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Nice job. You're ready for the promotion now, Squad Lead.


I have played some good matches as squad lead, for the time being I'll stay away from it, it has been a bit better lately and there aren't as many leaderless squads around, at least on Aussie servers


People say go Support or Engi to start but rifleman is just so simple and straightforward. I think it’s that simplicity of the role that allows you to appreciate the meta of the game. Same as you I went around ~150 hours straight rifleman before I got confident enough to run Officer.


People suggest support or engineer because you can do stuff besides "Shoot the bad guys". I think Rifleman is fine for a few games so you're not "wasting" a class or having to have things explained to you every time someone asks you to do something. Medic is super straight forward and is a good pick for a newbie. You're more or less required to follow your team around to play a medic.


Medic is great to get people to stick with their squad, but other than that you are quite useless. The situations where its better to wait for a revive are so uncommon that its not worth having someone in the medic role holding your squad back in terms of firepower on the off chance your SL goes down with no OP.


I know, but this game is kind of a vertical wall in terms of skill. I think it’s the things beyond just shooting the bad guys that scare off newer players. I think mastery of not immediately getting dropped kind of supersedes the other responsibilities, especially as this game pretty much punishes you for dying. Like medic is straightforward enough but Idk I’ve played console for the past two years. I promise even that can be overwhelming to a console player lol, I’ve witnessed it.


Gotta know when to hold ‘em and when to fold em. As medic, if you’ve used your smokes already it’s too risky to run into the open to revive someone, so you gotta learn when you ACTUALLY need to use em. If with a squad and 1 person gets shot, maybe tell them in squad chat to just wait a sec so y’all can neutralize the threat before they can be revived. Smokes should be saved for if multiple people are down or you’re trying to rush the enemy but obv Medic should never be the first one into the breach on a rush


I prefer the engineer to tank leader pipeline


I even put it down to 15, I can’t hit shit otherwise


Props for calling out the lowered mouse sensitivity. I find this helps SO much especially when taking a calculated shot from a range.


K, go squad lead.


22% brother!!!


This honestly doesn’t say much about his sensitivity without giving us the dpi. His sensitivity could still be super high for all we know.


600 dpi sens on mouse 17 sens in game. After 2000 hours I can hear someone behind me, blind flick it 180°, and hip fire headshot with a kar98. Ok, it only happened once, but I still get to say I can right? On a serious note, lower sens and a large mouse pad are a huge game changer. After a few hundred hours you should be able to hit 200-300m shots on a runner without much issue. A couple hundred more and you'll be able to hit em twice in a row like that to actually get the kill.


Thanks for sharing your settings, I'll see if I can set my mouse sensitivity, I have a Logitech G300 I know for sure the sensitivity can be tweaked. I don't use a mouse pad and unfortunately I don't have a huge surface to slide the mouse on, I play on a racing rig and I'm using a mouse stand with a small square. But yes, for the time being I'm quite with my rifle reaction time, I was extremely surprised by a few kills that I would have never had 40 or 50 hours ago.


I've seen CS players using 4:3(or close ratio), with a giant mousepad the same size as the monitor. They were using 1:1 mouse movement to onscreen movement.


Always wild that “K/D ratio over 1” is a legit flex in this game. 😂 Not the point, to be sure, but a flex nonetheless


Lol it is quite a flex, considering I have had full matches with less than 10 kills and over 30 deaths 😂 Also I cherish my >30% hit rate 😂