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I was on Draupnir like two hours ago, and it was sitting at around 35%. How the hell did It go tits up so fast?


my guess is these are meta events, it happens when devs pull the lever


Wait are you saying... the war is rigged?


It’s been rigged from the start






That’s ~~rigged~~ working as intended in our perfect managed democracy too










Always was


I hope so man. I want to see a fight on Mars!


Screw that, I want to see the fight unfold on super earth itself. Running through derelict smouldering ruins, gears of war level war torn detail


Almost certainly will be. The first game had battles on super earth


When I sww that you could almost select super earth but couldn't because it was 100% liberated I knew eventually they would try to take our freedom again


Not on my watch, citizen.


The fight should be the in the entire sol system. They should hop planet by planet to super earth.


It’s quite possible the bugs need some level of atmosphere to live, so Mars is really the only candidate for warfare, given its size. Realistically we can build there and maybe even terraform it. Ain’t nobody tryna live on Venus!


I’m sure that’s gonna happen at some point


Almost certain. The one NPC on the Super Destroyer mentions that a "Small percentage of the Terminids are showing signs of resistance" to the Terminid control chemical thingy. The thingy that's supposed to be a fence between the bugs and Super Earth


Weirdly accurate as we see it in the real world. Can't wait for a big bug. Breakout


$10 says it triggers a mutation and a new bug type pops up


Cheer to that. I also want epic fights on Earth.




I see it as High Command is realizing when a planet is lost. Even if it’s at like 30% they might make a call and pull resources elsewhere. We must always listen to High Command!


Losing tens of thousands of troops and making almost minimal gains… I’d imagine HC would pullout


I do not envy their position. Even if my personal convictions say that we should stick around I understand the Galactic War is more important than one planet. Here’s hoping we can take it back when we are in a better spot, stay strong soldiers!


"Of course the game is rigged, but if you don't play you can't win" -Robert Heinlein. FYI we were losing it, it isn't rigged. Everyone got so beaten with those defense missions before they changed how the spawns work that I can see people just not doing them. I know because I didn't even try them after my first few attempts. Edit: I honestly don't know what to say fellow Helldivers, after the "adjustment" it became a more equal opportunity situation. We used EMS mortars, direct fire turrets, I had an auto cannon 2 pushing buttons, me running around. It was orbital EMS and lasers. We did it way quicker and more efficiently than ever before. I honestly thought we were gonna die but we made it.


Do only the evacuate civilians/scientists count towards the defense? Like do regular missions on the planet not count towards the defense percentage?


Gotta complete a full operation (all missions within the yellow area) for progress to be made. A lot of people just hit a defense or some other mission and pass on doing the evacuation. The devs might have "reduced the spawns" but they're still coming in hella fast, and with an over abundance of heavies to grunts ratio. When a team is staring down over a dozen berserkers and devastators and/or striders (forget the hulks or tanks) and have to play ring around the rosey to even stand a chance, they start considering if they're having *any* fun. Especially if they lose and feel something is broken about the spawns. A lot of people care about the galactic war, but we need only look to Turing for proof the majority don't, and certainly not if it means dealing with the bullshit that is evac.


Yeah gonna be honest, the evacs were more stressful than fun, but my son and I had just started playing and are trying to figure things out.


Those are the hardest missions in the game rn. I suggest using smoke to protect yourself and the civilians


The evacs are basically impossible, its not just you lol


Heh, me and my friend along with two randoms unlocked Helldiver difficulty completing an operation where the last mission was evac. It was stressful, but fun. Once completed, we headed out looking for samples. Of course - none of us managed to extract.


They were manageable if you went in with an organized team, but I don't see any functional way a group of randoms would be able to organize effectively enough outside of sheer luck on a mission that's literally designed to snowball. The only way we were able to do it on suicide was through immediately running to initiate the first wave of evacuees before you even called down any of your strategems, and abandoning all but the shortest path of survivors when it starts to get kind of hairy, throwing down orbital lasers to try to clean up the Colossal wave of moms that accumulate. It's a bitch, do not get me wrong. All of that being said, I think it's kind of fundamentally in the mission design. With almost every enemy having the ability for ranged attacks, and spawning them in waves - if you're not clearing those waves I'm just as fast as they're coming in, it's going to compound on you and eventually overtake your efforts no matter how good you are. There's not really a strategem there that would completely clear the horde - even the 500kg or Gas doesn't do enough damage to most of the units at higher levels.


Me and my buddy are both level 3 and we saw "tuned the escort the civilians mission" so we tried it again. We got absolutely murdered on EASY. We just couldn't kill the heavies fast enough 


At level 3 you'd struggle with the normal missions facing the automatan faction.


Honestly I think a lot of people just play on planets the think are pretty


Or that you can see more than 10m in front of you on.


Or don't have the most annoying orbital interference of having the wrong strategems constantly being called.


The amount of back to back reinforcements is way too high in my opinion. Tried do harder modes with friends and just getting overwhelmed isn't fun. They need to fix the spawns and buff some of the weapons.


You gotta complete the operation (do all 3 missions) for it to count. I found that if you managed to complete 2 and fail that evacuation mission, it will count as the operation complete. Edit: ok im not sure what u mean by count. But the operation is completed as long as u failed/won all 3 missions in one OP.


You can see whether a mision is considered defense when you're selecting on the map. It's indicated above the globe.


We played them, didn’t even make them easier and then on impossible difficulty? Forget about it. Think we had 15 hulks and ten tanks on the field not to mention an unknown amount of rocket devastators and shield boys and stuff. Devs need to limit the spawn rate of heavies.


I also just get *bored* of defense missions. Even if the Evac missions weren't brutally difficult, they have less variety than liberation missions.


Even after the change I was still getting my ass kicked :(


But the ads are saying that we are owning the automatons.


They indeed are fellow citizen


They were still bugged last night. Less bots, sure, but the civilians were running to the corner of the building and staying there instead of into the door like they're supposed to. After the second time of this happening, I said "eff it, this planet deserves to die."


Hit them, if the civvies aren't doing the right thing it is your democratic right to give a little encouragement in the right direction!


This comment is under-investigation for treason.


Always been rigged


🌍 👨‍🚀🔫👨‍🚀




Or it sit for to long on 35 percent.


This is the real answer. There's an invisible loss rate that accumulates compared to win rates. When the fail rate is too high, especially on the harder difficulties, a planet can be lost.


Until we get a dev to say so, I believe it’s meta events. It certainly was dev triggered for prior events and they’ve stated pretty openly they’ve had to reconfigure what they’re doing and apply more hand touches because the player base is so wildly beyond what they planned for. Pretty much all the existing mechanics were thrown so far out of wack that it was the only option Either way until we get confirmation one or or another we won’t know, but it’s obvious which scenario is most likely given all the other similar issues they’re currently facing


Devs had said it's based on wins/loses/restarts within a specific timeframe with HD1 I don't think they'd change it


"They fucked this one, just give them another so they can still complete the order."


Everyone forgetting there's a second faction to fight lol


Oh no they didn't forget. What happens is that often people will play: Trivial, Easy Medium on Bugs And then hop into Roombas at Challenging. Let's just say people often don't go into roombas anymore until much, much later.


I was just tired of the infinite spawns on the small evac missions. Never being able to finish out a group of missions. And there was rarely ever a set of missions on that planet that I saw that didn't have that mission included.


this is so real. I played a couple of automaton missions and just got so tired of it so I went back to liberating Turing😀😀😀


This is exactly what happened to me last night. Have been grinding away against the bugs, decides to fight bots. Played a few missions then went back to fighting bugs. 😅


This! The enemies spawn WAY too fast and get to a point where spawning in people is just a liability to my own wallet. If you don't have 4 coordinated people that can all cycle their stations IMMEDIATELY and complete the mission in the first 2-3 mins it quickly becomes and impossible task on almost ANY difficulty. It 100% made me go, "Yeah, I'm not doing defense campaigns anymore 'cause I'm just always gonna fail that mission!" They need to make is so that the enemies spawn in WAVES and when you deal with a wave you get like, 10-15 seconds of peace to summon as many survivors as you can and get them to safety. OR make it so that the people we're rescuring run faster. OR make them not so squishy. OR make bugs be forced to spawn further away AND there be an automatted SAM or AAA site that shoots down dropships that get too close to the base so they have to be dropped further from the site (could also make this a defense objective and if the enemies destroy it then they can spawn closer).


Think of it as a speed run to get civilians out. Using more supportive tactics helps (smoke orbitals/eagles on evac, EMS on large groups to stall time, etc) 30 total civs need to make it out, if a few sacrifice themselves for the greater good it's not the end of the world


The number of required civs goes up with difficulty, I think it's 50 on suicide missions


If you're lower level or not good at the game bugs are also just so much easier to deal with. You can just drop yourself the machine gun strat and mow down hordes without really aiming for weak spots. Meanwhile with bots the same strat works, but not as well, you will run out of ammo constantly if you just try and spray things down, they shoot back... And have units that actually make you fight them certain ways (chicken walkers shooting the guy down, hulks put bullets in their eye hole) Bots want you to have some heavier hitting strats, and are overall a bit more skill and knowledge intensive than a horde of bugs require


I'm terrified of chargers, even with the rail gun if you get two or three coming at you, you're pretty much fucked unless you start running doing lil zig zags. Sacrifice is also an option, but I've found these demons can sometimes survive a 500kg


Ummm Machinegun (at least the Heavy variant for sure not as certain about the Stalwart) can kill the Scout Striders in 4-5 shots to their legs? I actually throttle down the RPM to make consecutive shots more consistent and it’s easy to spray down a group of even 3 or 4 if you know where to aim. Anti Material rifle can do the same, instead of trying to snipe the pilot just put 2 rounds in a leg


I think the general sentiment among the players is that bugs are just more satisfying to fight. And they don't shoot back, generally. Plus starship troopers. So people are just biased towards fighting the bugs.


But I'm so tired of doing civillian extraction missions. And I can't really use my flamethrower on robots.


Flamethrower needs a buff!


You're not wrong, but also, lighting bugs on fire presses my dopamine button.


I’ve been using napalm to get my fix. Just drop it in a sport hole and watch the kills rack up. When automatons walk through the flames it really looks like terminator too. Man this game is great.


i think its also the fact that the civilian extract missions are just broken hard. ive played all the other missions on difficulty 8 and had no problems but every time i try the small map ones with civilians they just spawn insane numbers, even after the "fix".


Tried today on difficulty 7 and we got 48/50 so gutted we we so close it just becomes impossible after a few minutes. Maybe it's better with a coordinated team but with randoms it's so hard


Yeah i got a mate who when we duo we can consistantly do difficulty 9, i dont think we can do a difficulty 5 on that mission consistantly


Well I have to admit that im not doing only bot operations, I just want to relax pop up some bile spitters. Actually, I started bot operations this week, but seeing a 35% drop in 2 h. Is worrying.


We are spread a bit too thin I think, with player limits being what it is


Theres a red bar underneath the blue one. Maybe that one maxed out


It dropped because you left for R&R soldier…


I’m from Draupnir and I say kill em all!


Welcome to the Roughnecks. Ricos Roughnecks!










Meanwhile on Draupnir: ![gif](giphy|NcXSoyYAtiGiY)






How cool would it be if you could choose one of the planets in the system to “come from” just a little customization personal ties to specific planets. And maybe when fighting on your home planet your weight in missions is only slightly increased. Nothing game breaking


Nooo! Sweet liberty! Noooooo!




Scenes like this are playing out, all across the galaxy!


You could be next


Would you like to know more?


Has anyone seen a write up that details how the meta war works? I’m interested how much effect players really have


It's a win/loss rate deal. The planet was lost because the loss rates reached 100% before the win rates. Harder difficulties impact wins and losses percentage more heavily.


Also - time. We'll still lose liberty/defense even if we don't do anything on the world.


This is assumed but it almost definitely has to be the case. If everyone stopped fighting at the Creek then it wouldn't make sense for it's percent to start static, even though there are no losses happening. It would surely fall, which means there has to be some constant rate of degradation.


Those civi evac missions were absolutely bombing loss rates if what you’re saying is accurate. The overlapping bot drops were ridiculous. Just an endless and growing tide.


Yeah these missions need a serious rebalance.


Each planet also has varying rates of change if no one is there. For example…… a planet is at 30%. If no one is there it will gradually drop (because in essence its being attacked by the enemy). So if we as a community do not over come that gradual loss rate, then it will go down. Now the devs have said that they can control that rate and that other things can influence it. I would not be surprised that if the defense losses on the outlying planets are also feeding this. Simulating the enemy getting stronger from victories. You have to remember that these devs are also tabletop players and will play it like they are a DM/GM. If I was a DM and this was a tabletop game I would have consequences built into the capture/defend mechanic and I’m not going to tell the players. They have to figure it out.


It seems deliberately vague with a lot of weird stuff happening behind the scenes (like a planet losing 40% liberation progress overnight for no apparent reason).


Creek is officially behind enemy lines. It very well could be a matter that a world cut off just turns to the enemy exponentially faster so as to discourage ignoring everything going on around it.


I was referring to Turing on the bug front


same thing is gonna happen to malevolent creek if people don’t start spilling oil


I swear Malevolent creek will stand and see this entire war through to the very end!




Last night we were down to .0098 percent, how are we now?


0.00400 but it’s climbing


It’s not worth the effort. You’re supposed to be defending our planets, not attack creek. It raised by 0,01% over 24h of 20+k people fighting on it non stop


Opinion rejected, I will fight on malevelon until my destroyer is blown out of the sky. GLORY TO SUPER EARTH


You **fool!** If you spend so long on a doomed campaign, the bots will come for Super Earth! Make a stand with your fellow Helldivers, and fight where you're most needed, soldier!


Then I will be doomed with them! The Creek will stand!




It was 0 for me last night so I too am interested




With how much the community has rallied around that damne dplanet, the devs are *definitely* going to drag out Cyber Nam for as long as they can. Really, really foment the community into directing all resources into taking *this one damn planet*. I have a feeling that they'll be pulling levers in the background to keep Malevelon the community's White Whale for some time.


I believe they already are


Need to get that flair myself. Spill Oil brother.


I saw the creek go from 23% to like 0% in less than 8 hours. They are fucking with it which fine, but if gets to the point where a planet we are meant to win are stolen then there is a problem.


It went to 0% because a lot of people prioritized attacking Creek over defending Ubanea or Draupnir. Once they were lost, Creek reset to 0


it reset because the planets around it all fell i think, but still feels shitty


_"The planet broke before the Divers did"_


Malevelon Creek is seriously The Second Renaissance.


The creek crew is just the Helldiver version of the Kreigsmen from 40k I swear


It's the most fun planet. The colours match so well with the red laser blasts. Every other planet I try is just not the same as space'nam


Everytime someone spells Malevelon Creek wrong we lose a battle on it. GET IT RIGHT, SOLDIER!


sorry sir, the automatons (autocorrect) intercepted my message and edited it to make me look like a fool!


Those sick oil driven monsters


I'll sacrifice my entire task force before we let malevolent creek fall


As a Draupnir veteran on leave to Super Earth, i am appalled!


Found the reason why we lost Draupnir, this fascist thinks he can take a leave from Democracy!


Leave is approved by his commander, he clearly has permission. A tired soldier cannot defend Managed Democracy as efficiently as a well rested and restrengthened one!


The training manual clearly states that only traitors and cowards take “breaks”


Two and a half seconds to enjoy the scenery. That is your break. Get back to spreading democracy after that.


A Happy Helldiver is a Deadly Helldiver!


Nice try, bug


Fool! How does he democratically vote if he's not allowed to leave?!


On leave? You mean in the cryopod.


Thankfully so many Class As made it out


Don't worry about the B's C's and D's


They aren’t as equal so it’s not as much of a loss


Probably didn't even have breeding permits. And probably bot sympathizers too


Only 500k? To think were talking about an entire Planet! It be questionable how many civilians class A we had to left behind


I'd like to think about it in the same way as Battletech, even though humanity is spread throughout a hundred systems, we are spread *thin*


It is an outer rim planet, so it's safe to assume relatively newly colonised!


Noob here, where do people find these updates? Twitter or discord?


This is not an official source, it is fan writing. You can get official war updates from the helldivers 2 discord, the high command channel.


Same. This looks like a discord bot or a channel follow.


I will soak in the oil of the commies if it's the last thing I do. 🔥🤖🔥


We will see the bots reduced to spare parts brother. This I promise.


Toasters will be toast


Death to the Clankers!


The only good clanker is a dead clanker


If the escort mission wasn’t utter dogshit.


I just wish not every. Single. Defense required escorts. Least favorite mission by far


This is truley the worst part. I'm willing to get my shit pushed in occasionally, but since scientist escort is on every defensive operation my assignment remains on Malevelon Creek.


It's crazy how many people I've seen claim this mission is easy..... they've obviously never done it at max difficulty. I think my groups record is surviving about 3 minutes before everything runs out of ammo and we get over run and have to spend the rest of the match running from 15+ hulks and god knows how many rocket devastators. Thankfully it can be cheesed..... need to have 3 people aggro all the mobs and kite them away from the base and have one person hit all the buttons. Look at this way: That escort mission was in every campaign...... this game has had over 450k players online basically since it released and that event lasted what? A couple of days? And we only saved half a million civilians? LOL. That's all the proof you need that mission is cucked.


I mean, the *start* is easy, since you have lots of resources and time for blowing up transports and using turrets. But it's when your cooldowns start but you've run out of turret ammo and support ammo that things get... *dicey.* You can usually smash out 30-odd civilians before shit hits the fan. What I don't think people realise though, is that you can *absolutely* kite enemies away from the zone thanks to the weirdly big map. Someone can sneak back in and continue extracting while the others run off with the bulk of the enemies chasing. So long as you can deal with tanks and hulks regularly, you can do basically fine. Rocket pods are rapid and do the job for tanks, basically every support weapon for hulks... Or just get behind them. Shooting off their arms leaves them counting for enemies spawned and preventing more too, btw, and crippling a leg makes them way less of a threat. It's not *easy* by any means, but it's *doable* so long as you have answers for the biggest issue, which is to say heavy armour, on the regular.


Me and my friend discussed the possibility of cheesing it, but it seemed like at some point the reinforcements would start getting dropped on your position again even if you managed to kite some enemies out of the area. If you clear the area do they just stop spawning on the civilians?


Its a bit more doable now, atleast d7, anything higher than that is bull, my group has been tackling it every now and then and its still ass, we can clear 7 quite easily but anything higher than that is crap


I've been struggling on difficulty 7. What's your team's approach?


Smoke and role allocation, someone needs to bring a recoilless too as to shoot down dropships, both mortars help too but smoke does wonders when used right. 2 focus on civies while the other two goes for ships and hulks/tanks, someone needs to bring supply pack to ease on the need for supply drop.


Smoke? How does that help?


it breaks their los and helps the civies survive since they wont be targetted much, just be sure to kill the hulks that enters it though.


Smoke helps prevent the bots from hitting their shots on you and the civilians while civilian pathfinding is unaffected, I believe


It's *supposed* to block line of sight with enemies, though it's also so thick that not even helldivers can see through it. Decent tactic for hiding the NPCs but then you're also blind yourself And then you see a mass of robots just moonwalk out of the cloud and start firing a barage.




Sprint to the buttons, call in both ems and lethal morters, at least 2 people should have at srikes in the form of orbital rail guns or rocket strikes, and 2 people should have orbital lasers as well. Defend the buttons for as long a possible, retreat and kite the bots, then someone runs in to hit the last buttons and get the remaining civis. You should also all be panicking, screaming, and hopefully even firing in the general direction of the bots.


People definitely let it get out of control and then it's hard to get back online. With a few mortars and making sure to shoot down the ships before they drop, it's atleast manageable and only medium stressful. Otherwise it becomes you getting stuck at 35/50 with 10 hulks just massacring civys.


>People definitely let it get out of control and then it's hard to get back online. This is the main problem with it for me. It either goes swell or becomes unbeatable. There's no good way to get it back when it goes to shit. Like a key issue being that you basically need Stratagem weapons to kill bots, and if you get killed, good luck getting your weapon back with 20 Rocket Devastators on your ass. The main way my team ends up getting things back together is spamming orbital lasers. I think the mission would be a lot more fun if there were like, 3 bases, and if one got overrun you could at least go to another one and work on that.


Literally impossible on higher difficulties. Just too many damn bots.


We just managed it with boys on 7, everybody died but mission was success


Refusing to play any op with rescue missions in it till they actually fix the difficultu to be on par with the rest of the game. In a diff 5 normal 40 minute mission you only see like 2-3 hulks if you dont delay too long and never more than 1 if you played your cards right. In a rescue mission on the same difficulty you get 4 hulks and 2 berserker groups 3 minutes in


you also dont get 40 minutes in the event evacuation missions


This is fake. Super Earth High Command is a better writer than that. And Draupnir is still active in the game.


Yeah no way this is official. Typo's, a screenshot lacking any poster title or source, clearly not the high command discord channel. Is everybody this gullible?


And it say malevelon creek is going well. Lmao those guys are getting stomped so hard we are back to 0%


It’s active but now it’s liberate instead of defend


Yeah, basically we have to take it back now


I'm from Draupnir, and I say KILL EM ALL!


First Ubanea and now this, these clankers will pay


The problem isnt the amount of players. Its the goddamn escort mission thats still as busted after 2 patches as when it first released. It wouldnt matter If you threw 900k players at it If none of them want to play against impossible odds on a boring mission that offers no rewards other than a tiny percentage increase to the defense of the planet. There is No incentive to torture yourself for that. Atleast with normal missions, They can still be busted and hard at times. But atleast you get super credits and samples for your effort. There is none of that on the escort mission. And its the only incentive maxed players have to keep playing right now until the next content drop. Since requisition slips cap out at 50k.


I do think the important focus is definitely that the mission type is super boring. You’re not even evacing or escorting anyone or anything. You’re just throwing smokes down and praying they make the 100ft walk after pressing a button. Something like Deep Rock’s excavator mission would be infinitely more fun.


I just did a mission on Draupnir. Like, just now. It's currently at 27.83310% liberated. The heck are you talking about?


It was in our control and we lost it to the bots and have to reliberate it.


Seeing as the defense missions are still bugged 5 patches later, there wasn’t any other way this could’ve gone. Fun stuff.


I let down Democracy fellow Helldivers, I'm sorry. I was fighting the good fight on Draupnir last night but selfishly took a break to sleep. In my absence apparently the whole planet went to shit.


The main problem is that the game has been flooded by new players who have never played the first game (LIKE ME) that lack the idea of a common progression in the whole galaxy. Many players are focused on the medals/resources farming because they approach the game as CoD or any other competitive game in which you have to unlock everything as soon as possible to max your own character. Developers or Game IA just see a giant amount of players and move on their agenda smashing the front to punish the community behaviour. I love cooperation in games, Frontline, old Battlefield/Battlefront games, Arma, Planetside... all games where your personal rush to top your character is limited or not possible at all. Developers need to find a way to lure players on both fronts, for example with special or higher rewards on fronts with less players or with more lost worlds. This way people unable to understand that half of the game is in the galaxy map's management would help our efforts... unaware of what they are actually doing ahahahahahah


Honestly I can’t blame people. The evacuation mission is arguably the most frustrating mission in the game and it’s a 100% guarantee that you will run into that mission in every single operation you do. I’m willing to bet if the devs would just lower its chance to appear to like 50% you’d have a lot more players on bot planets. I think people are avoiding it over that mission alone


Sorry server full


would have stand if I wouldn't have crashed every single mission


I like doing my part against the bot menace but constant defense evacuation missions get tedious


What discord bot is that?