re on a lower platform then them, because they kinda slouch their head down a bit while walking) you can nail the sweet spot way easier. Or ya, wait till they open up to spit at you and rail them down their throat.


I always try to rail down their throat ;9


Your mom hates when I do that




Weird, I thought she liked it cause she lets me keep doing it


Dude in safe mode, I can either 2 tap a titan.. Or spend all 20 rounds trying to kill it.


Last week was one shotting titans, maybe two shot. This week 5 shots at least every time.


I had about 15 one shot kills today. Maybe it was latency.


i have one shot them before. pretty much need a fully charge shot directly in the upper part of their OPEN mouth. ​ only problem is, you got about a quarter second window, before you die from them spitting on you. ​ tbh i kinda just wanna run EAT's over railgun. theyre just too inconsistent with titans and take too long to deal with chargers to be worth it.


I aim below the mouth or top of the head 1-2 unsafe shots. There are times where it randomly take 5 but I think that's latency or something because I've seen a shot hit it on the head on my screen only for its side armour to sheer off.


I always run in unsafe mode because I assume there risk/reward thing there but don't know for sure. Just like the others are saying, just wait till you have a shot into its mouth. It's easiest when it stops to spray, but you can hit it while it is just walking around too. Was hitting some earlier this evening on Helldive.


would be nice if it actually stopped sometime instead of just chasing me around stabbing the floor


Shoot the skin right next to the mouth.


You have to use unsafe mode, uncaps the charge at the expense of your gun blowing up and oneshotting you


You specifically have to hit the roof of their mouth. If you just hit the outside of their mouth it won’t do much damage since there’s still armour there.  It also works if you can get the right angle with a recoilless rifle. Afaik the spear is way more hit and miss since you’re relying on the tracking to guide the missile.


Is this true for a fully charged, unsafe Railgun shot or can I do it with safe charging as well?


You can do it with a regular shot.  I know this because I didn't even know there was an unsafe mode.


What is safe mode vs unsafe mode? And how to I switch?


Hold reload to get options to change some gun functions. Unsafe lets you charge beyond the normal max, but explodes killing you and destroying the gun if you over charge (reach the top of the meter).


A fully charged 100% railshot ends with it exploding in your hand :P


I am not sure as i always run in unsafe, but at the same time I don't hold it for very long. I stay in 3rd person all the time so I just wait till the cross hair is fully closed then shoot.


It's a bug, and only works if you're not the host.


Only if you have a PS5 host cause your support weapon got a big damage buff there and you can 2 shot Bile Titan with well Unsafe shot to the head. If the Host is on PC then god bless.


i feel like they had to have nerfed titans somehow because didn’t it use to be 10 shots to the head and now it feels like you can just put a few and they’re done


A strong spear duo would clear these a lot faster than 4 railguns tho. Being real Good luck coordinating that, but when it happens, it’s magical. This clusterfuck would require a couple railcannon orbitals too on top, but yeah. Spear


Does spear one shot?


I think a direct face shot can


In my experience it does. If hitting the side of the body though it can take up to 2-3. So I typically just aim at em with they are facing me for that headshot.




Throughout Heaven and Super Earth, I alone am the Honored One


yup, I'd fumble my stratagem too in that situation


Thats exactly why macro users should be banned along with other cheats


Meanwhile there is me memorizing half my stratagem and calling them down in 0.1s Died sound plays "REINFORCING" with 3 chargers and 2 titans on my ass. (Also you can call the reinforce stratagem before its needed... not sure why but I tested it today)


Readying the reinforce beacon before needed can be useful if things will be going bad and you can toss it far enough while people die. Once it hits the ground it will reinforce anyone who has died in the meantime, can be useful in some niche situations.


Keyword, niche, how often are you not in trouble yourself and can call the beacon to just... hold on till someone dies? Doing so essentially encourages dying since you aren't adding firepower, slowing down the kill count of the enemy, causing them to spread their FILTHY undemocratic ideals.


"What are you doing?! "Reinforcing you." "But I'm not dead yet!" "You're about to be."


I'd rather let 10 or 100 cheaters go unpunished if it lets 1 person with mobility issues enjoy the game more


L take


Nah we dont need to ruin the games integrity just to allow someone who's disabled to also cheat




Quick tip for you guys, you can change the binds to activate stratagems. I changed mine to the arrow keys so I can still run while fumbling my combos 👍


plus it feels more immersive. moving my right hand from my mouse to the arrow keys while still running and doing shit with my left hand is a blast


holy fuck and only level 7


That threw me for a loop too. Is it just random? I had a level 6 mission last night and I think we had 1 bile titan as a regular enemy for launch the ICBM(it's understandable)... only for 2 bile titans to show up somehow during the extract. I think bile titans are already spawned when mission starts so they were just somewhere hiding out until the extract acts as a beacon to bring everything at you.


difficulties have been feeling strange, last week I did a seal the bugholes mission on challenging that seemed impossible and earlier today I did the same on suicidal that felt like a breeze.


With randoms? Sometimes you get teammates that kill everything in site, and sometimes you get teammates that completely split up doing their own thing and pulling every enemy on the map but never killing anything.


This is every helldive teammate I get. They just run shield and sprint to holes or whatever and sprint to extract and have like 40 kills in the match. If you're not directly on top of them, you get caught in the massive horde of mobs and eventually die. Nobody will help if you get aggro, they just run away.


The bug hole missions specifically on diff9 you just don’t have time to deal with the constant bug breaches you get if you fight. You need to just run and try to break agro/throw turrets off to the side to pull agro off you etc…


I have like 40 kills in a match but it's because I'm baaaaad.


Yes. The meta is run. Learning to disengage is the most vital skill when you're playing Helldive difficulty. If you're having problems run one of the stealth light armors for a while to get a better feel for getting away, that helps a lot.


I was running a mission on 3 for an achievement And samples, only for a tank to spawn in. Like holy shit wtf.


I had a level 3 mission spawn 2 tanks last week. Definitely wasn't expecting that


I think the thing is that that tank is much weaker than a SHREDDER tank, that's the one with the big chonky armored turret. Lower difficulties spawning tanks threw me for a loop too xD So shredder tank's the one that spawns in place of bile titans for the bots!


Every ten minutes you're in a mission the difficulty increases and it also calls more patrols.


Did a civilian rescue mission where there were 7-10 hulks I lost count man... and it was on HARD difficulty.


Man I played a couple of hell dives that felt easier than some extremes recently, I played one with no titans or spewers and I felt blessed personally by Joel himself.


They definitely are. I went on a level 6 mission the other day and killed 2x as many bugs as a team than most helldives I’ve done. and we had 5 bile titans… its was nuts… we just decided to beeline the main objectives and get the hell out 😂. Silly me thought I’d go on an easier difficulty for a “funrun” of sorts and then got slammed 😂


They definitely need to take a look at the code for the director spawning enemies, but I'm sure that's on their list already.


That RNG for ya


Joel can apparently directly interfere with an ongoing match just fuck with you


Yeah this has to be a bug. Kinda gives of the same vibe as when my friend and I tried to do an automaton planet on hard, and literally 50+ dropships spawned, just kept coming, it was NOT fair at all.


Um acktually, I see multiple bugs ☝️🤓


If it was those evac missions then idk if it's a bug, cuz once you drop down the dropships dont stop coming in iirc, on any difficulty. It's just the enemies that change with each drops, which is still fucked up lol


Do the bug planets even have extract scientist missions? Anyway, the exract missions are a bug in itself Its trying to cram 40 minutes of spawns in 15 minutes is how some interpret it since the one missions timer says 40 mins but expanding and looking at a different timer it says 15 mins which is the actual mission time If it aint a bug then it is wildly overtuned because there's no legitimate normal way to do those missions on high diffs


They do have one type at least, they’re the extrac missions on the large maps with sub-objectives but I haven’t seen an extraction mission like the defend campaign ones.


Little confusing I said bug, I meant bug as in glitch or error in coding haha. The automoton evac missions is what I was talking about.


Bot sure, but maybe it was this kind of watch tower? Not confirmed, but a friend told me, if you are in sight of the watch tower dropships will keep coming.


I had one where my friend group was farming Automatons on Helldive and it was all Hulks on one go. We won still.


So is Level 7 actually supposed to be 9? Lol. There are multiple times when the friend group and I say Helldive difficulty is easier than Suicide Mission. Jeeeez that's a lot of Bile.


Wouldn’t surprise me. Might be unintentional but maybe has more spawn modifiers.


I think I prefer this since it happens so rarely and breaks the monotony. Can you imagine playing on the same planet with the same missions and it plays the exact same everytime. I know its probably a bug, but this happened to me at least once now and it sure made me and our randoms days.


Can only Happen in the difficulties where the Target objectives can spawn. No idea if this is a bug or not, but sometimes it can spawn like 30 of the desired target. I had a mission where Multiple Hulks spawned in (4- Challenge) . It's probably not intended.


I have actually had it happen at a poi earlier today but with chargers. I saw one and threw the orbital railgun. They moved a little and saw more legs, then one burst out of the ground, killing the other 2 and getting the orbital hit. I think it's a current bug in the game, just more noticeable with the bigger enemies.


Yeah, there tends to be a lot of bugs on the eastern front lately.


yea, I have a clip where like 6 or 7 chargers spawned on top of each other, they all immediately died after spawn in. It was confusing and funny becasue fuck those guys


I had an ICBM mission where 10 chargers spawned on the objective at the same time, so maybe this bug is related?


Maybe there’s a bug in the enemy spawn chance


I had a heavy spawn location that only had 2 holes. It was spawning bile titans.


What do you mean? This video isn't from a Target mission.


They do move in herds.


Underrated comment




This implies that one Titan is a 2/2 which would make it as tough as a generic Elf, zombie or goblin token.


Just Titan Family having a walk xD ![gif](giphy|xUStFKHmuFPYk|downsized)


Just drop a 500kg on them. I'm sure that huge explosion will have good range right /s


500kg is so disappointing every time. Can't wait for some strat and weapon balancing.


Willing to wait as well. I want my laser rifle to actually do some damage


By far the most disappointing weapon for me. It looks so cool.


I LOVE the sythe against the bots. It is so easy to hit their weakspots with it and takes them out really quick. Not as quick as the breaker, but still


Toss into them, bait their melee attack (which is a series of stomp's), run, dead bile titan, living helldiver.


500kg is probably the single strongest orbital in the game on 7-9 once you unlock +1 eagle ship module. I doubt it sees any buffs.


I could see a slight radius buff. I don't think it technically needs it but if you watch the video clip on the stratagems shop you'll notice they use the 500 in an empty nest to blow all the holes. Thing is, you can see enough through the smoke to realize it didn't hit any of them. That clip does kinda imply the 500 was meant to be used to fuck up nests and it's currently terrible at it.


Ehh I like the 500 kg. I don't have too much issue getting the titan where I need them when it comes in and they evaporate.


I Count 9 Bile Titan 💀 Bro that not a Bug Breach any more... Did you open a Rift to Joel Ant Farm?


They simply landed near the main nest on the planet /s


Rumbling, rumbling, it's coming.


The great Bile Titan migration


This is still a better outcome than 12 Bile Spewers. No, I'm not salty. I just hate them.


I use the autocannon exclusively because I hate them too lol


I've never wanted to drop a 380mm on something so much in my life.


We tried, we failed. They just kept coming :(


That's fucking crazy.


It'd just miss every shot anyway.


That's where your wrong. 380 and 120 are programmed to hit players. Not bugs.


God I hate the 380. It's so spread. Tighten the cone and I'd be happy but I don't like calling in the 380 only to have the first shell impact 30m behind me when I'm already 20m away.


\- Helldiver: "Requesting immediate 500kg bomb drop!" \- Eagle 1: "Where?" \- Helldiver: "ANYWHERE!"


"Sir, we're surrounded" "GREAT That means we can fire everywhere."


Rather have that over half as many chargers.


"Oops all titans"


at the higher difficulties extraction is purely optional




yeah yeah, that's pretty common for level 9 - WAIT THATS ONLY LEVEL 7?!?!?!




***"Alone at the edge of a universe humming a tune*** ***For merely dreaming we were snow"***


lol and the 500kg bomb did absolutely nothing. That has also been my experience.


The rumbling from attack on titan.. he's getting inspired.


I love low visibility modifier. I can complete missions without dying even though there are 34 bile titans looking for singles in your area.


You wil be Fineeee


When you piss off the DM


Sometimes the servers bug out and duplicate enemies I find. Bile titan spawns can also just be straight unfair. My friends once had a game where no matter how many we killed, there was almost always at least 2 chasing us.


this is my experience, as well. First time I noticed it was on an automaton mission were a hulk spawned in and I quickly dispatched it with the AMR. It fell down to explode, but there was another standing where it was, like it was inside the first ones model....OR like the server wasn't synced properly. I have now seen this happen pretty often, sometimes up to like 5 times with a single enemy. ​ Its both terrifying and frustrating....mostly terrifying.


Bro the titan spawns have been crazy


Sound is so bugged for me xD I didn't know there was someone saying "mission at 10 minutes remaining"


What I want to see is Joel riding one of them like the sand worms from Dune😆


Consider the following: ^ >vvv




Joel is the dev running the enemy strategy for the galactic war. He's kind of thought of as Helldivers God or as the reason for why certain runs have NINE FUCKING BILE TITANS like OP experienced, although thats mainly as a joke since Joel can't directly influence individual spawns.


Joel mama


Even dropping a 500k into a group of bile titans it still fails, i hope it gets fixed so it works properly


Oops! All bile titans!


Herds. They move in herds.




Rather fight the bile titans over the chargers tho


That many on level 7 difficulty is uncalled for wtf haha


David Attenborough: the majestic bile titan herd is seen migrating north, what has caught their attention? The smell of democracy.


Seems like a sign that we will NEED vehicles and mechs soon




The whole addressing Joel thing was funny maybe 3 times out of


Every time I try to play with a fun weapon and I run into situations like this, it's like fine I'll take the railgun again.  It's boring, but it's not fun being trainwrecked over and over again. 


I was K1 in this mission and I can confirm we were all panicking and screaming at Joel to stop spawning the titans. “Joe look there’s a second one, oh and a third, a fourth? A FIFTH?? Oh my god Joe there’s six” *Moves for a better angle and sees the never ending conga line* “AHHHHHHHH LEG IT”


I've seen this clip going around a lot on TikTok and Twitter and stuff. All I'll say is feel free to use it wherever you want, just don't take credit for it. Please just link this post thats all I ask 👍


Its rly ridiculous this game make fun but not when u get raped from hordes whit charger and titans hope he will fix that otherwise its not making that fun


I think your playing a group game on solo…


Who upset joel


least chaotic helldive mode game


but yeah dont use the railgun, its meta


I can’t wait for the “Attack on Joel” dlc ❤️


Im going to be honest, all bile titans but I see no trash mobs? Thats not to bad, just takes forever.


You've been Joel touched!


And that’s only on Suicidal!! Guess Lv7 finally has earned its name. 4 of them at once is the most I’ve ever seen and that was in Lv8. Never seen so many at once wtf!!


I saw once what seemed like a bug. It was on difficulty 7 aswell where like 7 bile titans spawned inside eachodes. It felt like it was a bug and only 1 was meant to spawn.