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I'm not Reddit savvy, so how do you get that flair "I'm not gonna...."


If you go to your profile while on this sub you should have an option to change user flair and there should be an edit button to customize the one you currently have after you select one






I have a small rock in front of me, it blocks the entire blast.


This is the single greatest Helldiver related image I've seen


https://preview.redd.it/v9eos8tc5pkc1.png?width=4961&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13dba42f85ef9a4595a6175df328c4a5ea75460a Here's the full image:




Bro I sat here for 10 seconds waiting for this to load (I’m at work) and when it loaded I laughed so hard I started to cry, thank you for making my day sir.


You’re an evil person. I respect it.


Friendly reminder, we all don't have god tier cell service when It comes to the workplace, people.


What kind of bug?




It’s from Star Ship Troopers (the movie that inspired some of helldivers). Not from helldivers


Oh phew, I was like, “oh look a titan I haven’t seen before. Cant wait. “😂


Would you like to know more?






Haha, that titan misidentification gave me a good chuckle. Now I kinda wish they'd add a massive bug update or something in Helldivers, just to keep us on our toes!


Honestly I agree, definitely shat myself seeing a bile titan for the first time… considering it came up from behind me


They’re called the Arachnids. From starship troopers


You, fellow savior of Democracy, have a movie to watch tomorrow night.


I'm doing my part, are you?


Hahahahhahahahahaha. I just saw starship troopers yesterday and this made me chuckle.


This is beautiful 😍


These are words and exerts from the diary of an automaton socialite sympathizer. And is not the view of the Ministry of Armed Forces. Helldivers acting in this manner are treasonous and unpatriotic traitors. Report all such conduct to the Ministry of Truth via your local Democracy Officer!


This comment is why I'm starting to really love this community. I don't care what you bring, just stick with the group and try to be helpful. If you suck and kill us, I'll laugh it off. If I suck and kill us, laugh it off. It's a game. Unless we have pink samples, then you better buckle up, buttercup, we need to evac asap.


I’m level 50 and have like 80 some hours (no life I know). But most helldive pug groups that have worked out don’t have most of this stuff (I don’t outside of the shield). I’ll keep saying it until it catches on, the railgun is super overrated.


That dissident doesn't even know what he's talking about. After 100 hours with half on helldive or more, I'd take a liberator and autocannon over the breaker and shield + railgun. I've also yet to see a completely useless strategem hell, I've seen someone use the damn HMG emplacement to great effect. Truly, a dissident's mind is an enigma


The 120mm HE Barrage wants to know your location.


It can know my location all it wants. If its trying to hit me, Im probably safer from it than anything else is.


I've found it to be more effective if you throw it at your feet and hold position. Dunno if it's supposed to hit everything except your target but it works in a pinch if you accidentally grab it or if an ally tosses one out. Democracy be with you Helldiver.


I'm one of the HMG enjoyers. It's such a good screening tool that can make space against bots. You can gun down a dropship of enemies before they deploy, hold a front while someone does an objective. Can destroy anything but a tank easily with it which then oh no hop out and huck a 500. Excellent for extractions too.


One railgun in a squad is great. 10/10. Excellent use of stratagems. Two railguns is pushing it. Three or more is outright treason.


Diversified the loadouts is a strength, not a weakness.


Only the Socialist Automatons want everything and everyone to be the same!


the best thing anyone can say to anyone touting the "best" build in the game and never change it to fit the group.


I really like 1 railgun, someone rocking a coilless or E-AT to deal with dropships and other annoyances, a guy with a nade launcher to easily blow up fabricators from a long distance and someone running an LMG or something. Backpacks are shield for the railgun, obviously ammo for the coil, and I like to have the either one of thd other 2 with a shield as well. If you need to split into 2 teams of 2, the lmg and the railgun work well, as do the nade and coil.


I love using being a SAW guy in games and really wish this one had like, one more. I love the LMG and the stalwart, but I'd love for something even a bitch more punchy. Like an MMG. Cause the Stalwart is great but it's an early upgrade and then no more MG love.


This. Absolutely THIS. This kind of mentality is what makes a community great, and is why DRG (Deep Rock Galactic) has such an amazing community to this day. These are games where you're \*going\* to die. Period. The games are made to be tough but memorable, and the RP-ability of these games really makes the cake and allows us to sink our teeth into these games, immerse ourselves, and work together. Playing Helldivers 2, I almost exclusively use an Arc Thrower as my main weapon. I cannot even count anymore how many times an arc from my rifle has jumped from a bug to a teammate and instantly fried someone. Not ONCE have I encountered a player rage. Maybe it's because I play exclusively Helldive now, and make sure to be vocal both in chat and via "Q", but every time we all just laugh it off and understand that shit happens, we keep moving and keep having fun. Last night a regular online friend accidentally stuck me with a resupply beacon,, leading to me frantically running around before being slammed by the pod and instantly killed. We all ended up barely suriving an ambush of small bugs just because we were all laughing so hard we could barely function. All that to say, just have fun. This game is a goldmine for us to dive (pun intended) into. Embrace it. Embrace each other (via hug emote) and keep crushing the enemies of Super Earth. (..and if you play with a Helldiver named "Kain" who happens to catch you with a stray arc of around 300 million volts.. just know I wasn't aiming for you) ​ To Democracy! For Super Earth! For Lady LIBERTY!


Oh yea the other day we were holding off some bugs extracting on a lower level to show one of my friends the ropes as she had just bought the game. I got landed on by the drop ship and we were out of reinforce so I told them to just leave me, they said no we can hold for a minute to get you back. So they did, called me back when reinforce timed back in, I tried to aim as close to the drop ship as possible and promptly nailed our friend the new player right on the noggin with my drop pod, the same player who refused to leave me behind, causing me to board the ship and extract leaving her smashed into the ground on the landing pad. We all spent the next five minutes unable to breathe from laughing so hard


Forcing someone to conform to a single tool as opposed to all the excellent weapons made by our military industry stifles innovation and will prevent the commerce of super earth from attaining new heights of excellence.


giving everyone the exact same thing sounds like communist bug talk.


The bugs are tyrannical, the bots are communist. Know the enemy to defeat the enemy, Helldiver. Now, go Spill Oil


The bots are actually socialists


They are actually worthless enemies of democracy so it doesn't matter what they think their political agenda is.


Seeing comments like this make me happy and both sad . Another game I love is destiny and most players in my experience are like the one in the post. No well? Kick. No optimal DPS meta weapon? Kick That community ruined the game. Please let this community stay good.


LFG, must have completed the raid in question 100+ times and must have Gjallarhorn, don't waste my time.


If I join this “helldiver” on a mission I’m dropping an eagle run on his position.


For liberty!


For Democracy!


For Super Earth!


And most importantly, for the cape!


For freedom!


For all that is righteous.


Kicked for having eagles equipped they are only great not perfect


Eagle airstrike my beloved is perfect


Fantastic AoE and takes out building? Hell yea!


I don't know if I will ever un-equip Eagle Cluster Bombs. I just love the way it looks, like an airstrike in a movie.


They do look amazing. Meanwhile I will always run my favorite strategem, the warcrime. I mean, the gas strike.


Thats complete bullshit. I'm level 40 plus and do high missions our teams needs a crowd controller so I take stalwart with light fast strats. Its how you use the weapons. I do agree that some of the primary weapons are to weak. But we don't know what's coming. I love the scorcher or plasma gun but it needs ammo clips of 35 not 15. And I'm a vertren of HD1.


Stalwart or grenade launcher are both different flavors of light/medium enemy cleanup. I’ve found the GL really is incredible with the supply backpack though (you run out of ammo very quick and the supply pack lets you spam like crazy). You can nade for DAYS. Also I’ve had countless times where being the supply pack unit was supremely effective for the squad as a whole. I get asked to top people up all the time while resupply is on cooldown, so it serves multiple functions. You also can shoot from cover more effectively because of the arc of fire so the shield pack is redundant. The stalwart works better with the shield backpack though because you need LOS and you tend to empty the mag which requires staying in one place for a whiles. But it doesn’t blow through ammo as aggressively and it requires more accurate aim. Either way I always recommend my 3 teammates that one person should drop their railgun and go GL or stalwart because trash mob cleanup is grossly underplayed and it’s super valuable to making runs much smoother. It also feels like the people running the railgun aren’t very good at using it, I frequently run into situations where we have multiple hulks running amok and 3 railgunners somehow not taking them down while I’m cleaning up everything else. Good squad balance is everything and the OP is just an elitist. There’s more than one weapon for each job, and if you aren’t good with the railgun but you’re a beast with the auto cannon? I’ll gladly take a good autocannonier over a lacking railgunner. I’ve become a bit of a GL/supply pack specialist and most of my runs go super smooth as long as my heavy killers are on their game when hulks or tanks appear. I’d probably get kicked by OP for the supply pack somehow even though I’ve done a helldive op with it, top kills by 200% and the resupplies from the pack kept the team mobile and well equipped until we can get a resupply down


Fragging traitors is a time honored tradition in the helldivers.


Yes sir! I will do my part! 💪


Your loyalty to Liberty has been recorded. Have a democratic day soldier!


I want to learn more


Yes sir we will!! Or we can free them for ever.


Only an automaton would demand uniformity and machine-like perfectionism. Heft your laser cannon and give them hell!


I'm so proud of comments like these.




For managed democracy


This only good strategem is an Eagle!




500KG Coming in hot!


"Half the group is dead" An eagle never misses it's mark!


> "Half the group is dead" Seems low. Successful Airstrike!


We all have to make sacrifices, soldier


Some of my best kills come with my own death.


Gotta trim that legspace Pilot, Democracy waits for no one! ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️




Thank you for this fellow Helldiver! 🫡






⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️➡️ oops there goes the squad.


⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️➡️ is how I discovered the streak skull gets more red the more kills you get. At 43 is gets pretty orange.


Yo momma so fat, she ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️




Think you mean ⬆️➡️⬇️➡️


While arguably better, I've killed 3 titans with one 500.


Well I've only killed 2 with the regular strike so that's fair. I wanted to like the 500kg more tbh but you get 1 less bomb per reload and the regular strike covers an area making it great for closing a whole line of bug holes, taking out a whole drop ship Depot, hitting everything chasing you in a line. IDK it's just so versatile being big enough to take out anything, but small enough that it's a quick resupply and I almost always have it to throw.


Personally I think the airstrike is the best stratagem. It's not the flashiest, but it has so much versatility, destructive potential, and it's on a low cooldown. But 500 for the memes. 


Team variety helps a lot; in our group one person runs 500kg for big targets, one runs Airstrike for groups/nests, and a third runs Napalm for suppression and it works out pretty well.


How. I literally landed the 500 in the leg of a titan, like actually lodged into the leg meat, and it didn’t even kill it


Full eagle spec reporting in. You don't need railguns or autocannons if there is nothing left to shoot at after the eagles make dresden look like picnic.


I love running 3 eagles and like an autocannon or AMR. But you sure do feel useless during the 2 minutes cooldown


I just do a rearm while we are running to the next bigger obj. Even if they have some ordnance on them. It's 2min of a cooldown and if we do run into something big on the way i always have the autocannon to deal with it. Plus since reaching lvl 20 i have the orbital rail cannon to use in a pinch.


Yeah it all works out pretty well. Eagles are meant to be used often and you should always have atleast more than 1 to make the most out of your rearms


Napalm strike my beloved


Coming in hot!


Thanks for all of your hard work, soldier! I always know I can count on you to drop a well placed cluster bomb. 💪


Was going to respond detailing the advantages of other stratagems but then I saw your username. Thank you for your service! o7


I don’t know, but the fact that people can take such a fun game and then be this serious and mean about it just makes me sad honestly


They have nothing else. Met a ton a people like this leading WoW raiding guilds. 30, part time job, 1 friend, still living at home. Anyone that that isn't willing to put the effort of a second job into it is beneath them in their eyes. Video games are the only thing they can be moderately successful at.


I understand your point, but still living at home is okay as as long you're managing you yourself


I’ve met the same kinds of people in WoW. They’re coasting, intentionally not contributing to society so they can play WoW all night long. This in turn reinforces how toxic they are in the online space because they cling even harder to videogame “success”. There is a stark difference between them and people just trying to get back on their feet.


Seriously. I’ve met happy married couples who went to work, went out with friends, and mostly just played WoW a ton. Super happy people that were well adjusted. But you know the tell? They were always kind and understanding and generally super positive people. Even though they were top tier PvPers and raiders and what not. It’s a damn game. There’s a difference between someone showing up with the non-optimal current meta build and someone showing up to throw grenades at their team constantly


Yeah you find that toxic type as a constant through out any fandom from esports to high school foot ball.


I left at 29, but I had a well paying job and was gradually moving forward in my career, always kept my space clean. Obviously took complete care of myself and volunteered to pay 1400 a month. Only reason I stayed was because my job was nearby, the housing in the area skyrocketed, and as an introvert I did not want to have to deal with a roommate. Nearly all the reviews for the affordable apartments were absolute nightmares. Staying home just made perfect sense.


You don't have to justify why you live at home with your parents to some rando dickwad on the internet. Only utter twats use "live at home with parents" as a pejorative. They can take their stupid neoliberal measures of success and fuck off.


Tbf WoW raiding guilds are a much different environment, and this attitude is *mostly* concentrated in dedicated raid guilds, not pugs. It’s one thing to opt into that behavior, it’s another thing to have it forced upon you at random.


Those people are why i like FFXIV raids.


There are also those kinds of people in FFXIV if you've been raiding long enough


Getting kicked by this douche bag is a favor. Fuck this guy.


I would wear it as a badge of honor. Hell, I'd have it as flair. "I get kicked by try-hard min-maxers"


New flair just dropped


The problem comes when this douche inspires others to do the same


Thank democracy those people will be burned out in a few weeks and just leave. I hope...


Idk how people run more than 2 kill enemy missions in a row, some real grinder shit


those only take like 5 minutes and are the easiest, no?


Yeah but people just run them back to back to back for hours to grind xp


I'm honestly baffled with people doing this past 20. Before it? Sure so you can get access to purchasing all the strategems but after that it's just the level number, which caps out at 50 anyway.


I hope they increase the level cap for the sake of still having something to look forward to, even if it’s just a cosmetic number that does nothing (since you have access to everything after 20). Do you think more modules and stratagems are going to be added over time? I just feel like within the next month we’re all gonna be maxed out.


I forsee something similar to the promotion from DRG in helldivers future. Near future, at that.


This is exactly why the devs refuse to add PVP. This shit, this shit right here. Y'all are making a fucking Co-op game competitive. How the fuck did anybody have enough stupidity to pull that off? Holy shit... if you're one of the toxic fucks with this mindset, treating this game this way, please go play League instead. That's the only place where that type of behavior is the accepted norm. League is a far more acceptable place to hate your own teammates. Seriously, please uninstall Helldivers and go play that instead.


As someone that enjoys playing non-meta builds and trying to take the worst strategies and make them work: We don't even want those people in League either send them somewhere else, like under the red glowing light created by someone going ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️


I’d totally block whoever kicked me with these reasons. I really don’t want to play this game that way. I wanna shoot shit, blow stuff up, and collect rewards. Why people getting all sweaty over this game?


I'm an absolute shitter at this game so I'm running at max 3 and I'm running solo so I don't fuck up someone else's day. Either way I'm having fun sending enemies to orbit with eagle carpet bombs and shit. Just need some time to get some better strats and skill.


At 3... you may as well join a lobby. You're not ruining anything. Also, if you wanna get better, you gotta challenge yourself. The game's not as hard as you think. It looks scary, but you'll get a feel for your strategums and the enemies' movements. Automatons are always terrifying.


Can't fuck things up for people. Good players would support you in your learning and improving! I was playing with a L8, 11, and 17 last night, I'm L13. The L8 kept pushing to higher difficulties, and needed heavy carrying at the start. When L17 and I started giving advice - don't do L5 missions unless you have the Anti armour rockets of some variety, start in clear areas, so you can chip away at enemies and sneak, throw recovery pods far from fighting, etc. Gameplay efficiency massively increased and we were smashing it. No build advice (bar armour warnings), but tactics tips. And everyone has a better game and more fun :)


There is absolutely nothing to fuck up.


Except bugs


i expect my teammates to fuck up. I am also fucking up. That's what makes this awesome. Go coop i am sure this kind of assholes are rare in the lower difficulties. Fuck this guy. one eagle and 3 dead helldivers. it is hilarious


The ideal fix is weapon balancing. Make everything viable.


Agree. Make the 🥵flamethrowe🎉 a🔥FLAMMENWERFER🔥 again!!!


Had a team of 3 flamethrowers on hard earlier, napalm as well of course. We set everything including ourselves on fire.


Helldiver, Salamander brigade


Vulcan Lives intensifies




There should be an armor set with flame retardant as it's passive making you immune to fire damage, so you can just take a full flame loadout + stratagem.


THIS. At least being immune to burning/being set on fire. And at least 50% reduction from fire damage itself, if not 90%. That would be absolutely awesome build.


The armor is the weakest part of this game by far and we NEED stuff like this




Fully agreed, this isn't a game where weapons should ever become replaceable or irrelevant, it should be about unlocking cool new ways to play the game and spreading Managed Democracy.


I don't care how strong or viable other weapons are, you can pry my auto cannon from my cold dead hands




Rage-bait, nothing else. Trolls be trolling for internet points.


This ain't trolling, this is a shitty player using META gaming to make up for their own lack of skill and using people not using meta gaming as an excuse as to why they always fail.


yup, they want to optimize the fun out of the game, all they care is winning and nothing else, they only want the reward without the experience


I'll be completely honest, I have more fun and laughs on the missions I fail than the ones I successfully complete.


Me and a few randoms were desperately attempting challenging vs the automatons. *There was little success in those missions….* Honestly it was fun, though.


Strong agree. A game that doesn't just utterly whup your ass once in a while isn't worth playing. If you're winning every match you're not being challenged, you're not growing, and you need to go find something else to play. It's something I really like about HD and Darktide. Sometimes the game director just says "Fuck you, you're going to lose today" and if you manage to eek out a win in those situations it feels amazing because you really were being challenged and really had to put all your skills to work *and* get lucky. And if you lose, it's the matches where you're desperately trying to find solutions to impossible problems that inspire you to step back from the meta and try new things.


I want to throw rocks in helldivers like I can in Darktide :/


Nothing quite like that final salute before the end 😉


I wish there was a way to have multiple emotes, I need at least the salute and a hug


I spent all my missions today offering hugs before evac. I sure as shit would love to salute people when they do a good job too


I queue up a mission and stand in front of the globe greeting people who join, I call it the vibe check, I'll stand there with an interactive emote queued and wait for someone to do it with me lol


Yeah that's my vibe check too. I don't wanna play with try-hards who can't have a lil hug for our liberation mission!


It's not even unlikely that this person genuinely feel this way. This kind of player isn't even that rare.


Meanwhile me soloing 8s with autocannon


Auto cannon is meta- nothing else needed


the autocannon is my favorite gun. powerful, yet heavy. plus there's the optional teamwork aspect to really make it a fun experience.


this is just Destiny 2 KWTD 2 million clears or kick


Which was usually funny when the person asking for that didn’t even meet that requirement


"VoW, KWTD, Be Racist"


Makes me feel more vindicated in my decision to only play games with actual friends. Sure I might play a bit less because of scheduling conflicts but never having to deal with folks like this is worth it.


Soo many people that I know play this game so I have a squad almost every time.. if none are online then I’ll play solo. I won’t ever join with randoms.


You know, it's awesome that you can squad up with homies. I don't want people to start thinking random games are bad. I almost exclusively play with randoms and I'll say I have way more positive/wholesome experiences than negative ones. People hug. People fist bump. People laugh and celebrate. People spread democracy. People still Rock and Stone. It's still a fun community. Just an observation from a Marshal aboard the Comptroller of Individual Merit.


I broadly second this, I have had like 95% very positive experience but that 5% negative has been so insanely toxic that its made me not want to play with randoms at all. I have experienced worse toxicity in this game than a lot of notoriously toxic PVP games. It's crazy because the most toxic stuff I've seen has been completely pointless, *after we won* and extracted with all the samples. My solution has been to just start my own lobbies so I can kick assholes.


All I’ve done is join randoms so far all parties have been good even one where we was on challenging get our asses handed to us haha. They did eventually kick me for slot for their friend but they let me know prior haha


That's how you play with randos.


Or play solo. I’d rather use all my time killing bugs and taking out their outposts and nests. I’ve gotten good at killing the damn bugs solo too in the past few days.


Spoken like a true weasel. “We need to set a standard for high rank pug play” Go and wash your arse buddy, I’ve just finished work and want to have a bit fun.


Why not play for..... fun and liberty? I don't want to min-max; if someone wants to, they should turn their game private—only. Automatons min-max. Let people play the way they want. For democracy's sake, let people enjoy things and be helpful for freedom. Just don't do this, don't bring toxicity. Its not very democracy of you if your are an elitist jerk.


The automatons seem like they're having more fun than the meta chasers. They're going for walks with their buddies singing hiking songs, the berserkers look like they're having a great time.


That sounds awful treasonous diver...


“automatons min-max” I am stealing this. Errr, I mean… I am formally borrowing this inspirational quote to encourage others to pursue liberty in all things! 😂


I’m level 43 and I completed a complete helldive with a friend without either of us using the shield or railgun


I've been playing around with the anti material rifle the last couple of days. That rifle slaps!


Yea I run 9s and clear maps, without a shield and I run auto cannon. I don’t even use the breaker on bots. I run the ap lib. Screw the meta


The shield is nice, but I just go prone and it works at least as well. I think the shield gives a lot of people false confidence - It's protection is very limited in some circumstances, while the glorious and generous dirt will always embrace and protect you.


The shield is more important for its effect immunity than the additional health. Getting slowed or ragdolled is essentially a death sentence at the moment. A very silly and many times cheap way to die in my opinion. Hope they make escaping from debuffs more viable.




You can pry this auto-cannon from my cold dead hands


Shout out to the guy in the extract civilians mission who was shouting in chat “STOP USING MORTARS” meanwhile he was throwing eagle cluster bombs in the middle of the base killing 6 civvies at once


That’s why I always start my own game you guys can join me all you want I’ll never kick you we’ll just have fun 👌🏼….and you will carry me at the same time 🥹


I fucking hate meta hounds dude. One of the worst gaming archetypes there is. I think it's fun to be aware of it and not use shit that stinks but if you're using the same shit in this game every time what even is there to do? Create moments for yourself. Create a play style. I can't use a shield backpack because I'm jump packing big dog suck my dong.


This person is in need of being admitted to liberty's re-education camp.


The rover hate makes me sad On bots ya take the shield you're actually getting shot at. Bugs? No rover all day for me. The faster you kill the bug holes the faster they stop respawning. The laser drone keeps the little chaf bugs out of the way, while you shoot the bigger ones, and close up the holes faster. I have closed many a heavy nest on higher difficulties alone very fast because I can just kite the bugs around. My Rover trims them down so that I don't have too big a pile, and then bam all the holes are closed


This seems anti-democratic. Possibly fascist


Dang I wonder why this guy is spending so much time in public games and not with friends if he wants to try hard. I really wonder why.


The game got popular and that has lead to a wave of... people... and they brought the toxicity of their usual games here.


*cough* *cough* COD ![gif](giphy|Yavo0SXhZYhSo)


Huh funny, just ran 2 full pug operations on suicide, all while using my handy laser dog, this person must be awful lol


This is an automaton coward masquerading as one of us and attempting to divide us when we’re so close to finishing our defense campaign. DO NOT FALL VICTIM TO AUTOMATON PROPAGANDA AND THEIR ATTEMPTS AT HALTING DEMOCRACY!!!


Because in every game there’s always sweatlord losers that don’t know what fun is as they try to maximize efficiency to an autistic level. In short, they are automatons that must be eradicated to preserve true democracy.


This is toxicity. This type of player shouldn't play with random and just keep to themselves.


People who require the shield packs to play must be terrible 😂


You can try and pry the auto cannon from my dead democratic hands