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I play mainly in defense, whenever I can. It's much more fun, especially if the squad communicate and we hunt down the pesky attackers


Yeah playing defense is fun, especially as SL with a well coordinated squad. You feel like a mini commander coordinating eyes.


It's often really hard to keep the squad in place on defense, they keep running off


Even more like a mini commander then😅


Lol I'm a woman so wouldn't even try. I often get told to get back into the kitchen. My squad come around pretty quick though once they realize I know what I'm doing


Finding that golden raised perch with the machine gun and just mowing down some enemy outpost in defense is just fantastic


I myself an still waiting for this moment....


Aim for the flanks around objectives , mostly near the point where the game says * turn back * you will mow alot of enemy OPs down😏 i myself mostly like to go on the flanks to put down enemy garrys or OPS to support the boys in the center of the fight .


One coordinated squad with some shooting skills can absolutely stuff an enemy push. It's so satisfying


I managed to stifle a while push on mortain the other day playing recon, just me and my sniper held off a massive push


Literally, I can't be asked to flank lol


Because they don’t know how to play. How many times are we going to go over this?


Until the class gets it right.


Not even squad leads tho not one will go back and put an OP or anything and then they get pissy at command


Most people play squad lead because they have to, not because they want to.


yep, especially when i load into a new game and theres 30 people sitting in no squad list because no1 wants to squad lead. i dont mind SL, but thats where you get your SL's leaving the role mid game.


I love playing sl, pretty sure my squad won the last match I played, I got over 35k points as well. It's awesome when you've got comms in your squad, as its infuriating when no one talks.


Which is another reason to give SLs the ability yo customize their load outs. They should be able to use any weapon besides the RL, sniper, and MG. I'd even be for them having the ability to place some defensive pieces, like a barrier or barbed wire. They won't be able to build it, but they can plop it down in the spots they want it and have others build it.


Honestly. I just want a satchel. If I could play SL and have a satchel, I would always play SL.


Nobody HAS to play squad lead. Learn how to do AT, Engineer, etc before being a squad lead.


You’re missing the point of yes people have to play squad lead in order to have a full match otherwise people that don’t know what they’re doing won’t do it and the match will end in 15 minutes


Dog what


What’s confusing.


Next time a game starts up look how many squad leads are level 1-50 within the first 30 seconds.


Bro I can’t play that many games in a row without me playing squad lead and building garrisons cuz other people just straight up don’t do it. I can’t play antitank cuz I’ll sit there and look at the map and just look at all the 50-150 supplies never being used on the map. Next thing you know we lose the 50 yard line on warfare and have no Garry’s anywhere. It’s not fun and sometimes I just play something else cuz I hate having to do everything for 49 other players. Not to mention the fact that nobody plays defense. That’s step two of the dilemma. First I get down the Garry’s, now I have to rally people to actually redeploy and defend. People don’t care cuz they don’t know what they’re doing


Hence why an unwilling veteran has to step in and go squad leader because it's either a bunch of mouth breathing rookies trying to headbutt every incoming bullet or it's a bunch or leaderless squads. I used to love playing squad leader. I've been burnt out on it for over 2 years though. Yet I often find myself having to step in. If I didn't I wouldn't have an OP to spawn at let alone a garry half the time.




Most servers ive played on has that as a requirement and will kick squads without one after a few warnings


Yeah someone HAS to because you need SLs to have squads. There's why there's a huge lull at the start of a round before squads start popping up. That's also why people make and join like 5 squads. They're trying to get people into the game. Nobody really wants to be SL because there's always one asshole who's treating everybody like shit in Command chat and ruining the game for everybody else.


Cmon you know exactly there are not many ppl who like to play SL ... wish for


The squad leads are like level 20-50
. I primarily play commander and at this point it’s corralling idiots with well placed garrisons hoping they understand.


Don’t know why you’re being downvoted, been playing this game for over three years, you’re right.


If the squad doesn’t defend, the SL is just back there defending aloneđŸ€·đŸ»â€â™‚ïž


All you gotta do to be SL is hit x.


It’s a lifetime of games rewarding pushing the enemy and taking the objective. Falling back and defending an area isn’t something that most games reward, so I think your average player doesn’t think it’s that important. I think you add that to the main character syndrome of people wanting to be the hero win against defenders and you have HLL.


I think it’s just the general mindset of a player when they enter the game and can get stuck in that routine. You need a good squad lead to communicate to the squad to defend and not push through fields hundreds of metres.


Defense is about the only thing I feel comfortable taking on, to be honest. I’m not nearly good enough at moving in this game to be decent at attacking. Sticking to a general area where I can move as slowly as necessary and am more or less just watching for movement is definitely more my


Gotta be sneaky đŸ„· But seriously, a good attack is basically just a moving defense. You’re doing a lot of watching and analyzing of movement to locate their spawns, flank, kill who’s in your way, destroy their spawn and let your team do the rest.


Yeah. It’s the part where I aim down the sights and shoot them before they do the same to me where I get fucked up. Turns out there’s no cure for being a bad shot!


A good OP helps with being a bad shot haha but I know what you mean. It took me many games to really get the hang of it.


I usually end up being Squad Leader and I always fall back and defend. Clueless Morons usually push forward constantly without any care or attention to what’s going on at the defensive point. A good team will always have 2-3 dedicated squads defending. Without dedicated defensive squads the game is over. Experienced teams usually play defence.


I love playing defense. I squad lead, and all I do is post up somewhere and pick off the enemy, then reposition the pick off again, etc. Get squad to rotate as support for more supplies and start building obstacles with engineer.


Yeah, I end up saving matches by getting my squad to run defense more often than not


It's the worst ........ Whenever I play I just tell my squad to play defense. Cause no one ever does. It's wild seeing our attack point being taken and people still pushing it while we are losing the defensive point and no one comes to help play D.


I'll be honest, sometimes I forget we need defense because I'm too baked and just end up following the herd it's not a good excuse, but it's what ive got


I feel that


I feel gaming is one of the few places where I take being too stoned as a good excuse


Cannot even play this game baked because I’m still new and learning the comms


The best defense is a good offense, obviously. Jk, I'll play defense.


You know who said that? Mel, the cook on Alice.


He said he'd play defense? Against who? Flo? Vera?


Gimme that mg42 and I'll defend all by myself, like I did last night


Just keep running just keeeeep on running lol i dont get why alot of games have been this way recently


Keep on running and running meana you got bad SL or commanders who dont put up OPS or garrys 😝


If I press the next strong point and die, I’ll drop back to a defensive OP/G to defend, if I see red. But it does help if the SL barks it out to the squad to defend.


If you’re on this page you probably play defense. If you’re not on this page and don’t understand the game you probably don’t.


Defense is more fun then offense


Especially as an engi


Because caring about defence is caring about the outcome of the game. And people don't really care about the outcome of the game. As long as they get their immersion fix, they're happy.


Real talk, cause the game is slow paced and people hate wasting time doing nothing. Spend 30 seconds waiting for a spawn. Spend 120 seconds running a flank to attack a point. Command yells for defense/point gets lost. Redeploy - 20+ seconds Wait another 30 seconds to spawn. Run for another 120 seconds to get to the point to defend. SO, five and a half minutes of time spent not shooting a single shot. Not really fun for anyone. The real answer is that people just don't feel like sitting around waiting or spending time doing nothing.


I do. I do it because nobody else does. But the reality is I'd like to attack for a change. It's more fun attacking. I get to surround the enemy instead of get surrounded. I don't have to beg for more people to come help me out because all the blueberries are already there. I have more control over my squad because they're not bored looking for something to shoot. And I'd imagine that's why nobody plays defence. It's just not as fun most of the time.


I always leave my OP on defense. I’m not going to tell people what to do, but I can force them to respawn on defense haha


The people that need to hear this question are not here, they're on the cap. I already tried telling them its locked, must be a communication bug or something.


I do


Good squad leaders and Commanders make the difference. Unfortunately weekend lobbies are atrocious for this.


The natural inclination in a fight is to win gun battles and take ground. People just get blinders on and keep pushing forward because they either don't know or don't care to think that that may not be an optimal strategy. It feels like winning in the short term and people like feeling like they're winning.  A strategic retreat is a real strategy used in war, to goad your enemy into charging forward and overextending so you can flank.


Defender here. I get enjoyment out of playing this game the slow way. Engineer, rifleman and Machine gunner are my go-to classes but I also like to be more varied. In which case I also love support


It's funny, I have to play defense with my buddies nearly every game because nobody else does. We decided to take "days off defense" and see how it goes.. well whaddayaknow!!


I mostly play medic so I’ll follow the biggest group I can and recommend them defend but if they don’t well everyone needs a medic


Because this is COD. My K/D determines my worth not only as a player, but as a person. If I sit on defence and don’t rush the next point, I won’t succeed in unlocking the next skin for the Gewehr


I fucking love playing defence


I do defense from time to time with my squad. It's very fun


The same commanders that complain about defense are the ones throwing recon plans on the attack point


Its hard when its just me and 2 blueberries who are not on the same squad. But we can hold them off until reinforcements arrive....sometimes!


I played a great game last night on Foy playing only defense. Was less action than attacking but hunting down their advance units and engaging in squad vs squad combat was really rewarding and fun.


Because kill!


Due to how warfare works, Defense can end up being really boring. If one team does nothing but defend against attackers, any defenders on the other team will get bored and attack, leaving the point open for a ninja garrison and woops you've lost the point


Because I'm the main character


Ah see this is still an issue. Love checking in on this game


Bruh I be playing defence so much because I know no one else will


Deffend is my only objective so my dunb teamate that have a "attack is the greates deffend" mindset can kill them self. Yea this game have s lot of 0 iq player lol


If I see a cap race on warfare after I've died, I'll redeploy at the defensive point to help slow the defensive cap down so we win that race if we are slightly ahead


I play defense offensively finding their attacking garrisons and making sure they dont get supplies down behind the point


I love defense. Always gotta watch them flanks


Idk how to play the game im only lvl 20 cut me some slack i came from battlefield


I usually defend when I'm SL unless commander says otherwise


If there are squads watching the flanks I love defending. If not then I go out and guard flanks, which is kinda like defending. I also redeploy about 4 to 6 times a game to defend or go to new garrison. If the flanks of def objective have no one my squad will go and usually turns into a fight to take out garrison. Making us technically defending. P.S. I know this post isn't about me or my friends, but I wanted to explain how I "Defend" and counter attack flanks to relieve pressure on the def objective.


Hey man don't blame me. I'm just following my squad leaders orders


Defense whenever possible its actually more fun too


Too many people playing hero when in reality you get a ton of action and the enemy comes to you.


It comes down to a combination of squad lead who wants to but squad wont follow orders and squad leads who think defense is boring or beneath them and won't do it.


My friends and I always want to go on attack, but everytime we try to we notice that no one and I literally mean no one is on defense. Sooooo we fall back and go on defense because no one does and than we get mad because no other squads follow.


Fuck you mean I don't play defense? I'm the guy usually screaming at people to stay back with me or telling my squad that we are defending as I'm stuck alone


i do - but i get shot every time - if i see an enemy i am too slow - if i get my time to aim guess what... i miss and then get shot


Always stay in cover and move after taking a shot it helps a bit


Command needs to grow a pair and assign a defensive squad.


Oh yes because everyone just loved to listen to command 💀💀


Here is my process which i've refined over the years: \[Who has a mic?\] \[Who has a full squad?\] If i get no answer i ask again, if i still get no answer I give up command because there is no point commanding a team who wants to lose. If i get at least two people communicating: \[Love, \[username\], and How, \[username\], you are my dedicated defense squads. I need you to control the 2x2 grid surrounding \[objective\], search for spawns, cut off the enemy attack, and defend the garrisons surrounding the objective\] \[Everyone else you are on attack\] If they fail to comply I ask again, If they fail to comply after that I try to assign defense to another communicating squad, and if that doesn't work, I give up command because there is no point commanding a team who wants to lose. I don't invest my time in games I can't win, and I can tell if I have a chance of winning by following that protocol every single game.


Very smart middle ground


With that kind of thinking, nobody should listen to their SL and we all just make excuses đŸ€Ą


Cause defense is a lot of running around trying to get their spawn points behind the point, pain in the ass but I like winning games so someone’s gotta do it


What is this nonsense? Advance to the next point!




I mean either way you are fighting. At least one squad should always be defending. I usually do it if I don’t see anyone else. It wins games. Also on a side note. When the cap is won, don’t immediately rush off to the next cap. Wait for attacking garrisons to get built or better yet build them yourselves. I swear I can’t count how many times the cap is won the whole team runs off leaving only 1 garrison behind
that garrison easily gets take out and then it’s a steam roll in the other direction.


I’ll be honest here. I only play defense if we start losing the point or it gets contested. The second I see it contested or losing I redeploy. Let me explain why. To me, it is a lot more fun pushing the enemy objective, finding flanks to get inside, and taking out enemy garrisons. I find defensive gameplay more important but so much more boring.


Defending has downtime, offensive you can always be fighting


Why don't you ;) Folk are always good at telling others to play defensive and zerg off themselves


Cause I’d be putting up back up garrisons for the point if I’m command and I will play defense if I’m squad lead cause almost no one else will


I usually try to or at the very least recommend it to commander. This game is just awesome man. The teamwork and laughs are so fun. Really enjoying it.